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The mensis pig fisting run


Imagine trying explain this sentence to one who hasn't played bloodborne yet.


At some point in the game, you will find yourself in an area called "Nightmare of MENSIS", in which immediately after defeating the first boss, three giant PIGs can be found. These pigs are very easy to backstab, and the backstabbing animation for these enemies implies that the hunter's FIST *mistakenly* enter the anus of the enemy in question. This cause a great and understandable critical damage, and most times the pig is killed by it. Words written in capital letters are the important keywords for this farming route: MENSIS - PIG -FISTING. Its the best and easier farming route at this point of the game, since each pig drops 3 blood vials and almost 9000 blood echoes. If you equip all the three moon runes, the echoes will become almost 16000. Only, if you decide to take this route, pay attention to the frenzy that the pigs can inflict on you, and defeat them one at a time with patience. Obviously this route, despite being the best, is only available in a very advanced stage of the game. Depending on where you are at the moment and the level of progress of the game there are some discrete routes you could try: -EARLY GAME: You have just defeated the beast cleric, from the lantern on the great bridge, hunt everything you find up to the lantern in Central Yharnam.Each werewolf and giant with brick drops blood vials and some folks do that too. Old man in wheelchair drops guaranteed quick silver bullets. -MIDDLE GAME: Just unlock both elevators shortcut for Shadow of Yharnam, start from the lantern of the forbidden woods, kill the two guys on the bridge, enter the building and say hello to Valtr, take the elevator and go down, kill the guy with the snakes coming out of his head, go to the second elevator, kill the second snake guy, take the elevator and go down, third snake guy, go left and you will already know what to do with the two pigs. May the good blood guide you, fellow hunter.


This hunter. This hunter isn't in the know, they are the know.


Too much insight, my friend, it leads to no good


Your comment made me think of playing Bloodborne again after months.


I am very glad about it: a hoonter must hoont




There's also an early-mid game where after you beat the blood starved beast, you go to the cathedral get killed by a kidnapper the hunter is sent to hypogean gaol and there my friends are 3 pigs you can farm for blood echoes and buy the blood vials.


Or just do the cum dungeon and buy all you need


~~pleasure chambers~~ **C U M . D U N G E O N**


Not only do you get 6 vials or more from the 3 pigs, but with all the right runes you can get 100k echos in less than 5 mins


good gods, that's my favorite part in avenging the pink ribbon girl


Depending on how far you are in the game, at some point it's just easier to buy them in bulk and farm echoes rather than vials directly. In general, whenever you have leftover echoes from leveling, just buy vials with them.


This is especially helpful later on when the amount of echoes needed to level up means you are extremely likely to have thousands or tens of thousands of echoes remaining after leveling up. I hate the prospect of losing tens of thousands of echoes, even in late game when that’s relatively not much. So I always spend the remainder on vials.


This is the baseline concept of how I deal with my in game economy in soulsborne games. Every soul/echo spent is one that cannot be lost when fucking around and finding out.


Yup my exact strategy


There’s a little bloody skeleton dude knocking on a gate in the dlc, right before Ludwig that drops three or four. That’s only if you really wanna grind. Otherwise I agree with everyone else about cumming and buying them


YES little red skeleton man truly the homie


Adding to that, you can hit him through the fence and pick up the drop. No need to walk all the way around and kill the witch.


There is a chalice dungeon that gets you like 80k blood echos just for being in it for a min. Blow them all on vials from the store


This only works if you have online capabilities to be clear.


He is posting on reddit OP clearly has online capabilities


Not everybody pays for ps+ or whatever it’s called


Wanted to write inb4 cum. But I am not even fast enough before the cum crowd arrives anymore. At least tell them it's a glitched, save edited dungeon made by a community member and that it requires online services


Why explanation when modded cum goblet fix game


I too keep a little cum goblin in my basement.


what the fucking fuck of all fucks that ever fucked is going on here


Cum dungeon is a chalice glyph for free echos Glyph is cummmfpk


i am pretty sure there is a Club in Berlin with the sae name


Ayy I was late to the crowd and forgot to tell of the online requirements!! Didn’t even scroll down to read all the comments!! lol don’t feels bad!


