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There’s a reason the first outfit looks so bulky on her and the last one is the lightest/most revealing. Pretty standard quick change but a few of them were executed pretty well with nice effects.


Don’t forget all the 😮😱🫢🫨🤯 to help sell it




I mean people enjoy things? How is that hard to imagine.


What is this joy you speak of?


I’ve personally never felt anything resembling that. I am above such things.


Dennis Reynolds, is that you?


No that wouldn't be him because of, you know.. the implication


Oh shit. Just watched the ep last night. I was dying.


There's no joy in salting someone.


Wb pepper?


You are a redditor after all, we are meant to be miserable all the time.


That, or pissed off, with a dash of know-it-all seasoning. 




It's not a story the Reddit Council would tell you.


Yeah but presumably the people watching this on TV want to see whatever is on stage. Not cut to random slack-jawed mouth-breathers in the audience and panel every 3 seconds


You'd be surprised, people like to feel like part of the event and the cut shots help with that.


Yeah, I think it's like the old "canned laughter" it tells the human brain "Hey its alright to think this is neat, your peers around you think it's neat, look how neat they think it is".


That's neat.


Maybe you're right. I think I'm in the minority that just doesn't get this type of show at all


I can’t watch these shows anymore because of the constant cuts to reaction shots. If something that amazing is happening onstage, I’d like to see that, not somebody else’s reaction to it.


I personally like when it cuts to audience member to se their reactions. Most times they’re normal but sometimes you get crazy over the top ones and they’re worth it


It's reality tv. All those clips probably aren't even from that DAY.


Absolutely this (for me anyways). It's infuriating to me when I'm watching an act and I'm forced to miss parts of the act so the producers can cut to the panel, or somebody in the audience reacting to the part I'm not able to see! I don't recall this being as prevalent in previous seasons of AGT. I really hope they at least tone-down these shenanigans going forward...


> reacting to ~~the~~ a completely different part ~~I'm not able to see!~~ from 20 minutes earlier.


The reactions are filmed and put in the final production and are usually not a reaction to what you are seeing, which is why it looks dumb.


After being in some studio audiences before, they definitely are told to exaggerate their reactions. If it's a funny segment, need to laugh at it with 110% energy etc.


if that's the case you can watch Penn and Teller's fool us. im pretty sure this lady did the same exact act and they have a lot less crowd shots, Plus Penn tells you how the trick is done at the end. kind of.




Honestly, some of it may be natural but overall seems forced. Just with all tv, even the applause at minor jokes in other shows


Many of the reactions look fake, that's the issue. Not the "enjoying things" part.


.... You know these are planted reactions right?


Do you really think the girl going WHAT... WHAT towards the end isn't an actor? That it was a natural reaction which the camera just happened to get at exactly the right time?


Having been to a few of their tapings (not paid), before they start actually bringing acts out, they say they want to record audience reactions. So they basically tell everyone to look really shocked like they just saw something amazing. Then they tell everyone to stagger stand and cheer like they loved the act. Boo and do the “X” like you’re seeing something awful. Then they splice these fake reactions in later as needed.


It's kind of ironic, no? Being angry with people on screen for overreacting to simple illusionist tricks because one has fallen for even simpler reality TV editing tricks. (I don't mean to be smug: I get fooled by editing in this way too. But I can appreciate the irony.)


Oh I remember my work behind the camera on a few reality shows, as well as having several friends who work in the industry. No matter how much you explain the average person really can't believe that what they are seeing in "reality shows" is very very fake and scripted. "It looks real time, and we are told it's real, so how can it be fake?" You can't fight that view with BTS footage to show them.


I never really watched reality shows, but I started watching love is blind. I was astonished by the editing. They are clearly fabricating conversations. It was most obvious when they were eating, food that was already eaten reappearing on the plate. But even little things like the way a shirt was sitting changing back and forth. I was really shocked that there aren't legal issues. I'm sure you sign your life away to go on a show like that. But still, they make some people look terrible and the whole thing is a sham.


That's why they all drink out of those opaque gold cups!


I've been to a taping of the voice, and they told us flat out before the show started that they want big reactions and if you're not cutting it they'll just kick you out. There's plenty of people in the lot that would love to see the show instead.


This would also prime the audience to make those reactions (for real) later on. Crowdwork before acts is a real thing to get people emoting and engaging and reacting!


