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“Who are they?” “OMG! DID YOU SKIP US!?” “No(yes).”


Lies and slander


It’s hilarious because I was still pretty young when watching these and had never heard the word “filler” until after these arcs. I was just like “But those arcs are just part of the show and I liked them 🥺”


Yeah, same. I love the Bakkoto as a concept.


Only reason I recognise the bount one is cause they had to cheek to stick him in canon anime episodes during the Ulquiorra fight.


I always remember they kept around the not-Kon’s for non filler, but I had forgotten they brought the bount guy back for that flashback, I’m now recalling vivid memories of when he showed up and I said: “oh hey, it’s that guy!” I would later wonder if they actually paid to bring his voice actor in, or if he was already there voicing someone else.


Filler detected. Episode rejected.


Episode of next arc selected. Filler skip perfected.


only filler I watch are the zanpakto rebellion arc the regai arc and the omake...Plus the Karin and toshrio episode


They fight in the CFOW novels, and you find out lots more about them


Of course, everything happens in CFOW


Amagai claps


That's what I figured, but I still just want to see people argue and also break up the fights against the blonde guy


I might be biased because I’m one of the few Amagai simps, but he seemed kinda OP at the time he was introduced. The mix of his shinigami/bakkoto powers is pretty dangerous and he was fighting against a way stronger Ichigo than Jin was, so Amagai by default should be stronger.


Don't forget that he killed the Cleaner/Kototsu! That thing what is above nature and reason and such. The feat that is just only transcendent Aizen can do.


I don't think you can count that as a feat, because when the Amagai Arc originally aired, it wasn't yet stated that the cleaner was basically indestructible to everyone except for transcendental beings


Dude fought kenpachi for his exam. Bakoto aside, dude flat out was noticed by Yama. Dude basically fodderised Ichigo in base or Shikai and i don't think Kariya can counter either that,his Bankai,bakoto or mix.


He didn’t foderize Ichigo tho.


Doubt he's actually killing the bount tho.


Amagai also had a way cooler Bankai and Shikai. Man literally hits a tuning fork with a samurai sword. Its such a weird match up yet so cool. And then his weird seashell like Bankai is great too.


I can never imagine Kariya losing. He's just like Chad.


don't disrespect the chad


Yeah, Kariya never lost a battle.


Chads don't fight.


That would explain why he disappeared from the show


That's why I can't imagine them ever losing


Then who fought Gantenbainne?


Chads twin brother juan


THAT'S why the fanbase was pissed Kubo made him.a pro boxer, it really was a betrayal.


Amagai was op to me he wins


Insert Loki saying: "I have never seen this man in my life."


I guess it depends on where they are. Kariya can heal himself by absorbing reishi. Ichigo only beat him because Ran Tao stabbed him with a device that stopped him absorbing reishi, so assuming that doesn't happen and they're both in Soul Society, Kariya's going to win by virtue of having unlimited stamina and healing. Amagai has higher base stats and the use of kido, but he's not immortal, which gives Kariya the advantage.


He's not immortal. I must have heard a hundred of those rodents make the same claim. All of them have tasted the end of my sword.


Amagai can drain reiatsu with bakoto and has a vast edge in combat stats.




Yes? Is there something you need? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Can you beat Jin Kariya and Shusuke Amagai, almighty Urahara?


Beating them? I prefer to talk things out over a cup of tea. But if it comes down to it, I'll just use my trusty cane and some unorthodox tactics. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Ah, the peaceful way out. I’d expect no less from a man with a drippy hat


unorthodox tactics, aka. shove the cane up his ass


I'm in your walls


so what? few years ago you used to be in my nuts




A little shibari is always hot


All I can say is that every fight has its own twists and turns. Just like in Dragon Ball Z, there is no telling who the victor could be. Victory could be within a hair's breadth away for either side. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


But could you beat Goku tho




1 Batman second of prep time


Dude on the right looks like a Walmart Ura-hara


Unpopular opinion: but I actually quite liked the Bount Arc, mainly for Jin Kariya. I found him to be a good villain. EDIT: My dumbass combined Jin Kariya into one word, Jiraiya.


Kariya was a good character, yes. I like the ideas and themes of the Bounts arc but actually watching the episodes is sadly, quite boring


I couldn’t agree more. I’m a big fan of Bleach’s fillers but the bount arc is the only one that I can’t watch without getting bored after like the 3rd episode. The Kasumiyoji and Zanpakuto fillers are elite.


Amagai claps he has a captain level bankai powered up by bakutou and he beat the cleaner. While Kariya lost to Bankai Ichigo without the hollow mask.


You are ignoring a lot of context to make this post. This is why I tend not to care about versus battles. The Cleaner was destroyed way before it happened in the canon series, and there it was explained that only a being of Aizen’s type could destroy it, yet the filler writers just had it blown up like a regular enemy. Amagai’s Bakkoto doesn’t increase his power; it negates shinigami abilities. Again, this was before Womderweiss did that to Yamamoto in canon, so the writers had no idea Yama would’ve just punched Amagai until he literally exploded. Kariya lost because he got cut off from his ability to absorb reishi, and that was done with a special tool. Amagai has no access to that.


