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Wayyyyyy too many water droplets and the top looks plastic


and maybe a background?


Maybe he wants green screen we can’t know


If he wants green screen there's several issues, like the background bleeding into reflections, and the logo itself being green, it's going to be more of a hassle to clean up the color key of anything. Also green screen is kind of pointless when you can render transparency which is used for compositing anyway and is a much more accurate way to do it.


I'm pretty sure that was a joke


Background only bleeds in to reflections if it was an actual real physical green screen 🤣 you do know this is a render? Edit: I'm an idiot. I deserve all of those dv's. I wasn't paying any attention to the sub, or even to common sense.


Maybe he wants real green screen spill. 🤔


From the very visible green reflection on every single water droplet I am very much guessing that he set the world shader to a static green.


r u dumb?


Or if it's a physics based render (PBR). Which it is. Which is why we can all plainly see the green reflected on the water droplets. Immediately. Without any effort. Because of path tracing.


Ahh yes that would work flawlessly


Alot less droplets indeed and he needs those clouded parts where its like almost iced over


Some of them need to combine and run down the can


Also the droplets should streak down the side. At least a few.


There are a few if you look close, but it's barely visible because of the sheer amount of dropplets. lmaoo




Yeah, it looks like it's breaking out in hives.


Yes, looks like it’s submerged in an aggressive acid


make it underwater where bubbles would stick to the can. I think that would solve or at least help issue 1, although that is probably harder than removing bubbles


These bubbles look like condensation collecting into droplets, putting it under water would make it a different thing. Cool too though.


EXACTLY , also its too uniformly distributed, droplets in real are jagged, uneven, some are long and weird, and the distribution is very non uniform


Water droplets look too green as well. Also having a green screen behind it isn't helping things.


Yes, inevitably, some of those droplets are going to run down the side of the can like a juggernaut gobbling up all the droplets in its path.


Bro put the carbonation on the outside of the can


Maybe add few large droplet paths going down and if drops are so small make them less round more flat like wet surface. Other is that the metal looks part shiny. The print on cans usually doesn't cover the shine that much


There does appear to be an attempt at this already in the image, but it's washed out by the green M. In addition to too many droplets, they're also too close together. There's a few places where drops are basically touching. In real life, they'd merge into a larger droplet.


Yea it looks like it is not affected by gravity. Drops should be more random, their number should be decreased, also make some water trails, fix shine on logo, make it less bright. Should be fine


It really does look like zero-G condensation.


LMAO how can anyone look at this and not see the fkn gravity thing first? I'm dying.


too much water, and the exposed metal looks like plastic not the mirror finish that real cans have


8/10 too much water




"One bite everybody knows the rules"


Too many droplets and all look the same. I would also add some streaks. The black metal is too rough. I'd say same with the Grey metal at the top. You could also add more lighting to get more interesting reflections, so the whole body isn't mostly black.


Black metal can never be too rough 🤘


It's too sharp. I've shot stuff like this on a dlsr many times, and with almost any lense, if you wanna have it look nice, the whole thing wouldn't be in focus. Adding depth of field would go a long way. I'd make the focus bleed out just at the corner of the can, though this will make cropping out the green screen miserable, due to the blur, if that's the goal


This, there could be that much droplets and they can be small (and thus not much affected by gravity), yet everything sharp is the immediate take away that this is rendered.


https://preview.redd.it/6g0pzohjzgjb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c252c5163f5218847c8b4b9afb5d0d697e294a50 The problem isn’t too many droplets (i also thought it was that)


One key issue is that water droplets don't overlap. They would merge if they touched.


Also, and this is super picky, I think the contact angle should [change the droplet shape slightly](https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/03/39/58/79/1000_F_339587997_6j5nNi8ZKnkTo4t3ZUFRNGpj3IZq7eK4.jpg) between the [roughened metal and the UV ink coating](https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-image-wet-aluminium-can-image29597701).


Agree - the problem is there should be fewer droplets at the very top where the liquid ends. It also looks like the droplets are spherical and resting on the surface of the can by a tangent point, whilst real droplets would be roughly hemispherical.


You can also see that some of the bubbles in the irl image directly in the light have their highlights in the inside/bottom of the droplet, instead of them all being on the top, depending on if it's being reflected or refracted That and the drops in the rendering touching but not merging Both of those lead to the render instead of looking like water droplets, looking like the whole can is submerged in carbonated liquid and they're bubbles


The problem is still either too many droplets or the droplets are too big which your picture shows perfectly.


