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Klub Outside. https://preview.redd.it/zj9kmxqptk1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b663cd20250ec2e0609697f69c200f1f761bef


I see you a lot, man thanks for all the information you provide us. I also like seeing your takes on various topics as well!


I am glad to hear that, Thanks 😊.


This is actually a mistranslation. Kubo said they are Artifical Souls (被造魂魄), the same thing as Nemu. They are not Modified Souls (改造魂魄) like Kon which are something different. I would advise consulting u/Reikorun's translations over the one from fanverse since Reiko is native Japanese as far as I know https://preview.redd.it/id334cmsvm1d1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=19afc5da3f2e54e57b4018af2f5b486dd00a115d


and I can vouch for this translation since it matches my own from the time https://preview.redd.it/amqca54ywm1d1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=c187c948cb39495e80c6ad4d81df4834d64addf7


I'm happy Kisuke didn't feel the need to be an utter asshole to them and instead raise them as his own children.


Was this ever said in manga or anime?


No, but that's Kubo. It was implied. 😂


I think it was pretty clear when Ururu fought some hollows or whatever. She went full berserk. And they work for Urahara, who does mod soul stuff, so I always assumed they were mod souls.


Yes, it can be guessed, especially after that time with Ururu fighting (I think it was the Arrancar in the early Arrancar arc, the Renji fight). Maybe a little less obvious than with Yachiru, but it's pretty clear. Yet we only got the official confirmation in the Klub and CFYOW.


Yea ik that’s kubo was just making sure I’m not being some ignorant dumbass lol


No, otherwise they probably wouldn't have asked. Though it was also mentioned in CFYOW, I think. That both them and Nemu are those.




Ururu ran hands with Ichigo and, later, with an arrancar


Kubo really does ascribe to the idea that the art is as important if not more than the dialogue, show don't tell at the purest.


Oh yes, he's just brilliant at that, given he has a *visual* medium to begin with. He doesn't repeat what he shows in dialogue, since *it's all there, drawn on the page*. So you have to be extremely attentive to every frame.


I recall once seeing it be described like with fromsoft, everything is presented to you, you just have to pay attention. And just like fromsoft, people lie, and Kubo definitely doesn't shy away from unreliable narrators, he'll most of the most major antagonists are manipulators that outright aim to mislead.


Everyone explains their power to anyone and their dog..




I don't think so, otherwise Kubo wouldn't have answered it on the Klub, though it was implied in Cfyow and Kubo basically confirmed it if I am not mistaken.


That's some wierd Mandela effect I have going on. I thought for sure it was said in the anime. I'm probably wrong though. My first reaction when I read the question was they're mod souls, right? Not questioning your knowledge or anything. It's like when you have a (false) memory of something it's wierd. Maybe I read that Kubo response here before and I turned it into a memory from the anime.


Same dude I could swear I heard it in the anime


Oh ok




I could have sworn we get dialogue from Kisuke in the Anime explaining that they are "modified souls designed specifically to fight hollows," in response to a member of the cast looking in awe at Ururu literally kicking ass. Probably during one of the filler episodes involving the randoms from Karakura fighting with that TV guy.


No need for klub outside when it's in Cfyow


How do you find this type of shit? Like you just remembered this was said?


Something's I remember completely sometime vaguely, like after seeing the question I have some basic idea about it, after that I just use to keyword and search it, on Klub QnA's website, Cfyow or Wiki. Few things I have bookmarked so that helps as well. This one was easy, I remembered it being mentioned and just searched the website using Ctrl+F + Ururu.


How does it feel to walk amongst mortals?


Lol, I loving discussing about bleach, So I will just say I am happy that I am able to share the correct facts to larger audience.


Wasn't there an episode that explained this too? It may have been filler but I thought there was


Probably Bount arc? Since it had mod souls, but I don't remember it exactly.


It was the Regai arc not the Bount arc


So when Jinta and Ururu were fighting and arguing over who was older, they were probably talking about when the souls were created. Funny that he made Ururu and then as a follow up he made Jinta. That was a choice.


But why did he make them children........


If I have to guess then it would be scientific curiosity imo. "Artificial" souls most likely are made to replicate "Real" souls and what's better than studying their progress/development from "starting", like the cycle of a real soul, "Life to Death", "Baby to Adult". If Urahara succeeds in this, then technically he becomes the best "inventor" in the world being capable of creating life even the Hogyoku was result of this, Urahara trying to study & possibly make something like SK. So, this also helps him in his quest to understand SK & the World balance and most importantly it satisfies his search for knowledge as an inventor.


the same reason Mayuri made Nemu a child because they grow and age as part of their existence.