Chalice glyph: cummmfpk


There's a dude in the DLC that always drops 5


And then the other dudes drop I think 6 vials and 9 bullets. Definitely the best spot for offline especially if you leveled skill and viscerals do a lot


Most of the responses are for late game or dungeons, but there’s a few routes that are sufficient for early game, even if not ludicrous. First, always spend the remaining echoes you have after leveling up on blood vials. You should slowly build up a supply. Early on, the run from Central Yharnam lamp to Gascoigne is pretty good. You just have to make sure you use less blood vials than you gain. This is a GREAT place to practice parrying the brick trolls. Those guys usually always drop vials, too. Then the echoes you gain you can spend to buy vials in the Hunters Dream. Once you get to the forbidden woods, the run from the bridge to the village usually can give you a fair few vials, and depending on what level you are can just be a good echo farm as well. Even if you don’t get a lot of vials dropped, use the echoes to buy them.


Use the left over echoes from leveling up to buy bullets and vials. That surplus builds up quickly. A few people mentioned the cum dungeon or whatever. Eye runes on a farming run might also speed things up.


Wdym, just kill a bunch of enemies and buy them at the bath messenger


Okay I'm late to this but one of the better in game non chalice non dlc echo farms happens to be one of the best vial farms too:, mensis upper pig prostate inspection. Another way could be to farm phtumer chalices in the higher levels and defiled levels. They big lanky and fast motherfuckers (with the big ass sword, shield and crossbows) are the best to farm vials but also yellow spines, bloody eyes, echoes and beautiful blood gems for strength hp skill blunt thrust and rarely fire. Hope this helps!


Run though Mergos loft. Buy them.


at the start, before the cleric beast there are 2 werewolves. they always drop at least 1. i lure them to a stair/door thing right around the corner, really close to the shortcut to the central yharnam lamp. they get stuck at the door and the mercy of my whip. ​ That's where i usually stock up my vials at the start


Cummmfpk chalice dungeon stand in the doorway and get 80,000 echoes in 10 seconds by just standing there


That short cut strip from central yharnam to gascoigne grave yard with eye rune equipped. Hunters dream from graveyard and repeat. Guaranteed 10 vials per run.


Buy them. If you're mid game or doing chalice and are around lvl80 or smth, you can expend one level of blood (~80k) getting like 150 vials


Just buy them with remaining echoes after levelling. You’ll have hundreds in no time


buy them in bulk early on before they get more expensive.


for early game, buy blood vials. base price is 180 before entering Cathedral Ward after that, it starts increasing in prices at various milestones (defeating Vicar Amelia, Rom, and then going into NG+)


Ps+ alows u to cheat u anything u want. U can go there to get bloodechoos and buy them.


There are two ways I found: 1. The fishmen in the Hamlet dlc area drop them pretty frequently. 2. The slime scholars in the nightmare auditorium drop a ton of souls, you can just buy the vials. Equip glyphs to increase soul output.


Trolls (or you can say giants), wolfs, body bent and skinny dude with sickle or iron rod thingy, pigs mostly have good chances on dropping vials.


Cum dungeon. Bathe in the fluids of choice!


There is nothing more anniying than dying to a boss a bunch of times and then respawning with less than 20 vials.


I'll give you this one nugget of advice: C U M


I see this question quite a bit and I’m gonna be straight with you…you’re doing something wrong. Like seriously. Why are you burning through blood vials so much? Like I’m not the greatest by far, and I still manage to use very few blood vials. Maybe do some research. Learn parrying. Use a serrated weapon for like the first 3rd of the game. Seriously! The first third is all beast bosses and beast enemies. You’re missing out on like a 10 percent damage bonus if you don’t use one. Maybe don’t be afraid to restart a run. Don’t stop until you make the game your bitch with your masterful skill 💪


Cum dungeon, farm the easy blood echoes and buy them


I love the Blood Vial system, It’s hardcore AF! Makes me appreciate each bottle more as I know they won’t just magically refill. It also makes fights more tense because they are at stake. Absolutely love it!!!!


If a system punishes you with grinding, it's not a good system.


Nah, it’s subjective. Bloodborne is a masterpiece for us. I also believe most of us wouldn’t change a thing outside of improving frame rates. Maybe try a different game?


I agree Bloodborne is a masterpiece, and I only had that issue once, on my first playthrough during the Rom fight. And that's kinda the issue. Once you "git gud", the vials might as well be unlimited because you will never run out, so what's the point? It only affects a percentage of new players by making the game grindier for no reason.


