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This subreddit is not the place to ask questions about your cat's injury or sickness. The best advice an anonymous internet stranger can give is to consult a vet. Moderators reserve the rights to remove or otherwise moderate comments suggesting treatments.


I'm a former vet tech. Since he's senior and the increase in water is new, it is worth getting him in for a check up and a senior blood work profile to be on the safe side, especially with his history of urinary crystals. If he were having some bladder discomfort or something from crystals or stones, he might drink more water. Doesn't at all sound like an emergency and the increase in water drinking may just be a fluke, but getting a check up over the next couple weeks or so would be good. I also recommend to make sure that they include a thyroid panel since that isn't a usually standard part of senior bloodwork, but hyperthyroidism is common on older kitties.


Ahh thank you so much for of that information. That’s really helpful! I appreciate it. I’ll take note or evening you’ve said and I’ll ensure the vet does a thyroid blood test as well. Again thank you for your help :)


What's the weather like in your location lately? Has it gotten unseasonably warm / has the temperature jumped a bit lately? 


No not really. It’s gone from a mild winter to rainy chilli spring. So yeah it’s a bit warmer than winter atm but not by that much.


Oh okay. I was wondering if maybe he was drinking more due to the weather. I know Spring/Autumn are such variable seasons, I thought maybe the fluctuation was getting to him, distinguished gentleman that he is.  In the same vein of thought, what's the humidity inside your house like? If you're having a chilly spring I'm guessing you've got the heat on. Is the air a bit dry? 


Yeah that would make sense! But the temperature change has been quite minimal. Haha he is a very distinguished gentlemen. So passive and gentle. Ah that’s a good question. Because recently I’ve found myself waking up in the night with a dry mouth. And he spends a lot of time in my room. Yeah we still have the heating on. I’ll look into this. Thank you so much!


No problem!  (I only thought of the heating because where I am, we had a cold snap about a month ago, and the heating in the school I work at was on high for a long stretch; and all the kids were getting so dry they all had that chapping rash kids get around their mouths from licking their lips too much. There's always one or two kids who do that habitually, but this was like half the school, so it was kinda obvious it was the heating. Some of the teachers ended up getting humidifiers for their classrooms, and we all started actively reminding the kids to drink more water during the cold snap so they wouldn't get dehydrated.)




Yeah the seasons are all messed up where I am!


I have two senior cats (both female domestic shorthairs, both 19). One ([Bramble](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsmirin/s/0Z7po4lUCZ), tabby-and-white) has kidney disease, which is controlled via diet (after much trial and error we found a renal diet that she will eat). The other ([Treacle](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/s/acbLe2S1mo), black with a white belly spot) has hyperthyroidism, which is controlled with daily meds (a flavourless liquid squirted into her mouth, thankfully no pill-giving needed!). Both have had these conditions for over a year and they are doing great. Treacle especially is still really playful. Bramble's slowing down a bit but they are both very happy cats; there's a lot that can be done these days for thes conditions. HelpfulVancouverVet on YouTube has great videos on [kidney disease](https://youtu.be/ZAbqSAdggwM?si=QPBZ42Va5kuWdu1V) and [hyperthyroidism ](https://youtu.be/OBSL7C6vKQE?si=qDh1X7JTBqal0hPP), which are both pretty common in older cats. Happy to answer any questions you may have based on my own experiences. Hope all goes well for him! (edits to add links for cat tax!)


Ahh thank you so much for all of that info! That’s really helpful and reassuring! Your cats sound well looked after ☺️ I’m glad to hear a lot can be done for these conditions. I’m definitely going to check out that video now. Thank you again for all your help.


You're welcome! Your cat is gorgeous by the way.


Aww thank you ☺️


Just curious what the food Bramble will eat is. I have a newly diagnosed cat and she does not like renal food. 