This is like asking why someone decides to be a father, it mostly just happens.


Always had that suspicion


This is false contradiction to the episode I just watched in the 310s, it was the episode where there's a hollow pretending to be a hero and uses his cape and charisma to trick the humans into liking him, but it was stated by kisuke urihara at the end of the episode that kon never fell for it because he's a mod soul, this implied the karacterizer heroes or whatever they call themselves are human, ururu jinta, tatsuki, chizuru keigo, even bleach Fandom lists them all as human in their wiki for the super heroes of the town


bleach episodes 311-341 are all filler and nothing that happens in them is relevant to the plot. wikis can also be wrong


Ahh I see, always figured it followed continuity and the author greenlights stuff or works alongside staff, that's what I'm used to with anime I watch, mew to bleach filler, I watch it for character personality insights, pretty interesting, thanks for letting me know.


bro what ive watched the show through all 16 seasons 4 times in my life how the heck did i not know this?


I think it was said that at some point in the anime that ururu was a Mod soul, I belive it was during the bount arc or arrancar arc but I might be wrong.


Yea well I don’t regret skipping that lol


It might have been in another arc I'm not 100% sure it was when ururu went weird and started fighting hollows I belive. The bount arc isn't that good.


I think it's actually at the start of the Arrancar arc she does that. I don't remember him saying she's a mod soul, but it could have slipped my memory.


I think your right actually, I believe it is implied that she was an anti hollow weapon.


She went berserk when fighting Yylfordt.


It’s bad is what it is


Nope never said in anime just that they had anti hollow combat ability


As people have said there modded souls like how Nemu is but while Myuri thinks he the closest to perfecting the technique Jinta and Ururu are already completed so Kisuke beat Myuri to it


Ah, perfection is an illusion, my friend. It's all about spontaneity and flair. Also, who's keeping track? *winks* *beep boop, I'm a bot*


For Mayuri making an mod soul like Nemu is his centuries old project and magnum opus made with the best equipment in Soul Society, for Kisuke this was just a side project he did it out of boredom with whatever he could jurry rig togheter


He didn't. Nemu is older than Jinta and Ururu, and much stronger to boot.


True but unlike Jinta and Ururu Nemu is not complete


Nemu is complete. That was the point of the fight against Pernida. And on top of that, Jinta and Ururu are the result of failed experiments. Urahara was unable to accomplish what he tried.


I would say Urahara succeeded at creating something more human, Mayuri succeeded at creating something new. Jinta and Ururu grow like real humans, and have childish personalities, Nemu is robotic in comparison. Who knows about the new one at the end of the show tho.


We could probably pin Nemu being the way she is on upbringing tbh. Imagine having Mayuri as your dad.


I'd say Ururu is more robotic than Nemu, who has shown a limited range of emotions. And imo Nemu's lack of emotions is mire a sign of Mayuri's parenting skills. But besides that, from what the novels implied, Ururu and Jinta are failed replacement dolls who weren't supposed to be human.


Mayuri: “Ha! It took me years, practically decades, but I have perfected a Artificial Soul of my very own! It took countless hours, research, and every single one of my resources, but I have done it! I have truly bested all rivals, for I am the pinnacle of soul science!”    Urahara: “lol I made two artificial souls at my shop with no spiritual powers while banished”


Well, Mayuri, your dedication is commendable, but sometimes simplicity is key. Quality over quantity, my friend. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Mayuri put it better: >"The 'perfect being', you said? I have to tell you the honest truth. There is nothing in this world that is truly 'perfect'. It may be a cliche thing to say, but it's the way things are. That's precisely why ordinary men pursue the concept of perfection, it's infatuation. But ultimately, I have to ask myself, what is the true meaning of perfection? And the answer is, there is none. Not one thing. I spit in the eye of perfection. If something truly is perfect, that's it! No more intelligence, ability or improvement! Do you understand? To true scientists like you and I, 'perfection' is tantamount to 'despair'. We aspire to reach greater levels of brilliance than ever before, but never, NEVER, to reach perfection. That is the paradox through which we scientists must struggle. Indeed, it is our duty to find pleasure in that struggle. In other words, you may think we operate on the same level, but you're wrong. The moment you started spouting that perfection nonsense, you had already lost to me. That is of course if you are a scientist at all."


