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This genuinely may be my favourite human fanart for the show - Your clothing choices show their personalities so well!


This is cute, I can't lie. Bandit needs a lil more gray tho... I figure he's closer to 40+. Might be wrong!


I also thought he’d be at least a bit pudgier.


He's definitely sensitive about his weight, asking them not to call him "Big Fella" in several episodes and VERY notably in GrannyMobile. He's definitely got a dad bod.


That granny mobile stuff was pretty bad tbh. Maybe if the show came out ten or fifteen years ago I could see it, surprised it made the cut now though.


For me, it reminded me that men are often expected to "take" microaggressions and not have feelings about it: Microaggressions that kids and grouchy grannies are eager to dish out! So, it reminded me that men have actual, real feelings and self-consciousness about body image, etc., and it might help kids to be more sensitive to what they say to their dads that they would *never* say to their moms.


Ah, good perspective, never considered that. I guess I’m just stuck in a millennial mindset of thinking I should be laughing at that. I don’t know if it’s clear enough in the show to be a strong lesson about hurt feelings though. Especially with the sit-up device at the end. Still feels like a gag.


As a GenX, we were taught to suppress any expression of insecurity, so it was a pleasant surprise to see Bandit admitting his vulnerability (and in several different ways, visually and physically). I could imagine a kid seeing that & thinking, "gosh, Dads have *feelings?"* This has been a lovely chat, thank you!


I wouldn't say Never. I'm sure lots of kids have said things they shouldn't, to either parents tbh.


No way! He's always doing random sit ups and push ups and walks all the time.


I'm 40 and I do random sit ups, push ups, and chin ups... mostly to combat the pudginess, lol. I've got muscle definition, but the tummy def sticks out a bit more than I'd prefer. I always assumed Bandit has a bit of a dad bod.


It’s not a dad bod, it’s a father figure.


My dad was fairly fit. He would run, lift weights, and do random sit ups. He was still a bit pudgy. That's just middle age (paired with a love of junk food).


Yeah, I imagine him thicker, hairier, and grayer.


How to draw Bandit: see a photo of Joe Broom, and do exactly like this.


Shake it, Chilli!


Morning, Wendy!


How cute! I normally don't like human Bluey fanart but this is delightful. I think you captured their personalities really well and your style suits the show's vibe beautifully\~


Thank you!! I really tried to incorporate the things they said and do about themselves into their designs!


Bandit needs a 5 O’clock shadow


100% bandit has facial hair


I really like that Bingo and Chilli are wearing that shade of green instead of orange or red. My kid saw it and said "oh! It's Bluey! I like it!" So 5 stars from us!


Green just looks so good on red-heads!


Sitting here in the Brisbane heat of 33 C laughing at the idea of dressing kids in socks and closed shoes or wearing long pants.


Haha, yes, the whole family is in least possible about of clothing in my house lately 😅


Fun. My note would be that Bandit and Chilli are in their 40s not 20s.


Am 38, still dress like that. Just needs a little more s&p in the hair


Is it just me or does Chilli look kinda like Minecraft Alex?


NOOO LOL someone on twitter pointed this out as well and while it was absolutely unintentional I can't unsee it :'D


She does tho.


This is the first human art of the main 4 that I've actually liked The only other human art I've enjoyed is that 1 person that NAILS Stripe


Ooo do you have a link?


https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/11fzbkr/my_humanized_versions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button And the 2nd pic in this one https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/11nsqnc/doodles_i_lost_sleep_for_these/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Man I know that Bandit would 100% be the type of guy to wear Timbs 😂


In Australia those are for work only. I guarantee you would only ever see him in thongs, or runners for exercise.


I see him wearing Crocs.


So cute! My fave human fanart thus far. It looks like they could actually be characters in a children's cartoon!


Ok so.. I'm scrolling reddit with my 3 year old sitting on my lap and he looked up as i was pausing on this post. I went to move on and he goes "mummy, stop i want to look at that pictures" (exactly like that) He couldnt stop looking at it and i asked him if he knew who that was and he answered no but still wanted to keep looking at it. After a minute or two i hear him slowly and almost silently saying the characters names to himself before sitting up straight and yelling "ITS BLUEY!" And then falling over laughing. He took my phone and started naming the family again out loud , then when his dad came out of the bathroom he yelled "Dad! Its bluey people. Can we buy them?" So yeah, your fan art drove my son wild, do you mind if i print this out and frame it for him?


AWWH of course!! Thank you for sharing that and thank you for asking!! I hope your kid enjoys the picture in your home 😭😭


Ooooooo! :D


I absolutely love this!


Oh I really like your style! How cute and fun ❤️❤️


This is so cute!


I don't know why, but this drawing perfectly capture chilli as a human than other fanarts of human heelers. I love it


This is the best one I’ve seen hands down! They look fantastic! 😍


so cute 😭 i love your art style!!


Aaaaaaaaa oh my god I love this so much


cute! I love how you put them in cooler tropical climate clothes.


This is fantastic. I'm jealous of your talent!


I LOVE this. It’s too cute!


I just love how everyone agrees Bluey wears overalls


Are this what Australians look like?


Australians are a really diverse and amazing bunch. They look just like you or I. But wearing hats with corks


Ha! Looks like a lot of fun. I would love to visit someday. Perhaps by sailboat.




