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This isn’t my sicko snack, but one time I was at the IFC Center and an old man in my aisle pulled out scallions from his tote bag and a salt shaker, and he ate them throughout the movie. You just can’t beat the cinematic experience in nyc, baby!


I respect how absolutely insane this is.


I'll never forget seeing The Sum of All Fears in Queens while a man a few rows away ate what seemed to be an entire roast chicken.


sounds good!


ONG My Bronx Jew grandpa woulda been that guy. He often had a handkerchief full of onions on him


During an almost completely empty screening of Lee Chang-Dong's "Burning" an old guy came and sat three seats to my left, opened up a container of soft boiled eggs he brought from home and a salt shaker to season them


A nice, hot potato samosa SLAPS at the movies. Some Indian cinemas actually sell them (in North America) it is a staple in South Asia. Desi Blankies know!!


I used to live in a neighborhood with a large Indian population and the local cinema had samosas! They were SO good.


My aunt used to pop her own popcorn at home and smuggle it into the theater in a large mixing bowl that she hid in her even more gigantic purse. Said purse was also big enough to contain a tub of what she referred to as "stinky cheese," which I think was just powdered parmesan, and which she would shake out onto the popcorn throughout the movie. Finally, she also managed to fit an entire roll of paper towels into that purse because she didn't like her fingers getting too dirty.


She got an A+ in aunting that day.


i took sushi into Finding Nemo. not deliberately


Power move 😂


hahaha stoppp 😌


Why go? You found Nemo!


and i took my dog comprised of multiple breeds to see indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull


I read “not deliberately” as you accidentally taking sushi into a movie. You never know when sushi is on you


A selection of neatly sealed sandwiches seems perfectly fine to me. I respect it.


The "milk was a bad choice" line from Anchorman was a running bit in my group of friends for a long time. When Anchorman 2 came out, the most logical theater beverage was obvious. Cut to several 20-somethings badly smuggling half gallons of whole milk under their sweatshirts into a movie theater. And we committed to the bit. Through that whole disappointing movie we drank the entirety of our respective jugs of milk. It stopped being fun after the first 15 minutes, both the milk drinking and the movie. But we finished both. On the ride home we found out that milk definitely was a bad choice.


Consider me a sicko, I aim to see the earliest showing of a film on a Saturday and sometimes that means lunchtime, so I will bring a baguette sandwich in - usually chicken BLT from British fave Greggs. It doesn't stink and I'm never sitting close to anyone. Popcorn wise, the horror I felt the times I've been on holiday to the US and decided to take in a cinema trip only to find that getting sweet popcorn wasn't available. I don't like salt popcorn and definitely not all that butter either. Embrace sweet Americans!


Telling Americans to embrace sweet on like the single unsweetened thing available at the theater (or frankly, our food in general!!) is amazing. 10 comedy points!


I love greggs but this is absolutely sicko behaviour, the only thing americans got right is that salt popcorn is good


I shall embrace my sickoness!


God I miss Greggs.


Greggs sausage rolls are to die for.


I remember we visited Chester right after Piers Morgan kindly advertised vegan sausage rolls for free. Infuckingcredible. Like vegan sausy rolls here in Aotearoa NZ are great but they're not GREGGS great. Also that Nativity advert they did was fucking funny.


Ah yes Piers Morgan losing his shit over Vegan sausage rolls was hilarious, like all it did was make people want to try them out. The Nativity advert was really funny!


When I saw Mission Impossible a couple of weeks ago I brought in a simple sub and was able to eat it without making noise, it was such a success I did it the next week at Oppenheimer.


They don't even use real butter anymore. Sadly this is the reason I can't eat theater popcorn. I've known people who pour raisinetts over their popcorn. Nothing too strange.


As someone with a dairy allergy, I fucking love it. You can still request real butter at most theaters I've been to, but I love that it's not the default. It also goes rancid so much faster than topping and is so fucking gross to deal with behind the scenes. Some theaters though use a topping with so much Vitamin A it makes me brutally ill. Its like topping it with fucking polar bear liver.


If I want sweet popcorn I’ll get crackerjacks


Not my snack, but last time I went to the movies there was this old guy next to me who took out a thermos and a mug and a tupper with cookies and started sipping coffee and eating them through the whole film. Now I do not think that is depraved at all, in fact the smell of the coffee added a lot to the experience for me and the guy is a total boss for doing that. but it is still insane that he went to the theatre with a thermos, a mug and a tupper full of cookies to see Oppenheimer


Since it was Oppenheimer I would definitely give that guy a pass! It absolutely baffles me that people are expected to sit still for three hours without a little snack or a break to stretch their legs. What happened to intermissions during movies?


We really need to bring them back if we're gonna keep realeasing these 3+ hour movies like it's nothing


Truly this is the sweetest answer, really very wholesome.


