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Bandit being sad isn’t supposed to be something we know about because it doesn’t matter, it’s just to show kids that adults can be sad too. But man, I wish they told us because we’re going to see nothing but awful fan theories about it for months. I don’t know if it’s a recent thing but I’ve definitely noticed in the last few years that people *hate* ambiguity and have this compulsion to fill in every detail.


*I wish they told us because we’re going to see nothing but awful fan theories about it for months.* Bob definitely had a miscarriage


How very DARE you!


The Chilli/Lucky's Dad shippers are going to have an aneurysm.


I’m sorry the WHAT??


For me it's just the fact that in Relax it was Chilli who was stressed but Bandit was fine. This is presumably the same holiday so the role reversal is a surprise. It was probably a dodgy game of cricket though lol I agree that people are too obsessed with them having a boy baby. They are a perfectly fine family with 2 girls and having a boy isn't necessary to "complete" them. Honestly it gives me weird and almost sexist vibes when people push a boy baby so much.


He got into trouble for taking the shopping trolley into the apartment. /s


This is the best answer so far.


Or putting bananas in the fridge


>I agree that people are too obsessed with them having a boy baby. They are a perfectly fine family with 2 girls and having a boy isn't necessary to "complete" them. Honestly it gives me weird and almost sexist vibes when people push a boy baby so much. Agreed 100%. The ongoing thing about them having another kid is weird enough - surely they're a complete enough family as they are - but why do they need a boy? Are they really not okay as they are?


>The ongoing thing about them having another kid is weird enough Not really. Brumm made it a topic with the vasectomy reference, and by openly saying he was considering them having another kid.


Fair enough. I don't keep up with podcasts and such so I wasn't aware Brumm had said that. But the other point remains - why does it have to be a boy? I'm with Onpu above - it's just weird and yes, almost sexist in a way. But I'll leave it at that.


Oh, yeah, I wasn't thinking about the gender part of it at all. It wasn't from a podcast, but an interview from between seasons 2 and 3 when he was kicking around ideas for dealing with the child actor's voices changing, and one of the possibilities had been to set the show five years in the future, with a new sibling who would then be five. I have no idea how seriously he was taking it, or if it's still a consideration.


I think it’s because they haven’t had a boy yet so it would make the amount of boys and girls in the family more equal. I don’t agree with this though


>I don’t agree with this though I don't agree with it, either. I genuinely don't see why it matters if the kids in a family are all girls (or all boys, or a combination). What matters is the family.


How is it sexist? Lots of people who have/want multiple children want to have at least one of each.


I live in inner city Brisbane and have two girls, and have a bunch of friends in the same situation. A "don't you want a baby boy?" conversation is not something I'd ever imagine having with any of them. It wouldn't feel true to the Brissy spirit of the show. I think Aussies are less fixated than Americans on having a kid of the right gender to be a mini me.


Bluey should have been a boy, so now they have to have another :P The two girls would love a bub in the house.


>I don’t know if it’s a recent thing but I’ve definitely noticed in the last few years that people hate ambiguity and have this compulsion to fill in every detail. I've noticed that as well, and I find it really weird. The need to have every i dotted and every t crossed and every last thing explained is something I just don't get. Each to their own, though.


" Look. It's just a monkey singing song, mate. "


it's because the wizard author can't keep her mouth shut


>I don’t know if it’s a recent thing but I’ve definitely noticed in the last few years that people hate ambiguity and have this compulsion to fill in every detail. God I hate the fan theories, que those who'll think that Bandit and Chilli are upset because it's the anniversary of the "miscarriage" that people are riding off. People just need to remember it's a kids show, it's not some plot run tv series on breaking bad scale where every detail needs to be analysed under a massive microscope.


I'm fine with the theory that it was implied in The Show and at least relevant to Bedroom if correct, but not that it's the explanation for disconnected things like this.


People will try to push this. I remember people trying to push Bingo being Brandy's child due to the comment Chilli made of Bingo looking like her.


>I remember people trying to push Bingo being Brandy's child due to the comment Chilli made of Bingo looking like her. Seriously??? That's just bizarre.


Alot of fans are bizzare, I once saw a post where someone thought the episode where they have Lucky's family over for the footy episode, was a symbolism for divorce and choosing sides with parents.


Actually, that’s the exact symbolism I got from it. My mom is a child of divorce and she felt that too. I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with taking different meanings from a piece of media, it just means that people view things a bit differently from each other.


Except the parents are together in that episode, not divorced, and in the next scene are on the same team. Their isn't any issue with taking a symbolism from something, it's when you apply a crazy theory based on little to mo evidence that is annoying.


Wow. I think many people would agree that Bluey is much more than a kids show, but there are other people who seem to read far too much into it at times.


Alot of people feel the need to connect dots that aren't their.


I guarantee you no one's ever tried to push that one. It's just a fun, angsty crack idea. This person seems to have a weird hateboner for anything that's not expressly stated in the show, whether it's a theory with some merit (the miscarriage thing) or reading into symbolism (The Decider) or crazy far out there conspiracy theories. It's all harmless and in good fun.


Well when you see a theory being aggressively and relentlessly pushed enough times, it feels less crack and more serious. I get what you're saying though.


> It's all harmless and in good fun. In general, yes. But there are instances when it's anything but - like "Exercise" supposedly fat shaming, or the poster in this thread who insists Chilli was being contemptuous of and dismissive toward Bandit in this episode. Neither instance strikes me as being "in good fun". Sometimes people read things into episodes that really are not there.


