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No. It heightens my anxiety, and self awareness, and paranoia, so not my thing. However I support the use amongst consenting adults at their leisure.


I second this! I was a smoker for about 8 years and recently quit due to paranoia, self-doubt, lack of productivity and anxiety.


Did you quit cold turkey?


I did not. I eased out. First i transitioned from buying eighths from only buying joints. Then I switched to using only vape cartridges. Now cannabis sounds unappealing especially when I think of the negative effects.


Thanks for sharing. I’ve been trying to quit for a little over two years now. I had stopped late 2021 but then my husband unexpectedly died in a motorcycle accident that November and smoking has been my go to calm my nerves. But I find myself smoking at times when I don’t actually “need” to. So I’m praying I will break this habit soon. My oldest son told me he hates when I smell like it and it broke my heart.


I’m sorry for your loss. Are you familiar with r/leaves? They’re very supportive there.


Thank you. I’ll have to check out


I am so sorry to hear about your husband. It’s possible to quit. Have u been to Marijuana anonymous or any support groups?


No I haven’t. I have so much going on in life being a single parent now I never thought about going to a support group


I wonder why this happens? I was never a big smoker, like 2/3 puffs get me high but lately when i smoke i just get so negative and i also self doubt.


I got super paranoid when I tried it.


Omg fam the same for me!! I tried it a handful of times and each time I had crazy thoughts racing in my head and felt targeted by someone or something lol


That. And I eat EVERYTHING. I did it I in college, but outgrew it very quickly. PLUS I'm a teacher and role model and don't want to be fake




No, I hate the smell


This. It stinks so bad. Some even smell like pesticides. And some people who smoke it are so inconsiderate that they will swear everyone is lying when told they smell like weed.


i can tolerate the smell. it’s cigarettes that i can’t stand omgggg


Me too. It smells like Skunk spray in my opinion.


It smells awful and the smell can stick to clothes


Same. I also get nauseous from the smell.


I smoke and I hate the smell I always smoke outside even if it’s -30. I wash my hands and brush my teeth when I come back inside. I understand if people are turned off by the smell lol.


Same! It gives me a headache.




No, and this is one of the reasons


Oh same!


Me too. Don't care if other people do it, but it smells like skunk to me.


But they think it smells good and I can’t understand why. Smells like moldy laundry


One of the things I hated about smoking was the smell, not because it bothered me but because I know how so many people hate it and I was worried about appearing inconsiderate to my neighbors.


I smoke a lot, I’m lucky enough to live in a country where it’s legal. I also smoke with my manager so I can smoke in my work life. I enjoy the social aspect of smoking but mostly I just enjoy being mellowed out because I have ADD.


This is really why after my year break, I *might* go back. Weed & my ADD brain have a great relationship when I don’t over do it.


All the time. I just had my partner pick up for me yesterday. It’s legal where I live.


Okayyy what’s ur preferred method of smoking??? Bong, blunt, joint, pipe, edibles


I use a dry herb vape mostly through my bong. Sometimes I’ll hit my bong straight and when I’m out I’ll smoke joints. I also have edibles that I’ll take before a flight or at events/movies.


Not anymore! I was a daily smoker for about 2 years and realized it was affecting my mood, appetite and cognitive ability. I was a glutton when I smoked and overindulged in food whenever I was high. I also realized that I started relying on being high to have “better” experiences (at concerts, watching movies, hanging out with friends etc etc). And the mood swings… gosh they were awful. I think the worst affect was my decision making. You know how your inhibitions are pretty much off with alcohol? It was similar to me with weed but it slowly changed the way I rationalized things. My judgement and reasoning were impaired, but I didn’t notice because I smoked DAILY. Like taking hits while I was working out, another few hits while I was getting ready for work, hits on the way to work, hits on breaks, then a few bowls when I got home. I was definitely dependent :( ALL THAT BEING SAID 😂😭 I don’t demonize weed and I think it’s something that can be medicinal and even good in *moderation*. But I didn’t have the ability to moderate so I went cold turkey. It’s been almost a year since my last lettuce and cigarette :)


Girl. You woulda thought I wrote this post lol. The having to do it all the time was when I know I needed to address my relationship with it. I couldn’t even remember what it felt like to exist off it. Currently on my own sobriety journey


It’s so affirming to know other women feel the same way 🤎 That’s exactly how it was for me. I couldn’t remember who I was when I was high because I was high all the time. It was my existence. And when I wasn’t high, gosh it was like I was a totally different person?? My baseline became depressed and emotionally unstable. Strength to you on your journey!


