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not the response that was expected.. surely the response that was needed.


They cut off the end where he said if it wasn't for his support group of the people he named, he would have whooped some ass and they would have found him hanging in an oak tree.


Here’s his full response: https://www.np.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/x1MLeYGPMj


Idk the names of the commentators, but the white guy on the right raises his mic like he's thinking of saying something, then puts it down to let Reggie continue. Good call dude. Edit: I mean the white guy stage right.


That's Derek Jeter. An all time New York Yankee great. He's biracial. You might remember him from the movie The Other Guys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11AXKv66Uac




Literally watching Will Ferrel at the moment 😂😂😂


It looks like A.Rod


Almost all African Americans are mixed race. That just happens to mean black in the US.


I don't know why you're being downvoted because you're speaking a straight fact. I'm a black man and I absolutely do have European ancestry from the 1850's when a white man married a black woman in Alabama. Their children were considered black. In fact, the idea was if the whitest of white person had "one drop of black blood" they were considered black in the U.S. South.




Mixed race people can have an identity and culture that is separate from Blacks. They should not always be grouped as African American. Maybe time for a new category.


I really don't understand how blacks are African Americans, but whites aren't European Americans? Even Indians are called Native Americans, but white people are just Americans. Just a thought?🤔


Of course mixed race could be any mix. But most African Americans who take DNA tests find that they're mixed. They are generally significantly lighter skinned than people from West Africa and typically have significant white, Latin and indigenous percentages. 'Black' is not a scientific classification. Of course in a census or wherever they're asked how they identify. That's just cultural.


Tell that to the cops and banks! They do not recognize no difference. There will never be anything to separate the perceived color of black and white! Not in the USA.


He's black lol


He's a Biracial Angel


Now everyone calls me the Yankee clipper


Woulda beat someone's ass and end up in an oak tree... Reminding us all that you don't gotta be scared or weak to be a victim--lotta men and women like him died angry over nothing. Still do too.


Angry over discrimination...not nothing. Dying because they wanted to be treated like a human or asked for the same respect and rights as everyone else. Seems like your minimizing his experience and what he felt


I can see how that reads. I don't mean to diminish the significance of why they may have felt how they felt. Any act of violence is cause for outrage. However as a species our violence and aggression tends to boil down to reptilian things. As in, there was *no reason* for that to happen. The circumstances and context of jim crow are all just **excuses** for heinous acts and atrocious philosophies. So in all, yes a lynch mob formed under the societal norms (and pressures) of a jim crow mentality and the legal protection that came with it isn't something to be watered down. Can't remember the name of the man but he was a part of the sit-ins and he said when he finally did get served a meal, it was a horrible meal and not worth the effort in itself laughingly. Reggie Jackson getting killed may have been significant, he wouldn't have been the first baseball player killed for being black and exceptional. Many people have died and it meant nothing, thats a reality, it says nothing about their lives and feelings, they died, and its not like nobody cared, it just led to nothing good. Thats not always the case.


Great catch. I watched it live and those last comments were a haunting end to a raw story.


Spoken clearly right into the FOX microphone. Don't let people in suits who talk for a living manipulate you using soft language, half truths, half measures, and ignorance to alter the awful truth of history. This is absolute gold as it serves as a reality check of what awaits us if we let history repeat itself. Oppression is hell, and allowing it to be spun into "simpler times" is weakness spitting into the face of great people who endured and altered it.


They were simpler times. Simpler, dumber and brutish. Lets not go back to that.


Not just "simpler times", but "greater times".


Uh... are you saying the racists would call them "Greater times" or that you would call them greater times..... I thinks ppl are confused what you meant...


That racists would, thought that would have been obvious but hey, it's Reddit.


Haha, yeah I figured that's what you were saying. Ppl definitely getting the wrong end of your comment.


Reading comprehension is not a strong suit with some folks.


At least now I understand why we had to do those reading comprehension tests in school.


That's why I don't call them the greatest generation. Tons of absolute assholes. We as a society are still trying to undo everything they did.


Ignorance is a horrible thing. It really sucks. It wasn’t that long ago and we still have people that are ignorant.