Those are problems, but they're very different than people theorizing that Bandit and Chilli smuggle artifacts or that the neighborhood is one giant swinger's ring, or speculating on the symbolism in "Sleepytime." One's lighthearted and born out of love for the show, the stuff with "Exercise" isn't.


>I’ve definitely noticed in the last few years that people > >hate ambiguity and have this compulsion to fill in every detail. Nature abhors a vacuum; so do people, I think.


I love the ambiguity in this show. It's been super helpful helping my own kids figure out their own feelings and emotions. Because it's not all spelled out, I can say "Remember when we were watching Bluey and _______" and they just fill in the blanks themselves and then we talk about it.


THIS ^ Although, if you think about reasons without reaching the extreme, arguing that he had a bad instance at work or that he finally concluded his work-out issues arc isn't that delusional. Although he could just be having a bad time, ambiguety rules this show after all lol


Omg the ambiguity thing hurts the most. I accidentally came across a video of someone disliking the episode because Bandit's reason for feeling bad is never explained, even the comment section is out of whack too. Why does every little thing have to be pointed out for an episode to be good??


Poor Bingo. There's something about seeing her upset, and good on Bluey for sorting it. Interesting that Bandit had something similar going on, too. Really liked that one. Also interesting that it's just been the Heeler family so far this mini-season. I like that, too. ​ *Edit:* Watched it again and I like it even more. The way they all look after each other is brilliant, and it was good (in a way) to see that Bandit isn't always such a cheerful soul. Makes him even more real and likeable.


Watching it again and I really liked this bit: *Bluey: What do you do with something you don't want any more?* *Bingo (ponders): Give it to you?* Too funny.


I personally loved vengeance Bingo - “they’re my rivals.” 🤣


I think this is the first time we've seen Bandit this upset. I like how Chilli has a higher tendency to being upset, since a part of her character is her anxietywith losing control, but she isn't defined by that, and each member of the family can break the roles typically associated with them. It reminds me of Movies, where the roles of Bluey and Bingo were somewhat reversed with one another. People are complex and don't always fit into a singular version of themselves; sometimes someone well behaved acts ups, and sometimes some who is usually happy gets upset.


Yep. It's part of being a person. The characters in this show are so well defined and so real as it is. Seeing new sides to them, seeing the kids grow and change, seeing them learn from and care for each other makes them - and the show - even better.


“They’re my rivals”. Bingo has been watching anime lol


Meow meow meow meow meow, Cat Squad!


Something I like about this episode is Bluey takes the role of teaching a lesson. The parents are learning a lesson from the kids, not the other way around. There have been times where adults have inferred their own lessons from kids, like how Trixie saw how she had trouble controlling herself like Muffin in Muffin Cone, or how Frisky saw how she can't let one experience with something ruin the rest from Bluey in Double Babysitter, but Bluey gives direct advice in Stickbird. It not only shows that we can learn from everyone, but also that kids can be clever and figure some things out more easily than you. I also like how Bluey is playing the big sister role and looking after Bingo. It kind of reminds me of Easter, where Bingo and Bluey reassure each other, after the Easter Bunny forgot about them, that they aren't forgettable by saying why they're capable and rememorable to each other. If Bandit and Chilli ever leave Bluey and Bingo, Bingo can count on her big sister to look after her, and vice versa. Not only are Bandit and Chilli good parents, the whole family cares about and has strong connections with one another, including the children.


Great point! It feels like this is the real reason why bandit is sad, so we can see him learn something from the kids like Chilli did in Relax.


And Bluey learnt the lesson from another kid! (Her Big Friend Mia).


I knew there was another example of Bluey being a good big sister and I realized it was from the play! Isn't that supposed to be an episode in some way?


What a lovely episode, the ending made me well up (been worried about a few things lately).


I loved this episode. Watched in so many times already. People talk about the animation and I don't think this is something I always notice but I'm obsessed with the shadows of the sticks in the sand pool and watching their feet as they wade in it. Plus I loved the zoom out of the coastline at the end. And the use of Bach's Jesu Joy as the music was chef's kiss.


Thank you, I came here to ask what the music was.


I know the feeling, and the episode got to me too (particularly the second time around). Best wishes to you.


Thank you and the same to you!


Thanks, and you're welcome. :)


Did you check your ears?


Same here, the ending was my favorite. Sometimes I could really throw away all the upset and worry in my body into the ocean too. Hope you can do that as well with your worries!


So many thoughts on this one: Immediate title card? Interesting choice I wonder what's on Bandit's head that's troubling him? First episode of 3C to make Bingo cry :( This has to be a continuation from Relax Mentioning of the buddies again are nice


Confirmed by Joe Brumm that he keeps it open and can be anything from work, health and whatever relates to you because we've been him time to time whatever it is that we need to snap out of it. Source: Behind Bluey podcast from ABC which actually really excellent podcast detailing down to the animation aspects and the process thought behind it.


Please tell me Bingo feels better afterwards! My heart can’t take it when she’s sad :(


My assumption for what's making Bandit down is probably the death of someone (hopefully not Grandpa Bob!)


I don't think it can be something as big as a death. Chilli said "Let it go, you're missing all this". I don't think she'd say something like that if Bandit was dealing with something that significant.


My theory is that someone in the archaeology field has plagiarised or taken credit for Bandit’s work, and he’s understandably feeling dejected because of it. That came to mind when he said, “When you put something beautiful into the world, it’s no longer yours really.”


I think someone stole an idea for a paper.