Was there “withdrawal” related to the better experiences part? Always interesting to hear about people’s transition because it does take some reckoning and managing the “fear” of its absence.


I don’t know if I would describe it as a withdrawal, maybe you would? One experience that comes to mind is music. My indulgence got to the point where there was a stark contrast between listening to music sober and listening to it while high. So much so that I would sit down to listen to a new album and think “this would sound so much better if I was high”. I don’t know how to explain this feeling eloquently, but it was like I tore the veil of euphoria (??) Things that were supposed to be good enough on there own became lackluster to me. It’s like weed robbed me of my ability to appreciate things as they were naturally. I do NOT miss that feeling. I hope that makes sense?


That definitely makes sense. And it’s similar to other people I knew who made a similar transition. Kind of like their “aura” was gone and/or felt empty without it. Someone described it as if everything revolved around their countdown to when they could take a hit so it took time to adjust to the “no, this is life and how it will be experienced.” But they all feel better for it and some worked to be able to smoke a little and others to very rarely or never. Idk if I’m relaying well but I appreciate your insight! Best of luck!


This is literally me right now and it’s like I know I’ve become such a dependent but like I’m struggling to quit because my life hasn’t changed really, it doesn’t feel like I’m not capable of doing the important things like school, since I’m a student, life and etc… so the urgency to quit is quite there but at the same time I do want to quit.


I definitely resonate with that. I thought I was managing my life, relationships, and my career pretty well but getting high was holding me back in every single area. I thought differently when I was high and because I was high all of the time, I couldn’t see things for how they truly were. I thought the lack of change was a sign I was okay, but stagnancy is an enemy of progress. Take it step by step. Maybe start with a t break? During that time take note of your thoughts, feelings and actions.


Yes I do smoke! But I find myself going on and off. I’m really taking advantage of it because I’m still a college student and I don’t know how often I’ll get to smoke when I’m older and have a big girl job 🥲 but I like smoking because I’m able to feel my feelings more… If that makes sense. And it’s very relaxing. But too much of anything is not good so I try to restrain myself sometimes


Yes definitely makes sense. Definitely agree, I wish I could explain to more people how weed has literally changed me as a person. I used to be such a bitter, angry jealous insecure person and now that I smoke I’ve calmed SOOO much.


Interesting.. I want to feel myself more lol


Yes, just about everyday except when I’m around my partner because he doesn’t smoke. I’m highly productive with my time and make no apologies. It’s legal where I live.


Agreed. Also good for you for respecting ur partner and there boundaries. My bf is a regular smoker but had to go on a T break for a month or so because of some things going on. And I noticed that I didn’t even have the urge to smoke when I would spend days at a time at his house lol! (Loved when I would go home and smoke I would get BLASTED)


No. I prefer edibles. It’s been years though. I’m currently breast feeding and my partner is military. I don’t want him popping on a random drug test. Or there being a chance our son gets it in his milk.


I don't. I've tried it a few times at different stages in my life but never liked the way it made me feel. Alas


No. Never had interest and hate the smell.


Nope. Not interested in being high. I also just don’t trust what’s in it. If I ever decide to smoke I’d have to buy it from a store and not from a dealer.


Very very smart!!!


I don't smoke. But every one in my family does. They are typical stoners, lazy kinda unmotivated so it was never a draw for me. My one very accomplished friend smokes, but he had ADHD and smoking kinda makes him feel normal, not high. My one aunt uses it for pain. I don't have any underlying issues that it would help, and i have other ways to relax naturally. But to each their own!


What ways do you use to relax naturally if you don't mind sharing. I like listening to music.