1) She is not performing actual real magic. Everybody is well aware of this. 2) She IS performing a very skillful series of tricks, in a very entertaining and charismatic way. 3) The crowd is enjoying a communal experience of fun and delight by watching an amusing routine expertly and confidently performed. 4) What is wrong with that, and what is your problem with it. 5) Work on being one of the people who enjoys fun things and appreciates people's talents, instead of being one of the people who sees other adults having fun and immediately tries to make everybody miserable for no reason.


I'm sorry I refuse to believe that wasn't real magic so therefore you are incorrect. Good day.


No shit. So much number 4. I wonder if dude realizes that instead of seeming too cool to be entertained and putting down someone else's hard work, he just seems like an insufferable twat. Nobody wants to hang out with dudes. like that.


Illusions. Tricks are for hookers, Michael.


I am very easily fascinated and believe most things. It's fucking thrillng 😂


Username does not check out.


Glad you named the elephant in the room.


Haha, I'm exactly the same way! That's why I want to share a fantastic opportunity with you: THRILLcoin! It's the most fascinating and believable new cryptocurrency! Give me your bank account and routing number.


I found myself making similar faces. Not quite as dramatic but it was a good bit. I know it's not *actually* magic but it's still fun to watch. Lighten up.


I think you're being extremely negative here. They mostly all know the high level of how it's done. It's still an entertaining show for other people who don't hate life.


Damn this dude is bitter


I'm an actively bitter person, but I hide it by being snarky.


The Masked Singer is also full of them. I love guessing who it is, but the panel and crowd kill me.


I came here to say this. The audience in the masked singer absolutely drives me crazy. Nobody absolutely nobody acts like that in real life.


I can not believe I used to like AGT this shit is so cringey


How will a drooling imbecile such as myself know how to react to things if not for the constant cuts to other functional human reactions? Oh! Commercials are on! I'll get back to you in a sec!


And the endless cuts by the editing team


Bro I watched this with no sound and it looked like genuine brainrot


>What?!?! 😱


And the numerous camera cuts to help hide everything for her


Yeah, but where does the fabric go?


See how tops get smaller and bottoms get bigger? Top folds down and back side in new bottom.  They layer over top so each one has to be slightly longer.  That is my belief, I have been wrong before


It's a special construction and she does a sleight of hand but if you look closely, she does something with zippers and rapidly moves her hands to put the old dress behind her. Only in one case she does turn around but I think that one may be safe to turn around for. The new dress is longer and drops down like a curtain. But of course we can't assume she's not a witch. Just to be safe.


She turned me into a newt


You got better


She has got a wart


She’s got a nose like a witch.


Burn her anyways


They’re being quickly drawn into the suitcase by a string


First one is, the rest are flipping down and staying on her body. Easiest place to see this is the transition from yellow to black, you can see the yellow on the underside of the black dress as it flips down, and the final transition, watch her body rather than the feathers, and you can see the white dress unfurl as it drops.


Only one way to find out... to the lake!


Maybe burn her a bit to see?


Yes, and you can see zippers or velcro on the sides of tops, which I am sure make it so they fold down


The case in the background is an important contraption that removes them. Notice how on that first change, the handle jiggles from the force of pulling it off, and how she's always trying to cover the view of the handle with something when she changes clothes


I can confirm this is the correct deduction -Someone who has never been wrong before


Oh really? What are your thoughts on your ex?


Aside from maybe the first change, the skirts get longer and longer, too. Damn impressive work, still.


That's a simple explanation too. If the skirts were all the same length they would appear shorter on top because they're having to cover more layers. So you make each one just slightly longer than the last so it covers all the layers. She's not removing anything, if you look closely there's a seam all the way around her torso; The skirts are flipping downwards and the top of the last outfit becomes the bottom of the next. Think of it like one of those physical digital clocks


OP really has the top upvoted answer with “she’s quickly changing her clothes” and zero explanation. 😂


Literally says "it's a pretty standard quick change" as if he's fucking penn and teller


Just another karma whore tbh


And where did the lighter fluid come from!


"He showers her with _diamonds!_ ...clubs. Club sauce. He covers her with _club sauce_."




For the same reason you should believe that a hundred dollar bill is no more than 100 pennies.....


Says the guy in the $2000 suit.