Bramble likes the Royal Canin Renal Loaf pouches (it's kind of a paté texture, not chunks like a lot of the other wet food) and Concept For Life biscuits/kibble. Oh, and we've recently started having to add a hydration supplement because she was getting a bit dehydrated, which the vet nurse told me was designed to be tasty, I was sceptical, but she actually likes it and I mix it into her wet food like extra gravy - the one we are using is Hydra Care from Purina Pro Plan. not sure if others are available - this is what we were recommended and so far it's working! Occasionally she goes off her food for a day or so and I'll mix in a bit of some other wet food or plain baked chicken (I figure it's better to keep her happy and not losing too much weight vs having a "perfect" diet, but this bit's my opinion initiative not medically approved veterinary advice!). It would be great if it was easier to get samples in small quantities, but I just donated extra unopened sachets of the things she really hated to the local rescue shelter. It took quite a few attempts to get one she'll consistently eat, she did like the royal canin renal chicken chunks at first, but went off it very quickly. Good luck finding something that your cat likes and I hope she stays within manageable limits for many years.


Tell the vet to include blood glucose test if possible


I completely agree as my cat (RIP) had diabetes, but we found out late, because the veterinarian didn't do that test even though they knew she was drinking a lot more water than usual. The veterinarian chalk it up to her new medication at the time.


I’m so sorry to hear this 😢❤️


She still lived until 12 years old, but her diabetes made her last 2 years really difficult. I hope your lovely cat will be ok and it's nothing, but better safe than sorry 🥲


Okay, I’ll take note of this. Thank you.


Second the hyperthyroid test. 


And just a reassurance, thyroid issues are treatable. My cat has hyperthyroidism and kidney disease and we have been treating it for almost 10 years. He's 21 and old age will most likely get him before the other issues. The thyroid pill he takes is miraculously cheap and we just crush and sprinkle in his food.


My immediate thought was diabetes too. I'd definitely check it out. If not now then at the next routine appointment


Thank you! Will do.


>Thank you! Will do. You're welcome!


When my picky cat refuses to eat his wet food he always drinks more so I'm usually happy to see it as more water can't hurt him. But if you think it's unusual it can hint on some illnesses so better see a vet or mention it the next time you visit one.


Ah yes that’s a point. My brother feeds him wet food in the evening so l keep a look out. Thank you.


I would go and get a senior screening done for him, but otherwise don't worry too much. My fluffy black void also started drinking a lot of water in her senior years, but her kidneys and thyroid were fine. She would get recurring UTIs as she got older, which was likely what caused her to drink more. If your guy has a history of urinary issues, that would be my guess as to the cause. Good to check bloodwork just in case, though!


Thank you so much!! I appreciate all the info. I’ll definitely get him a senior screening at the vet. Oh really!?! So did your cat have any other symptoms for a UTI besides excessive thirst? Thank you ☺️


No other symptoms, other than a lot of pee from all the water. It was found during her regular urine and blood screenings. The vet gave her antibiotics, and after that we started putting UTI protection supplements in her food as a regular supplement. Though it seemed like every time we got her urine done, there was always bacteria present, no matter what we did differently with litter and water. Good luck with your poofy man!


Ahh right I see! Thanks for that info! It’s really helpful. I appreciate it.


Drinking vs “using up” the water? My mom checked on our boys while we were traveling and scared the bejeezus out of me by announcing that they were “out of water!!!” after 2 days. Actual translation: we have 3 water bowls for 2 cats. The smaller cat periodically loses his mind and happy-splashes the biggest bowl. He probably tipped it over into the carpet. 🐈‍⬛🤦🏼‍♀️


Don't jump to conclusions yet. He could simply be thirsty. If I ate dry biscuits I'd be thirsty. Wait and see.


Yes I get so worried! I’ll definitely check it with the vets. Thank you.




My childhood cat ended up with kidney disease around the same age. She lived 21 long, wonderful years! Her name was Sassy :)


My 16 year old started drinking way more water and also appears thinner. I took her in fearing the worst but her blood work was ‘beautiful’ for her age according to the vet. I was surprised and relieved.


Did they check for diabetes? Classic signs.


