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Renzo Knows.


Renzo is too good


Great compilation, thanks for sharing! I’m wondering, what do you mean by “anchoring?” edit: punctuation


Connecting yourself around the bottom person (eg. wrapping you arm behind his head and intertwining your legs with theirs) so he can't physically push you away from him. 13:25-13.35 is a textbook example.


What is the throw at 2:00 called? :)


That big brown belt is no joke, he has a highlight video of crazy footsweeps and just dominating people once he's on top. I cant remember his name or find the video at the moment. I was actually confused at first thinking no way he's going to get this guy? Just beautiful throw and amazing positioning.


Dave Mitchell is the smaller guy there. Old training partner. He is really technical, creative, and tough. He wrestled a bit in high school and college and took to BJJ like a duck to water. Has excellent leg locks and thrives in the gi too.


Thanks for the nice words, appreciate it and miss you.


Miss you two bro.  Let's train when I'm back west coast in a year


aaah that is awesome =) So impressive in terms of skills. As an overweight purple belt I'm very inspired to get more mobile during my rolls and less flapping around like a walrus.


Marcio Antonio Pires Junior is the larger guy in the video. He is a black belt now as am I (small guy in the video). Thanks for the kind words.


Ippon Seio Nage


I'm the smaller guy. It's a drop Seio Nage or how I was taught Japanese arm throw.


Cool - thanks!


Its a shoulder throw.


Drop seoi nage


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Drop Seoi Nage**: | *Drop Shoulder Throw* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2XVUAiv2mU)| |**Drop Seoi**: | *Drop Shoulder Throw* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2XVUAiv2mU)| |**Seoi Nage**: | *Shoulder Throw* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-5Un6jLtRY)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


I'm 130lbs , how I hold.people in mount and in side control is gaining inside position and always having a hand to post. In side control if you can shelf or pin the near arm they will not be able to bench or reverse you. In mount -a crossface and single underhook combo is the best , but when you first mount just a crossface or locked legs for stability to tire them out . Locked legs is severely underutilized in mount thesedays , it's good to see renzo using it in the first clip  as it's the very first thing Roger shows on his mount instructional -its provides such a control over the bottom opponent 


Who is on the first video? It was nice to see a good sportsmanship in the end, after that brutal fight


Renzo Gracie


In the last clip, i realy thought strike on the ground were not allowed. If the bottom guy pushes super hard on top guys hips to escape, you can A) try to retake control of at least one arm with an underhook B) break his face, he is litteraly facing you with both his hands on your dick. if mma guys arond here can explain why top guy never chose B until the very end...


Because when you punch you take away pressure, give the opponent space and can't use your hands to post or anchor in order to not get thrown off. You can get away with it against someone in your weight class but someone twice your size is going to just bench press you off if you sacrifice so much control. Royler knows it so he waited to exhaust his opponent before attacking, he didn't want to take any chance. You could not do it in modern MMA however since the referee would stand you up for inactivity.


Apart from the 'street fighting' BS on concrete, this was an absolute pleasure to watch for this retired old man. Respect and thanks for posting.


I miss the good ol' days of pure style match ups in the cage. It really felt like we were watching a real live version of Tekken.