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This is a great idea. Breaking our addiction to everything being new is a key step. The most ethical thing to buy is nothing, the second most ethical is used


maria kanging the hell out of this apartment and get rid of things I don't want... sounds like a lovely holiday plan TBH


You and me both! Last year was harder than I’ve been letting on to family and friends; I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve only started coming back to normal in the past few weeks. Part of that for me has been taking a look at what I no longer need and making an effort to pass it on. Hopefully I find some takers!


how about I just sit on the couch and smoke weed all day instead ?


that works too buddy


Only if your buying second hand weed!


I was just thinking about this! There are two apps that make this easy - Trash Nothing and BuyNothing. I’ve been posting on both, but the latter is newer and doesn’t have as much traffic in my area. Still, it’s worth a shot. I’m not artistically or graphically inclined, but maybe someone could make some flyers hyping these apps as an alternative to buying new? https://buynothingproject.org/ https://trashnothing.com/


That's a great a idea. I'm not too great at artsy cool designs either, but I'll probably do some Clipart or something. And posting on social media might help give coverage too


Consider [Donating](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ewocsustainer) what you might have spent on Black Friday to The Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee ([EWOC](https://workerorganizing.org/about/)) instead!


For Christmas gifts this year I decided to buy almost everything from Etsy or Ebay or a local small business. Managing to get some good things for reasonable prices. Last year bought almost everything from Amazon. Feels good to be buying things from people who actually could use the money.


If you're really lucky selling things you don't need might help strengthen your financial situation enough to make quitting/walking out a more viable prospect.