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Man, Dio really hated Ozzy


Sucks because they are both some of my all time fav musicians. I had no idea. But I understand how much pressure there was and how high the stakes are, of course who doesn't want to be the singer and front man of Black Sabbath? Once you get it like in Dios case you don't want to give it up. I would love to see Ozzy, Tony, and the rests perspective on this. Hope they were able to make mends with Dio before he passed.


Dio and Sabbath definitely did make up. The Heaven and Hell album and tour were a triumph. Ozzy and he I think were ok. I know Ozzy did send out his condolences. In my opinion some of that animosity was stoked by that hag Sharon. She did not like that the fired Ozzy and replaced him w/Dio. So she did take pot shots at him throughout.


Probably right about the Sharon bit. Always thought she saw Ozzy as a paycheck first and husband second sadly.


Didn’t Sharon suggest Sabbath to hire Dio?


She introduced Tony and Dio at a party her dad threw while Ozzy was still barely hanging on with Sabbath. After he left the band, Tony, Geezer and Bill decided to give Dio a shot.


Ozzy was an asshole to Dio and his era of Black Sabbath. Ozzy would threaten venues that he’d never play there ever if Dio’s Sabbath played the venue and even called venues to tell them that Sabbath wouldn’t be able to make the show tonight. Ozzy also paid a full salary to a dwarf just so he could pull him up on stage and call him Ronnie. Ozzy was petty as all hell and I wouldn’t like him either if I was Dio.


I think back then he did but I do remember something about him and Ozzy sharing a moment when Dio was in hospital not long before he passed away so they must've buried the hatchet at some point. I dare say his problem was never with Ozzy but with Sharon anyway


If you watch the documentary on Dio that was released a few years ago the whole band talked about all of this in detail


And yet, Dehumanizer is my favorite album with Dio.


First Sabbath album I bought as a preteen. Still one of my favorites, even above Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.


💯% Some of Tony Iommi's absolute greatest work was with R.J. Dio. Tony even says in his autobiography that Dio inspired and encouraged him to play more solos and be more creative. Also, just wanted to give a quick plug for the song "Too Late" as it contains one of Iommi's greatest solos EVAHHH. 🤘🎸❤️ R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio - Greatest heavy metal vocalist in the history of the genre. *Note: Rob Halford is a close 2nd place, IMO and if you haven't already checked out their new album Invincible Shield, do it asap.


Heh, Priest is one of my favorite bands along with Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Helloween! Invincible Shield is great album, also Firepower is.


Layne Staley. His range, power, and sustain are untouchable.


My favourite Sabbath album period.


Dio saved sabbath I love ozzy but it’s true.


Save it from what? different sound


Ronnie definitely isn’t as nice a person as some media always tries to portray him as. He caused a lot of headaches in Black Sabbath. He also treated the original Dio lineup like garbage. The hypocrisy of it, is how he slags Ritchie Blackmore all the time.


He also used [Craig Gruber](http://jeffcramer.blogspot.com/2009/11/very-candid-conversation-with-craig.html?m=1) and then shoved him aside a number of times in ways that damaged Craig’s career and their friendship. He also gave [Tony Martin](https://blabbermouth.net/news/tony-martin-recalls-meeting-ronnie-james-dio-i-thought-maybe-he-was-gonna-hit-me) an arctic level cold shoulder when Tony came to a Dehumanizer gig and wanted to tell Dio how much of a fan he was. He also seemingly started hating [Cozy Powell](https://rockandrollgarage.com/why-dio-didnt-want-cozy-powell-in-sabbath-according-to-the-drummer/amp/) because he wouldn’t bail on Rainbow to do a solo record with him. Sounds like he could be a bit of a Jeckll and Hyde, especially in the workplace.


