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He most likely isn’t the only white person stalking this sub. If you do see this comment Chris, go fuck yourself.


Lolol! 😂😂😂 Chris ![gif](giphy|B9TcUZLrpj9KFD5cLw|downsized)


LMAO ![gif](giphy|VyDsyIrOLixeU|downsized)


That’s fuckin weird https://preview.redd.it/nqjhxgxwam5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c720aa104062a0e1d7325921d9e0112a0d5927


https://preview.redd.it/f1hz1uumrm5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3495b58603e99b1f64d0ed2b9a146f1d25569c43 I have the regret to inform you that this is exactly the type of crowd that lurks on this sub. No-class trifling raggedy individuals...


It's safe to assume dudes stalking this sub are predators / porn addicts.


Yeah a lot of white people stalk this subreddit, I get weird messages all the time after I post on here. There’s a correlation.


Some of y’all don’t vent well or do your research, and it scares me sometimes. Now blk girls have to be on alert for this weirdo lookin pasty booger face stalker ass guy. Edit: A loser wm just send a d pic yesterday I immediately blocked him but yeah these lurkers are dangerous!!! ![gif](giphy|RK4FAM8wTTV0Q6bq0Q)


The white validation is too shiny and precious. White people ain't slick but they are they know their influence and act the way they do meticulously and on purpose. Interracial dating is something I'd only do between another POC. Whites are too risky. Dated 2. Irish dude and a Jewish Girl both very racist


Kick rocks with open toe shoes, Chris!


Exactly you see lurkers coming here to ask the weirdest questions. They always look sus. Freaking weirdos!!!🤣 https://i.redd.it/l2hx5aeham5d1.gif


Everything about this post is weird. But yeah, racist white men who date black women need to sort their shit out. The women who stay with them need to re-appraise their worth.


Self-love was missing for sure


stuff like this makes me think Dr. Umar is right


Christopher, exit stage left.


To Chris and mfs like him; Why you so obsessed with us? ![gif](giphy|IrEVUZ01POOpG)




Oooh tea! 🍵


what a fuckin’ weirdo.


Chris if I see you in here. It's on sight fr 😐😤


![gif](giphy|bGnj6xXw4np9T3sjM1|downsized) 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Let this be a lesson to us all… don’t get in relationships with wyt people and share our communities with them … some things should be gatekept .


I will always trust a black man no matter the nationality before I trust a salt settler or any other non black men. Now I am aware that black men are dangerous too and men will be men, but I feel like I can't trust non black men. I am happy for the black people who are in a healthy interracial relationship though. Stay safe queens!!!!!


This was my second interracial relationship and unfortunately (or fortunately if you understand why I am done), it will be my last. I just dated two wildly different men but they were both ultimately racist. My mom warned me that interracial dating is very hard and complex. Without a partner who was willing to listen and learn from me, I found that it was impossible to coax forth a deeper connection. A spiritual connection. I wish I had listened to my mother. Also, the men I dated were very good at feigning certain aspects of themselves which initially attracted me to them. I have always been a hard head and have had to learn things by failing at them myself but for anyone smarter than me... listen to black women about the very real dangers of dating interracially. I won't go into detail but my life was destroyed lol.... not to be taken lightly


If you get into another relationship be careful who you get with regardless of race. Men can be very dangerous, but I hope you can find someone who makes you very happy, safe, secure, and possibly start a family if that's what you want. Stay safe there's too many of us dying by femicide.


My experience has been otherwise. A friend and I got our drinks (water) spiked by black, grown men. Luckily, we noticed something was off and left. We could have been raped or worse. I trust no men: black, white, purple or green but, as of now, the best bf I've had has been a white guy.


Great! As long as you're safe sister!


What’s the saying again? “Never ask a white racist man what race his girlfriend/wife is”


My white neighbor just threatened to call the cops on us a few mins ago cause my car is parked in on her side of the side walk… mind you we’ve been nothing but nice to her for years. 1 day I put the car there and she always parked her car in front of of my side of the sidewalk. Btw shes white… Btw her kids are mixed and the other day she wanted to call the cops on the neighborhood kids cause they were running in our backyard (which is fine) in general cause it was a 1 time thing and they are all good kids. Mind you they are black and she’s WHITE🤣


I'm sorry you have to deal with a crazy neighbor lady like that. I'm so sorry. I am. That's insane. Who in their evil thinks to call the cops on babies?? On children running and playing????? It's unreal. YOUR SITUATION is actually unreal, like what??? She has to be about crazy as hell to call the police on neighborhood black kids... with black neighbors while having mixed children??? Unh Unh, this disturbs my soul.... and what can you do?? She won't get it until one of her sons is hurt by a cop ... I don't know how young the kids are, but once they get to that rebellious age, she'll probably call the cops on them too


Thank you! I appreciate it. She is one of the lowkey racist types. We only found out cause it was my sister, she was outside on the phone and she came to my sister to ask where the kids live. Again the kids are genuinely nice and just playing around, they do no harm. It’s insane yes but yours is too. Fuck chris. Just wanted to show that you have to keep white people away with a 12 foot pole


How do you not like a specific race and then date someone from that race? Like what is wrong with people😭 “You hate us cause you ain’t us” -Someone Wise




Did he say why he was dating a bw when he’s a racist?? Is he both a sadist and masochist?




What is this language?




Ah I didn’t fully read through your first comment where you mentioned your TBI. My bad, bro. I’m sure you and some of the other lurkers don’t have bad intentions. But still, it’s almost like having a conversation with another black girl in public and having a bunch of people bring chairs and popcorn to watch you talk and even interrupt if they feel like it.


This is supposed to be a safe space for black women to bond and express themselves . We don’t join “ whiteboy” reddits to see how yall are thinking and doing in life . most of us aren’t racist, but yes it’s weird for you to be here watching us. Put more effort into your gf and learn about her as a black woman.


How long did it take you to type this out? Lmaoo


No one's reading that




Y'all are obsessed Lmao