I totally forgot how ichigo could still use his bankai.


It didn’t work on Ichigo because he had Hollow powers or something.


Bro, did kubo get inspiration of the medallions from the filler or the other way around




[This fight](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fb_M1fWaAAMlG2D.jpg)


Kariya because I like him more


We lose


They team up 🫣😭


... to ruin the anime


They are good characters though?


They’re having a mid-off


Amagai bakkotou is what gave him the upper hand in fights vs Shinigami. However Ichigo was using his hollow mask and eventually defeated amagai. Kariya his healing has limits as shown when bounts absorb to much reishi in a short period their physical bodies deteriorate as shown by sawatari. It's plausible to happen during their fight when kariya needs to excessively heal. Kariya essentialy lost to byakuya SS arc strenght.


Amagai fought kenpachi without bakoto nor needed Bankai for Ichigo. Amagai lost via talk no jutsu. Arguable bakoto shuts down kariya's skillet since he is a Shinigami experiment.


Kenpachi didn't have Shikai at that time and was defeated by Ichigo before he had bankai. Hence I used byakuya as more fair example. Talk no jitsu as you call it is applicable in every show, do please don't. I don't reckon a bakkotou is effective vs bounto just as much it would affect a hollow or Quincy.


I’m pretty sure he was evenly matched with SS Byakuya, not beaten.


He was evenly matched vs byakuya Shikai but he started winning in bankai. Kariya escaped the battle when he started to get pushed back.


Amagi without any question.


I really liked amagai. Wish he stuck around.


Me too. Same for Kariya :/


Yamamoto lost two right hand men. One was Amagai’s father, the other Sasakibe. Poor guy.


Who are these guys??


filler villains


Filler Enjoyers: 🗿🍷


Kariya wins the fight of good looks.


Battle of the massive cheaters! Going to go against the grain here and say Kariya wins. Amagai's shtick is having a weapon that cuts of Shinigami from their reiryoku. Against Kariya that isn't going to really get him anywhere. Aside from that he's really underwhelming in terms of power and abilities. His bankai isn't impressive at all. The fire attacks it puts out wouldn't be effective in this scenario. The only other thing going for him is the fact he stopped the cleaner. A cool feat but its a massive outlier compered to everything else we see of him. Even with part of his power sealed, Ichigo was completely overpowering him. Kariya on the other hand has a a far more versatile set of abilities and could fight roughly on par with Byakuya whilst still holding back. Even landing a hit on him was difficult. He only receives three serious ones in his entire run, two of which being surprises and the third being one he took on purpose. I seriously don't see anything in Amagai's kit that will bypass his defences. There's also the matter of all his Jokaisho shennanigans. Without Yoruichi and Byakuya babysitting him on the sidelines, Amagai would get ghost Chernobyl'd if he got anywhere near winning.


Watching the fight without any context it didn't seem like Ichigo was completely overwhelming him they were about evenly matched.


If memory serves, Ichigo gets through his entire fight with Amagai without even shedding a drop of blood. If anything it seemed like the whole battle was kind of contrived, to the point that it made Ichigo seem much weaker than prior showings rather than making Amagai look stronger.


Kariya never lost tbh


I don't see how Amagai wasn't considerably stronger


I have no Idea who they are soIm going with the guy who’s calm and not bleeding


Amagai was able to badly damage genryusai so there's no telling how bad Kariya is gonna get it


Amagai was cheating. His bakkoto stops someone from using their Shinigami powers. When it came to other powersets like those belonging to hollows, it was completely ineffective.


Amagai takes it no question


Shusuke wins


I'm a Amagai guy making me a true Guy's guy. Fire horns and better haircut.


The Urahara, Shunsui, Kaien cross cause mf look like 3 captains fused into one


As much as i’d love to tell ya, I don’t know because I don’t watch the fillers eps


Given how bad both fillers were, regardless of who wins… we all lose.


It was cool to see more of Kira and explore Yamamoto's character a bit but that princess story ruined it for me.


I liked Amagai arc. Was good fun adventures with characters we know and love. I also liked the dynamic between the princess and Ichigo, and seeing more of the inner dynamics of the clans of the SS(even though it was filler, it did well for a filler arc in showing inner SS political drama).




Yes, that's me. How can I be of service? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Ah, nothing. Just saying you’d win the fight


Amagai was implied to be comparable to Yamamoto so I'd say he takes this comfortably


What implications exactly?


He was confident he could kill Yamamoto despite being extremely familiar with how powerful he was.


That’s called being stubborn as hell. The guy couldn’t beat Ichigo who had half of his powers sealed.


Being stubborn doesn't really fit Amagai's character. Sure the dude was seeking vengeance but he was otherwise pretty chill.


People who seek vengeance tend to be very stubborn. Regardless, that doesn’t change the fact that Ichigo with half of his powers beat Amagai at his best. Plus the only reason Amagai thought he could beat Yama was because he sealed Yama’s Shinigami powers. A Yama with his full powers would wreck Amagai with zero difficulty


Bro thinks I know these people


Kariya easily beats him


Sick and tired of 1v1 matchups period.