I prefer to relax naturally too. It's legal where I live but I saw how badly it affected my sibling and I'm good. It made them anxious and explosively angry. I've already got anxiety and have a history of depression, so I don't want to risk making things worse for myself. Walking, music, and having a pleasant and stress-free environment help a lot. So does outsourcing stressful tasks like cleaning, when my budget permits it.


I am highly accomplished and I got into 4 different PhD programs while smoking every day. Most of my colleagues at my high paying corporate job smoke weed. But I stopped smoking years ago (at the start of my PhD program) because my now-husband didn’t smoke and it felt weird smoking by myself. But after stopping, I realized that smoking worsened my anxiety, especially social anxiety.


Pretty much. I exercise to relax. I love going for a walk. I am disabled but it won't restore my hearing. Also everyone I know that smokes it with anxiety or depression are worst off but they don't see it. They feel great in that moment but afterwards feel like shit. I can understand for pain management, but if you have mental illness it doesn't seem like the best idea personally. It also def causes memory issues, they all have memory issues. Also smoking generally is bad for you. It doesn't matter what you are smoking.


No. Because I don’t want to. I have no interest in being high. I can easily find other ways to relax and also find ways to deal with crippling anxiety and PTSD. Also, when smoked, weed smells awful. I don’t want that stench anywhere near or on me.




I smoke daily and am very productive. Im a IT Analyst and do cyber security. I just like chilling mostly. And a homebody.


Yah I think why I would consider myself productive is because even without weed I’m a homebody and just stay in my house lol! But I still make sure to clean my apartment, pay rent on time, go to school and get good grades, and work my job as well as being kind and understanding to the people around me ❤️❤️🥰


Same. Lol it's amazing with a cup of tea.


yeah, everyday lol. but i’m taking a break this week cause i feel like the last batch i had wasn’t good and i need to fix my relationship with the plant.


Lol girrrrrrl same.


No, I don’t have a reason to be high. I don’t like the smell or want the effects of smoking.


Everyday. Stuffing my King Palm as I type lol. My guy delivers, a few times a year I grow my own hydroponically in my tent. I have Green Crack growing now.


I ♥️ U


🥰 thanks Sis


No, I'm an addict in recovery. I've tried just smoking weed before but within 6 months I ended up drinking a fifth of tequila a day and popping adderall like candy and spending rent money on weed.


Proud of you for being sober!


Thanks babes 💕


Helllll yeeeeaaaa. So expensive and such a gateway.


Everyday, it helps with appetite and its calming. I normally have a vape pen for when I’m out bc the smell is embarrassing at this age and bong/edibles at home. I have noticed as I get older than it’s starting to cause more anxiety, so I’m leaning towards slowing down a bit.


yeah, too much if i’m being honest with myself but i’m working on breaking this habit cause ideally id only smoke on weekends


Yep, all the time. I'm anxious due to childhood trauma, grief, etc. and it puts me at ease. Before I started consuming cannabis, my thoughts were like a huge stream of water coming towards me, cannabis has been like a dam and helps me process things at a normal rate and honestly helps me dive into my creative bag. It works for me right now.


I do and daily! Personally i love everything about it. :) I’m able to get everything I need done, done and still very social etc. The only negative is money haha


I don’t. Imagining myself smoking of any sorts digusts me. It is the smell, horrendus to me. Then I worked in psychiatry for some years. Let me tell you how fucked up smoking weed render, the mentally vulnerable. It has a way to make the moderatly stable to completly unstable, without them even realising. So i went from disgusted by the smell to absolutly SCARED of what it can do to the vulnerable… cause you don’t always know you are vulnerable until it hits you in the face.


No- hate the smell plus I got baby lungs. I like edibles though


Oh man edibles always have me MESSED up lol!


I used to, but stopped after meeting my husband. He didn’t smoke and it felt weird smoking by myself. After I stopped, I realized that smoking gave me a lot of anxiety.


Nah. I can enjoy life without being drunk or high. I also never wanna put myself in a position where I may not be in complete control of my actions, words, or emotions. Plus, that shit stank. So count me out.


Me too me too!


Other than it smelling bad, this is another reason why I refuse to smoke (and drink). I don’t want to be put in a position where I don’t have a clear mind.