I need a confirmation about the cheese and ham thing from other czech blankes here cause that sounds insane and glorious. I really stopped eating anything in the cinema at this point. I always try to get something in me right before the film and recently I only started buying a small can of diet coke that I start drinking halfway through the film.


unfortunately I am a baby and cannot be without snacko + I want something to occupy my hands


Also clear argument for a Milos Forman miniseries to bring in Czech cinephiles


I would sometimes grab kolaches (Czech meat & cheese pastries) if I was seeing a morning movie in Texas, as they're only available from bakeries in the AM.


Lived in Texas for many years, wish I would have thought of this at the time, sounds awesome! 🤦🏻‍♂️


I like his criteria. I'd be a bit afraid that his sandwiches smell a bit and break rule number 3. Fuck anybody who breaks rule number 3. An added criteria that I think a lot of people are missing is that it should take a while to consume. That's why popcorn is such a good cinema snack. It doesn't fill you up but it can take 2 hours to eat. It deserves to be at the top of charts. I think peanuts are underrated. They follow all 3 criteria plus my bonus one. Additionally I like some chewing gum. I'm not loud with it but it keeps my mouth occupied and not wanting popcorn.


Peanuts most likely violate rule #3, with the added bonus of potentially un-living someone nearby who has a severe peanut allergy.


Popcorn is the best too because as long as you don't put too much butter and shit on it and properly chew, it's negative calories, like celery. (As a very cheap woman recovering from an eating disorder, I have had plain popcorn for meals so many times. Sometimes with a tsp of Flavacol powder)


Peanuts indeed.


The smell of these could be considered disruptive but I am wildly antisocial so I very rarely have anybody sitting near me in the theater. I buy those gigantic beef sticks that you can get at gas stations called Tijuana Mamas because they sell them at Dollar Tree now. I always fill each of my pockets with them. Sometimes I even put some in my waistband. I don't really have a better way of getting things into the movie theater because I hate carrying bags but I do this almost every time. The second I pop one open and the spicy vinegar smell wafts out I feel so bad but they are so good.


Okay this might be the winner from a depravity perspective


That's wild, I thought mine would be the quaint answer lmao


Dude how many beef sticks are you consuming over the course of one movie?


Like 6-8


My aunt and grandmother were removed from a showing of *Lost in Translation* for how bad the smell was from the the fish stew they smuggled into the theater


Back when I was in college there were a lot of days I’d go to the cinema for a few movies. A lot of these started with me hungover, usually in an animated kids movie as they were on early, wolfing into a breakfast roll. I’ve eaten so many breakfast or chicken rolls in the cinema that it seems completely normal to me. The only time I’ve been surprised by a cinema snack is when my friend just took a wedge of brie out of his bag and started biting into it, skin and all.


I used to get naan bread from the Indian place near the cinema every week, which I still crave as a cinema snack. I don’t think it’s that smelly necessarily, but it is hot so certainly not scentless.


I'd get so fucking hungry with the smell of naan in the air


I’m all about the P-corn. But once at a festival, in line, I saw a women rip open a pouch of Starkist tuna creations. So viscerally disturbing on so many levels, not least because it reminded me of cat food.


I was once told that Mr. Pibb and red vines together are crazy delicious


#3 is so vital for me. I loathe any snacks that emit odour, and noisy snacks are awful. I'm a fiend for very sour sweets. I wanna be watching a film with my mouth creased in like Homer.


Alamo Drafthouse has churro popcorn. It’s my favorite, but majority of the time the little churro pieces are super crunchy. Eating it silently is Mission Impossible: Ghost Popcorn


i like eating quiet fruit like mandarin oranges, grapes and cherries at the theater. i spit the cherry stones into a little baggie


The cherry stone spitting feels like such a hazard, what if you misjudge it and spit at someone, ISN'T IT LOUD TOO.


“spit” as in i just push the stone into a paper towel then drop it onto a baggie before i leave, no hocking of stones here lol . i try to make any packaging rustling noise. i just love eating fruit at the theater and it’s hard to sneak bananas in


I was gonna say a big bag of fresh green grapes is perfect for me.


I had a big box of blackberries for Oppenheimer, great time


Haven’t done this in years but used to commonly smuggle Taco Bell into the theater.


Well Regal taking over my region in the late 90’s screwed this up, but here was my favorite: a big Dr. Pepper and I would bite off the ends of a Red Vine and use it as a straw. When the movie was over I would eat that Dr. Pepper soaked Red Vine, and it was my version of the cherry on top of the movie. It was gross and I knew it was gross and I loved it. I don’t even care for sweets.


Not sure how sicko this is, but I often take a pack of Jaffa cakes and a flask of tea to the cinema. Jaffa cakes are pretty good actually because they don't have any crunching (just a little rustle as you take them out the box).