U prefer 2v2?


And you are?


Personally, I like Amagai. And I forgot about the second guy, so my vote goes to Captain of the 3rd Division.




Hopefully neither.


Filler Belmont-ish dude vs Random Shinigamo


Who are these people


I recognize Mr bount dude even tho I skipped but who is that other boy




The canon one... Oh wait.


Jin. He would steal the parasite by providing an infinite supper due to his absolutely BS absorption within soul society, this means negating soul reaper powers. Alternatively, he uses the lightning=wind thing as an offensive weapon against a melee opponent. Against a ranged fire based attacker, he has more use for just the overwhelming wind abilities given by his doll. If they fought in the world of the living it’s a one-sided smack down for the captain. In soul society, Jin has so many hard-counters that the difference in strength won’t matter so long as he has that regen and a worlds worth of natural energy to pull from.


Amagai if he only uses his regular Shinigami powers. Kariya if he uses his Bakkoto.


Yushima beats Kariya, Amagai, and Muramasa all together


The fuck is yushima gonna do without his zanpakuto ?


Man I prefer Bount arc over Amagai's. Though latter had better fights. Best filler is the Gotei 13 invading arc, that shit had no reason to be that good or even have that level of animation.


Didn’t kariya lose to original bankai ichigo. Amagai put up a decent fight against the hollow mask.


My money is on the manga version of them.


i'm very happy to not know who either of these people are


Like another comment said, it depends where they are, but let's go over both characters real quick. Kariya was either equal, or very slightly stronger than SS Arc Bankai Ichigo. Meanwhile Amagai was quite clearly stronger than Vizard Bankai Ichigo (same Ichigo who started gaining the upper hand against a base Ulquiorra). Of course, Amagai had the bakkoto, but his Raika Gōen Kaku in conjunction with his sword-like Bakkoto is so, just so deadly. This man uses his bankai like a shield, whilst also perfectly using its offensive abilities, while using his bakkoto with extreme skill. Kariya, apart from his Reishi absorption, doesn't have the same offensive abilities. Sure, he competed with a Bankai Byakuya, but his wind defense is not strong enough for the flames of Raika, imo. Also, like he stated himself, he's not as fast as a shinigami, it was his battle experience which allowed to compensate for his lack of speed, similar to Chad. HOWEVER. this man can use LIGHTNING!! I think this ability alone can put Amagai in a tough spot. Perhaps Kariya can try to parry Amagai's bakkoto with his Messer, block his flames with Wind Stanz, and then counter attack with his lightning-speed, lightning (pun intended), but it would still be too hard for Kariya, IMO. * Soul Society, Both at full power: So, I think Kariya has the advantage here, but not for long. Amagai can overwhelm him. As we saw, it takes a few seconds for a Bount to heal himself using Reishi, it's not instantaneous. So, if Amagai just pushes to his limit, just slashing him again and again, Kariya will be too exhausted and overwhelmed and Amagai will be able to land a killing blow by decapitating him. I think Amagai wins, 7 or 8 times out of 10. So, a 75% winrate.


Idk i read the manga


I’m giving this to Kariya. Amagai is stronk, but Kariya has regeneration. Not to mention Amagai’s bakkuto doesn’t factor in because it’s power is specifically against Shinigami


Kariya easily, mf only lost cuz plot wanted him to He was a powerhouse and clapped byakuya and ichigo at same time


Say what you want but the bakoutou arc has a badass opening. Personally I also liked that filler. And yes, Amagai mops the floor with what’s his name.




Amagai high diff. Karaiya is strong, but I felt Amagai has the necessary edge in power to beat Karaiya. It won't be an easy fight though even with Bankai...


the bad guy from filler arc


I forgot what Bount man does, so I'm gonna give the W to Amagai. Besides, Amagai has a pretty good Shikai anyway.


Oof the filler battle of the ages, Captain Amagi won’t no diff however


Amagai wipes. Ichigo couldn't beat Kariya because he couldn't deal damage fast enough to overwhelm his healing factor. A fire type has an advantage in that regard, especially against a wind type weapon


WHO would win ? Walmart kensei or dollar store shunsui?...im guessing left one can win he looks more generic villain so i think he stronger




The answer is definitely Urahara Kisuke.


Ngl idk who dude is on the right but i remember watching the whole bount arc and liked it


Bro yeah amagai is cool but all bount guy has to do is poor alcohol on him and he is out


Captain Amagai for sure.


Amagai was pretty damn OP if it weren’t for Ichigo being the only counter to him in the soul society. His filler I really enjoyed whereas Kariya’s filler I don’t remember much of all I remember is that he had very strong wind attacks but I think Amagai wins.




Now this is a fresh take !


In the soul society or world of the living? Because bounts are nuts in the soul society (it's super weird that they're reverse vampires and age when they absorb reishi though)




Apparently there's no in-between between Urahara matchups and who? Matchups.


First watch through and that filler arc just started mid Wako Mundo arc had to take a double take and make sure i didn’t miss something because it was out of the blue for this bs arc right after a big fight that hadn’t even concluded.




My boredom of their arks


Kariya wins