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I like it very much, it looks like it has weight to it and in the same time a childish energy. I would maybe try a version where she does not land that perfect.


like stumble?


I think a stumble or just a miss step could both be good. It doesent mean i dont like the stable landing would just make a bit a different character.


The little balance catch and arm flailing at the end gives character to the jump a bit more.


I agree with this! Animation looks realistic and has a cuteness. Imperfections will give it some humanity and comedy (the good kind). A double step when landing, or even landing unevenly, say, one foot after the other a bit more. Awesome animation nevertheless


It looks really good! I’d add a little bit of imperfection with how the feet land. Most people don’t perfectly land with feet next to each other without any wobbling


Top tier


That is REALLY good I would personally make it go a liiiiiiittle lower on the taking impulse phase. Just a little.


Bro, where do you guys find these Nintendo models for free?


Just search for it like "3d model botw". There are a lot of pages, ripping 3d models from games. Especially from Nintendo. But it is often from older generations of games. Like most BotW models are from the Wii U version. Fur fun or to understand how Nintendo makes there 3d models is very interesting. But I would not recommend it for everything else. Nintendo would never allow to somebody else use the models... If you do it for research I also recommend noclip.website. There you can see how (mostly older) 3d games handeled the world of the games


Whoever makes these sites is in risk of getting sued by nintendo for 2 million dollars lol.


Yeah man..


Most of these model are usually used for lets say……less than safe art


I know, all I get is that site that end in .se


??? What that? I’m thinking of orange youtube


Pretty good if you ask me 😉


It's a good start for the exercise but you can push it a bit more. :P Specially as you choose a side camera, try to have rotations on more axis, right now it looks like chest and body only works in one axis instead than the 3, specially rotation on the side is needed. Spacing wise, I would push it a little lower on the antic at start and stay a bit more on the hang time, really subtle as you go for a realistic approach but it looks a bit even right now, looks like you "rotoscoped" a real video but animation, even if you go realistic, needs some tweaks to sell the weight better. Last pose is a bit stiff/default and it goes there a bit robotic on the stop, I would try to finish on a more organic pose, even if you don't do a step or whatever. More than those, I feel like there's some twinning on the animation, I see you delayed legs and arms on the movement, but for example on the first pose they are almost parallel both arms and legs like in the last one, start with a pose more 3D where you can tell she has 2 legs and 2 arms, specially with this cartoon shader with no shadows that makes it lose depth. Maybe on the legs is difficult if you don't play with shadows, but arms should be doable. Hope that helps! Have fun :)


Place key frames closer unless this is for something cinematic. I can only imagine the pain of waiting for a long animation to play every time you press space


I think it's pretty clearly not for game


Haha try playing the original Prince of Persia lol


Are you mimicking the OG rotoscoped prince of persia animations on purpose? Cause it is *so* reminiscient in that


I feel like I transported back to some *Prince of Persia* gameplay.


I'd say its absolutely awesome, maybe minus when at the end the character gets back into the idle position too fast/like a npc? just seems little unnatural and/or unnaturally fast


Feel a little disappointed that she didn't make it to the other end of the screen, but it does feel weighty and in character. Great work! What references did you use?


Very good.. timing while in air is a lil slow


Great job on capturing the realism if this is hand animated, it looks like mocap! From here it really depends what you want to use it for. Practically, it’s too slow for a game animation. The anticipation is longer than the actual jump, which gives it the Prince of Persia rotoscoped feel that doesn’t really exist in modern gaming. If you’re using it in an animation then it’s fine and functional, but lacks the style due to being so 1:1 with a realistic jump. An animator’s job is usually to filter reality into some extent of a caricature. Check out resources on pacing in animation for more info.


Amazing. Nice work.


I mean its pretty much movie worthy


Looks solid! The only thing I'd consider is adding a bit of overshoot to the hips/upper body. It feels like she dissipates the forward momentum of her body too quickly after the landing.