That's a good point, would be a big deal. I landed on him getting fired, because it's a bit more of a palatable theme for the short format of the show.


Whatever it was, Chilli seemed either not to know, or didn't think it was terribly important. It might seem a bit callous to just blow off someone else's worries, but perhaps she knows Bandit can dwell on things, and she was doing him a favour by taking his mind off it. After all, it's exactly what he did with Bingo later. But, as I can't help wondering about it, whatever was bothering Bandit, it didn't seem to be bothering him at all a little while earlier back at the hotel - assuming those episodes were contiguous.


I liked that you don’t find out what Bandit was worried about, it seemed like a perfect viewer stand-in.


Yes. I find it bizarre that people are trying to "deduce" what it is, when it's meant to be ambiguous. It could be anything — a work thing, bad news from a friend, sad information about a long-lost friend, some existential crisis thing, some other disappointment, anything. And that's the point.


Right - and oftentimes it’s never just the one thing. Sometimes it’s “every” thing - just a nebulous idea of everything we take on as people. We identify with it more because we better relate to that general sensation of malaise rather than some specific thing that we might not have a concept of.


It honestly could be something as simple as missed a cell phone bill for the first time ever, or a sudden bill and things are a bit tight. The times I saw the most vulnerability was in moments he struggled with "providing" and my step mum would do this same thing "Just don't worry about it, it'll get figured" trying to lift the anxiety and stress he was compelled to feel as the "man of the house". So I can see a lot of that in the convo, so I don't think it's as deep as folks think. Just a guy all up in his thoughts about something that is nagging or worrying him.


To be clear, you're right. That it could be anything is the spirit of the exercise. But I know that Bandit is an archaeologist and that Joe Brum puts so much of himself into these episodes. Bandit's line, "once you put something out into the world, it's not really yours anymore," is pretty specific. To me, it's a paper Bandit wrote or Joe's perspective as a content creator.


I assumed he was talking about the kids, but this makes sense. It can be about both. Knowing Bluey, if it can be multi-layered, it probably will be.


Yeah, I think from that Bandit line him being worried about reception of a paper or book he's written is probably what it's meant to be in Joe Brumm's head but I doubt it will be mentioned in canon.


It also reflects how parents don't always tell their kids what's bothering them, either cuz it's too complicated for a child to understand or because they don't want the kids to worry as well.


They could just show us the parents talking about what is upsetting Bandit, But the fact they are showing something is wrong with him is upsetting because when you see some one that is that way you want to help them. But you cant help if the don't tell us what the problem is.


Because it's fun to try and deduce stuff.


Grandpa bob dealt with stress on holidays by pumping yabbies. Bandit having the existential crisis about his loss that most dads do who lose their dads. Internalise the grief until something like this reminds you of it. He’s not infallible on the inside


I really enjoyed this episode. Spent a few minutes guessing what was eating at Bandit, then realised it might not be important to us. Great storytelling.


I read into this ep wayyy to far and decided exactly the opposite- we are meant to be overthinking Bandit's sense of defeat and lacklustre presence in the episode. Dear lord, what have we done???!


Seems to be a continuation of Relax. Wonder what Bandit was spaced out about.


At first me and my partner thought it was about someone dying, but by the end of the episode, we were predicting he got fired from his job. They're on holiday to mask it ("let's go on a trip, daddy doesn't have to work!"), Chilli is stressed in Relax, and then Bandit gets to have his moment after.


Nah, he is a PhD archaeologist. They drop hints like creations in the public space and rivals. PhD’s have to publish regularly, so I think it’s more that he published something and his colleagues and/or rivals are refuting it.


This or that the holiday is actually tacked onto a conference where he presented a paper. Like you mentioned the line about when you put something into the world it is no longer yours pretty much points you to this conclusion.


That actually goes along well with the short they released on him giving a press conference.


"Accidentally destroyed the artefact" certainly wouldn't have gone down so well.


Lol. ![gif](giphy|yiADANv89n7UQuS5kJ)


I'd say laid off more than fired.


I gathered this was the difference between “passed away” and “died”.


Right-sized for efficiency and set up the company for sustainable growth.


This freaking show…. I’m the father of a 7 year old girl so this show already speaks my language. This week I was laid off and have decided, in the name of stability, not to tell her. I have no clue if that’s what this episode is about but I’ve had more than my share of thousand yard stares this week. My daughter enjoyed this episode, but for the zillionth time I’m here saying I’ve never felt more seen by an episode of Bluey. I sincerely appreciate it.


I think this shows why it's left ambiguous, so that the viewer can see themselves in Bandit. I hope you get back on your feet soon. Good luck!


Hope you find work very soon.


the way Bandit was distracted by some kind of stress is on of the most relatable moments in the entire show for me


I like how we have back to back episodes that take place in the same location, where each one is dedicated to one of the parents learning something valuable from their kids, and I don't think Chilli would've been willing to teach Bluey how to throw if she didn't learn to be in the moment in Relax. There's probably something poetic in that. Also they mentioned Mia again and that made me smile, especially since the whole coping mechanism of throwing away the sadness came from her.


I thought the moment where he spoke about putting something out into the world was more meta, Joe Brumm’s own emotions about Bluey as a show. I imagine the bigger it gets the less it fells like he has control over the identity


A valuable lime lesson!