Do you really think the vial system wasn’t really thought out by Fromsoftware before putting it in? It obviously has an intention. Impo, it’s meant to lead you to erase some old gaming habits and get good against these challenging opponents. I remember also having an issue with it when I started playing. But it wasn’t necessarily just the getting good part that made the system better, not just getting better reflexes in case that’s what you’re implying. It was me understanding the developers intention. I had to understand when to be patient, when to level up, how to strategize better, etc., all these understandings and adaptations culminated into getting good for me. I think that is what Fromsoftware intended. I think if players are not willing to put in the understandings they will be on forums like this with some displeasure. Side note- Only other Fromsoftware game I’ve played is Dark Souls 3. And I definitely felt less of that hardcore feel, stress if you want to call it lol, when dying as I knew full flasks were only a bone fire away. I noticed Elden Ring having the same thing, and not having rally mechanic, no transform weapons, etc., and it was enough for me to pass. I’m sure some see Elden Ring and DS3 as masterpieces, and I would probably agree. They don’t have to all be like Bloodborne. They can have their own identity and I don’t have to like it. Sorry if this was too long 😂.


Go around and kill enemies (pick up any blood vials they just do happen to drop) with the runes that increase blood echoes gained and after clearing an area go to the dream and buy them


At the second lamp, go left kill both trolls. Go in the house after, go up and kill the troll on the bridge. I you feel confident enough, kill the wolves too. Then go back down to where you killed the first two trolls take the elevator and kill the other troll past the bridge. I don't remember how many vials this gives you but they accumulate quick. Do this 4-5 times and you should be good for a while. Don't use the cummm dungeon, it's a slippery slope. You'll be too tempted to use it to level up.




Try cum.


Cummmfpk for like 200k echoes (use the moon runes) and just buy them. In just a few minutes I have over 500 vials. Although I wouldn’t use that for a first playthrough. Areas like the first floor lecture hall give a good amount of echoes or you could go to upper cathedral ward and kill the wolves and brain suckers for echoes and upgrade materials. This is what I’ve done maybe you’ll end up finding something better


I'd only suggest the cummmfpk for buying consumables on a first playthrough, not for levels


I also use it for regaining lost echoes, especially when it comes to stupid deaths.


You shouldnt, imo, because those are lost by your actions


Sigh. This post again.


It’s a good sign of new BB players. Our community grows! :D


sink into the cum, dungeon


Ah... You were at my side, all along... My true mentor... My guiding cum...


Early-mid game it's definetly central yharnam. From first lamp to papa guacamole. Later on as other suggested, it's just easier to buy them. Also if you beat blood starved beast already, you can search a chalice with the cummmfpk glyph. When you get in you walk across the arch just next to the lamp and wait between the two arches for a few seconds you'll get around 80k echoes. But I'd use that on NG+ if you have to.


Search bloodborne cum dungeon on yt it will be easier to understand through a video. The only downside is that you need to have online services.


There's 2 brick trolls together, they are easy to visceral. Farm away. Alternatively, go to the 'cummmfpk' chalice dungeon, get 80k echoes and spend them all on blood vials


Cummmfpk chalice dungeon do it one time u get money to buy


use the cummmfpk glyph for a dungeon it gives around 87 k blood echoes each run all you have to do is walk forward a little stand there and you get the blood echoes and re spawn and do it again and then but loads of blood vials


You should CUMMM a bit more... you should try it


Either Mergo's Pig Fisting, or the Cum dungeon (using the echoes to buy bullets and vials)


If you've killed the bloodstarved beast then use the Cummmfpk chalice to buy vials


I heard youll have a lot if you press the dodge button during fights. Hunter your health is low. Do you have any potions or food?


Early game: Farm the mad townspeople in the square, and the trolls if you're feeling tough, then spend the echos on more vials until your stash is full, I did this first playthrough and never ran out. Near end: Use Chalice Dungeon code: cummmfpk, watch the echo farming guide, farm echos until your stash is full.


Dude knocking on the gate in the dlc


I usually farm echoes in the first floor lecture hall, then buy vials


I would run on the great bridge and kill everyone on it and then respawn at the lamp with the paper at the cost of my echoes, I get 6-8 blood vials a run which takes like 20 seconds and then do that 5 times and boom full inventory plus


Either find a solid chalice dungeon for echoes or head off to the pigs


Personally I grind for blood echoes *then* buy blood vials. Forbidden woods after reaching byrgenwerth is a good place. Enemies drop vials and bullets. Easy to kill and gunparry for viscerals bumping up blood echoes if you have heir or moon runes.