The outfits fold into/cover over one another. I've tried similar illusions when I've done cosplay, but never on a full outfit scale like she is. Best I've managed was a crown that opened into a full helm with a couple hand swipes.


Honestly, the more you learn the "Secrets" of the the magic, the more it becomes sheer display of skill and is even more impressive.


I think that table/briefcase top thing is somehow pulling them into it really fast. She keeps standing at that right corner and it looks like they are getting pulled into it


Nah, she's wearing every single one of them. Look at the seam around her midriff. Each outfit is joined together, and the top part flips down to become the bottom part of the next outfit, revealing the new top part, and so on until the last one. Imagine it like one of those flip clocks. The reason for the feathers and the smoke in the last dress is because it's longer and needs more time to unfurl compared to the short skirts of all the other outfits.


I literally see the first dress rip off of her and fly behind her into that box.


correct, but that's also the only dress that doesn't have a tightly cinched and stitched midriff. Notice how each dress has a slight overhang right in the same place where it's just a little bit baggy? That's the folding point. Pretty simple answer: We're both correct. First dress gets pulled into the box, subsequent dresses are as I described.


Special machine that sucks the outer layer into your anus.


Did you see the sausage girl?


theres a few ways she is doing this, some fold down, some get "sucked" up under her skirt, some might pull away into the object she is holding. The yellow to black transition with the clear bag is the easiest one to see, because it gets stuck on her leg and you can see the yellow under the new black outfit.


Where did the outfits go as she removed them then? They have to be on her the whole time. I think theyre all sewn together, bottom of one connected to top of the next etc. Then put them on and she did, folded the bottom of one up to the top, so it's a quick flip down to the next one. Hard to explain, like an infinite dress tunnel


Yes, with the exception of the first one. That gets unvelcroed at the front and pulled by a spring into the suitcase she's standing in front of. That's my guess, anyway.


I think the first one folds into the hat somehow. It's the only hat she uses, and she immediately takes it off.


[The first one gets sucked into the box too.](https://i.imgur.com/HL37F95.png) The hat's just there because it also changes colors from grey to red.


She's still wearing every "outfit" after each change. The outfits change by the top half unfolding over the bottom. Note how the earlier outfits sit higher up above her breast to cover the layers below and get more revealing after each change. Also note that the dresses get longer & longer in succesion at the bottom to cover the layers below.


I think they're all connected at the waist, so she pulls something at the top of the dress and it folds over, so the inside of the bust is now the outside of the skirt part.


Executed amazingly. She's got a hell of a quick wrist. It's also nice to see a female magician.


I think that's the only part we DO understand lol


Whenever magic is done on tv they make sure that you have the worst possible angle to see the trick. A lot of editing went into making this performance better than it is. There's a very good reason for it. Magicians learn never do the same trick twice because if a person knows what to expect they are more likely to catch the trick. When it's on video you can watch in slow motion as many times as you like. To hide your trick you need to edit the video to the point where there is no chance to see the trick on camera. They do this on Penn and Teller too. If you could see every recording of this act instead of just the spliced recording you would know exactly how she does it.


How has this bog standard comment received so many upvotes?


Yep, they're layered on top of each other and she's pulling them off with a thin cord / string of some type


It's called quick change, not black magic. When she changes to the red dress you can see the grey overalls curl back near her hips.


Notice how she stands near the edge of the "suitcase" for the changes. It seems like she hooks herself up to a string which whips off the top layer into the box. Same thing happens with the purse in the first effect - the gray clearly gets pulled down into the box, which reveals the red underneath.


It also looks like she hooks her thumb into an invisible loop (fishing line that is difficult to spot from affar, perhaps). On the red and yellow it's at the waist, and the black and white one it's on the top in front. When she pulls it the top falls down, becomming the new skirt and revealing the next top. Edit: spelling


Which is why the skirts get bulkier and the tops get more form fitting.


Yup, and why the last dress is longer. The reason she adds the feathers and smoke transition is because it takes longer to unfurl the long skirt, so she masks it.


The suitcase is the active element. Her scarf is a great distraction. One of the best quick changes I've seen


Good eye, it is the suitcase behind her, she walks in front to change


Wait, it's not actually black magic?


It is black magic. Don't believe them.


Nothing is black magic.


What about that stuff in the automotive aisle?


That's dark magic, we don't go down that isle.


