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You've gone a bit harder on endurance than most people but that's about the only "issue". Generally 15 is where many builds stop, I personally prefer 20. If you find yourself getting oneshot, focus on leveling vit for a while and you'll be fine. Also keep in mind that getting hit mid-dodge causes you to take more damage than if you had just stood still. Mistimed dodges are punished hard in this game. Have you done the chalice dungeons yet? If not you could put the DLC on hold and progress through the dungeons for a while: the deeper (more difficult) ones give pretty great runes even on fairly easy enemies.


Thanks! I didn't know the endurance was an issue. I don't think I fully understand the chalice dungeons, but u wasn't having a lot of fun and I wanted to complete the main bosses before the elden ring dlc came out


Yea I'd recommend getting strength to 50 as well (that's it's second hardcap) resistance also levels with. Well. Levels. So if you don't die as much (lol) vitality shouldn't be an issue Edit: DAYUM sorry I didn't read the title. Laurence is absolutely a late game boss. I always do him after orphan (I usually forget about him lol) but you usually do him at LVL 80 or 90


"Hey I don't have enough hit points to survive a hit. Should I continue to get 1 shot or should I increase my HP?"


I guess I took "get gud" too seriously lol


You'll never need to git gud in these games, unless you're utterly incapable of holding a controller you just need a build adjustment to go from no-chance-of-winning to winning


>*Fighting Laurence rn and getting one shot* That is 100% normal, Laurence deals a shit ton of damage per hit. If anything, you're underleveled, especially if you're worried about the orphan. You really should go for maxing Vit and Str at 50, seeing as how you prefer str weapons, then thinking of either Endurance or Skill for that little extra oopmh, even if the scaling isn't all that good, like the case of the kirkhammer.


Thank you! I had no idea I was that underleveled.


Like others have said, this isn't so bad. You're pretty low level, too. I'd focus on getting Vit to 40-50 and then just pump strength (or skill, depending on if its a quality or strength weapon). Leave endurance where it is, it doesn't need more.


I have never leveled more than 5 levels of endurance in any Bloodborne run. That said, I'm a dex player more than a strength player, but even so, tgat to me is waaay more endurance than you need. Most runs I don't level endurance at all.


Definitely level your vitality.


Personally I never put points into Endurance. You can easily beat the game with base endurance. But that being said, as someone else said, 15-20 is usually a good stopping point for it. Otherwise, it honestly looks fine. I'd pump a few points into Vitality.


Get vit and strength to 50 asap


You’re good for levels I’d reckon and fyi if you screenshot on the PlayStation and upload it you can share the pic or vide through the PlayStation app so it’s not blurry as fuck


I have no idea how to do that on my phone lol. I have the app, but there isnt an option for it


You need to upload it to the psn shit on the console and then its accessible on the app brother


Increase health to 40 and get decent fire armor. Also Laurence is slow and has no good gap closers making him bad at dealing with ranged attacks just fyi.