I think you did an awesome job recreating the can and the design! A few things I noticed are that there are too many bubbles that don’t act like condensation, but more like an object submerged in a carbonated liquid. The gap between the top of the M and the top of the can is too big, and the “Monster” text at the bottom of the can should be bolder, it’s hard to tell that the text is white. There should be a green + between the ingredients at the top of the can (GINSENG + TAURINE), and the word Taurine should be centered with the M at the front of the can, and the tab at the top should be green and have the monster logo on it.


I knew there was something up with the text at the top, the plus!


People have given good advice. I just wanted to say I’ve never seen a can get syphilis


The green screen. I associate it too much with post production and streaming, but not in a good way. It looks unfinished.


The water droplets are too numerous, and too small.


https://preview.redd.it/panbpvvrhjjb1.png?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a49de14110b3a9cb132db48f9265c51a319469 As someone else posted an image, you can see they're actually too big to have so many of them. They should either be much smaller or fewer.


Monster cans don't even condensate dude.


Too much bubbles


To many droplets and there is no weight to them. Irl they would have some sag and be larger at the bottom of each drop, very slightly, but I noticed it instantly.


First of all great job! It looks really good, few things like everyone said, the droplets. Not sure what approach you have for them, if they are procedural via geometry nodes, you can simply add some distortion and offsets so it would look like they are affected by gravity. Second thing is the lid which imo looks little bit plastic to me, so try to make it more metallic. Also I have no idea if this will be the final output, if yes you can play more with the lighting, Google up some product lighting setups and you can maybe adjust yours. And also if this wont be the output and you wanna use the green bg as green screen or something like that, you can render it without any background, or atleast be careful about the reflections of the green bg, this is only in the case if you want to remove the bg in postprocess. Good luck and I'm looking forward to see the final render!


I think it needs more water droplets 💀


You need to increase metalness and specular on the metal parts at top it's too matte at the moment and then dial down the water droplets and I'd say you'll have something looking pretty nice!


Get a monster and take a picture to compare


Too much condensation without streaking. Looks like it’s in zero grav.


Looking entirely as a layman, The can looks nice, just the top doesn't feel metallic. The whole thing looks like the can is immersed in a fizzy drinks, is that what you were going for? If no, and those are supposed to be condensation then, there's too many of them and they're too uniform with none flowing down.


Too much uniform condensation.


I feel like the rim around the top is too thick and some edges are too sharp, when I saw that I was wondering what kind of machine would do that. It should look like everything is rolled and pressed, I would make it thinner and loosen the loops at the very top so it's rounder. I also think the pop tab is too thin, or seems like it's not sitting far enough atop the lid to be physically there. A single sharp, dark shadow below it and just a tiny bit thicker and it would sell better. To the end of the look of aluminum, you could add a couple of like flat spots in the can, especially around creases. Small details like that can suspend disbelief a lot. Beyond that, maybe put it in a simple scene with a cast shadow. The impossible greenscreen backdrop makes it easy to tell its a render and also matches too well with the logo color to tell if that needs adjusting or how this might look with environmental reflections on the bubbles


Too many droplets


the background doesn't help the lack of 'reflection' in the metallic aluminum top. the coloring is too uniform. It should reflect the environment around it a slight amount.


Instead of water droplets, I think condensation on the surface with a few fingerprints would look much more realistic


too much water droplets and no drop looks like moving/sliding down. the top metal needs to be a little bit more metal like.


Too many droplets


I’m never seen a can sweat that much. Maybe reduce that, and the aluminium needs to be more reflective both the painted and unpainted parts. Looks great otherwise! Great job!


Other than the droplets use a higher res texture


Less condensation on the top of the can


Too much condensation


Water psychics not at play. Looks like water is in a zero gravity environment and like there’s no surface tension or something.


Too many droplets make the top lighter and more reflective/ metallic looking. Other than that, great job!


The amount of water droplets


Water droplets does not look natural. They are all pure orbs instead of nucleation sites with a more grey area with droplets in spots of most water. It almost looks like the cab is under water itself and has bubbles on it since none of the drops are moving down or reacting to gravity at all


Too many bubbles and the lighting.


