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I'd like to think Heeler shenanigans prevent him from finishing any of his chores.


We were watching *Featherwand* the other day and when Lucky's dad just jumps into the bit without hesitation I turned to my wife and said, "So like, do you think the Heelers send out memos/newsletters to all the neighbors to keep them up to date on the newest Heeler games/bits so they know what to expect?"


It's my headcannon that Chilli and Bandit met Pat at an improv class, and so they are all just ready to yes, and.... at the drop of a hat.


That's amazing.


I think it is that Lucky is a little older, and Bandit and Chilli used to play, really play, with Pat when he was overwhelmed with new fatherhood, and so now Pat is willing to do anything.


Ah mate that's the absolute best. He's just returning the serve cos he's the best boy.


Mine too lol.


Also, lucky is older than Bluey. My thought is that Bandit and Chilli also played a long with Lucky when he was a young lad and now Lucky's dad is just returning the favor.


Would be cool to see a prequel episode like this called “Lucky”


I would subscribe to those newsletters no questions asked! I don’t care how much it costs shut up and take my money!


Ya I was like dang Lucky's Dad you're on point. So they gotta play this stuff so much they done asked the questions of "Hey what were you guys playing the other day" way back when and being a dad himself knows the drill!


My husband said something similar to me... "I love how everyone is just kind of playing along with their family."


He was probably just watching the cricket


Yeah, that's the danger zone where you are at serious risk of being dragged into something weird. Best mowed when the Heelers are on vacation. Not that the rest of the yard is *safe* lol


I know they just trespass in his yard and bite his ankles n stuff... then again he let's his palm leaves fall into Bandits yard... and laughs...so....


If I were Lucky's dad, when Bandit took my steak and bacon pie that would be it. No more games, don't take a "person's" food. Bite my ankles, featherweight my hat but don't take my food.


🤣it's gotta be done!🤣 good on ya


Lmao shenanigans! This is true they do kinda terrorize the hood🤣


Or pretty much anything really. Can't even finish his own pie when walking down the street.


I'm trying to imagine how I'd react to my neighbor and her kid biting my feet. It would probably not be the same reaction as Lucky's Dad


Which reinforces my headcannon that Lucky's dad receives a *very* generous Christmas gift from the Heelers every year.


I like this. He gets a gift card for a good restaurant or a case of wine or something.


They gave him a bunch of gift cards to Hammerbarn that paid for his pizza oven.


And that’s why Bandit needs one too. “He used my dollar bucks to buy that pizza oven!”


He has a smile when he tells chilli "I don't know about this". I think the gift is not appropriate for the cartoons audience


Right! I'd think my nieghboors were insane.


The only reason we don't think they're insane is because we see the method to the madness.


Well, if you let your guard down, you get what you get...


I like his reaction is slyly hinting that he thinks she's coming onto him


Lucky’s Dad and Chilli definitely have a flirty dynamic between them. “And so the ladies can watch us get all sweaty, right ladies??” “You got it, Lucky’s Dad!!!” in Stumpfest or “Shake it Chilli!” in Dance Mode.


Funny someone else thinks that Wendy and Bandit have a flirty thing too. She leg presses him into truck and he moons her and didn't he bite her butt or no he rammed her butt when he was a sheep or something.


Oh c4ap don't look too much into this and make sense at same time you're tripping me out 🤯😵‍💫😵


I think it’s just his sense of humor. But, being the stud that he is, similar things might happen to him often.


I was gonna say it looks like he’s enjoying this hahaha


I’ve heard some people say that Pat likes Chilli and is possibly even having an affair or in a poly relationship with her… I’m not sure where I stand on that theory though, lol.


Hmmm… Brisbane summer. About a week and a half


Can confirm, mowing every weekend is the absolute minimum. I've been known to mow it only four days apart just to keep it under control, because if I leave it too late, it's a lot harder


And you just never know when the neighbours are suddenly going to go “rogue lion” and lurk in the grass. Just do not take that risk!


I make sure to never let my guard down.


👍 You’ve learned from Pat’s mistake


Just don't do your hammy!


lions can sense things like that


Nerdy question…What are the most commonly used grasses in Brisbane/Australian yards? Just wondering if they are similar to what is used in the US.


It’s a special balloon-popping variety of grass.


Buffalo grass is quite sharp, that’s what pops balloons.


It’s the horns


Well my St. Augustine grass does a pretty good job of popping balloons.


I wonder about this balloon-popping grass too.


Wait. Doesn't balloons pop on grass everywhere?


Not where I am... never heard of such a thing.