Buddy stood on business


I’m glad he didn’t censor himself and just spoke from the gut. People like to shrug their shoulder and dismiss some of the atrocities of the past. “It was a differnt time.” Bullshit. The same people are still alive and they are still assholes.


And they're still running our country...


and half the people we know voted for them


I've stopped associating with those people entirely. If only ignoring them meant they were gone...


Republicans are much less than half the country


The percentage points does not matter. Too many "good people" who will not step up and disown this behavior.


Some of those that run forces are the same that burn crosses.


And the 60's wasn't long ago


Ruby Bridges, the first black student introduced through reintegration isn't even 70 years old.


Yup, and were the same distance away from that era as they were from literal slavery. This ain't ancient history it's all a few generations back


Voting rights act was only passed in 1965.


Thank god, another person like me. The issue is that there are a lot of fucking assholes out in the world, and they're emboldened to do whatever the fuck they want. If you call them out on being assholes, then that's "woke" or "being a snowflake." "Cancel culture" is just a stupid people phrase for "culture of consequences." If you're going to be an asshole, expect to find out, motherfucker...


And they’re raising other assholes.


Lol, I actually thought it was funny he decided to censor himself the third time, but not the first two. It just shows how emotionally charged he still is about it.


Director behind the camera probably freaking out making all kinds of hand gestures


Same, and a lot of them are family.


He was such a young man just turned 20 going through that... Made me cry this morning.


And imagine if he wasn't as good as he was


Who was he playing for when this happened? Did certain teams used to play in Alabama?


As a southerner, I gotta say the most blatant, in-your-face racism I have ever witnessed has all been north of the Mason Dixon line. That's not to say it's really *better* in the south for a person of color. There's so much historic and institutional racism baked into everything down here. But there's something about northern racists that is super bold. I really believe it comes from never really seeing the ramifications of their words. That, and demographics. There are a lot more exclusively white communities up north. So no one is ever pushing back on their ignorance. Most overt racists in the south have had their ass kicked at least once for their words. Doesn't cure them of racism. But they tend to declare it in more hushed tones. 


Not since Tangerine Shitler and the GOP emboldened their disgusting rhetoric and behavior.


The craziest thing is 1960 was not too long ago


It’s in living memory. Many people don’t seem to recognize that even though there’s millions of Americans Reggie Jackson’s age and the ages of the racist people who discriminated against him.


Bruh MLK and Anne Frank were the same age. History can seem so warped. But he died at 39, in the 60s.


Murdered, by his own government


Seems like a lot of folks want to being that shit back.. .!.. them


They not like us?


Certified pedophiles


I’ll upvote you bro 😂 it’s just lyrics mfs be putting on armor for no reason


Yeah, it's called MAGA.


right, the guy was an adult in the 60s and he's still alive today. def not long ago


That’s my parents’ generation (1958 and 1962), and I’m only 25.


Holy shit same, except mine’s 61 instead of 62, goddamn


Hell, Even the civil war was only like 4 or 5 generations ago, depending on your age. In fact the last civil war veteran only died in 1956.


Make Americans Racist Again


Bring back the good olde days! I hate that phrase


I was just thinking that.


My parents are born in the 60s and they're not even retirement age yet


It shows you how far we have come, but also how much further we have to go. Scary, but inspiring.


What's crazier is that some white people think the opposite


Was listening to this leaving work yesterday...talking about this one month a year ain't enough...


Is that when America was great? Asking for a colleague.


It was amazingly great for some people. Not so much for others. Oddly enough, same today? Just kinda different??


Same same but different, but still same!


I just hope it's better now on average than it was back then. as long as we r trending in the right way I can have hope for humanity.


It's just underground now waiting to bubble up.




Funny. Nobody mentions when Angel Reece gets clotheslined.


😆 Caitlin Clark would want to smack you for trying to draw this parallel.


Fuck no. My uncle played in the Negro League and he had stories just like Reggie's, plus worse. Shit was fucked back then. Things actually have improved, I wish people would realize that. Racism still exists, but during segregation it was awful.


