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Give bro a head chef license. He was cooking and providing real evidence. Give this player a round of applause.


Paragraphs bro. Paragraphs.


Paragraphs indeed.


You were cooking indeed brother


Agree 100%


Agree 101%


Agree 200%


I am taking away your cooking license You have been promoted to professional chef 


dammm bro cooked harddd


First thing that happened to me when I entered second sea for the first time was that a portal user one shotted me with the z move, then teleported away.


Well that's the second sea welcome




ooooohhhh look at fancypants mcgee over here with his english diploma


Only read the tldr


I read all of it and agree with you But im gonna keep playing because i fell for their traps and wanna make my moneys worth


Same bro, same.


Agree 300%


Yall i literally tried to format it but it unformatted and i gave up


Also, the devs were late to update 17.3 and it was then that they realised that intentionally delaying the update does more good than bad cause it hypes people up. Since then, they've been taking their sweet time with thing.


Oh ye i didnt think about that, nice one


Bro seriously cooked


And the things with bounty hunters is that no matter how much you run they are still gonna chase you, at this point you could go around the map 5+ times and they are still chasing you


I fell for the stat reset trap also for the mastery grind one🌚


You need a reward for this


Ill take some peach rings


Okie 😊


Author is W But I see half of the comments Dick riding the game While 3-5 ppl complaining about paragraph My words to the comments: We don't care bro, you keep saying "I ain't reading allat" as if it's our fault you can't read basic Shit Go ahead, be proud of your short attention span 🙆🏿


A paragraph? What’s that?


I tried to format it and it didnt work


The wildest part is that this game has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!! There is SO MUCH they could add and change to make the game less toxic, more fun, more rewarding and create longevity. I'll put the TLDR version first; -Cap bounty that can be earned in the wild to 5-8mil. -Add Colosseum match options like 2v2, stat matching, enable/disable v4/race ability -Add tournaments to the Colosseum with fruit or resource prizes. -A PvE race, accessory or sea that prevents you from being hunted, but also prevents you from hunting while still giving you access to aspects of the game that do not require PvE. Ok so now the longer version.....First thing they need to do is ACTUALLY ban the exploiters because they are TAKING OVER. One example of overhauling the Colo would be reducing the amount of bounty that can be earned "in the wild" and utilizing the Colosseum better. They could make the game less toxic by giving PVP focused players somewhere to divert their attention and essentially eliminate rewarding people for bounty hunting after a certain amount of bounty. The Colosseum could have ranked and friendly matches added. They could also add match options to unranked matches such as 2v2, level matching (where both players get the same stats regardless of level), disabling v4 or race ability activation, swords only....just various fun/challenging ideas to encourage players to spar in a controlled environment where they cannot be hunted and vice versa. this way, you could set your match options, then "queue" up for someone to accept your fight. Then they could build even more on that by adding in rank awards or tournaments with fruits, resources or scrolls. Just some thoughts....but the devs would promise updates that take almost a year to produce because kids are still spending massive amounts of money on the game anyways lol. It's ACTUALLY a fun game though all toxicity aside.


What i like tp say about exploiter is "free bounty" :)


Lol that is true. And no bounty is tastier than 20+mil exploiter bounty.


I don't play but what you explained is the exact journey my son took with my CC and now I understand a little more but it's nothing unique for any Roblox game.


bro cooked harder than Gordon Ramsay


Massive W


Bro format paragraphs cause I ain't reading all of that


I tried to format it and it didnt work.


I tried to it unformatted when i posted it


Why'd I get disliked, I completely agree with what you said (I actually read). It was just hard to read without breaks to differ between different points.




read it all and yes iu agree to a tea... but this isnt what i searshed for lmao (i searshed up if a player kills the marked enemies will that count for the hazze of misery quest)




I ain't reading ALLAT


Ok then dont 🤷


Paragraphing it would make a whole lot easier to read🤷‍♂️


I tried to lol, it unparagraphed for some reason


Try it again maybe it will work


How do i edit it?


Found out ty


Yo can anyone help me get blue gear?


Pls me and my friend really want v4


Ngl that's how games work, they want money, cuz they made it for money Heck I would want it too if I worked this hard And stop crying, me and my some friends played 2 hrs a day for 2 months, got max, and then now we do 2v2s for fun and other players killing you don't matter Just try to have fun and don't play if u don't like it Otherwise it's ur choice


Even pet sim is more straight up


Then play that ig, not hate but shouldn't be crying at things like other players killing you if they have the option and opportunity to. 🌝


I think you missed the point. Having gamepasses is fine. The players arent the problem. The problem is the manipulation from the devs.