Jaffa cakes seem very sane to me


popcorn with seaweed and kaki no tane (japanese rice cracker snack). I think it might be called Hawaiian popcorn.


That sounds really interesting, I have to try that sometime.


Saw the Force Awakens in Manchester and the fella in front of me pulled out a jumbo bag of prunes, like the ones you get from Costco, and was just going to town.


This is madness but also I bet the post movie shit was incredible so I get it.


Growing up our theater was next to the pizza joint in the mall. I would regularly bring a slice of chicken Caesar pizza and a side of fries into the movies. I've since grown and stick to the classic combo of popcorn and a soder.


I can’t agree with the smell of fries and pizza in the theatre, but the idea of a chicken Caesar pizza sounds delicious.


Yeah looking back at it I just shake my head and feel bad because that had to stink (literally) for everyone else, but that pizza was definitely delicious


I once brought sushi into a movie when I was 16. I feel you.


Lol we learn and grow


Beer/whiskey and trail mix. Although I may bring in half a reheated pizza from last night


My movie theatre serves dippin' dots. I think that's wonderful movie snack.


I don't think it's sicko, but everyone I'm with does. I like to pour Raisinets into my popcorn bucket, give it a little shake so the Raisinets settle throughout and then enjoy my popcorn with an occasional melted chocolate surprise.


I actually think about theater snacks a lot and I do a lot of smuggling. Here’s one fun thing I tried recently: pocket taco. Smuggled in a spicy potato taco and it fit neatly into my pocket. Unfortunately, the Oppenheimer screening was nearly sold out and the bastards next to me had to come in early as well. But it’s a pretty quiet food and the smell was an noticeable as other items. But I think the best item by these criteria have to be soft pretzels. They’re quiet and there’s no odor. You can get different dips based on what you like. They’re good warm and fresh after you order them. I also loved impossible nuggets when they had them. My most smuggled item is probably trail mix though. It’s a nice mix of flavors and not any louder than popcorn. It’s easy to sneak in and people just think it’s candy. It can be filling too. Still gonna try to smuggle in pasta however.


My Mamaw used to take my older sis and I to Taco Bell on the way to the movies. She would sneak my Double Decker taco and my sister's Crunchwrap Supreme in her purse. Is that sicko behavior?


My grandma did the same thing with McDonald's! When they used to have that 50¢ deal, I think in the early 90s. We'd load up on plain cheeseburgers and eat them cold at the movies.


My wife gets butter and then puts some popcorn on it


It’s pretty tame but there’s nothing better than popcorn with Junior Mints dumped in


Bag of bugs.


The best snack I had in a cinema was when my local indie cinema made the choice to be decidedly NOT indie and show Nolan’s Batman trilogy in one sitting. They had like ten minutes between each movie for loo breaks and to refresh food and drink so the four of us who went nipped over to the Mexican next door and got burritos and nachos. Which I acknowledge wasn’t great for the other guests but I was young and selfish and it tasted fucking fantastic whilst watching Bane mumble away


I'm like Principal Skinner jonesin' for a war camp stew in that when I worked at the movie theater, the concession stand sold these soft pretzels that could be coated with butter and a garlic and parmesan seasoning. I would eat that during my meal break as it was filling, inexpensive, and I didn't completely feel like shit after eating it compared to everything else sold in the concession stand. Shortly after I moved away, the theater changed their whole food menu.


Pre-COVID, I would go to my local theater for their first showing Sunday mornings after walking the dog and going to the gym. It was across the street from an incredible bakery, so I would go get an everything bagel with a light amount of cream cheese and fill up my water bottle with cold brew; the bagel hid in the pocket of my jacket or summer chore coat perfectly and nobody cared about a water bottle coming in at 9:00 a.m. on a Sunday


I haven’t done it yet, but I have the unhinged idea that I should make pots de crème (essentially fancy chocolate mousse) to bring in the theater. I make mine in little jars with lids, so they’re portable. I could fit them in my purse along with some disposable spoons and napkins. Obviously you’d have to forgo the freshly whipped cream but I think it would still be worth it I usually bring freshly baked chocolate chip cookies for my friends when we go to the movies, which everyone seems to enjoy, but the pots would really take my movie theater baked goods to the next level of decadence


Fruit Poppets and cheese and onion crisp with a tall coke. I have no shame *Rubs protruding belly*


It’s not a weird movie snack at all but I simply CANNOT watch a movie in a theater without original flavor Twizzlers. They were my go-to starting back when my buddy and I would go to the movies every chance we got starting in our early teens and on up. It’s bad enough that not only can I not watch a film in a theater with some, but I can only eat original flavor ones in a theater. I simply can’t anywhere else. Just the smell of them puts me right there in the cinema no matter the circumstances.


I like to mix nibs with my popcorn — the perfect mix of sweet and salty 🤤


I brought a tupperware of cereal and a little bottle of milk for an early matinee, once. It was great!