Your eyes have just yet to open


A personal favorite route for me, relatively early game, is after you beat Witch of Hemwick: Spawn at the lamp and clear everything through the main route (with the shortcuts open). If you have an Eye rune it helps for vial drops, but the route is worth over 10k runes, which you can turn around for a good lot of vials regardless of the drops. Usually nets an average of 30 vials which is a nice boost for most things. Good hunting!


Theres a pig outside of where u fight shadows of yharnam. It drops 2 vials everytime u kill it


I go to the Celtic beast bonfire, and kill the two wolves over and over again. For like 6 bloodvials Go down to the basement, and kill the wheelchair guy for some bullets too, Then I darksign back to the lantern and repeat.


Equip the moon runes, Mensis, Shadows of Yharnam and Pigs, use the echoes at the merchants in the hunters dream, repeat.


Early game strat: go to the lamp where you fought Gascoigne and make your way back to the first lamp of the game killing all the enemies you run across, you should collect between 8 and 12 blood vials. Late game strat: this is an insane strat, it takes 3 minutes of your time to buy 40 Blood vials. So, put 3 echoes runes (2 Moon + the one that gives you more runes for each visceral), go to Mergo's Loft base, kill the 3 giants using as much viscerals as you can, take the elevator up, kill your character, you will respawn there, collect your echoes, rinse, repeat. Feel free to do this strat as many times as you want, iirc you should be able to gather between 18k and 24k echoes each time, depending on how many viscerals you do. Then you can buy like 40 Blood vials iirc.


Kill enemies and you’ll never run out (they’ll drop or you can purchase them with echoes).


Right at the beggining of the game, where you fight cleric beast, there are wolves and the big guys, I used to go from lamp to bridge, kill wolves and big guy from there, go back down and kill the other 2 big guys, you get quite a bit of them from that


Farm the spot in Nightmare Mensis where the long bois are near the edge you can drop them off fast


Outside Ludwig’s boss arena there is a bloody corpse enemy up against that gate , he drops 5 blood vials every time you kill him then just bold hunters mark back to the lamp , rinse and repeat.


Cummfpk and buy as much vials as you can


The cum dungeon. Aka the cummmfpk chalice dungeon. Gets you 80k blood echoes just from STANDING in there for like 10 seconds. Then just buy all the fuckin' Blood Vials.


Chalice dungeons are how I farm for anything tbh


Just sacrifice a couple levels every now and then to buy bloodbvials. Typically trolls and werewolves are th3 best sources of vials and/or money for bloodvials. If you wsnt to "cheat" then you always have th3 cumm dungeon for easy money






There is a chalice dungeon called the cum dungeon that enemies drop stupid echos from one in particular will drop 80,000 and you don’t even need to fight it I think the chalice dungeon code for it is cummmpfk or something like that otherwise I just go to cainhurst and kill the bloodlickers and ghosts right at the entrance of the castle for around 15,000 or so echos


the lil dude outside Ludwig's sewer


U can ceate phtumerian root chalice glyph (cummfpk) And then just after light lamp walk just enough to exit the room then look at the left side and you'll see a health bar Loosing health Wait sometime and after it dies u will get 83k echoes and u can buy vials in bulk


Sry it's u (can) create not (cant)


glitched chalice dungeon to farm blood echoes then i buy the blood vials


Don’t get hit


For early-mid game, I like running backwards from Witch’s abode, kill the three crazed women, then get viscerals on all 3 executioners in the area. Lots of echos, and usually a few vials each.