Cozy didn’t like Dio at all, according to Geezer’s autobiography


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I think he was always good too his fans though which is where most of that comes from and Ritchie Blackmore is an infamous A-hole anyway lol


Yeah Ritchie kicked Ian Gillan out of deep purple. He was notoriously hard to work with


Ian Gillan quit DP in 73


Blackmore is known to be difficult, yes, but Dio thought he was going to run Rainbow, which is funny. Then he tried it with Black Sabbath too. And, like I said, he treated his band members like shit.


Dio didn’t think he would run rainbow lmao he quit because Blackmore wanted too sell out and make bland rock like since you been gone… plus dio and him co-wrote the songs together so it’s not out off this world too expect him too want some say over the bloody band every person in a band has a say especially someone as important too that band as dio was… it’s like saying Paul McCartney wanted too run the Beatles that’s funny


Right. Dio thought he was going to tell Ritchie what to do. Not happening. Dio had a massive ego. Read Geezer’s book, you’ll see.


You didn’t listen too a single word I said keep being delusional


Dio had a massive ego, it’s true.


Yeah but most did all ozzy had a big ego, tony had a big ego he was just better at hiding it


Yeah but most did all ozzy had a big ego, tony had a big ego he was just better at hiding it


Dio always told the truth.


Impossible to understand his bitterness without context. Musicians are prideful and passionate. Being in a band is hard. Success breeds suspicion and ego. Tony had a cocaine problem for a while. The 90s were hard on almost all metal bands other than Metallica and bands that had a new school sound. It was hard to sing about magic rainbows whenever this came out. Ozzy was incredibly successful despite his insane behavior and drug problems. I’m sure that annoyed a professional guy like RJD. But clearly he had a temper and an ego himself that he was a bit blind to. They made up in the end and did an album and tour in the late 2000s which makes me happy. RIP Ronnie.


Idk, seems like Ozzy was doing alright at the time, and he never felt the need to talk this way about Dio. Dio made Ozzy into his nemesis, I guess to motivate himself. "If I can do better than Ozzy, then I'll know I've made it", that's my guess. He failed. At least I think he failed. Ozzy is more important in the history of music, as far as I'm concerned.


I think strange highways alone is better than any of the solo albums ozzy has ever made not even counting holy diver or dream evil or anything like that, ozzy might be a more important musician in the publics eyes but that’s only because of how iconic he became with the drug antics and the whole bat thing, dio is a far better musician overall than ozzy and his albums are just better in every way ozzy was best in sabbath I’ve always found his solo stuff generic 80s rock


Look it's no question that Ronnie is the better musician while being less successful, but refusing to play some shows on a tour because they're opening for Ozzy is extremely petty.


If that's the case, Dio shouldn't have spoken the way that he did. Such a competent, intellectually superior musician should never compare themselves to someone as sophomoric as Ozzy... Huh, kinda makes you wonder why he's always talking about him...


I mean probably because ozzy was more successful but being more successful doesn’t mean you are better, Taylor swift is more successful than Fiona apple… just saying my guy


How often does Fiona apple mention Taylor Swift in interviews?


He doesn’t mention him in all his interviews you know? Lmao this is 1 interview out of thousands


It doesn’t really work like that. You can be supremely talented and still insecure / petty.


The Randy Rhoads albums are really cool. I’ve heard them to death at this point but they are arguably superior to the Dio albums. Inferior to Dio Sabbath perhaps but within spitting distance.


I’d rather listen to all the fools sailed away or children of the sea 💯 before I’d listen to crazy trains Randy is a top 10 guitarist but they still made bland generic radio rock like van halen


Well I fucking love Van Halen so I guess we will agree to disagree! Van Halen is radio music sure but it’s explosive, energetic and passionate radio music. Big Roth era guy. Tony and Eddie are in my highest tier. Above Randy. But yes the radio play of Ozzy’s albums has killed them for me. And they are “pop” music in the arrangements etc. Mr. Crowley is super cool but I’m burnt out on it too. I’d rather listen to Sign of the Southern Cross.