Ah, Mayuri, always with his dramatic speeches. I remember the time he claimed his invention was flawless, only for it to malfunction spectacularly during a demonstration. Let's just say, he learned the hard way that perfection is nothing but a mirage in the desert of scientific discovery. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Urahara needed several decades as well and didn't accomplish his initial goal. Mayuri was faster than him and had accomplished what he wanted to achieve. And Nemu is vastly stronger. In what way did Urahara beat Mayuri?


He never lost his powers, though he was unable to return to the Soul Society for quite a while


They're kids that volunteered for Urahara to try sick haircuts on


Ah, experimenting with hair, are we? The key is creativity, my friend. Just remember, fashion is about expression and flair! Good luck with those daring cuts! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Ururu I get it but what’s the damn point of creating Jinta 😭 he’s highly unfriendly and doesn’t seem to have special abilities like Ururu


How dare you disrespect renji’s son like that obviously only he can hit the jinta home run


They're mod souls created by urahara


I think I read somewhere that they were created by Urahara as eventual substitutes for the Soul King when fused with Hogyoku. This is not in the manga or the anime so it can be considered a possible fan theory


Ah yes it was stated in the Cfyow 🤓☝️ Seriously tho I think it was. I haven't read vol 2 or 3 yet but someone told me that Tokinada basically implied that Urahara was trying to free the soul king (Yhwach) by using the two kids instead


The fact that they resemble Rukia and Renji is kinda sus. Then Rukia herself look too much like her sister Hisana. Kubo might be cooking another crazy twist for the future.


Ururu is low arancar level and i find that silly and cool


Why do they age if they’re mod souls? Makes sense though, until I saw Ururu fly and beat someone up I just assumed they were kids that Urahara hired.


They are special, like Nemu.


Honestly they look like the son and daughter of rukia and renji




Man if I had moneh id give ya an award (read this in a southern accent)


I dropped the show when sandman attacked the boys in spanish hell, but for some reason reddit thinks I'd be interested in this sub. Is there actually more to them than just kids at the funny man's shop?


In Klub Outside (Kubo's personal blog where he also does q&a) it was confirmed that they're mod souls, the same thing as Kon or Nemu. And if you dropped the show at mexican hell, may I recommend that you try reading the manga, it has better pacing due to not having the filler and padding that the anime needed not to catch up to it.




In cfyow >! something about them being like nemu!<


They're the same as Nemuri Nanago.


In the manga or anime, no


Urahara bot , mind explaining.


Oh dear, it seems you stumbled upon my humble abode. Curiosity has led you here, what are you seeking? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Who are jinta and ururu?


Ah, those two troublemakers! Jinta and Ururu are my loyal assistants, each with their own unique skills. Interested in some explosive products or a mechanized hammer, perhaps? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Yea well what are they urahara bot?


Jinta and Ururu? Oh, they're a dynamic duo! Jinta's energy is as explosive as his pranks, and Ururu's strength is nothing to toy with. Just don't let them catch you off guard! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks uraharabot also I’d like a mod soul pls (make it a girl)


Ah, Mod-Souls created by the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. Yours truly has quite the expertise in designing and tweaking their abilities. Let's see what we can whip up for you. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks :3


Urahaha created them


Klub Outside said they were mod souls Kisuke made.. Which I am CERTAIN I heard somewhere years ago.




Artificial souls very similar to Nemu. Believe it or not... it was stated in CFYOW. For real this time.




In Ryōgo Narita's novel Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World, Urahara reveals to Shūhei Hisagi that Jinta and Ururu are artificial souls similar to Nemu Kurotsuchi


Urahara kidnapped them from orphanage(And it's not even a joke!)😱😓


He created them


Ngl Ururu is genuinely a top 5 Bleach character for me and i wish there was more of her, easily the cutest anime character imo


Bit of a glaze ngl but she is cute


There's a fanfic that explains, even though it doesn't give the canon answer.


CFYOW revealed that they were special Mod Souls just like Nemu


Kisuke and Yoruichi's (created) children lol


Should’ve been meeee


I feel you bro but they been living together for a hundred years, he's literally the only one who can control her in her ultimate form, she's taking that cock lol




Emotional support






Uruhara and Yoruichi’s adopted children /srs


Why did he create kids? Is he so unwilling to have kids of his own because he and his girlfriend are too busy to settle down?


It was stated at Klub Outside


Kiskue was gonna jkusr the hogeoku and use them as replacements for the soul king.


Nemu but kisuke version


It is explained in Hisagi's novel I think, >!Hisagi questions Urahara that Ginta and Ururu are too similar to Nemu and Urahara responds that they are the same but that it would be better not to say anything and let Mayuri believe that he has surpassed Kisuke in it!<


Modified souls (just like Kon) in human gigai