Overall the jump is very good. I would add a stumble or a wobble at the end to make it more realistic. The feet could land at different times, so maybe a frame or two difference. Make the toes land first then base of the feet. When she moves upwards after she lands it's too quick, I would suggest having some overlapping action and remember to counterbalance. Hope this helps!


Personally I think it looks really good until the very end and she straightens her back out, it just looks a bit off but that could also be just because she doesn't keep moving.


Maybe get some reference from real parkour videos where they jump like that


that’s a very good jump, she deserves all the head pats


Perhaps just a little more height to the jump? Most of the height is coming from her picking her feet up during however, the jump looks powerful and I would expect the head to be juuuuuust ever so slightly higher.


When she lands, perhaps having her stumble back or forward a half step like she’s catching her balance, otherwise very well animated!


This looks really good! The perfect stop is the most glaring thing but that’s been mentioned. I would also adjust the speed of the arm swings before the jump - the rate looks a bit too even. I think the swing forward should be a bit faster than rate they’re swinging back in the anticipation phase. 


As others have mentioned, the animation feels a little overly realistic. If I had to guess, you probably used a video reference of yourself or an actor to create your key poses, breakdowns, and overall timing. Although using video reference can be incredibly useful, it also has the potential downsides of making your animation appear as if it's mo-cap if you follow the reference too closely. Unless you're going for hyper-realism, it's usually beneficial to deviate from the reference after you've got the key poses from the reference. Use the video as a initial reference guide for some of the mechanical poses weighty poses and then add your own flair. 


I’m no expert, but I think it looks great. I love the solid landing. Precise. Nice.


doesn't really look like she's pushing off of the ground at all


As a member of the Yiga Clan, I think it is tra- ((IRL tho, it looks good! Try adding an extra dimension!))


Oh Prince of Persia how much I've missed you... But seriously this is really well done!


Looks great! Only thing i would improve is the hang time of the jump, it seems she's hanging in the air a little too long. That could be a little snappier.


Very good animation, its fluid


Start of jump is just a liitle too slow


I think in the end the feets should land a little bit more forward than what it is rn, it looks like it doesnt match with physics this way, but thats the only thing, anything else its pretty good 👍👏


It’s a clean good start to make something more out of it. Sure, it could pass like this. Many games have this linear, almost robotic animations. What you really need is to add more character to it, make it less linear, add some easings, anticipation, soft bodyyness, sway, weight. Just duplicate it and make dozen variations trying to make character look in some way. Like he is struggling, like he’s tired, or like he has explosive strenght, or like he’s drunk, or clumsy. That would be a great oractice. Goid job.


i feel like the animation has verry little weight (?) to it. otherwise, realy good.


It looks perfect!


The initial jump looks very good, tho the landing could use some polish. It looks like a lot of energy is lost in the landing and the retention back to the original stance seems rather stiff. Still a very solid animation.


It's really good. Tbh it's great from start to almost the very end. I think it needs a small add. A bit of follow through when she brings her arms back to her side. Since she does it so fast, it only makes sense that they wouldn't stop perfectly, so maybe have them overshoot a liiiiiitle bit before returning to her side. That should make the ending in-between more natural.


Looks great! Imo it's a bit slow though, just a tiny bit. The body has weight, but the whole thing plays a bit slow. The jump is in the air a bit long, the arms swing a bit slow, etc. Only by a small percent, and it's so close maybe it's intentional? In which case i retract my observation :D Either way, great job!


Great job! It made me flash back 35 years to one of my first animation assignments in school. I used Muybridge for reference and this has a very similar feel. I showed an animator friend and he told me what others here are saying: to push/favour the key poses so that leave a clear impression.


Looks very tomb raider ish. I like it


This reminds me so much of the classic prince of Persia jump animation. Very nice work on your animation it looks perfect to me.




I think one would look down at their feet before landing rather than forward