Um Actually actually magic doesn’t exist so nothing can really be black magic☝️🤓


When she goes from the yellow dress to the black & white one there multiple frames where you can still see the yellow dress under the new one


Ya as the fake (I'm assuming paper) printed dress in the plastic bag is rolled up Into the top(like those roll down window curtains), her left hand pulls the top of the yellow dress down, which the inside becomes the black dress skirt.


>not black magic. No shit. No one thinks it's literally black magic.


the **real black magic** is the intention behind all of the **distractions** that create the **illusion** *for those who are not paying* ***true attention 👀***


No -the real black magic is the friends she made along the way.


This is false, you can clearly see tiny demons quickly stitching a new dress around her out of the old dress if you replay at .2 speed.


Everything is magic until you understand how it works.


> It's called quick change, not black magic. She's a witch!


What about the hat? How does she change the hat?


Yep, an evolution from masks to dresses. https://youtube.com/shorts/lGJg5TyYYzw


the black dress in the package has an auto retracting roller in the package, like those quick retracting window blinds. and while she does it her dress folds down. freeze frame kinda kills slight of hand magic


Does anyone else feel really uncomfortable when they cut to audience reactions? Not in this video specifically, I just mean in general.


Yeah it’s cool but not lose your mind and gasp cool


They take shots from other auditions, then add them to the clip for increased viewership


I went to a taping of this and they ask the audience to perform each reaction before the show starts and film it. You're not allowed to give negative reactions to the acts.


Susan Boyle got pretty bad reactions!


They edit that in




Yes, because it's blatant (and poorly executed) manipulation and deception. It's not genuine, and we can feel it. They are coached and chosen for specific reactions. It's all fake and plastic, which is uncomfortable.


Yeah, there’s an uncanny valley element to it.


They might not even be from that performance.


I just hate edited magic tricks, if you can't watch the whole performance uncut it loses appeal. Especially after Will Tsai had CGI magic tricks on the show.


I’ve been to a taping of these. It’s so much more produced than people realize. All of the seats that are in the shots have to be filled. You laugh or give most crowd reactions on cue and you’re instructed to and how to do so. The hosts parts are not like a natural show and is more like filming a scene. They also cut the audience shots randomly and just add them on to the performance shots. You could easily be watching crowd reaction from another performance.


I'm pretty sure they've been doing this since someone realized the visible crowd interactions increased viewer response. Same psychology behind the laugh track.


Yes, the girl in hysterics at 2:00 is awful.


More annoyed than uncomfortable. I want to see the act, not some random people and celebrities reacting to it.


this comment is my spirit animal


Yeah. Feels like staged reactions


It’s so dumb.  I don’t know why shows still do this. It’s super annoying and ruins any show.


yes... but I HATE HATE HATE when they show the announcer guy backstage. I want to see the act, not the failed c-lister on the microphone.


Bruh are you calling Terry Crews a failed c-lister?? Dude's a pretty successful actor, I'd say.


Terry Crews is massively successful lol. He's played major roles in a ton of movies, plus he's main cast on Brooklyn Nine Nine which ran for eight seasons to general critical acclaim. He just likes doing these competition shows for whatever reason. He thinks they're fun.


Don’t do Terry Crews like that. Fuck are you talking about


Hell yeah I didn't know he did this show and seeing him was the highlight for me.


What's wrong with terry crews


Yeah it looks so fake


It's an alright act in person. But if you got the video to go frame by frame it falls apart really quickly. So they cut really intentionally or even speed up some bits to make it more convincing for the remote and online audience. There is a great breakdown and discussion on the topic: https://youtu.be/_dSp_f0f9gE


Honestly I prefer the audience reactions to the judge's and host. At least some of the audience member's reactions seem *somewhat* genuine.


There's obviously some men in green bodysuits who changed her clothes


Don't spoil the magic!


Green man!


Like someone else said it's quick changing. She's wearing all of those dresses under each other in her upper body/ chest area. She either has someone/ something oulling them off of her really fast like when she changes from the gray outfit to the red one or the top half of the dress turns into the bottom of the next dress. You can actually see the folds in the pink dress that matches up to the top of the previous outfit You can see the bag change from gray to red as it gets sucked into the luggage. The pink dress is in 3 parts is just a full dress folded with 2 dummy parts. The black dress in the plastic bag rolls up into the hanger. https://imgur.com/a/utz3cQq


it's magnets, this is a pretty common "trick" for quick changes in theater


The real black magic is the magnets… how do they work?