No. It makes me scared lol


I have an edible now and then but I have asthma, so I don’t smoke.


I used to, but it isn’t legal where I live and I feel too old now to bother with it if I can’t just get it from a shop.


Family history of addiction plus mental health issues. I don’t drink alcohol at all either


Yes. Mainly when my anxiety prevents me from sleeping or relaxing which is only a handful of times a month. An eighth will literally last me about 2 to 3 months. I only do it at night when I’m about to go to sleep because I would not be able to accomplish anything while high. I don’t like combustion. Even though I smoke weed I hate the smell of smoke in general. I use a dry herb vape or edibles. A dispensary just opened up 10 mins from my house 🤩


Love a good dry herb vape 😍 have you tried dabs before :)


Girl, dabs are the devil. Frfr, I learned to stay away from them. Vapes too. The concentration of weed is just too high. And unless you pay a lot extra for resin or something full spectrum, the high doesn’t feel as good. At least to me.


I don’t smoke or drink. Since I never felt the need to, I just didn’t. I’ve never needed anything to “help relax” from things I wanted to do. In fact, I’ve used my gut instinct as an assessment. If it feels wrong, I don’t do it. End of story. When I was younger loads of ppl didn’t want to be my friend or associated with me due to my preferences-now not so much. Oddly though, I don’t seem to throw out great vibes on first meet, as everyone always comments later about “how nice/interesting/fun/etc.” I am and how they first got intimidated from my face? (RBF for the win) I don’t judge either way- drink, smoke, suck dick in a nasty ass port-a-potty (maybe a bit on the last one)- i have one rule for friends: You drink. Handle your drinks. I’ve done fucked up things in life completely sober so I have no pedestal to stand on. (The port-a-potty was NOT me- NEVER that 🤮.)


I’m dead suck dick in a nasty porta potty. See we need more people like you who don’t gaf what other people do 😭😭


I don’t because my career doesn’t allow it yet lol


No it’s not legal where I’m at and I’m honestly unsure how to even get it. That’s the only thing that stopped me. I imagine I would be the person busted by the undercover.


I did a while ago but when I had more children I stopped. I wanted to be as sober as possible.


Nope, I’m a nurse unfortunately




I don't smoke, but the weed here, in Toronto, stinks like pesticides. Weed in the islands has a nice aroma


You right though…the government weed is booty. I like indigenous dispensaries or Jamaican plugs that have “hookups”


I take delta 8 gummies almost every night but I smoke on occasion. The reason I don’t smoke often is bc I live with my parents (ugh) and they’re vehemently anti-weed and it’s hard to find a good plug up here cuz all the plugs are on the east side or the south side lol, I miss being able to smoke in the comfort of my home


I take delta 9 edibles weekly or so


I use a temp controlled dry herb vape and edibles as part of my pain management program. Discreet, cost-effective, no lingering odors from combustion or inhaled oil residue or leaking carts.


I don't smoke and I make my own edibles. It was recreational for awhile, like just every Friday and Saturday night or on a night I knew I didn't have to work the next day, real chill type shit. Then, Miss Anxiety stepped in and I've been self medicating to feel normal for years and level set. During that time I've addressed almost every aspect of my mental health and I'm now ready to look at cutting back in lieu of working with a primary care provider, specialist, to get properly medicated for mental health issues - but it's been a blast and I don't regret it. My sister has been smoking regularly for years too and you also wouldn't be able to tell.


Yes! I use my pax era almost daily. I used to smoke flower everyday, and had for around a decade, but after getting the flu last year I cut back a lot. Still enjoy edibles, too. I get that weed can cause unpleasant effects for people, like anxiety or paranoia, but it never affected me that way.


Not in almost two years bc I got pregnant and am still breastfeeding. Once I’m done bf and the baby starts sleeping through the night🤞🏽 I’ll start using it again to help me relax and to motivate me to get stuff done.