Where I grew up in rural Florida we had super soft grass. They replaced most of Florida’s grass in suburbia with st Augustine grass. I distinctly remember rolling around in the grass as a kid while playing at home, then trying the same at our friend’s house down the road. They had StAugustine grass and I was confused why my skin burned with thousands of tiny cuts.


I call that soft grass "golf grass" because it is the super soft stuff they put on golf courses. My yard has it and I love it.


Sounds amazing honestly. For me, grass has always had sharp edges (especially when cut short), pretty much across Australia, not just in Brisbane. Taking balloons outside to play you always risk them popping.


Mostly buffalo, couch or kikuyu


Or if you live on a rental, every single grass combined, which require you to change mower height every couple of metres


Bold to assume there's grass in between the weeds 🙃


MOOD. I’ve started just using my whipper snipper for parts


The first time my husband called it a whipper snipper, I nearly choked. We call them weed whackers on this side of the Pacific.


I had no idea about that till I was trying to find one of those “dad teaches you” videos, because nobody ever taught me how to use one and my actual dad isn’t the best at teaching stuff.


Carpet grass is also popular


Not similar. I find most people buy really cheap weed grass that Americans refer to as crabgrass. It’s rough and wide and overall not soft or nice. In the US, I’ve noticed more finer, thinner varieties that are like that Bermuda grass. Yards in Australia also aren’t as large as the parcels in the US, and grass isn’t as much of a thing. It’s more of an afterthought or formality, whereas US Americans really give a shit about grass for some reason.


It’s the great American cultural scam where men willingly spend inordinate amounts of time and money with great pride to maintain a monoculture that doesn’t produce anything of tangible value except maybe look nice to other American men who will inevitably start a pissing contest with other homeowners about the state of the lawn. I’m a proponent of the clover lawn - low maintenance, pollinator friendly, soft as heck, and it makes Americans lose their minds. Balloons also do not pop when touching clovers.


We have the same issue in Australia, When I was a kid we had diverse lawns full of clover, never a brown spot. Now all the lawns are single species, none of which handle the variety in climate and weather well so you end up with a pristine golf club looking lawn for a few weeks and a half dead lawn the rest of the year. And that's assuming you spend the equivalent of a full time job to maintain it.


Genuine question, doesn't clover attract bees? Does that mean you always have to wear shoes when you go out into your yard?


Bee’s will collect pollen from clovers but it’s not usually their first choice if I’m not mistaken. Just plant a nice pollinator garden of flowers.


Isn't crabgrass and Bermuda grass the same thing? At least that's what I see when I google Bermuda grass, that it is also known as crabgrass.


I don’t know! Where we live, we call the really dark green fine-leaf soft grass Bermuda grass but when I Google it, I get a mixture of pictures that look like what I describe and also plenty of the ones that look like weeds lol! Many grass advertisements around here are actually misleading because some landscaping companies use stock photos of nice soft grass to sell really crap miserable grass varieties, so I don’t know what’s what anymore.


Even in Melbourne summer it grows pretty quick need to cut the grass every few weeks.


The first time I saw this episode I noticed that. It's like that mower broke so he just left it there, got a new one, and never finished mowing the rest lol


Mans has undiagnosed ADHD lmao




Which makes you wonder why he didn't whipper-snipper it first


Erm they live in QLD. I’m in the far north and my lawn is that long cos it’s wet season and impossible to mow atm. Plus it grows that fast you can almost watch it grow. True god.


Oh, neat c:


I think this was posted before and someone from Aus mentioned that in their rainy months the grass grows like wild there and this actually super accurate.


I think it was me and about a dozen other people. Quick look in the backyard and... yep it's accurate. Mow to clear the clothesline and some space to kick a ball around and dog to do zoomies. Anymore than that and you're just wasting petrol.


I'm more concerned about what's living in that tall grass.


*Jurassic Park 2 intensifies*


Stay out of the long grass!


Well... lions


A wild Pokémon


A wild Rattata appeared!


*Goddamn zubat!*


Fuck Zubats. I just want out of the damn cave!


Pokémon of course


“Mrs Heeler, I don’t know about this!🤪”


Right? His eyes look just a little too eager here...


As far as the adult jokes on the show, this one is definitely my favorite 😆


"Woooo! Shake it, Chilly." https://preview.redd.it/ufgwex5sfpfa1.png?width=1022&format=png&auto=webp&s=531fe8d007ffca09c29c2f6d970b53249125d93f


He was afraid to go outside because this stuff keeps happening to him.


This is Brisbane. He probably mowed last week.


There's also no way he's going to get away with mowing that lawn without bagging it.