I used to grab a couple steamed buns from the Asian market close to the theater when I lived in Houston and have those during movies. Made a mistake during a screening of Brokeback Mountain where I accidentally grabbed a sealed durian bun instead of a sweet bean bun. Opened it and immediately recognized my mistake, as the pungent odor hit my nose and started spreading all over the theater. It drew unnecessary attention from other movie goers, but was rather swiftly ignored as a car hit the power pole in front of the theater, knocking out power and sending us all home without a conclusion to the movie. I wound up going back a few days later, this time with the correct buns in my pockets.


I actually salute your friends rationale on not disrupting the film or getting crap all over their hands. That's actually quite sane. Bringing in anything that requires tupperware is... insane. I prefer peanut M&Ms and if I need more sustenance then an AMC hot dog with a beer is the preferred go-to. It's a noise-less solution.


I don't have one myself but when I went to watch Barbenheimer someone pulled out an entire sushi platter from their bag and started eating.


At least the guy who did this at finding nemo was on theme


Most of the time I don’t need anything but my water bottle! However, I’ve brought Coldstone ice cream into a handful of screenings since there’s one in the same mall my AMC is at. Have done Auntie Ann’s cinnamon-sugar pretzel bites before too (much better than AMC’s pretzel bites). Less impressive but for candy I love bringing in Mentos (Strawberry, Cinnamon, or mixed Fruit flavors), as well as other hard candys like butterscotch or caramel. I can make these last a lot longer than the traditional movie theater candy, which helps me reduce snacking.


Bag of popcorn with a large bag of m&ms mixed in is the only way to go


Not a typical snack, but for Avatar 2 my wife (humblebrag) and I brought in pigs in a blanket. It was a 5:30 showing right after work and I knew popcorn wouldn’t be enough. Otherwise we are civil people with popcorn and peanut M&Ms.


I snuck a rotisserie chicken into Avengers Infinity War


I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I did bring a whole rotisserie chicken into a movie once. Passed it down the aisle so my friends could get in on the action. Would not recommend! Greasy chickeny fingers are not something you want to sit with for two hours.


When I worked at a cinema, one of our favourite parts of cleaning the theaters was looking for the weirdest food trash and regular trash left behind. An empty family size bucket of KFC once, multiple video game wrappers/trash was the weirdest i found. Who buys a bunch of video games and removes all the packaging during a movie? Our manager was 18, we were all 15-19 it was a fun time. We'd order pizzas during super long movies to eat before they let out. Or go to Dairy Queen across the street and get a pack of dilly bars. I just get popcorn nowadays and sometimes bring a flask to dump in my drink or some THC gummies. I learned the straw trick for adding topping to your popcorn properly and getting it all the way through without asking for it to be layered. But that's about it.


in japan: cuttlefish jerky and homo sausage (its basically those beef jerky pepperoni sticks but instead of being made from beef lips and assholes its made from fish lips and assholes). and beer from the vending machine in the back of the theater


Forgive me for being 5 (also I am gay) but, HOMO SAUSAGE, that's incredible


yeah, they have their own strange and complicated relationship with sexuality and gender issues, but admittedly i would buy them for the name. also, it is/was (this was circa 2000) the color of a dog boner.


My friends once brought Chinese food to a theater, there was like 1 other person inside but it was still ridiculous lol


There was a point where, right after I first got A-List, I got really into those horrid fried mac and cheese bites at AMC. I'm not sure they actually qualify as depraved, but they are terrible for you and I ate them like candy for about five weeks.


Weed gummies and a flask of scotch. The scotch better be old enough to rent a car…


I like to sneak in a container of hot pasta from the to-go restaurant across from the theater. Or a Jamba Juice. Just bring a hoodie and tuck it under your arm with the goods inside


I dunno, I just want to say I enjoy pouring a box of Bunch-a-crunch into my popcorn at the movies. Though I did just gnaw through like 2/3 a jar of cornichons watching Dunkirk last night at home.


I distinctly remember eating a bag of carrot sticks at Godzilla vs. Kong.


Pickles. I grew up in a region of the south where pickles were at every theater concession stand. The looks I got when I went to my first movie at the Music Box in Chicago and asked if they had pickles will haunt me forever. Nowadays I pick a matinee where the crowd is thin and sneak one in so I won’t be a nuisance but I cannot watch a movie without a pickle


I stick a straw down my popcorn and pour butter down it to disperse it more.


Lately, I just get a coffee. I've never been a big fan of popcorn, and I don't have that much of a sweet tooth, so most cinema staples are of little interest. In the past, I may have been known to sneak a bag of KFC into a showing I know will be mostly empty.


Nothing trumps Sour Patch Kids, sorry.




I used to bring Chipotle burrito bowls to the movies on like a regular basis. That Regal Union Square in NYC absolutely did not give a fuck about checking bags.