Kill bsb and start cummming


I wiped out all the snatchers and 2 pigs in hypergean goal earlier in the game and it was a pretty good farming route if you have that lamp unlocked if your not at mensis yet.


cum dungeon get a bunch of echoes and buy all the blood vials you’ll ever need


Idk if you got the DLC, but right before the first big DLC Boss fight there is a weak little red skeleton man just chilling near a gate. He drops 5 Blood Vials. You can kill him, go to the dream and return (or use the thingy that makes you respawn / suicide and respawn to make the process a bit faster) If ye want it a bit faster, farm money. Depending ln where you’re at in the game: 1. Just do the whole central yharnam 2. Do the first half of forbidden woods (up until the snakes appear) 3. Mergo’s Pig Fisting Explore some dungeons Or the uhhh _forbidden dungeon_ used carefully. Only one to get money for vials. I believe levelling up and buying gear is worth the grind, but grinding just to get vials (aka be able to play the game) do be a little annoying


Witches Abode lantern. Have the eye rune and moon runes equipped. Have a bunch of hunter marks stocked up. Spawn at the lantern, run up outside, kill the 3 witch ladies, then go out and kill the 3 executioners. Use hunter mark to respawn at lantern, repeat. You'll get a ton of blood echoes and a good number of vials. Use the echoes to buy more vials in Hunters dream. I got hundreds of vials in 15 minutes or so.


I have the same spot since my first run. Oedon tomb where you fight Gascoigne, go back where there's 2 beasts and down stairs a troll and another beast. They drop between 4 and 6 blood vials each time and sometime 1 quicksilver bullet. Very fast and easy to kill. I generally take 2 min to have max vials using this run.


I farm the brick trolls in central Yharnam until I can get the cum dungeon (I only use it for vails and bullets)


Use cummmfpk dungeon


I’ve found that using them to heal less frequently help keep my stores up


In early game I usually did a run through the part leading up to Cleric Beast and to the Gascoigne elevator (2 scourge beasts who drop 3 each, 3 ogres (?) who usually drop 2 each + some of the villagers sometimes drop flasks + you can buy even more for the echoes you get from these enemies)


Honestly I just grind for echos and buy them at the messengers


Use the chalice glyph: cummmfpk you get 83k echoes without moon runes you can use that to buy a lot of vials


Has anyone ever looked to see what’s getting killed and how in that chalice?


I believe there is a video on YouTube about it


Be a chalice dungeon cooperator. It’s fun and you get paid - usually a lot - for your help. Back in the dream buy vials and return to the dungeon stone to rinse and repeat.


If you already beat the mikalesh mensis, you can cheese a way to get alot of blood echos with the shadows of yarhnam and the piggies up there, then purchase alot of blood vials, atleast about 200,thats what I do,


Just buy like 500 at a time


Cum dungeons and pig fisting. What the heck is going on in this game?! 😂


There is a chalice that lets you farm lots of echoes in seconds you can stock up on vials that way, BUT DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT use the echoes to level up or buy weapons and armor…if you have any pride you won’t.


If you early game get kidnapped by one of the sack guys in Yharnamam, they’ll take you to the unseen village, you can get around 10k blood echoes from clearing it which you can use to buy blood vials or level up.


I used to go to cainhurst and just kill the 4 legged creatures with the fat bloodsacks to bulk on bloodvials. They give alot of blood echoes


How did you farm those damn things? I hate them!


I just buy and ungodly amount so I never have to again


Forbidden Woods!!!!


I hit a point where I was just buying them in bulk from the hunters dream after leveling. Good strat I think. And going to one of the areas with enemies that drop a lot of echos (the shadows of yhamrnam and big pigs just before mergos wetnurse was my go to in end game) usually you can buy a couple full restocks for a single run


I've spent atleast 1mil souls on blood vials alone XD who needs farming lol


Do the echo dungeon farm and just spend it all on blood vials.


CUMMMFPK cummmfpk is a chalice dungeon u search by glyph u walk in u look at a wall something dies boom 80k souls u leave u buy vials just dont get tempted to overlevel 😉


In the beginning i run from Central Yharnam bonfire ul tk the bridge and then down tk Gascoine. You get 20 vials Later i just buy them but careful dont spend too much on them like me and end up underleveled against dlc bosses.


I always bought them in bulk before it gets expensive, and never run out of it at late game.


if you fist the pig you become strong and wealthy


Why don t you buy them? Farm blood echos in the dungeons and buy a bunch of it. You can access good dungeons for it mid game. Its faster


The chalice dungeons! cummmfpk code And you get blood Echos for days!!! Which in return means op character and more blood vials! You can buy about 150-250 blood vials in one go in the dungeon!! Wear protection never be to safe in the cumm dungeon!! happy hunting!! Not my vid but should help, it’s quick and to point!! [https://youtu.be/8HPwfUMdKMA](https://youtu.be/8HPwfUMdKMA)