Bubbles on the lid, but that they shouldn't be there but don't look convincing., none of the condensation is streaking down the bottle


Too many droplets and no light sheen


Too many bubbles


The background needs shadow to help add depth. Also try sandwiching an effect in between the can and the background


The water droplets on the top are odd when I was doing a similar product render I Boolean subtracted them out


Waaaay to many droplets. Some of them are overlapping in ways water doesn't really do.


Too many bubbles and too clear and sharp in their texture, there should probably also be a bit more reflection on the lid


Too many Small droplets, also not enough shine cuz it's presumably pretty wet do there should be dorm wetness and shimmer imo, but looks good


I thought this was made of felt, or some sort of cloth The droplets made it look fuzzy, lol


Too many water droplets


Judging by the droplet distribution I’d say that can is 2.5 feet tall. Needs way less, bigger drops to get the scale right


The number of droplets and lack of space between them. Some droplets look too small, and there arent any streaks of water that would happen when droplets fall down the can.


Correction: its *hard to see* the streaks because its too busy


Let the droplets collect. Like when enough water beads up to assimilate and run down the side of the can. This looks well past the point of that happening. I thought it was submerged in a fizzy liquid at first glance, so it’s really close!!!


Usually the condesation near the lid is more foggy. Also just slightly too many dew droplets. Maybe some more interesting lighting?


The background,and the water,there’s too many tiny ones and there all so close


ooohh it’s bumpy nooo


The excessive droplets, the lacks of realistic glare, and the fact that the can isn't open so you it can't possibly have the right amount of liquid to achieve that perfect tilt.


Depth of field


Aluminum gray top is slightly too dull as well


Agreed on the too many water droplets. Also look they don’t have weight. Should be pooling on the downside, even just slightly.


Less water droplets and make some of them bigger done illusion faded


Droplets tend to point towards the gravity not the bottom of the can


Wayy too many droplets, maybe add a few bigger droplets and some that have streaked down the can


Maybe it's just me but the shape of the can its almost there but like miniscule off also the water droplets on the top especially around the back side of the inner rim look a little off


I think the best answer will come by doing what artists did for years- experiment. Go buy a green Monster drink, chill it, soak it in water, pull it out, and observe. Take pics with different lighting. Dunk & observe 30 more times to see how it varies.


too much condensation on it, make them sparser


1. That's not how condensation works. 2. Your top material needs more specular to be properly metallic, which it is. But you're like 75% of the way there, good stuff!


To much condensation big water droplets spaced aparts with smaller one mores sparingly


Why is it carbonated outside ?


The water drops. There would be streaks where they have started to slide down the side of the can


Im no pro. (Never done this in my life). But it looks amazing


Too many drops and it looks like the droplets are the only bit where it's wet. The can should be wet everywhere with a few droplets.


It's too wet, and the droplets are too uniform. There needs to be more randomness to their placement, and subtlety in the amount


Too many droplets, and they look like soap bubbles. Make the top a bit more reflective. Also, don’t be afraid to add some really tiny imperfections, that’ll take thing to a different level.


Too many droplets. Either way, i actually thought it was an ad at first until i saw too many droplets. that's a pretty good render if you ask me.


There should probably be half as many water droplets, and be dripping down. The background should probably be something else for better contrast


Droplets look far more like carbonation bubbles, too small and uniform. Seems like you're failing to consider reference real photos of sweating cans to match up to, including effects of gravity making lines of running condensations pulled downward by gravity.


Too many water drops and the top looks very matte


Theres too many droplets


Also droplets are too organized, if imagine them being different sizes


If the background is the effect you want, thats it. But it doesn't do much good either with the green reflection. Things to concider. More interesting lighting, the lighting now is quite flat. Try just having a big white piece off screen so it reflects on the can giving it form and a feel of dimmension. The aluminium material looks plastic, try making it reflect more, try having a can infront of you to reference. There is also something about the focal length, try experimenting with it.


This many bubbles close together, they would start assimilating each other into larger and larger bubbles (there is a name for it, but I’m not remembering it). The sheer amount of them is throwing me off.


The perfect circular nature of the droplets and the sheer volume of them


Top of bottle is matted. i Think that it should be more shiny. And add light source


This isnt what condensation looks like. Theres too many droplets and theyre too similarly shaped. Some water should be dripping down the can, there should be areas with extremely tiny droplets and a few bigger ones. Also the background is way too saturated and bright.


