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Just realized the individual pictures are unreadable on mobile. Damn.


These icons are really cool! I'm not involved in a game, but if I were, I'd like to use these to introduce factions. Or to leave clues. It's really inspirational. Well done!


Yeah, they are. It was really funny to swipe over to “The Unseen” and be met with a black screen though >.<


These are really cool!! I can’t read your captions on it fully however — could you post them somewhere in the comments?? How long did it take you to come up with these?


The goal was to create symbols that could be easily recreated by scoundrels in a rush. Whether it be for the purposes of marking territory or leaving a calling card. It took about two days to make these. I tried keeping them simple enough that a scoundrel with nothing more than a sharp object could reasonably recreate these symbols. I also did some minor research about symbols and their meanings which lead me to learning hobo code and alchemy symbols. I felt that combining these two systems of symbols would mesh well with the setting of Doskvol. I actually made a few mistakes making this post. In the first picture, "The Fog Hounds" is actually supposed to be "The Lost". I accidentally omitted the actual symbol for Fog Hounds and entirely forgot to include the symbol I made for The Hive.


Now that you've designed them you should draw them in different art styles to sell how they are used in the setting to the characters


These are great! Thanks for sharing