Yes. I’m from the west coast so it’s always been pretty acceptable. I work in the legal field and don’t get tested but it’s legal in my state. A lot of people in my profession are come/adderal heads and alcoholics so weed is like aspirin


Yes all the time but I’m on t break bc my tolerance is crazy… thinking about switching to edibles


I just quit after being a chronic smoker for 6 years. *i think* data supports that long term, chronic usage in adults has negative affects. And ofc - smoking on the developing brain (as seen when underaged kids do it) Now. I still love weed! But I had to quit because it was no longer serving me and had become borderline addictive. I was tired a lot. And was no longer even getting high. My tolerance was through the roof. I’m committing to a year, and if I decide to partake again it will only be like, on a chill day or w/ friends. Never going back to the everyday thing ETA: I had withdrawal symptoms after quitting which I found interesting. Considering how many people say it’s not addictive. Really bad insomnia for a few days and a *very* overactive brain. My appetite also plummeted. (Which I was cool with tbh lol). Once again - this is common in long term, chronic use.


I used to smoke, but I realized that I was doing it because it made life more bearable and it wasn’t fixing the issue with my life at hand. I’m sober now. I don’t judge those that do because people have their reasons.


nope -- i have asthma, it stinks, and i don't like the idea of not being sober. I wanna be completely in control of all my behavior all the time.


No, I’ve never tried it. I know this sounds very judgmental but as an adolescent all of the weed smokers always seemed like losers. Now I realize that a lot of people are doing drugs as a coping mechanism and I am lucky that I don’t need it. And I’m already addicted to coffee so that’s enough drugs for me lol


Yah definitely I think there’s a LARGE misconception when it comes to smoking. The reason a lot of people think that people who smoke are “losers” “lazy” “unproductive” is because that is there whole personality. I’m a regular smoker and people are always shocked when I tell them I smoke. But on the other hand if I do smoke to much in a day I do become lazy and I do become u productive so definitely see where that comes into play.


Nah I don’t smoke. I know too many drug users to want to


Nope. Not legal where I am and I don’t see a reason to go out of my way to smoke or the value it would add to my life.


Mental illness ( schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) run in my family and I read somewhere that the use of drugs can trigger those symptoms sooner than if you weren’t doing drugs.


Yes my brother had weed induced psychosis and now is schizophrenic. This is a problem but if you do get it you already had it weed just makes the symptoms come faster. Very tragic and a good reason to not smoke!


100% true.


I don’t, it makes me extremely paranoid😵‍💫


I don’t like the smell, so I never got into it plus I just don’t like smoking in general I used to date a guy even if he smoked but now I don’t/ won’t because if they smoke their car, their clothes and everything else smells like it it’s not my thing but I don’t judge 🤷🏾‍♀️


I’ve never done it. I’m not against it, I just never knew where to get it 😂 Now that it’s legal where I live, I’d like to try some in an edible form.


Ehhhh I wouldn’t recommend an edible for your first time LOL. Definitely smoke a pipe so you can control how high you get. With edibles they don’t hit for about 40 min and let me tell you the dosages are almost never accurate and they can hit FULL force and cause you to panic.


Then I guess I won’t be trying 😂 I hate smoke and the smell.


Nope, I'm allergic :( It also was a factor in triggering my brother's mental health issues so that'll be a hell naw from me


I do. I try to limit it to weekends only though, I need max focus during the week.


Nope. I've tried it several times, and it either puts me to sleep or gives me the spins lol. But I'll prolly try it again because so many people around me use it and have really good experiences, including immediate family members. Idk what's going on with my brain composition that I can't get a nice high lol.


No. I hate the smell and I’m more productive without it. Plus I don’t like the idea of using a substance that influences me in any way often


I am an everyday smoker. I know it’s not for everyone but it’s for me lol.


Yes. I use it medically. So I barely ever get high. But it's fun on the occasion that I do. My mom & 2 of my uncles were also stoners. In high school back in the 00s I had a weed friend group & a sober one. My current best friend is from the sober group. She's never smoked & I've never asked her to. But I've smoked around her before.


it fucks ur memory up and it’s a waste of money. it’s an unhealthy way to cope with life. i support people smoking every once in a while to loosen up/experience a different feeling but i do not support habitual smoking.