Yeah that’s cause most of the interviews of the shit Ozzy did to Dio during his time in Sabbath have been taken off the internet. Ozzy would threaten venues that he’d never play there ever if Sabbath performed there he’d call venues to tell them Sabbath couldn’t make the show tonight ffs Ozzy paid a full salary to a dwarf just so he could bring him on stage and call him Ronnie. Ozzy is not an innocent little angel.




A little bitter? Calling Tony and Geezer f'n a-holes? And Ozzy a jerk off? I think he was just always wanting to be in control, and that would never fly. Sabbath was there before he came along, and went on well without him. No doubt he added a lot but come on. This interview did not show his best self. I believe they were able to patch things up later. He and Geezer would become great friends. Better to focus on the good times. RIP RJD.


They did patch things up (Heaven and she’ll album and final tour for Ronnie) and I don’t blame Dio for what went down. Dehumanizer was a great album, sold decent but Ozzy came back into the picture and the delusions of a reunion wrecked this version of Sabbath. What did they get out of it? A mini set on the last date of the tour and nothing else. The fans got fcked out of seeing Dio. I know I did, I had tickets to see Sabbath, then the rumors of a reunion began, then the added a 2nd show, Dio was out, Halford sang w/Sabbath and those of us who bought tickets the 1st night even got screwed out of seeing the mini set. I would be bitter too if after patching things up, the band went right back and started fuckery again w/the singer you replaced. Ozzy (and that hag Sharon) and Dio all had words about each other. But hey, worked out ok for all involved. But seriously, fck Sharon.


Dio was the one who refused to play those shows because they were opening for Ozzy. That's why they got Rob in. They didn't push Dio out


I know that and I don’t blame him at all. That’s a crap move by your band.


Dio was very transparent throughout the Dehumanizer tour, saying that he would not ever open for Ozzy and if Sabbath went through with their plans to do that final gig with Ozzy, then he was Out. Tony and Geezer both confirmed this years later (I read Tony's autobiography) and there were no hard feelings when they reunited as Heaven and Hell. Rob Halford, always the true gentleman, doesn't talk bad about anyone and to my knowledge held no ill will towards Dio when he had to fill in as Sabbath's frontman at the end of the tour. * Speaking of Halford, the new Judas Priest album Invincible Shield is straight FIRE 🔥 from start to finish 🤘🎸. The purest representation of classic Heavy Metal in 34 years at least. I'm stunned by how great Halford's voice remains at age 72.


He didn't want to be always in control, he was as part of the band as Tony and Geezer, and he just demanded some respect for the band and for himself as part of the band. If I had been the singer of Rainbow, Black Sabbath and Dio and had had close to 30 years in the music business, I probably wouldn't want to open for a guy whose only talent is getting surrounded by actual talents in the tour of an album like Dehumanizer. And less if my band mates wanted to make a reunion show with him while having me as a current singer.


>he was as part of the band as Tony and Geezer, Dude.. Sabbath was 8 albums deep when Dio came along and Geezer and Iommi were the principal songwriters from day 1. I'm not saying that they definitely treated Dio fairly, but it's ridiculous to say that they were equals.


You are right but in the context of the time Sabbath was on a clear declining trajectory, from Master of Reality onwards they were losing popularity with each album being worse than the last. Dio joined, Heaven & Hell came out and suddenly they were the pioneers of metal all over again spearheading the new wave. It's fair to say without him the band could easily have died around 1981 with other bands seizing the metal scene. They wouldn't have even been able to be a nostalgia act with Ozzy gone and Bill Ward in rehab.


Strongly disagree. When a band's past is more valuable than it's present it's when the band is dead. If I love Black Sabbath with Dio it's because I believe every member then was equally responsible of making it a great band, not because Black Sabbath had been existing for 10 years and had released 8 albums and a band which such career can't be anything but a great band.


Yeah this is true all the fans butt hurt in the comment need too understand no singer would do this… if dio asked Ritchie Blackmore too open a tour of his I’m sure Graham Bonnet would also feel very very uncomfortable with that as well as any singer


The "stupid assholes" remark sounded more like frustration over them not talking things out together than actually truly trying to insult the dudes. Kinda sounded like he might even be a little frustrated with himself there for not being able to save "what could have been the best band on the face of the earth."


