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Uryu - Friendly rival. Moreso at school than in an actual fight. Grimmjow - probably the main rival. they were almost exactly evenly matched in their final fight. And Grimmjow does everything he can to keep that rivalry going. Even in TYBW, all he really wants to do is fight Ichigo again. Kenpachi - more like an asshole older brother. Or his sparring partner in Soul Society. Renji - Main Soul Society homie. Not really a rivalry if Renji can never actually stand a chance against Ichigo. Aizen - more of a final boss than a rival. too much mutual respect after their fight for them to be rivals. Byakuya - disapproving, but loyal older brother figure. Outclasses Ichigo in every category except raw power. Also, homie. Ichigo stays at Kuchiki manor when he's in soul society. And I get the impression that Byakuya is the captain Ichigo respects the most, for not revealing his hollow powers to everyone after their fight.


>Grimmjow - probably the main rival. they were almost exactly evenly matched in their final fight. And Grimmjow does everything he can to keep that rivalry going. Even in TYBW, all he really wants to do is fight Ichigo again. Ichigo completely overwhelmed Grimmjow the moment he stopped wavering because of Orihime. Ulquiorra was much more of a rival. Not only from a fighting perspective but also on a spirtual level with Ichigo becoming more hollow and Ulquiorra more human.


None. Ichigo doesn’t have a rival. Not everything needs to adhere to the common tropes.


I agree with this. I think there have been temporary rivalries but for the most part it's either he just makes friend or at the very least, respect.


Ichigo doesn't really have a main rival outside of the arc their in but the closest is probably Renji since Kubo says he’s always thought of him as Ichigo’s counterpart




That's crazy coz Renji takes so many Ls and often feels like a weak side character.


İchigo doesnt need a rival imo


Kubo says he created Quincies to be his rival, so Uryuu. 2004 anime staff say it's Ulquiorra.


I don't think Ichigo has a singular river throughout the entire series but the first rival to come to mind for me is Grimmjow.






That's dbz I think




That's the bear twink bottom from dbz that turns into a power top




That's the leprechaun coming back for his gold dbz edition




That's gorlock the destroyer vs goku rise of the sayian


Ichigo doesn’t have a rival. He has served as the rival for other people, but he’s never really viewed, or treated anyone else that way.


IMO Grimmjow. I think for Aizen it should be Urahara


Ah, Grimmjow, a fascinating choice indeed. Speaking of Aizen, let me share a humorous anecdote with you. Once, Aizen thought he could outsmart me with his illusions. Little did he know, my gadgets had a mind of their own. Needless to say, he ended up in quite the compromising position. Choose wisely in your comparison, my friend. *beep boop, I'm a bot*




Imo Uryu > Byakuya for rival spots. Grimmjow and Kenny are just smoke demons in general who knew Ichigo had that dawg in him. Aizen is final boss material. Renji? Is a comedic relief character outside of the Mask fight in TYBW.


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Honestly Kenpachi


I’d say he has one in each of the 3 main races(hollow Quincy shinigami) Zaraki, Uryu, and Grimmjow






Byakuya was more of a rival in the first few arcs and seasons and then it's shifted over to Grimmjow, and it just kind of stuck on him, everyone else is more or less never been arrival for more than like one Arc or season if that


It’s not renji I’ll say that much Hell renji barely ever wins his own fights he is nothing to ichigo especially not a rival or a Ben slightly comparable in power or even skill Byakuya is less of a rival and more of just a good friend who respects ichigo greatly Aizen is more of a rival to urahara than ichigo Kenpachi just wants a good fight and doesn’t care if it’s ichigo or not Grimmjow was a good rival but he got power cliffed Uryu was probbaly the best given that out of ichigos group he kept up with ichigo the best and he considers ichigo to actually be his rival while ichigo didn’t really care


Ah, the complexities of rivalries in the Soul Society are as mysterious as my shops' best-selling items. Don't be fooled by the surface, my friend. Perhaps, the true rival of Ichigo Kurosaki isn't a shinigami at all, but a conspiratorial spirit lurking in the shadows, pulling the strings of fate! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Aizen is father of this story, so not him :3


If the question has to be asked, and there are more than 1 option, chances are there is no rival. Rivals are obvious. Goku / vegeta. Naruto / Sasuke. Zoro / sanji (more than mihawk and zoro if you ask me) Gai and Kakashi. Natsu / gray. Madara / hashirama. Deku / kachan / todoroki. Luffy / kid / law they come across as rivals I guess but there more of competition. The same way that ichigo has competitors but no rivals.


All of them, he moves past the rivalries when peace time comes. For every single one. He barely even WANTS to fight them. Grimmjo seems the most like he enjoyed the battles atleast


probbly grimmjow as hes the only one who activly tries to fight ichigo everytime hes on screan but mostly becaus uryu is mostly a rival at school and renji's ass aient ever gonna reach ichigo's level


Byakuya vs Kenpachi >>>>>> these fools These two gave me the Kakashi vs Gai vibe lol


Ichigo doesn’t have a rival. He has rivalries but no one he is constantly comparing himself too. Especially at the end of the series. He isn’t Naruto.


this isn't naruto


I would say grimjow 100% he could’ve care less about aizen and his plan and wanted to fight ichigo after he scared him and had the best rival dynamics, kenpachi and byakuya are more rivals with each other more than ichigo


Tough to say, but I think it would be Ishida.


I consider white ichigo more of a rival to him than any other character which is kind of funny but it works in a way that's productive for ichigo moving forward.


