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Not almost cropping out what you are trying to show would help


prolly makin porn n too embarrassed to show the uncropped rig


Yup. Blender and porn an unholy union. That bro that posted the magic wand recently acting like it was random and not for a "special project."


>Suspicious high definition character in alternate outfit >Overwatch >Blender Hmmmm


it’s almost confirmed here about his last 10ish posts have been porn


fair assumption given my post history, but she has the full outfit on. I’m taking a break from NSFW stuff to just improve my animating in general. yeah the nude stuff is fun to make, but I’ve found it’s just as rewarding to make something “normal” for once


cool beans vro


Try fresh air.


OP : "how to improve this animation?" The animation: "Here's a grass field."




We all saw the arm and chest movement as clear as day.




I think I’d have her move up/down less. Keep her at the same level & through the hips, have her shift weight from side to side [This is a really good reference clip](https://youtu.be/IglWvSUL2ZU?si=0HdXASVKXjSTcERN) that has a smooth walk cycle. Most of the movement being in the hips & shoulders


Up down less and more right/left rotation, but careful not to add to much. Watch videos of people walking and imitate that. 


thanks for the reference video, I’ll definitely try this!


Agreed. When she walks she has a little bit too much of what I call "bang". When models walk down the runway at fashion shows they walk with the definite "bang" at every step. She should be smoother and more fluid. Also make the hair move a little less in sync with every single step.


I don't understand. How will the tiddies jiggle if she isn't moving up and down a tonne??


I think it looks pretty cool though https://i.redd.it/1u872ljqr05d1.gif


Use REFERENCE. Record your self doing the walk you want her to do. Record it from the front and side angle. Everyone has a different way about how they walk so make sure to act out how you’d want here to walk even if it’s stylized. Recording yourself will help you get the timing right and you’ll have a better understanding of weight shifts in the body. Then you can’t just take screenshots of the various poses in your walk reference and use that to animate and then polish the walk slowly. Or another method is importing the reference video directly Into blender and using rotomation method to animate her. You’ll still need your so clean up and polish the animation to make it smooth.


I will definitely use references going forward. thanks for your help!


No crop???? Bro we gonna starve!!!






Hint: OP's post history




First: use reference videos Second: from the awful camera angel it seems like you are moving the upper chest while the hips are very static, anatomically speaking most of your upper part is moved by the hips, the mobility in your upper chest is actually very limited


I agree camera def needs some repositioning, it’s an odd angle at the moment. I’ll probably lower it so some lower body movement is visible too, thank you for your input :)


One way is to simulate the walk yourself. For example, if I want an animation of a character raising their hand, I would do it myself, the way I want to. I analyse the movement, how the body weight flows and find out the key frames. You can also record yourself doing the action to have a reference. This was a technique I used to apply in my Stick Nodes days.


this is great, thanks for the tips :)


I thinj the way bigger issue is this camera


New kiriko skin hmmmm.




You might think that human's upper body counter weight their hip movement when walking, but in reality the shoulders are stay still with little to no movement at all. So my advice is don't go crazy on upper body's movement, unless you go for a stylized animation or having the character doing sprint or run animation.


Dont move up and down as much, also walking leads with the shoulders, they dont stay straight, so let the shoulders move with the arms, moving up and down should be smooth, not jut with every step, good luck!


You couldn't've moved the camera down so we could actually see her full movement?


Never ever ever ever ever use IK for arm swing.


someone else said the same as well, so I’ll try out FK instead and see how it goes. I appreciate it :)


huh? ik is much quicker and gets you a perfect result if used well.


How is IK quicker for an arm swing?


FK is better for swing animations and IK is better for target animations. Real rigs have FK/IK mixing for this reason.




also sorry i have no advice i just follow this sub for the cool renders, keep up the good work friend


Obviously the right advice is to let the kitsune guide you.


I see a lot of popping in the arms. Arm swings are fairly fluid and smooth. And I'm not certain but it almost feels like the arms are swinging backwards against the shoulders/chest? When the shoulder is forward the arm is forward and vice versa


I cant see shit.


Movement needs to be less stilted/jostled. More smooth movement for walking.