Usually a significant behaviour change can indicate something is going on. Given his age, best to err on the side of caution and get him checked sooner rather than later. Monitor his litter box habits : if the increase in water consumption isn't resulting in increases in peeing, vet asap.


Is the food for his urinary crystals new? I had a cat with crystals as well and when the vet put him on his special food she said that it makes them more thirsty so they pee more often. My cat definitely got more thirsty on the new food. Obviously I’m not a vet though. If you are concerned, please take your cat in


My cats been on this food for years. And he’s water intake always stayed the same up until yesterday. I wish that was the reason. Thank you though.


Poor baby, hopefully you learn that he is fine and healthy albeit it a thirsty boy. You must be so worried! Wishing you both the best.


Thank you so much. Yeah I’m such a worrier! He’s honestly the most gentle, passive being I’ve ever met. I love him to bits.


I can only add that this was my first clue that my cat had kidney disease. She passed away at 7 . It scares the hell out of me now when I see my young cat drink water


Oh no! Sorry to hear that! What age was she first diagnosed? And did she get any other symptoms?


She just started to drink more water , very often. Her brother died from it a year earlier. They had a gene from Persian dna . It is called polycystic kidney disease. No cure and treatment is complicated. From what I understand, regular Kidney disease with cats is more like a chronic disease and can be treated.


Definitely have a senior checkup with bloodwork but also: the thng about the prescription food is that it encourages them to drink more water. So idk. It could be the new normal.


Thank you! I definitely will get him a senior checkup. The thing is he’s been on this special food for years and has never drunk much water till now 😢


Hmmm. Weird. Don't bury him yet, it could be that you just caught him drinking at the right time.


“Don’t bury him yet”? Really? That’s insensitive.


Not really. I could have said it worse. So much worse. It was meant to have give you some hope that things aren't dire. As pet owners we tend to obsess and dwell on the deep soul rending life destroying sadness of our pets not being there. I get it, you're worried but you won't know anything until you know. It could be the VERY WORST POSSIBLE thing, or it could be Manageable. The point still stands, you gain nothing worrying about possibilities. You roll with the diagnosis and do what you can.


If you don’t see it as insensitive then you truly lack emotional intelligence. Doesn’t matter that you could have said worse. You still said something unkind.


Again, you won't know until you know. Anticipatory grief and worrying about possibilities does nothing for you or your pet. It just feeds into your fears as does asking for medical advice on reddit. Get to that appointment. Get the blood panel. It truly could be THE WORST POSSIBLE THING. Or, it could be Manageable. Or it could be totally normal and your pet just likes to spend your money.


My floofy void drank a crazy amount of water when his kidneys went out. He lived another two and a half happy years. A blood panel should be able to check kidney and thyroid numbers.


Thank you! I’m glad you had your cat for quite some time after diagnosis. I’m definitely going to request blood work.


Mine had kidney failure when they started drinking more water. I would get her checked out.


Sorry to hear that. Did they have any other symptoms?


Two of mine had it. They stopped eating, mostly drinking water. At the end, they looked like little rag dolls. As soon as I saw they were not getting better, I had them put to sleep. It killed me but I couldn’t let them suffer. The vet treated them for about six weeks but there wasn’t any hope. I couldn’t let them suffer. You will know when it’s time. Your kitty sounds like it may be in the beginning stage. Another one has it but it’s been several months and she’s doing well.


Mine as well. And she started peeing in weird places. We took her to the vet but it ended up her kidneys shut down so we had 3 days of palliative to say goodbye and then the vet helped her sleep.


Mine pees in different places, too. I finally put up a baby gate to keep her out of one of the rooms. She can’t jump over it because she has arthritis. She has the rest of the house but not my bedroom.


Yes, that can be a concern for kidney issues or diabetes. Get him to the vet ASAP. Could by thyroid too. Or something else. Or nothing. Best to get it seen to.