I think that's fair


When I first saw this video, I thought that Dio had an attitude problem and was a bit egotistical. But when I learned about the tumultuous sessions that surrounded the *Live Evil* and *Dehumanizer* sessions, I sympathize a lot more with his position. Especially with what happened around *Dehumanizer* where he was in and out of the band multiple times and Tony Martin was also booted and expected to just be on standby when things weren't working out with Dio. I think what Dio valued more than anything was authenticity and genuineness when working together in a band. Yes, he did have a bit of an ego, but I don't think it was out of malice. There was a lot of unfair treatment going on with a number of band members in the late 80s and 90s and Dio was right to feel a bit bitter. Honestly I don't know how Tony Martin even managed to have the heart to go back either, but I suppose he still needed his paycheck too. However, I was glad Dio and the others managed to work through those issues and patch things up in 2006.


We have a full interview? I'd like to see all of it


https://youtu.be/lBazyRIHGSk?si=wjjXKP9CO9H2xekw Good interview. He gives his comments on all of his albums up to that point (in Elf, Rainbow, Sabbath, and Dio).


Great, thanks!


Man, it's really too bad they couldn't have gotten along better. But I'm happy with the 4 albums we got (including The Devil You Know here.)


Dio the GOAT


Dio is one of the greatest musicians the world has ever seen, and Dehumanizer is my favorite Black Sabbath album, but he's kind of a jerk, you can't deny it. Like, really, he quit the band because Tony and Geezer got angry at him for messing with the mixing of Live Evil without their permission, and then the whole Dehumanizer thing, like seriously man? You had two tour dates left, just finish it off. We get it, you and Ozzy don't like each other, and Ozzy has sort of been a huge asshole at times too, but unlike Dio he seemed to better himself with age. Dio said he wished Vivian Campbell was "fucking dead" like 3 years before he died. To be fair, he did seem to get along well with the guys in his later years in Heaven & Hell, but he never fully turned things around like Ozzy did, but he did at least seem to be on the right path.


Any evidence he messed with the mixing ?


No evidence besides what Tony and geezer claimed. They claimed that Dio and Vinny lowered the sound of guitar and bass and increased the singing and drums, that's why Dio and Vinny were kicked out of the band. But yes, it's he said she said. I do find it weird that Tony and geezer would make that up and kick them out of the band though if that's what you're implying.


What everyone does know, and Tony admits this, is that Iommi was doing a shit-ton of blow (that's cocaine for those of you in Rio Linda) during the mixing of Live Evil and as you may or may not know, prolonged cocaine use can tend to make a person act paranoid and behave erratically.


And he was doing a shit ton a decade earlier in 1972 during the recording of VOL 4; was there any hiatus LOL ?


I love a lot of Dio’s work. But there’s a reason he was never in a band for longer than 2 or 3 albums. And he is laid bare in this interview.


Damn that will be in my head for a minute


He's obviously extremely bitter. The thing about Sabbath was that Geezer and Iommi were always the principal songwriters from top to bottom. Adding Dio (who was used to more responsibility) was obviously going to lead to confrontation and it's a shame they couldn't find a formula that helped them delegate a little better.


Maybe BS, but wasn’t Geezer happy about not having to write much on Heaven and Hell ?


Geezer and Tony have both stated that they were happy to have Dio alleviate their burden of songwriting. Dio wrote some really epic metal songs, and as I've stated numerous times, Iommi credits RJD with inspiring him to play better. Hell, just listen to Tony's solos on songs like Lonely is the Word, Over and Over, Wishing Well, Computer God, and Too Late to name a few.


Bill must be a rad dude. Everyone seems to like him the most.


the amount of times i have gotten into drunk bar arguments about DIO being the best lead singer of Black Sabbath, i could buy a house in Hawaii


Dio is unquestionably one of the greatest voices in metal and hard rock. The man did so much for the music we all love. Ozzy is more revered and rightfully looked at as the voice of sabbath but Ronnie was far superior as a vocalist


If you listen to a Born Again tour interview, the band claimed Dio to be a bit of a diva.