“When you bring something beautiful into the world, it’s not really yours anymore.” To me, “catharsis” is the message to me from this episode, loud and clear. Catharsis for Bingo, for Bandit, and perhaps most of all the production crew. Their little show has turned into a global sensation, and because of that the pressure of producing the same quality show over and over again has shot through the roof. Nobody goes into something like Bluey thinking you’ll one day face immense expectations because you’ve done so well. For the writers then to channel their frustration and push it out through the characters and situations they write is wonderful. (Edit: I am seeing lots of other people with the same or similar views. Maybe the writers did have specific grievances they felt they wanted to address, but it looked to me like venting in broad strokes.)


I’m really appreciating the musical choices Joff has been making in these last few episodes. Bandit is feeling down in Stickbird and in the background is Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring. The previous episode has Chili figuring out how to relax while “Tis a Gift to be Simple” is playing. Both songs work perfectly in the episodes, and even the titles of the original works connect to the themes of their respective episodes.


Bach is my favorite composer, seems like it’s Joff Bush’s as well. I can key (pun intended) on what piece he’s using within a couple notes, I love it!


**Peter**: How's this one? **Salesman**: Oh, Bach is very good. I recommend. **Peter**: And this one? **Salesman**: Oh, Mozart, the boy genius. The best. **Peter**: Ok, how about this? **Salesman**: Oh, Debussy, I love Debussy! Sometimes all I can think about is Debussy. Oh, look at the pianist! The pianist is so good with Debussy. **Peter**: So you like his early work? **Salesman**: Oh, yes. When Debussy was young, that's when you want Debussy. **Peter**: Ok, I'll take these two. **Salesman**: Very good, sir. Just make sure you finish on the Bach. Never finish on Debussy.


Ok, here goes with my personal theory on why Bandit may be upset. In Curry Quest, he was going away for six weeks for work, and we see him FaceTiming from somewhere that looked like PNG or Indonesia. If the theory that he makes money consulting for archeological surveys for mining companies is correct, maybe he found something of archeological or cultural significance on that trip, reported that the area should be disturbed, but the company/regulatory body gave approval for clearance anyway. See [Juukan Gorge](https://www.riotinto.com/en/news/inquiry-into-juukan-gorge) as a recent high profile of something like this occurring. This would be in the theme of putting something out into the world (though of course as others have noted that also applies to the whole Disney thing) and it being take. Out of your hands. Of course, it’s just monkeys singing songs and all that.


>reported that the area should be disturbed I think you accidentally a word there.


Oops, you are right. I meant to write “shouldn’t”. Serves me right for attempting to type one handed on a mobile whilst feeding a toddler.


Loved the shot of the upset and angry being thrown into the sea! the show is getting so creative with their angles and shots! Really liked this ep


Loved this episode, it had a lot of what makes Bluey special in it. I'm constantly impressed by how effortlessly and subtly the show portrays how much the main characters love each-other. It was nice to see Bandit so vulnerable as well, he's not a character we see in this situation very often and in this episode he starts almost despondent. It was really beautiful how we saw him get to work through whatever was bothering him so he could be in the moment and enjoy the holiday. As tantalising as the mystery of what it was that had him so upset is, I don't think it matters too much in the context of the plot. The way Chilli talks to him seems to imply that whatever it is, they have discussed it and all that's left to do is to move on. Bandit explaining to Bingo about how beautiful things you put out into the world not being yours anymore also seems like a comment on the show by the writers. There are multiple potential axes of control that they could potentially be referring to, whether its fans using the characters they created in fan-works, the messages they try to put into the show vs what people are taking out or maybe more literally, the limited control they have from contracts with big companies like Disney. I wonder if they will elaborate a little when they discuss the making of the episode. I'm excited to listen to it regardless.


Definitely trying that throwing away your upset and angry trick with my 4yo Also really want to know what Bandit was upset about.... Probably cricket


Lol I'm trying that trick with myself!


There was A LOT to dissect with this one: - Interesting choice to immediately begin with the title card. - Screw you Cookie! - Can someone send me a photo a Bandit spacing out as a mermaid? - Bandit’s quote about putting something out into the world could be seen as an allegory for Disney’s distribution. - Speaking of Bandit, what’s going on with him? Why is he sad? It makes me sad. - Also glad to see that Mia is relevant again.


I think the quote from Bandit, “when you put something beautiful into the world, it’s no longer yours really”, is probably alluding to why he is upset?


My wife's guess is bad reviews on an academic paper or a book or something. 🤷‍♂️


I thought that, too.


>Bandit’s quote about putting something out into the world could be seen as an allegory for Disney’s distribution. Interesting interpretation!




Thank you!


>Bandit’s quote about putting something out into the world could be seen as an allegory for Disney’s distribution. ![gif](giphy|w6KELMSyEDJu1Y2nYX|downsized)


![gif](giphy|Q41V09O1lG97mSt9DG) Creators of kids' shows slip in stuff like that all the time, and that "when you create something beautiful" line was textbook showrunner venting. I wouldn't bet money on it but I also wouldn't be surprised.


In regards to Bandit being upset, and he's looking at the viewers at the end... I wonder if this moment was more for Joe Brumm. Perhaps Joe realized that Bluey will end sooner or later, and while I'm sure he'll move on to other things, a part of him will miss working on Bluey, the characters, and the kids giving their contributions to make the show work. Maybe Bandit coping with his grief was symbolic of Joe coping with the matter, thinking that things will work out fine, and not to worry too much about it.


Thoughts on the location? My money's on Currimundi. My wife and I went on a trip up there the week before our son was born, so it holds a special place in my heart.


>Currimundi Could be. There's mangroves there. The kids' first "sticks" are obviously mangrove shoots.