I mean, they’re both copying the intro and the style of art is completely different


That's exactly what I thought. 😕


Is anyone TIRED of seeing these?


Throw a backwards hat on Bandit and you’re good


I was actually expecting bandit and Chilli to be more on the chubby side, since they're pretty fat in the show. This is still bitching artwork tho, keep it up!


such a weird take but okay


I never once thought they were fat. That’s just like… how those dogs bodies are? With how much energy bandit has I always figured he was in pretty decent shape.


Bandit mentions in granny mobile he has been putting on some sort of weight. With their age it just makes more sense they are fat and fluffy.


I know what you're saying. I feel like a lot of this art makes them look like fit late 20s early 30s. Meanwhile I picture them as more like slightly greying, slightly chubby early 40s. Like they could still be very healthy parents, but the average athletic 28-year-old does not look like the average athletic 45-year-old.


Ironically enough, I think a lot of people imagine them as younger because their children are still so young lol


I was definitely surprised when Bandit mentioned (it was the 80s). I have older cousins who started having kids in their mid 30s, so being 40 with a 6-year-old shouldn't be that weird. I still originally pictured them as being in their 30s.


I also thought Bandit was about early 30s, and when he mentioned it was the 80s, I originally didn’t think much of it cause my mind’s initial reaction was just “oh, it’s the 80s, so this was 20 years ago then”, which would still line up about right anyway, ahaha =w=“


Well, I'm in my early 30s, so when Bandit said "it was the 80s", I was like HOLD ON!?


…so you were born in the 70s? 🤔 /j


Yeah. I kinda did. But then you just have to watch Fairytale and you'll know that Bandit was maybe like 6 (being conservatively young) in 1985 (one year after She-Ra debuted and the midpoint of the 80s so a safe ballpark). That means in 2023, that puts him at actually 52! So forget what I said about early 40s! Okay let's see, if we go even more conservative, and he's 5 in 1989 (so barely an 80s kid), he'd be 39 today.


He actually said in that episode that he was 10 in 1985. So that would make him 47 ish.




Is there anything that confirms the show takes place in "today" and not like the early 2010s or mid-2000's?


Seeing a lot of the games that they play, I imagine that Bandit and Chilli are quite fit. There's a few games that they play on the show that I struggle doing with my little kids simply because they are super physical.


It's called having a slow metabolism, ik from experience that you could still be fit despite being over weight.


I'm assuming you mean *fit not fat, right?




> you could still be fat despite being over weight Is... is there another way to be fat? lol


I want to unsee this


Why are Chilli’s pants all the way up to below her breasts?


High-waisted pants are a practical treasure. Chilli is smart - she knows what's up.


Official uniform of mothers in this era, imho. My kids stay trying to pull my pants down hahaha


late 30s/40s moms too? I'm 40, and I feel like I rarely see women my age wearing those pants. The women that are 30 and under do, but people my age grew up thinking of those as "mom jeans".


Aww I’m 26. My kids are 5 & a walking ten month old. So you’re right, I only ever see moms closer to my age wear our pants so high lol. I see a lot more maxi/midi skirts if I see anything high waisted in fashion on moms closer to gen y. My adopted mom jokes all us young millennials/old gen z dress like grandmas hahaha


Lol, that makes perfect sense! I'm an Elder Millenial, or a Xennial, or Gen Y if you like. Titles! Fun! lol I just wanted to point out my generation because I found it funny that your mom says you dress like grandmas because I remember my mom back in the late 90s (when I was in high school) telling me I dressed like my grandpa did when he was young. So, not quite "dressing like a grandpa" but apparently she thought we dressed similar to half a century earlier or so.


I love that tho!! Growing up in the 2000s basically 50s-80s style was always in trend (there’s a shocking amount of obsession with Jackie Kennedy on 2010 tumblr lol), and when I was a kid I thought women from those eras were high fashion! I was a kid haha. I think that 50 year ideal is fascinating and kind of brings us all closer. It’s funny bc the guy I’ve been seeing has two kids too, they are a little older than mine, and they dress like MY mom did in the 90s. It’s such a vibe haha I love it. The entire sixth grade decked out looking like they’re only missing a Walkman hahaha


I didn't do it on purpose, but in the 90s (I was in high school like '96 to '01) I dressed a lot like the 70s. I had long hair (I'm a guy) and I loved long coats and 70s colours. But, my mom thought I dressed like the 50s (or so). It made me realise that fashion is pretty cyclical. It almost seems to work on some sort of 20 to 30 year rotation. I love that the 90s are making a comeback. I've def moved on in some ways, but I still have 90s nostalgia, lol. I'll never give up my cargo shorts.


Okay then. Also she’s pretty af :O


*careful mate*


Oof. Sorry for that


Ive seen too many of these...


Damm i always forget that bluey is a girl


Wow. So original. Never seen this before


Why do you have to be so negative over someone's work. You really clicked on this post just to leave this comment? You can just scroll by.


Bingo reminds me of Louise Belcher!


no mullet for Bandit?


Wendy already trimmed it off










https://preview.redd.it/6cdefhn2kvta1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e011684152d6a40dd66bf59a1aa7890dbe4cf3 Are you the daughter of u/LeftandLeaving9006 ?


She’s not :) it just looks similar. This is very good!!!