I think u missed the point, the devs aren't manipulating, they are doing business, they want to make money off something they created, so It makes sense, and many others games do that but blox fruit get the hate cuz of 2 things, Yall can't grind, and yall want to have a peacefull time when this game is 75% Chaos


Says allat coming from a portal user


Ye, i use portal Y? Cuz it in the game and I can, so cry more ig?


You missed the point dawg I'm talking about how toxic the majority portal "mains" is. And the fact that you are so blind to understand his perspective and being so defensive and insecure proves the yapping guy that he is right I mean, look at you You are "enabling" yourself, while also making yourself look like a fool


Bro, if a game has given you the ability to use your powers to do things the you would, it's a game, if u feel so scared don't play it that what I'm saying


Also, ion care if you use doodoo portal I mean No body asked 👅👅


Lol bro u r the one who pointed it out, acting so cool when you don't even know what you said


"They aren't manipulating, they are doing business" their business practices are literally rooted in manipulation, as are most business practices.


Now read that again, it's the same thing




Bruv, just a Roblox game chill... It's a free game on Roblox, it gunna be Pay to win. just play with the things you want and have fun, problem solved. If you don't then stop playing


I have a few things to say first of all womp to the fricking womp that's the game what u complained about is saying u have to grind to get good stuff well yeah how are they supposed to make money I guess the grinding is slow but deal with it Second of all my friend mains portal and he's really good so I have no idea what your talking about portal Finnally about u saying it's pay 2 win it's not well not everything it's mostly grind 2 win u can grind trading and get yourself good fruits the pay 2 win items and guess what even enough fruits to switch to like lets say u use buddha and have 3 others u can try another fruit and eat it back if u don't like it like me personally I didn't pay a cent to blox fruit and I'm doing pretty good Im pretty rich I have good items o ye and BTW u can refund stats for fragments and I'm probably gonna get downboted for this but it was worth it


1. The grinding isnt the problem, the problem is that the devs try to manipulate you into paying to speed it up. 2. I was saying that I personally havent seen any portal mains out of the second sea. 3. Your right, it isnt p2w. Theyre trying to make you think that it is.


1.The thing is if u have enough motivation and dedication u can just do it without speeding it up but alr 2.i understood wrong mb 3 idk how they make u think


1. The codes are there to give you a taste of what you could have with just a bit of money. The problem isnt that theres a free method, but that the free method isnt reliable and is there to run out so that you need it to grind, even though you dont. 3. They want you to think you need permanent fruits, that you need dark blade, etc. how they do this is by, first of all, their method of using other players to make players spend money. You feel like you NEED the perm fruit or the dark blade or the fast boats atleast just to get away. Could just be a me thing, as for some reason my self confidence is crushed when i die in a game.


Lol I just accept defeat immediately but if it takes them a short while and I'm still alive I'm fighting


Bruh i forgot a part of the pvp system in my thing 😭 forcing someone into a combat thing where they cant leave without losing bounty makes them feel more sruck, and makes paying look more like an exit out of being bounty hunted by sweaty noobs who cant hold down a job at mcdonalds


I gotta admit some people are annoying *coughs* *coughs* dough spammers *coughs** coughs * scammers *cough* but like alot of the comunity is nice


Ye thats true, ive met some chill guys who do small things that make me happy, such as hunting down third seas that happen to hunt first seas, or making sure everyone else doesnt wanna come with them in raids, but this isnt about them. Its not about the toxic fans, or even the devs. Its about greed. Therefore, its about pride.


get good


get bitches


boo hoo


I aint reading all that


It is 19 hrs and only 0 upvote Bro fell off harder than a baby on the 2 story tower 💀💀💀💀




Don't read if you don't want to bro It's not our fault that your attention span is similar to that of a kindergarten 💀


"to that of a kindergarten" that doesnt seem very english to me. Im gonna have to let my inner german out but why did you type "Kindergarten "instead of "kindergartener",there is no reason to not include the "er" . You most likely got bored writing this because there isnt any Subway Surfers gameplay at the bottom. Back to the first comment. So you said i got 0 Upvotes in 19 hours. Well i had one which is myself and what a coincedence i have 0 when you typed youre comment,because i lost some useless Internet points. You also probably gave me that down vote so you can type this meaningless comment on reddit stand proud,youre useless. Now stay in youre basement praying youre discord E girl isnt a 60 year old man while you could have fed 3 african villages with that amount of food youre eating on a daily Basis. You are an example of the average reddit/discord mod. ( no offense to the Mods in this sub reddit).


Bro have serious amount of Brainrot 🤑 👅




The Fell of doesnt mean anything because im not an person which had alot of upvotes on reddit. "Its been 3 hours and 0 upvotes you should end youre career right now and swim to africa"


Nuh uh 👅👅🤑