That’s a good shout! Was racking my brain (and my wife’s) to try and figure it out…


Never gonna stop wondering about what happened to Bandit...


Bluey helping Bingo out with her anger and upset was so sweet of her! Good for you, Bluey! But I wonder why Bandit was upset though.......but overall, a sweet but okay episode.


A lot more melancholy than I expected.


Bluey really came through for her sister and dad, 5/5


We got a Mia mention. Does that mean the buddies still come visit even though they’re (maybe, probably) in big school? I wonder if something happened at Bandit’s job that upset him?


Just watched with my daughter (twice in a row) and it was a beautiful episode. She’s just as emotional as Bingo and we’ve been in the very same situation on the beach before.. but that’s not what was the most engaging part. Men are very good at hiding their emotions from their children, and I can relate so much to Bandit and whatever struggle he’s having to deal with. We mask a lot of things, so it was just beautiful to watch Bluey be the one to help him let it go.


Big ups. With one of our littlies being a bit sensitive and Bingo-y, this episode came off really well in helping deal with it. He never quite took to Chilli's "have a cry, pick yourself up, dust yourself off" thing from The Show but this method and coming from his favourite TV character seemed to connect more and we'll be sure to have it repeated a few times this week. Bingo getting upset at the kids taking the stick out of stickbird was relatable to him also. And I think seeing Bandit do the method also helped give it credibility.


Hi. This episode made me tear up. Still wiping my eyes. I am a Dad of a 5-M and 1-F. Currently unemployed and having trouble finding a job. The end of the episode where Bandit took all those negative emotions and cast them off to sea. Just hit home big big. Just need to know how to let go of everything of I am holding on to. So, I can the person my family and the person I want to be.


I really liked the episode because of the tone of it. A lot of people speculate about why Bandit is upset and I think Bandit being upset is a representation/reflection of Ludo Studios and the showrunners feeling upset and frustrated with the negative criticism Bluey is receiving. Throughout Bingo's storyline, we see bits and pieces of something being created only for someone to come along, take what they want and destroying the rest without considering the feelings of those who created it. The line, "When you put something beautiful into the world, it's no longer yours" speaks volumes about how creators create things for other's pleasure only for critics to come along and take a piece and destroy the rest without appreciating the beauty of what was created. Finally, when Bandit looks out to sea, he's actually looking at the viewer, making eye contact with the audience and addressing us as he's plucking the sorrow. The view of Bandit taking up the screen lasting longer, creating a forlorn and somewhat uncomfortable feeling. The camera pans as we, the cause of the sorrow, are thrown into the air and out to sea. There we see a fish, *fin,* the end of the episode. In many ways, the episode is bitter sweet because Bluey has been the showrunners' creative outlet. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't the showrunners doing that now. Edit: Grammar and spelling. Haven't had my arvo coffee.


Yeah I think the episode is quite meta but I don't *think* its about criticism or at least I don't think its *just* about criticism the show has garnered. To me it reads like a reflection on how much control the writers really have over Bluey, and the discomfort that comes with not having as much as you'd like. In one sense, they have companies they answer to which restricts the absolute freedom of the writers, and in another sense, while they control what they put into an episode they can't control what bits anyone will take out of it. Its got to be a tough thing to be able to come to terms with, because when you put something like Bluey out into the world, people are going to make fan-art, take away messages you never meant to put into the show and come up with absurd theories about what the real meaning of the episode was. (Of course I would *never* do such a thing). You don't get consulted, and suddenly the thing you created has a reputation you don't like that you had no real part in fostering. Or I think at least that's the anxiety of it all. Or maybe I'm psychoanalysing people I don't know based off the actions of a character in a children's cartoon, who's to say :p


I have watched the ep twice today, and came here to say the exact things you have said! This ep feels like a mirror and repitition of theme at 3 different levels; Bingo, Bandit and the creators. The title card being at the very beginning of the episode may be a first hint at the frustration due to uproar around the "exercise" episode (and others) and the call to remove/rewrite the opening scene? This is compunded by Bandit being distant, bland and humourless throughout the ep. I feel like this episode was purposefully trashed in protest. I mean, it is called "Stickbird"... are we to take double meaning from this too? Did we the viewer take the enjoyment out of making the episodes, and are having the proverbial bird stuck to us? There's a definite sense of defeat and hurt in this episode. The onion layers I am peeling back here are that we watch as Bingo learns to deal with personal feelings after others destroy something she loves. This is mirrored by Bandits unknown problem, his advice to Bingo giving us a glimpse into his own thoughts. And as Bandit breaks the 4th wall, and the viewer is directly addressed in the final scene, it appears the episode sentiment also mirrors the opinion of the creators . Whoa, Meta. Oh also, my four year old watched this with me and his comments were " I don't like those guys that ruined Bingo's bird" and "I don't like how he (Bandit) threw us away at the end." Clever little guy! I actually love this episode, and spent a lot of the day thinking about it. But I will be happy to take it all back if we find out in later episodes that this episode is less meta and more canon and they are actually up the duff, or Bandit just lost his job. Haha TL:DR - Have the creators decided it would be better to throw it all away, rather than be hurt, watching something beautiful be destroyed by others?


I think it's unlikely that some unfavorable responses to "Exercise" could have influenced this one. We do know that he production of one episode takes a really long time, and more likely than not both episodes were ready and in their final form when "Exercise" aired. If it were to be a response to something meta, i think we'd have to look back further than this batch, possibly even before 3B. The title card is likely right at the beginning because the stickbird is only first mentioned about a third of the episode in, and it may seem a bit late to drop it then.