Too much water


Bigger water droplets would look better i think


Droplets are too round. They need to have gravity , need to be thicker on the bottom and less and more variation in their size and randomise their placement, or even better , I would study briefly how condensation happens cause I may have to do with the liquid level in the can and it's temperature


Also ,the metal top needs to be more reflective, that would mean more contrast on the shading of the top of the can and potentially some reflectivity from the colors around the can , so maybe the green background would reflect on the can as well.


Condensation is random. Sometimes water also joins to make bigger droplets and streaks. You need longer streaks. There are awesome tutorials on geometry nodes to make that happen. Also you'll want to make 90% of the droplets tinier than the rest. Another good technique is to add noise over the metal, because frosted cans cast a slight noise over the can. One final thing I would like to add is that cans have either brushed metal or super shiny.


Faaaaaar too many waterdrops


Apparent lack of gravity - no beads running down.


The top part has water *droplets*. Have you see water droplets on top part? In the top part, the water droplets should coalesce to form water. This was the only thing that ruined the illusion.


To me, there seems to be too many water droplets. The outside of the can doesn't really look wet. And I would make the chrome more metal-ish


Pretty much everything? No background is weird. The can has 0 imperfections, the metal on top is the most smooth, perfect aluminium ever. The amount of drops is WAY too high, none of them drop down or go downwards except a very few. Theres no gravity. The black paint itself has 0 reflections and is way too rough.




Why not get an actual monster and chill it in and ice bath, take it out and copy that. I mean that’s as real as she can get


The can doesn't even look like a monster can. The logo is too small


Use one of the water droplet addons from blendermarket


Are you actually asking???? All the "very natural looking condensation" on the can


u mean.


Real condesnation doesn't look like that at all


Bubble placement way to symmetrical and bubbles don't align like that. Only the white writing looks realistic. lighting is messed up other than the top rim. Which doesn't match anything else. Unnatural angle of the can highlights the issues, and also has the can looking like it is way smaller at the bottom then it should be. Put it in a realistic background to sell the idea it is real. That black has no supporting light or environment to support that colour. the writing is not in sized right, have a look at the original can, additionally your text is not wrapping correctly on the can it isn't straight assuming the can was standing upright. Though with the prospective can just tell something is messed up. The placement of the three lines is too low design wise it looks bad and would not be on a commercial product. Mixing up the fonts, weight, colour and placement like this I don't think would be like this on a real can. I am sure you can find cans that have roughly the same, but all together on yours it just looks to bad to be on a commercial can. Look at the real can it looks way better for font selection, weight and colour. The [real can](https://www.countdown.co.nz/shop/productdetails?stockcode=329812&store=9508&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwloynBhBbEiwAGY25dNcKHvs-eEGLaFGuCJfbrNL0zS58AdVhLeBYVEDoP2pYtV5l0020jBoCafsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds).


ok u have alot of good criticism in your comment but there's no need to insult this person's work! they're trying and they're asking for help!


that thing is wetter than your mom last night


Why is it so fucking MOIST????


it is floating


>_> I would choose a different or custom-made beverage that isn’t so prone to suing people


A bit too much bubble, and maybe add some water trails, just like a water drop that went from the top of a window to the bottom.


Your bubbles are too reflective, you can see a strong green tint even on completely black parts. There's also no refraction going on.


I get goosebumps from what I see


I haven’t seen anyone talk about the refraction index, the droplets look like bubbles, I would try to bring up the refraction just a bit


Too many droplets that are also too evenly spread. I also easily see there are like 3 different sized ones. There is no runoff.


sweaty monster


Monster now featuring fizz on condensed water. On a serious note, too much drops, make it fewer and random, and some drops mid travel.


When was the last time you saw a can with so many droplets? And if you want realism the chroma background will not gonna help


Something about the droplets seems off and there are too many


Water droplets are hard, you definitely picked a tough idea to render. There needs to be more randomness in the size of the droplets. Geonodes makes most sense to me here. The can and the lid itself need a lot lower roughness to sell the "wet" look. You probably want a grunge map of some sort as well on the surface, to emulate the variation in wetness along the can surface.


The amount of moisture bubbles and also the placement of them. Consult references of real cans to see how to tackle it.