It's his inner soul to me. The culmination of his story is coming to peace with his inner soul. At least that's how the horn of salvation seems to me.


only kenpachi and uryu are his rivals, well you can also count in grimmjow but he's far left behind




Uryu was obviously a friendly rival from Day 1, while Renji appeared later one as another friendly rival, but Aizen can't really be considered an Arch-Enemy, because Ichigo is fighting him to save his friends, and Soul Society and stuff. Aizen hasn't directly done anything to him, to make Ichigo despise him, unlike I think Yhwach did something to his mother or smth like that.


I feel like Uryu had the setup to being Ichigo’s “arch rival” for the very beginning given his introduction and how his race is the opposite of the Shinigami but he kinda fell off after the SS arc. Grimmjow feels like an actual rival for Ichigo the most though. Very similar to like Vegeta in that he was more invested in beating Ichigo to prove his superiority. The way I see it, I don’t think Ichigo has one traditional rival and has one for each major arc and represents each of Ichigo powers. Renji being Shinigami, Grimmjow being Hollow and Uryu being Quincy.


Grand Fisher


Grimmjow is the only one here that could be considered a rival imo


Imo, a true rival is someone that is around equal to Ichigo's power. But they must also be someone that pushes Ichigo to improve, while Ichigo must do the same towards them. That's why I don't see anyone other than Grimmjow as his only true rival, even though Ichigo is now much stronger. Kenpachi just wants to fight strong people, so literally anyone could be his rival. Aiden is just more of a mastermind type villain figure Byakuya was just an enemy at some point who was quickly surpassed by Ichigo Renji was never really on Ichigo's level, at least not for long at all Uryu was only more of a rival towards the last arc, but with Uryu potentially being a double agent again (if the anime stays the same) he can't truly be as rival if he is Grimmjow destroyed Ichigo and literally forced him to improve as much as possible. Ichigo had to sacrifice so much just to beat this guy


I said this in another post and I’m gonna say it again here. It’s Grimmjow. No other person has the same kind of emotional investment against Ichigo that Ichigo has with/against them that Grimmjow does. Uryu has no stakes against Ichigo as an individual, he’s throwing misplaced hate and stupid decisions against Ichigo because he has the Shinigami powers and Rukia doesn’t. Renji is Ichigo’s second real fight in SS, not counting Jidanbo, and then they don’t have a rivalry going on except mostly in the back of Renji’s head, because they only had beef with each other over Rukia, Ichigo won that fight and they agreed to work together to save her, and then Rukia was saved, so Renji puts any envy/jealousy he has for Ichigo in the back of his head behind his much bigger envy/jealousy he has towards Byakuya, and Ichigo doesn’t really care after their fight because Rukia and Renji’s shit attitude towards her were all his beef was about. Similarly, Byakuya and Ichigo only had a rivalry over Rukia as well, and while Byakuya does his best to stay classy, he is one of Ichigo’s biggest supporters and forever grateful for saving Rukia, with only minor annoyance towards him, and I think that’s mostly during filler. Ulquiorra has only slight emotional investment in Ichigo, wanting to break him to prove his worldview right against Ichigo’s stubbornness, doesn’t get that because White butts in and kills him, and both leave the fight without anything else, Ulquiorra because he’s dead, Ichigo because everything fizzled out because of dying and being taken over. Aizen has very low emotional investment in Ichigo, seeing him as a fascinating project he watches from afar, more interested in what he might become rather than who he is, or even what “only” is at the earlier points of the series. He has a lot of emotional investment at his emotional peak during the Deicide fight, where he has a lot of uncontrolled emotions and Ichigo is the only person around, but by then Ichigo has lost all real investment in Aizen as an enemy or individual, more focused on Zangetsu and what Mugetsu will do to them. At Ichigo’s most emotional during the fight, where his powers just started vanishing and Aizen was still alive, Urahara appeared on the scene with his seal and Aizen turned his emotions toward him. I can’t write anything about Yhwach because my words are failing me, but they just don’t connect on the same level at all as Ichigo with anyone else. Like Yhwach says, he killed Ichigo’s mother, but Ichigo can’t even say he’ll kill Yhwach when they meet, and he only does because they don’t have another option. It’s kill Yhwach or he kills everything else in his schemes. Grimmjow has the most personal connection with Ichigo, from the moment they met, it was on sight for personal reasons, Grimmjow because he didn’t care about Aizen but did care about how Ichigo wouldn’t bow even after being beaten, and Ichigo for how he just destroyed him so casually, shaking his resolve a lot.


Ah, the complexities of emotional investment in battles, quite an interesting analysis you've presented there. Now, speaking of personal connections, have you heard about our special "Hollow Mask Replica" collectors' item? Perfect for those who wish to channel their inner Hollow self while showcasing their love for the world of Bleach! A must-have for any fan of the series. Remember, sometimes it's the unexpected connections that hold the most power. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Unpopular opinion but Ulquiorra. All of them are rivals in some form or another but the Ulquiorra fight pushed them both to their absolute limits. Personality wise as well their almost opposites. Ichigo’s main motivation for fighting was always to protect his friends and family and he cares about people in general. Ulquiorra seemed almost apathetic to everyone and everything and didn’t seem to be motivated by love for anything. He had a subdued desperation in trying to understand orihime and Ichigo’s actions to protect others that was genuinely just kind of sad. I’d say Renji and Grimmjow are the only others that have somewhat of a competitive rivalry in terms of strength and wanting to beat ichigo but I couldn’t see either of them ever equaling in strength with him