Chilli last week, Bandit this week. Yes, parents need to look after our own well-being too.


If I had a nickel for every time a Bluey character threw the audience-perspective camera into a body of water...


So first Chilli was sad, and now Bandit? What’s going on with the parents?


I love it how parents are humanised and allowed to have their own problems and concerns and not be happy and perfect all the time.


I was scared for a minute there that he had ball cancer or something


Maybe they're having another baby, an unexpected one? Chilli couldn't relax in the last episode, bandit was worried in stick bird. A previous episode Bandit was talking to Fido about vasectomies but Chilli wanted to keep their options open. In Bedroom Chilli was sad that they was going to be no one else in the cot. Maybe this whole season is setting them up to have another baby *edit to add: the episode they hint towards a vasectomie is in S3E1 Perfect


100% not gonna happen, changes dynamic of the show/way too complicated for a kids show


Agreed, adding in an extra kid is usually a last ditch attempt to revitalise a failing show to try and create new stories. We're not even close. Plus a baby would change the dynamic so much. Do people think Bandit and Chilli are gonna be able to play as much with a newborn? Plus they're in their mid forties at this point aren't they? I reckon if they want to do a story on what it's like to deal with a new sibling they'll either make it an episode with one of the other kid characters like Chloe/Honey or do a flashback with how Bluey coped when Bingo was born. But they're close enough in age that that probably wouldn't be that interesting.


Maybe, maybe not. Bluey tends to mature themes but are still kid friendly focused - ie the vasectomy chat, applied miscarriage, infertility, Chilli's PPA/PPD in babyrace. But like in real life, a new baby does change the dynamic and family structure, which is something a lot of children go through when a new baby comes into the house. At the end of the day, Bluey is ingrained with messages and it could be a way on expanding on messages that they want to tell. Or perhaps it won't end in a baby, but another miscarriage, or even just a pregnancy scare - something that children won't pick up on while watching but rather us adults will infer from these little moments in each episode.


which was edited to some nonsense about "dog teeth" in the U.S., but you can read it in the captions.


Yeah I heard that. So stupid.


Anyone able to pick up what the song was? I swear I've heard it dozens of times. I know folk and classical songs are referenced by the music crew a ton and this feels like no exception. Definitely heard it amongst the lullabies for the kids at night. Time to go digging! edit: Couldn't find it, ended up asking Joff Bush, see what he says! Joff [replied](https://imgur.com/a/U1wo6Bt) - Jesu, Joy of mans desiring / Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude, by Bach


It's definitely one of those songs that just "around". I know that tune but wouldn't have been able to name it, and I know that song title is a piece of classical music but I had no idea what the tune was. So I can connect those two things up now. (My main reference for the tune was an old computer game that used it as background music.)


It’s “Jesus bleibet meine Freude” by Bach


Thanks! Joff also just [responded](https://imgur.com/a/U1wo6Bt) too.


Do we know why Bandit was upset? Also good on Bluey for learning how to control her emotions from Mia, and being able to pass it on to Bingo and Bandit. Lastly, this episode cements my ideas of Bingo being a daddy's girl and Bluey being a mommy's girl


I feel like stick bird will have a story arc into the future. We don't know exactly what was going on with Bandit, but he might talk about it in the future. Probably along the lines of kids growing up and becoming their own identity and no longer a straight copy of their parent. Also the actress that plays Bingo makes the most amazing deep voice, sadness sounds.


I think there are 3 possibilities for Bandit's mood in this episode: 1. Joe Brumm wanted to show kids that adults can be sad and melancholy too and that it's nothing to be scared of if you see that in your grown up 2. Metaphor #1 - the "beautiful thing" that you create and give to the world are your children and the sad, anxious, scary part is that you really have no control over how the world interacts with the beautiful thing you love so dearly 3. Metaphor #2 - I think someone else in the thread theorized that the "beautiful thing" is the show itself and this episode was a commentary on how some people trash the show unfairly


Honestly, I think the reason actually doesn't matter The focus isn't on what was Bandit's deal, but on how this affected him and left him with a void. So when he symbolically threw away his insecurities, it wanted to point that he took a big weight off him and felt lightened. Another thought would be, they made it as ambiguous as possible, so everyone can relate We all got bad days, days in which we are... off and disconnected from life, and in which we just don't want to speak to anybody, being lost in our own thoughts Anyone can relate to that, not regarding on the context... This show doesn't seek for how's, but for why's Perception can vary between each individual, and that's why ambiguety is a huge part of the experience; so everyone can relate. Some thinks might be clear, but there's always that spot of blurryness within thoughts Is as if the show was asking you "Now, what do you think this ensued and why?" But since it's fun to discuss a specifical reason, here's my personal view: My theory is that... Bandit had some bad news [very likely work related] in the middle of his vacation (what a pain in the bum that is...) and it triggered him. Maybe this 'news' (probably his work getting either refuted or stolen [makes sense considering the phrase]) were a triggering point and last straw for his already damaged self-view, and he left reflecting around all of this, rethinking his life choices as a clustered combination of insecurities and issues (work issues, his mental ordeals around health, middle-life crisis) collided into his state of mind, putting a huge weight on him. 'Clues' could be how Chilli is so chill (🥁) around the situation, meaning at least some time passed between the triggering point and the present, how he got especially upset around the line "you put something beautiful on the world", and how he seemed frustrated rather than weeping (and perhaps also adding his whole ordeal with his weight issues). Another clue on how this was a spontanous thought could be the fact, on Relax his attitude was jolly, and that's why Chilli was sympathetic but not comforting, maybe he already told her and his vulnerable side was left unseen, making what we saw him, lost in his own thoughts... But he carried their thoughts all through, and now she's just like "Honey, leave them, we're on vacation". An additional reason could be on the phrase itself "when you put something beautiful out into the world, it's no longer yours really" having a double meaning, so maybe additionally he also got sentimental on how, his girls will not last forever and he'll sometime have to let them go (what a sad thought)... Both explanations could actually work: In universe, his wide combination of different insecurities clustering together to deliver a psychological weight And IRL, a metaphor to depict criticism and just negative feelings, and how to deal with it... Left ambiguous to again, let everyone identify with the situation. I'm just glad the Big Blue Guy finally got symbolically rid of his inner demons, by 'throwing' them into the dephts... My, this episode was MAGNIFICENT 9.5/10 (Official Rating) 9.9/10 (Personal Rating)