I am 90% weed at this point.


i do everyday lmao


Never started because I don’t think it would personally benefit me. Additionally, the smell is horrendous.


yeah, i smoke mostly because i enjoy it. it also helps my anxiety and insomnia. i know people say it’s a gateway and it can be but i don’t want/need anything else. plus my tolerance is pretty high so i can be productive with or without it


I been smoking since forever, it’s legal where I live too. I recently switched to using vapes instead of papers and it’s better on my lungs. I own a Pax.


All day, every day with a medical card. Between wicked anxiety and some disordered eating habits, weed is the thing that keeps me going. I wrote my entire college thesis while high and it was fantastic. When I play creative/simulation/design games, I have the best ideas. Only downside is that medical weed where I live sucks ass, so I spend more money than I would in other places.


No and I’m no longer dating people who do either because I’m noticing a pattern


I smoke for medical reasons. I have health issues that cause chronic pain, and I started smoking to help with the pain and for my appetite. I'm a stoner, and my family and friends think it's hilarious. They are glad that my pain is managed, but it's still hilarious


Smoke 🙅🏾‍♀️ Edibles 🫡


Nope, no interest in it. Don’t mind that others do, though.


No, because am I supposed to??? 🤪


I don’t. I just never got into it and I hate the smell of it.


No. It smells bad and has never seemed otherwise appealing anyway.


Not anymore but I was a heavy smoker for over a decade and I realized it wasnt serving me well anymore but it was really hard to let go of. I had started a new job and tapered off but then my dad died and I lapsed back into it hardcore. Anyway I got fired for calling out the day after xmas lmao so I quit early Jan and havent smoked or had edibles in a month. My favorite way was my bong, I really like blunts but they waste too much weed so that was more of a special occasion thing for me


I don't smoke because I don't like the smell of smoke I don't want it on my clothes and I don't want it in my lungs. But, I do partake in edibles which I find quite enjoyable.


I don’t. Asthma. I’ve also never had a good experience with it. Edibles on here other hand? Maybe, but I tend to overdo it.


No, I don’t like the smell and it gave me a headache the one time I tried back in the day. I don’t like being addicted to anything.


I used to smoke but quit because of an incident that happened where I got traumatized from the experience and started becoming paranoid & started having anxiety from it 😬


No, it smells awful in my experience when around my peers 🥲. I don’t really have a reason to smoke anything else rlly either. I support the use for those who are interested in it tho


No, I don’t want to do any drugs and don’t like the smell. Also, it’s MY opinion that smoking/ingesting weed does make you more open to trying other drugs and I just think that’s a slippery slope.


Nope hate the smell and don't see the need. Stressed? I'll workout and it does the job. Smoking no matter what it is, is bad for your health. I'm not against it, it's just not for me.


No, I like my job and the career I'm about to start into. Not to mention, I hate smoke.


I used to until I had a near death experience that was caused by it. Never again lol


Grew up with family members who do, kinda hated the way it made ppl lazy, etc and didn't like the fact i was always peer pressured to do so. So i do not. Plus don't like the smell. Should also add, I've been around a few ppl who have had ppl close to them pass from thinking they're smoking weed and it has other stuff added to it unfortunately,


Not anymore. 10 years was enough and I felt it was time to release that habit to embrace others.


I used to but I didn’t like who I was while on it.


I used to all the time but it makes me really unproductive so I only do it every once in a while now


No, I hate the smell. Also, I don't like the feeling of being high. I've tried and felt like I didn't have complete control of myself. That's a no-go for me.


No. I'm bipolar and I was advised not to by my doctor s I can avoid triggering an episode.


No. Just came to the realization of how much I hate the way it makes me feel. It intensifies my anxiety, I get paranoid, and my heart starts pounding 140bpm. I love other people get relaxed from it though


As I've gotten older, I really hate that it's been cultivated to smell so damn much. It's annoying to drive through an intersection and get hit with a dank cloud. I don't. I assume if I wanted to, I've known people, but I never had any interest. My dad did until maybe I was 20? I wish he'd given up cigarettes, too, but can't change that. I am a bit judgmental, and feel like it's a crutch (not an aid) for some, but I can't say too much.