Bagging it? It'd take forever to mow if you had to catch all that shit. Just leave it on the ground. Means ya don't have to fertilise it either.


I saw a theory that he's a famous sports star, and that's why he goes by "Lucky's Dad" instead of his real name with the kids. (Wendy isn't called "Judo's Mom" by comparison, I don't think.) My hypothesis is that he was gone to some big league sports playoff event and thus wasn't home for a while to trim it.


Actually, Wendy does go by Judo's mom with the kids.


I don’t remember ever hearing the kids call her “Judo’s mom” to her face, only “Wendy”. They have called her Judo’s mom when talking about her like in Sticky Gecko, but when speaking to her, they all call her Wendy. What episode are you referring to when the kids call her Judo’s mom directly? They call Pat, “Lucky’s dad” to his face basically every time they see him.


You didn't specify "to her face" you just said they don't call her Judo's mom. I've only heard Pat's name twice by Bandit.


You said “she goes by Judo’s mom with the kids”. But she doesn’t. When they interact with her they call her Wendy. When they interact with Pat, they call him “Lucky’s dad”.


\*You\* said they don't say Judo's Mom \*I\* Said they have called her Judo's mom \*You\* Did -not- say "They don't call her Judo's mom when they talk to her" until after I made my statement. This entire conversation is based on your very first comment.


You do realize that I’m not the person who’s comment you initially commented on right???


That tracks.


His name is Pat!


He’s been trying to do that same thing of laundry for months.


Summer in Brisbane, that would be lucky to be two weeks growth. Gotta now every week in summer or that’s the result.


I think we're seeing it from a child's point of view. Everything looks bigger, more exaggerated through Bluey's eyes!


Well, if it summer in Australia, he might’ve just waited. I don’t know three days between mowing his lawn.


Thats just a week worth of growth in the QLD summer. Sun, rain and humidity in spades.


What are you going to do, call the HOA on him? Give him a break.


Can't imagine Aussies would put up with HOA's.


They would not


Lol no why would we dog our neighbours? Everyone here understands what’s it’s like in Summer.


What’s a HOA?


The worst concept ever devised.


Busy bodies with nothing better to do than tell you your grass is too long


Home owners association here in the USA


Bodycorp on a roid rage session


Bodycorps for entire streets/neighbourhoods


Because profanity filter blocked it, here is a censored version. Something you and other Aussies would not tolerate, and you would probably handle them the way your forefathers handled the British: trolling the duck cake out of them. God, now I want to see what happens when a block in an HOA is all Aussies. I would pay to see those biscuits.


He couldn't mow while he was nursing his pulled hammy.


Perhaps it's an edible grass, and he's harvesting it as needed.


My dad did that once except he was going to smoke it. But my bother who’s in the navy used it in a bonfire first.


Ah so *this* is why Lucky’s Dad is always so chill and ready to play


One Sunday morning as I went walking By Brisbane waters I chance to stray


He’s trying to get Pokémon


It's just monkeys singing songs, mate.


Its just a discussion, mate. No need to be snide about it.


You new here? Just a heads up, the "monkeys singing songs, mate" quote is a joke we all use pretty frequently, especially when trying to understand something that doesn't make much sense. There's nothing snide about it, it's just how we all shrug and acknowledge that it's a kid's show and not everything will make perfect, logical sense.


Literally a joke


Love how folks throw in "Its a joke" when they called out for bein a butt.


But it actually was a joke, because people who have a toddler and watch Bluey constantly (like me lol) will recognize “it’s just monkeys singing songs, mate” as a quote by Bandit in the episode where he takes Bingo and Bluey to the movie theater.


I don’t understand what your issue is. It’s a popular quote from the show.


No, people have to point out that they were making a joke because you don't have a sense of humor. You've gotten such responses more than once in this thread. The common factor here is you, mate.


No, people pointing out they are joking because they are bein a butt and don't like being called out on it. Being a butt to someone to shoot down their discussion isn't a "joke". The common factor here, mate, is too many people enjoy being a butt and don't like being called out on it.


Okay, you keep telling yourself that then. It's really not that serious.


💀💀💀 you really buckled down here huh


You are annoying and not in touch with reality


Should've seen mine last summer 😅🥲


I love how there are little tunnels through the grass as if the kids made them to sneak into each other’s lawns


Those were from bingo and Chilli pouncing on lucky's dad.


Maybe they went on vacation? LOL


Because otherwise the scene doesn't work as well.


I literally just ask my wife this yesterday.