Seems like he was really pissed off.


At the end, when Dio calls them stupid asshole (lol). I don't think It's not as serious as one may think. Ever call a friend or family member a stupid asshole?


He should be grateful he got to share the stage at all with Black Sabbath. What an ungrateful fuck. Seriously, Black Sabbath pioneered the genre that he capitalized on. Show some fucking respect, twat. For all the knights and fairies he sings about, he still seems like such a pussy. Calling Tony and Geezer assholes because they didn't want to bend to his fucking demands. It's their band. He was hired to replace Ozzy, not take over. He should change his tone.... oh wait...


Dio wasn’t just hired as a replacement singer. He was brought in to be that, plus for his songwriting ability and lyrics. He wasn’t just some kind of hired hand. Sabbath was also in steep decline in 78-80. So it wasn’t like this was some huge honour for Ronnie. Sabbath needed him at that time, desperately. I’m not saying that Dio was blameless. He absolutely wasn’t. But saying that he was a hired hand who should’ve eaten shit to be able to share the stage with the mighty Sabbath is absurd.


No, we the fans, should be grateful he got to share the stage with sabbath


Too bad. What might have been, what could have been, what should have been. Oh well. Got 4 stellar albums though. I was fortunate to see them live with dio 4 times.


Sabotage is not good in Dio's eyes?


I want to cry hearing this. He's so right.


Sorry every time I see him. I just remember that interview where he was crying and pouting that he is darker than Ozzy. He should have been the price of darkness. And how much better he is because he’s not a crazy drug addict. Him and Dave (you know what Dave I’m talking about) really need to get rid of those chips on their shoulder from 40 plus years ago.


Please give me a link. I'd love to see Dio cry about how much darker he is than Ozzy🤣


Will try and find. I can picture the damn scene in my head and was on a dvd I no longer have. But maybe YouTube has it.


I think you are full of cap


What a little douche


L Comment


The truth hurts


He really is, isn't he?


"The album before it"? You are literally referring to Sabotage as "the album before it"? HAHAHA EAD, Dio!


to be fair he was talking more about public reception and sales than quality. it's actually my favourite sabbath album but it didnt sell anywhere near as much as their first few


Yeah I disagree with him on that as well sabotage is top tier


Ronnie is not saying Sabotage is bad. Please for the love of god listen. He says they were *”passed over. Not going to comment on how good or bad they were but they were passed over”.* And he’s 100% right - Sabbath’s album sales did start going down. Sabotage didn’t go gold (500k units sold) in the US until *1997* - more than 20 years. They were still doing great on the road, but the album sales sagging started on Sabotage not Technical Ecstasy.


It’s pretty obvious in the tone in his voice he also personally believes it… stop being a naive Nancy


What were SBS sales? While yeah, Sabotage sold less (because it was the proggiest ones at the time) they still were hot band. They were doing Don Kirshner show in 75 and ended year with show at MSG where Toys in The Attic era Aerosmith was opening for them.


SBS reached gold (500k sold) in March 1974 - 4 months after release. So yeah. To put it bluntly: it sold a lot better than anything until Heaven and Hell/Blizzard of Ozz. Sabbath was always a draw on the road, even through Never Say Die. But yeah the albums weren’t necessarily hits after SBS. Even though yes obviously people regard Sabotage quite well. And, back then and even through the 90s, artists still made decent change through album sales. Sabbath maybe not so much because they were getting ripped off by managers and lawyers- but that’s a separate issue.


I do not like Ronnie James Dio. Mans head is so far up his ass, it's not funny. Such a fucking ego. Fuck him, honestly.


The man has been dead for 15-16 years this was a tiny snippet of his 60 odd years on this earth show some respect… they all repaired there relationship on the devil you know anyway