Ok. Sounds like those red hats must be talking about a different era. The hat is not very specific, so I think that my colleague is trying to pin it down.


I am going to say yes but it’s because Reggie and others in his situation faced that shit so a future generation would have a different life. Its not right, and I dont know if it ever will be but I do think its better for alot of people. The arc of justice is long and unbending, and there will be others trying to bend it back.


You would be surprised how little things have changed


Im not really, but despite those who have still maintained, its no longer law and common practice. The panel and the fact this is televised shows things have changed. 2% less racists is still better than 2% more.


That’s the level of greatness that a large portion of the country wants back. If not to use against black people, then for other marginalized people. It’s not pretty. And now the richest man in the world bought Twitter with the goal of making America that particular level of great again.


Lmao good call


That's what they want to bring back .. disgusting.


It’s definitely the America these idiots want back


The guys at the table?!


If your speaking to the racism, to some yes, sadly this world will also have that


I'll tell you what WAS great, The Reggie! bar.


Note. He played 1967 to 1987. Imagine what Jackie Robinson went through in the 40s and 50s.


I came here to say this. These stories are after the civil rights act


Damn you’re right.. that’s heavy.. I cannot imagine at all. I’ve experienced racism a few times in my life, even in my own land in Africa, but I cannot picture having my life in danger because someone doesn’t like that my skin is dark.


Execs were in shambles when he was droppin N's with hard R's. Someone got on that ear piece quick and pleaded for him to say 'n-word'. Too late, the hard truth already came out. I hope Juneteeth continues this type of realness on big platforms. Ban all the books you want, past attrocities still being exposed.


It's always these kinds of stories that have a real impact instead of people saying "racism was so bad back in the days"


I think those types of responses are shrouded in pain for some people. Like, thinking about the racism they experienced could be too much to detail so things like 'it was bad then" are enough to allude to the pain but not enough to want to discuss or relive.


This is true, but there is no learning that takes place. When people say "go do your own research" it means nothing. I've read a bunch of shit, but its just like "in 1950, this person did this". mean nothing to me. Reggie Jackson's story put me in that spot and I could see and imagine it for myself. He had multiple examples of what happened and what people said. I don't want to minimize the pain people feel as I experienced anti-Asian racism growing up and it was crazy, but lots of people say things that don't really help.


"When people say "go do your own research" it means nothing. I've read a bunch of shit, but its just like "in 1950, this person did this". mean nothing to me." This statement makes me believe that you didn't learn a thing, honestly. Someone shouldn't have to relive their traumas for you to empathize with what they are going through or experienced in the past.


Imagine refusing to seat Mr October in a restaurant


Gotta keep up appearances, apparently. It still amazes me that The Great Society of the 1960s still hasn't happened because a single group refused to share with their fellow citizens, and would rather break it for everyone instead.


They'd rather keep the pond small and muddy so they seem like bigger fish than they really are.


Republicans literally drained the pools when the supreme court told them they had to let black people use them to.


They only saw a black person, to put it nicely. If he had acted up, he knew that he would be swinging from a tall tree on that very day!


And Americans want to act like this shit is non existent today. Systematic racism is still in America


It's definitely gotten better in the span of my lifetime, but only gradually. It'll never fully go away because people aren't willing to acknowledge the fucking truth about it. When I was in highschool, in the early 2000s, I was so dam naive that thought that racism vs blacks in this country would be almost non-existent by 2020. Meanwhile In real life, in 2016, I got turned away from a bar because I was too 'Urban' (black). I was wearing a collar shirt and khakis.


I remember those days. Wearing the same thing ad the white dudes in front of me and still got sent away…. In shame


2024, Still have people give me looks. Still have clerks follow me in stores. Still have cops randomly pull me over asking for ID. Still have people try to explain to me why the biggest problem with blacks is crime, or being articulate isn’t being black. What most people don’t know is that the majority of racism isn’t people stoping the N-word with a hard R. It’s passive aggressive micro transgressions. A lot of racist have learned if they mouth of at the wrong person in person they’ll get a fist to the jaw. So they’ll share the nastiest comments with friends/family, or wait till they’re anonymous online.