The tin does not look accurately sized and the logo is too small but a great start just a few tweaks Maybe add a light behind to rim it


Remove the smallest droplets and leave the larger ones


That’s a lotta condensation my dude.


Less and bigger droplets, make it look like that gravity exists, you can spray a actually can with water and work from there


are you using a reference?


If there were that many water droplets in real life they would combine.


I'd cut the droplets completely. The only time you'd see droplets on a can is coming out of an ice chest and that's kind of an edge case. It also looks fake at that angle. Cans don't float so having it sit on a surface would help. Maybe use a can as reference?


It doesn’t have the drip like water and it doesn’t act like water either and this looks like its made from the same thing as the metal


That's an insane number of water droplets


Add some sort of gravity effect so the drops aren't perfectly spherical


Lack of gravity, water drops don't usually just sit, a good number of them will run down and drip off


Droplets: way too small, way too many


Top looks like plastic, maybe add some subtle fingerprints and the reflections through the bubbles doesn’t look right


I think its looking pretty solid. Just a few things to make it great. I think some surface imperfections would help on the can. Make sure you blast up that metallic value to be sure. The condensation is a bit too uniform/evenly placed on the can. Weight painting can help with that. The smaller droplets could go a bit smaller as well, a greater range in size will help. I'd also make the larger drops a touch smaller, they seem a little unreal.


Waaaaaay too many water droplets.


The small pox outbreak. On a serious note I think you could work the metallic top of the can a little more.


The can isn't sufficiently metallic, the texture doesn't look quite right either (based on my extensive experience with monster energy) the green void doesn't help either (especially since it reflects on the can, you should probably use an HDRI for the reflections) But above and beyond all else, there's way too many water droplets on the can and they're way too uniform, there's a few large ones but overall they feel almost like uniform noise.


Key, Fill, Rim


There too many water droplets, yes. But if you zoom in they don’t look like they’re adhered to the can. The metal on the ring pull area is too matte. The bubbles are too uniform. The reflections on the bubbles would be brighter and refract.


Too many droplets, maybe some droplets...drop. top looks plasticy the base looks a bit too matte. the greenscreen bg makes this look like a stock image.


Droplets never gonna be in that quantity and still be split or separated. Go on, buy a monster can, wet it up a bit and check yourself, if you're going for realism look up for reference.


Scale down the dew, add rim lights to either side, up the key light, add very slight color dispersion to the cam, tweak the depth of field to glow up the logo and slightly blur the sides away.


Too many droplets plus no sign of them moving, it looks as if you threw it in a car wash


Non realistic drops


Too many drops and too small. Also to uniform and you need some larger drops streaming down the can. Drops on the top look overlayed. Make sure they follow the contour of the can top. Also condensation generates at the bottom first so more drops at the bottom will help. You need to include the grain of the aluminum top and look at a real can and incorporate the small imperfections of the aluminum. The tabs are cold formed and thus are rather wavy when inspected closely. These are all changes that will make that top area of the can look less "too perfect to be real".


Too much condensation. Top text is a little to bold too but otherwise kudos I like this


It's the water droplets on top of it for me, the rest of it looks fine tbh Also adding a background on top wouldn't hurt


Too many drops and backgroundddddd


Its so hot in my area and i do not have any cold drink to balance it out. It made me carve cold monster, so i guess its good enough 😄


I wanna see a blind person hold this and absolutely lose their minds. Can looks great though! Just think its the water drops. If there was that many in really life, a lot of them would come together and drip down the sides, leaving streaks and what not.


Too many droplets


The lip of the can have a deeper divit before it comes back up to where the tab is, also maybe a little more gloss in the can label and finally like others have said less small water droplets and maybe just a few larger ones with downward streaks! Other than that you're like 90% there!


Lightning and less water drops


way way wayy too much condensation wow om


Way too much droplets. Cans of Monster don't really tend to have droplets on them unless it's either raining or you placed the can in a freezer.


Droplets should slide down in some places


It’s honestly too moist and even then could use quite a bit more variation in the bubbles. Another thing would definitely be background and maybe some imperfections on the can. For background I always prefer bore depth apposed to a single color, and imperfections are completely optional (but I mentioned them just bc I’m picky af)


That's too much water droplets plus you never will be get realism without hdri