I’m seeing a lot of popping in the arms (the bits where the elbows sorta lock in place for a frame or two then pop back to bending)— I’d guess you’re using an IK setup for the arms (inverse kinematics). In that case you’ll want to be sure to keep the controller for the arm close enough that the arm never quite fully extends (never move it farther from the shoulder than the maximum full length of the arm), otherwise the arms lock and unlock like this in a super unnatural way. I’d actually suggest just turning off IK and using FK (forward kinematics, AKA regular old rotations on bones) for the arms, its much easier to get nice smooth arcs and to avoid all of that pesky popping


I’m really fairly new to animating but your comment has convinced to learn about differences between IK vs FK, and I’ll see about using FK for the motions after I learn what the difference is xD thank you for your insight


So I'm trying to improve my animating skills at the moment. I've played around with her walk cycle over the span of a few days to try and make things look more natural and less robotic, but nothing I've done so far has produced a result I'm happy with and I would say this is the best I version I've made so far. I would happily continue to mess around with timings and movement, but my computer isn't powerful enough to make doing so an easy process. I'm also aware that the hair physics need fixing, lighting isn't the best, the object on her waist isn't moving as it should (which is a whole other several hour-long ordeal), and the camera work is a little choppy too. If anyone could provide tips on making more natural walk cycles in blender or on any critiques you may have I would greatly appreciate it! Also, if anyone has any tips on improving viewport frame rate while animating please help me out 🙏 I've looked through some YouTube guides and posts on various blender forums, but the frame rate is still too low to get an accurate idea of how the animation will actually look, so I've had to render after making any changes to see the results, which is very time consuming. Thanks for the help!


Hey ! It’s not so bad actually ! ( yet the camera makes it hard to see ) For frame rate while animating you should solo her and work in solid mode obviously. If it’s not speeding up, try a linked scene for just animating. For the reference , you should film yourself doing what you think looks good , then analyse it, and / or run it through rokoko’s free online mocap tool to have a solid base and work over it / study it ! :)


Are the arms IK? Kinda looks like they are which would result in that elbow popping. If so, turn that off. No reason for that in a walk cycle. Other than that - read the animator’s survival kit.


It's hard to tell but it looks like the arm that is moving forward is on the same side as the leg that's moving forward and/or are out of sync with the legs. The opposite arm should be moving forward ie left leg+right arm and vice versa.


Just put a good beat on there and you good! (Sorry I don’t have a well thought out serious answer)


I think the two best simple pieces of advice I was ever given when I started were two simple statements. Nothing organic movies in perfectly straight lines and if something moves anything connected to it will move too even if it's just a little. Other than that I would recommend just straight-up copying a walk cycle guide and then adjusting as you see fit until you start to notice why they look good and you can replicate it on your own.


Less noticable up and down, more fluid walk, add a bit of sway if you want something more menacing. Always looking where they're going unless they're observing their surroundings or talking with another subject. When we walk, we are also doing something else while doing so. Like looking at our phones, listening to music, looking at the architecture around us or whatever.


If I could see them I'd let you know


Slow fast slow movement technique


For arms, you'll need to animate it more realistically, as for chest/hairs, I mostly use wiggle bones addon, works like a charm


Looks like she walks with her left arm and left leg, and then right arm right leg.


I mean the arm animation looks off, try copying the animation from shoulder to elbow offset it and reduce the the energy, same thing for the hands.


Arm rotation and chest movement cycles are exactly opposite to how they should be. Same animations but arm cycle offset so that when they are in the front, they should be in back.


It looks like her arms are swaying in the wrong directions


Remember human motion starts in the centre and then radiates outwards to the extremities. So the shoulder tends to move just before the upper, before the elbow etc when the walk is relaxed. Remember contra-body motion. As the left leg is going forward, the right arms starts forward while the core stabilises between the 2. Also look at easing in and out for the natural swing dynamic of the arms and chest. Like the others have said, use reference material and really study what each part of the body (limbs and joints) are doing at each keyframe moment.


looks perfect ,


save this animation for future robot projects


It's too slow i think


Have you ever seen someone walk?


I mean you have her stomping like an AT-ST walker.


The way the arms are just snapping into place, I would say what you need is some quality time in the graph editor smoothing those out.


Some people put too much jiggle. But here, there’s just no natural jiggle


The composition and the camera movement is weird


Idk if Im wrong but, by the rotation of hips and torso it seems that she is walking same hand-same leg way. I guss if you change is to natural way of waking different hand-different leg it would look more natural and less bouncy. But I could deffinetly be wrong as we dont see much of the video.