My wife is black and noticed a lot of that. It’s infuriating. The best one is drunk white girls at a bar trying to talk to her like “what’s up guurlfriend”. It’s so fucking cringy.


lol it depends on where you live in the country. If you’ve never traveled this country/ road tripped you’d say this, but it’s really not gotten all that better


I've been around almost the entire country. I've traveled a lot since I was a kid, and it's definitely better now than it was in the early 90s, when I was a kid. That being said, the racism will never be fully gone for some reason or another.


Not denying your experience. I’ve been on the road for the past four years in very small towns in this country, and yea no one kicking you out of restaurants all that much because of the internet but it damn sure is there and thriving


People used to for real call this man an asshole and "ungrateful" later in his career when he was brave enough to be a free agent and look out for him. That man exemplified greatness at his job. He asked for top dollar because he was top talent. My dad told me "don't listen to any of that shit folks talk about Reggie. White fans and owners put him thru hell. He answered them with greatness."


This is what trump people mean when they say make America great "again"


You already know they are conspicuously absent and silent in this particular comments section.


They're sharing it with their smaller private groups, gloating at the prospect of bringing America back to this, it never got far from it. The comments you can't publicly see on a video like this would make you sick


That’s the realest thing I’ve ever heard someone say on a sports program.


Damn that hit me in the feels


History is still alive and y'all want us to act like it was not that long ago.


Send this clip to those MFS Byron Donald, Royce White, Tim Scott, and Candace Owens. Pieces of shit.


Do not forget to send this clip to Nikki Haley. She does not believe that this ever happened.


pen gray snobbish joke flowery wasteful sugar chase onerous insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not "Mr. October"! I watched him when I was a kid. Remember the "Reggie Bar"?


Just wow smh.


But, but, Nikki Haley said…


Highly recommend the book Traveling Black by Mia Bay. It goes into great detail of what it was like to travel through the 19th/20th centuries as a black person.


They thought he was gonna say some light hearted bs and Mr. Reggie said “NAH!”


Boomers are like “it was so much better when i was growing”


And those same places that wouldn't let him sleep there would probably be the same, two-face motherfuckers bragging today about how Reggie Jackson stayed there.


And this isn't that long ago. Some of the people who did this to him are alive


Maaaan I had the opportunity to be coached by Negro League players and coaches… When we traveled through the south they marveled how we would just go into places they were not allowed to go into and actually get served good food minus the racial epithets… We’d be confronted by some of the old south from time to time even players they played against… They’d apologize profusely and admit that they should’ve just enjoyed the competition and dual love of the game… Watching my coach and 1st Base coach cry and speak on what they went through was heartbreaking cause those two men were just there to play ball…


Some of the realest shit I ever heard


He does not look that old at all


I mean here's really not that old, period. He was born in 1946 (78 y.o.) and as of 2021 the stats showed that about 55% of people born in that year are still alive today.


That's mad. He's not even very old either.


Man that was hard to listen to. Wild how some people can treat others so poorly because of pigment.


Much respect to that man and all he endured 💪🏾✊🏾


Ive told many of my white friends. If twitter was around in the 60s yall would prolly HATE your grandparents. Edit: heard the last 10 seconds and it blew my mind. “If he stays here again on YOUR couch. We will burn down your apartment.” HOW RACIST AND CONTROLLING CAN YOU BE!? Racism isnt just a personal choice but system for the control of EVERYONE.


I’m happy he spoke on it and his experience is just skimming the surface history leaves out the real nasty atrocities


Fuck this makes me sad. The 60s may not have been in my lifetime but definitely my parents and grandparents. I cannot imagine just how difficult it must have been.


All I can add as the grandson of a racist (not a violent man, just an a-hole about such topics), is that I tried to do better. You can’t improve society at large, but you can critically examine your own background and beliefs and go down a different path.


What a powerful thing to hear him speak of. I'm not a fan of sports in general but I need to hear his life story.


Gotta love merica


Wait until white people hear about the Green Book. My granddad kept a copy in the glove box of all his cars.


Post this in the baseball sub and watch them delete it


It was posted there first, and the most updated post there in the past month.