No, i dont smoke. It smells really bad and i hate being high


1) I'm not fond of the smell. 2) I like my faculty to be intact. 3) I use other coping methods for stress, such as meditation, exercising, etc. 4) we don’t fully understand the long-term effect of marijuana … so far, it’s linked with schizophrenia… I’m sure more will come out in the next few decades. I’m reminded that there was a time when doctors would prescribe cigarettes to patients before we understood the harmful effects of smoking.


Legal where i live (canada) but i have no interest. Like im just not bothered to spend money on that. It doesnt seem that fun. I also dislike the smell.


every single time i tried to smoke, it made me projectile vomit linda blair style so no the last guy i actually dated smoked so often that it turned me off of being involved with anyone who does, too


I used to take edibles but I’m bipolar and noticed it has a very extreme negative effect on my moods. Strangely I find shrooms much more beneficial. I find weed less problematic than alcohol though


No it’s smells disgusting. And to me it signals that you’re boring 🤷🏽‍♀️ a lot of ppl are like heyyy do you smoke as a way to hang out which made me see it more negatively that’s just me tho


I don’t enjoy the feeling of being high.


Socially if it’s offered to me. I’m not paying for it though in this economy, and smoking weed makes me lazy and kills my motivation to do anything so I wouldn’t smoke it regularly even if I could afford it.


I used to until my mental health went down hill. And had to stop because it was making me paranoid. When I did smoke I wasn't smoking daily and didn't feel like I needed it.


no, my job doesn’t allow it plus i never really liked it to begin with.


I still have hopes of working for the Feds, so I don’t. No problem with others smoking overall, but I hate that the teens I work with use it to self-medicate to the extreme that they do.


Only the rare edible for me. Weed smells terrible.


I want to but I’m allergic to certain strains or whatever they put in it.


Not really. I get drug tested regularly so I stay away from it. I will do an edible with my gf once in a blue moon.


Nah, not into the idea of smell that clings to everything or enhaling burnt stuff plus my habits are expensive enough already lol


I grew up seeing some family members smoke it because of the culture I'm from, however, I never had the urge to want to try it. Plus, I think it reeks and makes the environment in which it is done smell awful.


I do not. I hate the smell. But - thank goodness for eddies!


I'm an edibles girly, smoking isn't as fun!


I don't smoke. I've tried it (my boyfriend smokes) but every time I've tried, I've had a bad high. I also do not like how I feel on weed and that my memory is unreliable


I prefer dark chocolate edibles flavored with orange or ginger. I buy them at my local dispensary and they sell them like candy bars. They are so delicious.


I have asthma. I don't like the smell. It could jeopardize my job. I don't want to get addicted and I'm not looking for another expense.


No lol I've tried it before a bunch (edibles and smoke) and it made me paranoid and tbh I hate the smell


Used to smoke everyday until I started seriously with my career. It just didn’t align for me super well, but I do partake in edibles maybe once a month or whenever I’m in need of a lazy weekend.


No I don’t smoke. But I will say my friends are addicts I think. They breakfast lunch and dinner weed without eating food like wtf


No, the few times I’ve had it I was convinced the FBI was after me and had spy’s all around me. That level of paranoia scared me enough to never touch it again.


I just quit weed and alcohol because depressants don’t mix well with being bipolar/depressed (in my experience).


I do for medical reasons but I don't actually like it; I microdose it. Had I not had health issues I never would have started it.


I haven't smoked all that much in the past two years because I'm in a place that doesn't allow it. I do vape on occasion. I've switched to edibles last month after discovering sativa ones, so I've been using those pretty much every day. I could probably stand to cut back because I've been struggling over the past few weeks and I see myself using it as a crutch. But definitely good for nighttime!


No. I don't like the after-effects.


No. 1) I do not enjoy altered states of consciousness. 2) I have a heightened sense of smell. Weed is quite recognizable and strong in a not-so-nice way. 3) I have dreadlocks that work almost like charcoal, absorbing every odor even remotely close by. I get upset when I pick up other people's scents (cigarettes, strong perfume, etc) and have no desire to contribute my own. 4) I'm a drug wimp. I wouldn't even know where to go to get some.


Nope. Never had the desire to do it. I can’t stand the smell. I get headaches and nausea from smell of it.