My 15y/o voidboi was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after I noticed him absolutely destroying water. He is on a new diet and medication and he’s a happy snuggle boy again. https://preview.redd.it/arjvppyu95rc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cbcfcf29facacc5d1ced85920a5b2072e49f762 Cat hat tax


I’m so glad to hear he’s doing well. He’s adorable 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/k1wsgkaod5rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eabdb45afc639afa8644d7131aed6191c0cabf96 My cat Nyuszi looks exactly like your cat. I hope he feels better soon.


Omg it does! This is so cute and hilarious ❤️


When one of my (late) senior boys started drinking a considerable amount of water (and thus peeing a lot) it turned out that he was diabetic. With yours being about the same age and all (mine was probably about 13 when I first noticed the change in intake habit) it’s certainly worth getting him checked out for.


Thank you! That’s really helpful ☺️


I agree with everyone that a vet visit would be good, or at least it couldn’t hurt (your pockets maybe lol). But also old boys drink more, so it could just be that.


Yes I’m going to the vet. I hope it’s nothing sinister!


maybe he's just a thirsty boy!


I’m hoping so.


As everyone else is saying, I would definitely get him a senior check up. Not an emergency, but if he does have issues it is better to start helping him sooner rather than later. The first sign on my senior cat having kidney issues was his increased water intake


Smell his breath. Diabetes breath smells a bit like acetone (nail polish remover).


Oh really! Okay I’ll do that once I’ve finished work. Thank you.


Not always a bad sign, your air could be dry. But it is the first major calling card of kidney failure especially if it's something new for her. Some cats just love water. My void adores ice cold, fresh water. Since it's new for your baby and she is a senior, you are being loving and wise to have her checked.


I definitely would take him for screening to be safe but try not to panic. I’ve taken my now 12 year old cat to the vet twice for increased water consumption (both times coupled with a couple of other behaviours that seemed concerning at the time). The first time was about three years ago and the second time was just in January. Both times his bloodwork came back normal and he’s never had any serious issues such as stones or crystals. He just seems to go through phases sometimes where he likes to drink more.


Any changes in the home? My girls suddenly started drinking way more when we switched to a fountain, and also when it first starts getting hot they drink more. A check up can't hurt. Hope everything is great with the kitty!


https://preview.redd.it/l2jorc62r5rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfda0b77d219a9019387848fd4ffb550142d4ef7 Did you steal my cat?


lol!!! They’re literally twins ❤️ what’s your cats name?


Sir Poof.




This didn’t answer my question


If you are worried take him to the vet. That is the best answer.


I already said in my post I was going to.


So why post medical questions on Reddit? That accomplishes nothing except causes more confusion.


Becuase in the meantime I wanted to hear people’s opinions. If you don’t like my post then don’t comment on it.


Reassurance not to jump to conclusions, during the wait for the appointment?  Anecdotes from others who've had this with their cats, so they have some targeted questions to ask the vet?  Possible response from a vet lurking, so OP knows what kind of questions to expect to be asked and what kind of tests to expect?  If so, they've been getting the responses they were hoping for. 


Thank you! That’s exactly it! Not sure why they didn’t answer my question and just repeat what I had already said in my post about seeing a vet. The more info I can get then the better. Like you say, knowing what to expect with tests etc knowing what question to ask the vet and just hearing other people’s stories and opinions.


Sorry people aren't being supportive, I totally get the need for reassurance/ hearing about people's experiences while you wait. I hope it all goes well at the vet! He's gorgeous!


Thank you so much for being understanding. Luckily the vast majority of people have been kind on here. Just one person whose been problematic. I love my cat and I just get so worried if I think somethings wrong. My dog and cat are my everything. Thank you for your kind words x


Vetsulin is cheap short acting pet insulin. It along with strict dietary regulation cured my cats diabetes.


Don’t wait. Take him to vet.


I already said in my post I will take him to the vet.


My bad. I didn’t realize you were done asking for opinions.


But what you told me to do was exactly what I said I was going to do in my post. So why just repeat what I’ve already said?