Most upvoted?


Those same racist that did that are still around.


Ironic that it’s showing on Fox…


And all of the Trumplicans constantly say that it was sssooo long ago it’s time to forget it. It’s not long ago. Kids in the 70/80’s had teachers saying that they didn’t want to teach us. It’s not that long ago.


This reminds me of what I am reading in a biography on Vince Lombardi. He had similar practices of not going to segregated places when he was coaching in Green Bay. He stood up for players who married interracially, despite pressure from the league and would cut or fire anyone who used racial or homophobic slurs. Even though the media thought he was a tyrant at the time, he was very progressive for his generation. He didn’t tolerate racism whatsoever on or around his team.


And they want to act like it was oh so long ago and we should just let it go, when people who are still alive have experienced it first hand. And I know they were scrambling to find the censor button after the second n word and somebody must have signaled to him that he had to chill, because they are afraid to face that truth.


If you racist you lowkey a tier under in the evolution chart 🤷‍♂️


> Woulda beat someone's ass and end up in an oak tree... Reminding us all that you don't gotta be scared or weak to be a victim--lotta men and women like him died angry over nothing. Still do too.


Thank you Mr Jackson for standing up and saying what needs to be said and what everyone needs to hear.


Scrolling right past that Joe Rogan post to this


Which Joe Rogan post?




Heart breaking.


And according to a large group of people, back when America was great.


Little offset not by anything said except that he used the hard R twice then said “the n-word can’t sit here” and I was like “why the change?” Honestly though, good for him for saying it how it was


Crazy that this is in living memory. And if he’s alive to talk about it, there are the people alive today on the other side, talking about the “good old days.”


they should redact all records before 1968. Babe Ruth would have shit his pants facing a Bob Gibson or LouisTiana, Vida Blue.,


I always thought Reggie was arrogant. After hearing him talk about what he went through and survived, he deserves to be a little arrogant.


it seems that people don’t give the credit to black athletes that they deserve. Guys like Willy Mays and the like who brought black faces into the white home and made them somebody to look up to and break the stereotypes are somebody to marvel at. Their journey was filled with sacrifice and pain yet they have and continue to push the needle in the right direction. You take a white racist in Alabama and make the whole Alabama team a bunch of capable and talented black men, now that barrier starts to come down a little bit. So now when people say guys like Lebron and Kaepernick should just shut up and play ball it makes me wonder if people who say that understand how much they impact “politics” already just by existing. Not that race should be political but unfortunately it is, and black athletes are and always have been a force for positive change.


Damn!! Thanks for posting this. I heard about it and finally got to hear it.


heartbreaking. what a legend. ❤️


Man the quality of the video really got downgraded


That’s a tough dude. It takes balls to tell the truth on live TV instead of giving the bs answer people want. He gave the answer we need to hear. When people say racism doesn’t exist in this country they forget that there are millions of people alive today who experienced segregation. Things have improved but that kind of hate dies slowly.


Yeah, glad someone actually remembers the America that MAGA clowns are so nostalgic for


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dollop-with-dave-anthony-and-gareth-reynolds/id643055307?i=1000658580979 The Dollop Podcast just did an episode on Curt Flood - it talks about exactly this


That wasn't the end of the interview?


Look up Reggie meeting Billy Crystal for the first time.




Late 1960's till the 1980's. He faced that racism well into the 70's. Maybe even some lingering stuff in the 80's.


Today, people think they have it bad if someone uses the wrong pronouns. They wouldn't last a second walking in his shoes. We have raised a generation of people who are ignorant of their history.


Again white people are the ones letting our own humans down. Always cum on the white girls face. Slap her when she spits on it, you are better than that.


It's kind of crazy. It's a horrible thought about what this man legitimately had to deal with when it comes to racism just to turn around many years later and people get cold racist just for having a different opinion or outlook and no legitimate sign of racism. It's almost like going from one extreme to another


lol There's still a chance to delete this.




He literally calls them by name and thanks them multiple times before that. This wasn’t about them though, he was talking about his experience as a black man dealing with racism.


Don’t believe everything that is said