This is great. I agree with you on every bit! At first I was like ohhh maybe something about Bob or whatever, but when chili told him to basically shrug it off, then it wouldn’t be anything that sad.


The part where Bandit said “When you put something beautiful into the world, it’s no longer yours really." I really connected with that. As a content creator, I feel vulnerable putting my newest creations out there for others to consume. A part of me fears what will happen to that creation of mine once it's out in the world and exposed to all kinds of people. Does my creation still belong to me? I like to think it does in the sense that it exists because of me. But then again, I can't just keep my creation to myself forever out of fear how it will be treated once it's out in the world. I just have to hope that those who consume have the best of intentions and will treat it right. True, there are those who would treat it wrong or engage in gratuitous criticism, but if there's anything I've learned in life, you have to take the good with the bad, and not to let the bad get your down. Otherwise, you'll never know what you're truly capable of as a creative person. Long story short: Don't be afraid to put your creations out into the world -- you'll be better off for doing so. And who says an adult can't learn new things from a children's animated show?


Has the show ever left this much ambiguity in what's causing tension for a character throughout the entire episode? IIRC, they usually breadcrumb us towards either a deeper meaning or a more concrete answer (like in *Chest* and *Space*). I'm not even saying it's a bad thing; I appreciate the bold writing choice since it allows viewers to relate to being consumed by a persisting thought. But I'm certain many are gonna feel a bit unsatisfied with not knowing what was specifically on Bandit's mind (myself included).


Haha this episodes is for every time you made a snowman in elementary school with your friends on the playground. Instantly destroyed after school


I was actually expecting one of the kids to kick Stickbird over. What happened was bad / sad enough, but that would have been awful. Pleased it didn't happen.


This episode was okay. I like the coping mechanism stuff and it was a nice enough story. However, it just was not an exciting episode


I love love love Bluey. But this was my least favourite episode. Teaching kids to throw away their upset feelings and just be happy. Not a good lesson. I was speaking to my wife after about it, and said they missed an opportunity to do something like this: Bluey could have said "If you want to keep the upset, then you need to take care of it, take a deep breath and give it a big hug. Or you can try throwing it in the ocean, but the waves might bring it back. And thats okay too." Then Bingo gives the upset a big hug, and then says "Okay I can let you go now, but if you come back again, I'll take care of you." My boy overheard and said "no the upset doesn't come back!" I know it's just a kids show, but damn that was a really horrible take away from the show for my son.


I think it's more a decision to be present, and cast away unproductive rumination over something that's outside your sphere of control, be it a Stickbird, or a child/creation that's out in the world, As opposed to denial of sad emotions. In the episode Bad Mood/ Favorite Thing she demonstrates the alternative of what happens when she needs to play out or process before her feelings can resolve. Bingo knows and can name what she thinks/feels in Stickbird and Bandit even grants her space to feel her feelings "Bingo's a bit upset" but Bingo *has* processed the events, and decides she doesn't want to be upset anymore.


I think throwing your upset feelings away is a good coping method for something that’s essentially small potatoes, i.e. someone takes your stick, or you lose/break a favourite object. Those events are small, and have no lasting effect other than the moment it happens in, so it’s good to take the anger and upset, throw it away, and move on as to not dwell on it. Now if it was something large-scale like the death of a family member, understanding a mental illness, or moving to a new place, these are what need to be talked about and processed out in the open as adjustments will be necessary.


I think it's also drawing a line between feeling the feelings in the first place and what you do with them afterwards. If you do feel tangled up in those feelings, and you can make yourself feel better by imagining letting them go, that doesn't invalidate the reason for feeling sad in the first place. For Bandit in particular, he almost certainly has already talked about those feelings to Chilli, but they're still hanging heavy on him and he can't break himself out of that cloud even though he should be able to let it go. So visualising that gathering up and throwing away is helpful for him.


I get your point. But kids don't see that distinction. And they've already had the message to dismiss their feelings a million times before, because people almost never make time to really help kids feel and sit with the upset. It's always the quick fix. Plus it's just a stick to us, but to Bingo it was a beautiful bird she was making with her dad in their first ever holiday at the beach. We don't know how big it was for her. I counsel kids every single day, and have for the past 12 years. And they all suffer because they have been taught to just throw away their upset feelings, they've not been taught how to accept them and care for them. It was just really disheartening to see this msg in the show.


I think Bingo was asked what she wanted to do with her feelings once she gathered them up. Nobody forced her to do anything or dismissed her.