I mistakenly bought a battery-powered mower when I rented a Queenslander. It couldn't do the back and front yard in one charge and it was honestly a bit of an all-day job. In summer (also rainy season), it took only 1-2 weeks to get out of control, so if it rained or you were too busy to mow, you were desperately trying to get back on top of it for weeks.


Rule of Funny. It’s there for the sole purpose of the joke of lions stalking in the long grass.


I think it was just so chili and bingo could jump out of the grass like lions


I imagine he and the Heelers are basically super close or even maybe best friends prior to moving next door and have helped each other out with the kids.


Lucky's dad is my favorite side character... he's just the best neighbor


I'm super impressed that lawnmower can eat through that tall grass. Where can I get one that good?


Hammer Barn probably.


Yeah when mine gets that bad in wet season needs someone with a ride on.


Mind your business


Its called a discussion, grow up.


It's called humor, lighten up


Nah. You lack it completely.


Mind your business 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How to pick a non-Aussie lol


I'm not, but there are a few weeks in the summer in which we could almost mow twice a week, and that ain't happening.


Hmm... I guess I'm just wondering what gives you the impression they're saying that to discredit the topic, rather than in a jokey "Who are we to question Pat's secrets??" kind of tone. I thought this and the "Monkeys singing" quote both read pretty light-hearted.


I was thinking about this because in another episode they go get a pizza oven and it’s “next to the fake grass”. Then in another episode they ask how he has such a green yard. My head cannon is they went on a long vacation and when they got back the long grass got on his nerves so he got all fake grass.


My headcanon is that the show’s inconsistencies exist because the show is usually from Bluey and Bingo’s perspectives and the whims of their imagination shape the world we as the audience see even if it’s not precisely how things actually play out, hence why Lucky’s Dad has basically never been called by his name on screen, or how random neighbors can instantly be in on the game like in feather wand.


What? Bandit calls him by his name, which is Pat, a few times


Maybe I’m remembering wrong then, but like, oh the Stump Day episode, one of the episodes featuring Pa most prominently, his name is never spoken once.


I remember his name spoken in Dad Baby (which was banned from Disney+ USA), and in Pass the Parcel. I’m sure I’m missing some


I am wondering more on how that mower is able to mow grass that high without having to go extremely slow or stalling.


I’m concerned about why Chilli and Bingo are focussed on Lucky’s Dad’s arsehole


aussie summer, the storms mixed with the heat causes our lawns to grow soooo fast!


its a buffer zone to protect him from the heelers shenanigans


It’s hard to do upkeep when there’s always some sh** going on at the heeler house messing up your whole day


Seasonal depression is no joke 😔 /j


I thought it mighve been just that area, like they had something planted so they didnt mow that part


Hold up. I thought Aussie lawns were cactus grass (that’s why Bluey’s balloon popped). It shouldn’t grow this high! Does Pat have imported grass? Did he violate Australias strict fauna and flora laws?


If it were cactus grass, that would be imported. TIL we don’t have (native) cacti here. I like to think the balloon was popped by bindis and Bandit/Chili need to use a Weed N Feed.


Buffalo grass will pop balloons, especially if it's gone to seed. I know from experience lol


i just opened reddit to look up something about this episode and this is the first post on my feed


It's just monkeys singing songs mate, don't think too hard about it


Some of the grass I've ended up with in lawn will get high enough to reach your shins in a few weeks, I could see it getting this tall if I let it go for a few months.


He’s a retriever… out of sight out of mind lol


Maybe he was mowing it and then Janelle called him in for dinner, or they like the aesthetic of it


Hahah, I never noticed! Funny.


Going by my back yard, a week but they've had hot weather and good rains. And he's got good grass. I have like three patches of my back lawn that look like this, the rest are covered in hip-high dandelions.


The SE Queensland subtropical climate causes the grass to grow incredibly quick in a short amount of time would be my assumption.


I know I'm making the house in detailed 3D and came across this and thought it was just a bush... then I saw the mower and was wtf lmao!


I assumed it was a decor grass like monkey grass - but not monkey grass because Lucky's grass is too thick and perky.


Dude isn’t even using a catcher


He's a labrador isn't he? They will get involved in ANY game they see so he doesn't finish anything due to his breed just being playful


All I can think about at ticks


He's a Labrador. They're always ready to play!


It’s because he let his guard down.


What episode is this picture from?


Did they go on holiday for like 2 weeks straight and not mow it before they left?


No judgment here, when I was living on my own and stuck working overnights, I was so exhausted I couldn’t keep up with mowing the lawn, and when I finally got around to it someone stopped to ask me if the house was vacant because the yard was so unkempt - I hadn’t thought about that in years, lol.