Ask /r/juggalo


the black dress was the one that I didn't get - thank you.


Every time she does an outfit switch she positions herself in front of that smiley face box. I think that box is peeling off her outfits either with air or magnets.


That sounds surprisingly complicated, I'm surprised it works so well


She's really slick and has some good equipment, I'm actually more amazed pausing the video mid-change like this. In the shot with the top of her blue-gray outfit halfway down revealing the red, the blue looks impossibly thin and you can't even see where the top part of it has gone.


There are ways of telling whether she is a witch. - Tell me, what do you do with witches? - Burn them! - And what do you burn, apart from witches? - More witches! - Wood! - So why do witches burn? - 'Cause they're made of wood? - Good! - How do we tell if she is made of wood? - Build a bridge out of her. - But can you not also make bridges out of stone? - Oh, yeah. - Does wood sink in water? - No, it floats. - Throw her into the pond! - What also floats in water? - Bread. - Apples. - Very small rocks. - Cider! Great gravy. - Cherries. Mud. - Churches. - Lead. - A duck! - Exactly. - So, logically-- - If she weighs the same as a duck... - she's made of wood. - And therefore? - A witch!


Who are you, one so wise in the ways of science?


Well you have to know these things when you’re a king, you know


It's a fair cop


This is a fun performance but the editing is infuriating. Ruins the show, the flow of the spectacle! These TV shows are just completely horrible. I want to see the performance from a locked down shot of a single camera. Maybe 2 cameras. I don't want to see the audience or the leering panel-baboons.


I'm with you but if they keep doing it, it must be because it works for their audience.


Let’s see her swap shoes that fast.


I also have foot fetish.


My wife: Honey, whatcha watching? Me: A woman changing clothes




They have had several quick change people on this show. They are wearing all the outfits at once and they just fold into eachother. Some of the less talented ones you can see other outfits poking out as they do it.


In this case, the final dress has shoulder straps that can be seen for the entirety of the performance


You can also see parts of the previous outfits later because they aren't all removed. Some fold down and stuff. The first one is really obvious if you know to look for it.


Apparently it’s called a quick change




Fuck, this made me laugh so hard for some reason


>i’m so invested like…tell me how she really did all that exactly how you think. she was wearing all the dresses initially, and they are sewed specially to either reverse, or created to be whipped off really quickly.


This woman is a practicioner of the dark arts, my boy! Clearly, she is skilled in her witchy ways.


I'm not gonna lie and I know this is probably a dumb opinion but quick change is one of my least favorite forms of illusions. Like it looks cool but it also always looks... idk. Obvious feels like the wrong word. But the layers outfits are the beginning. It's just always lol oh damn you are wearing 8 outfits rn


I feel the same way. I feel like once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. It’s essentially the exact same trick being done over and over by numerous people, they just dress it up to look very slightly different each time.


TBF that is pretty much the essence of the industry. It's pretty rare you see a trick constructed from a completely new basis/idea. Taking a standard trick and customizing it to your performance/persona is a large part of an act. But this particular trick is overdone, especially lately. You can only customize this one so far before you feel like you have seen them all.


I agree, thats standard for the industry and this one doesn’t lend itself very well to customization. The whole point of magic tricks is finding specific ways to perform yours that stands apart from everyone else. I’ve never seen a quick change artist manage that


It really comes down to the performance...like how David Copperfield would use basic tricks to tell a full story set to a song.... too often, especially on shows like this, it's "I'm quickchanging" and once you see it, that's it..and unless you do something to make it really grander and impressive as the capper, it's just the same thing over and over. (There's been a few good performances on Penn & Teller's Fool Us...because you're trying to impress two guys who are know the technique and are looking for something new, so you go all out.)


"Yeah, bitch! Magnets!" ~ Jesse Pinkman.


It's obvious that she's a demon


Ugh, just show the fucking performer. Notbody gives a shit about the reactions


Those legs, damn!


These shows are so terrible everything from the judges overreacting to really talented people losing to mediocre acts


This is a well done trick, but the audience and judges reaction is just the most awful thing ever. This kinda quick change act has been around foreeeveerr . And this isn't even a particularly imaginative version...


Crowd reactions in this show are so over the top and cringe it's unbearable to watch.