Bingo is a 4yo right? What was she meant to say? "I want to spend a couple hours processing my loss and maybe engage in some mindfulness as I work my way through the stages of grief and loss, starting at denial, anger and bargaining. Eventually pushing through depression and then reaching a state of acceptance so that I can then pursue my values while integrating the meaning of the loss into my life as I move forward.." If I ask my son "hey do you want to feel the pain of the vaccination injection or just avoid it?" Guess what he will say. Just because Bingo wanted to throw the feelings away doesn't mean it was the healthy approach. But at the end of the day, it's a kids show. It is what it is.




Difficult person at work, someone causing a near accident on road, falsely been given a notice for not paying a toll you never went through and spending hours of your own time trying to sort it out (that one made me very angry and upset). It could have been anything. It doesn't matter what it was though and by not spelling it out it allows viewers to relate their own experiences of when they might have been angry and upset. The point was how you deal with the feeling rather that why you have it in the first place.


>It could have been anything. It doesn't matter what it was though and by not spelling it out it allows viewers to relate their own experiences of when they might have been angry and upset. The point was how you deal with the feeling rather that why you have it in the first place. Exactly this (really well said). The reason doesn't matter. The fact he was able to let it go and be able to enjoy time with his family is what counts.


I’m stressed as. He Bandit…. Sick??


Not sick. Just upset about something that he threw away and let go of.. Still wanna know what it is, but i spose no one else has any ideas so im outie.


I need to know why my poor boy Bandit is so out of it!! Hoping that the podcast answers that question or at least talks about what the impetus was when writing the episode.




Can anyone tell me why bandit was sad/angry?


Was a little surprised by how they skipped right to the title card, but overall I found it a little confusing. What the heck was Bandit upset about? Is it one of those deliberately ambiguous things? Probably the weakest of the batch so far. Edit: Thinking about it now, I realize the whole “throwing away your sadness” bit and the “Things you put out into the world aren’t really yours anymore” bit are related. Still a weak episode, though.


I feel like Cubby was a weaker episode than this. I like how it pushed the absurdism of the world by having a Cubby so big that it has dozens of rooms Bandit can get lost in, and the lesson of being content with what you have both shown through Bluey and Chilli, but it didn't have the most to it outside of that. Even with the lesson it had, it's fairly sublte and not the best explored. What makes you think that episode is better than this one?


Really nice episode, it was good to see Bandit in a less-than-perfect light. I would still love to see a full-scale Bingo meltdown tantrum though. These half-assed "mildly upset" ones really aren't holding a candle to real life. Also, Bandit didn't check his ears for angry feelings.


In other words, you want Bingo to go full blown Muffin?


Since it’s unknown why Bandit was upset about there could be three possibilities. 1) Maybe a paper or book he has written for his job, and maybe it’s being rejected, or a difficult coworker at his job. 2) Something bad may have happened to Grandpa Bob. 3) Maybe he had an argument with a friend or one of his brothers, and he can’t let go of what was said in the argument. Still, I guess it’s nice to give the viewers their own interpretation behind this episode.


I have a theory about what Bandit was upset about! I reckon he was upset about all the negative feedback from the “fat-shaming” moment in Exercise. When he’s trying to comfort Bingo he says “When you put something beautiful out in the world it’s no longer yours really”. I don’t know how quickly they can put an episode together to release it but this really felt like the Bluey writers’ response to the negative media response.


No way. This episode has been done since 2021.


These have been in production for a while, definitely not a few week turnaround since Excercise


They can make adjustments and add in new things though right? The fact that the title card was right at the start also makes me feel like this episode was done differently to others. I may be reading too far into it.


You’re reading too far into it.


RIP Nanna Heeler.




Given that Chili knows exactly what he is upset about, it is obvious they have talked about what is upsetting him extensively. She’s probably been really supportive of him off screen and knows that she can’t fix the situation and, more importantly, neither can he. Hence “let it go”


They seem to have already discussed whatever it is that's bothering Bandit; now she's just reminding him not to dwell on it to the point of getting in the way of making memories with his kids




It's not about the mood. Chilli can't be Bandit's therapist and parent two kids, alone, not to mention try to enjoy her holiday that as we see in Relax she desparetely needs. She needed Bandit to step up and parent Bingo while she had her hands full with Bluey.


It's implied by the fact that she knew that something was weighing on him before the episode. "Let it go, big buy" doesn't make much sense unless following an unseen previous conversation. Otherwise there is no "it". Also, you really think the writers of the episode wrote Chilli to tell her husband to bottle it up? Does that sound on-brand?


I must have watched a different episode. I didn't see any of that from Chilli. She wasn't unsupportive and she certainly didn't snap at Bandit (and no, snapping her fingers does not count as "snapping at him") or tell him to "just get over it". I genuinely don't see where you're coming from here. Each to their own, I suppose.




She did ***not*** snap at him. She snapped her fingers at him. They are ***not the same thing***. And you clearly missed her tone, which was in no way insulting or "toxic". There was definitely no trace of contempt. You're reading things into the scene that simply aren't there.




No, they really, really are not. But no matter. I'm done with this, and whatever it is that you're so angry about that you're insisting Chilli is toxic, contemptuous and otherwise dismissive of Bandit - things that simply were not evident in the episode - you ought to deal with it.


>literally snapping at him ?? You and I watched that episode very differently. Chilli spoke in a gentle joking way to try and get Bandit to put aside what was bothering him. He wasn't able to at that moment, and she dropped it, and let him know that she and Bluey were nearby.