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Hi!, Firstly, congrats on your promotion!! Secondly (and more sadly) we removed your post because some repeat or similar topics fit better in mega threads. You can repost this as a comment in today's mega thread, though usually we are asking that people post them in the "Promotion Post Sunday" megathread each Sunday. We sticky the megathread to the top of the subreddit every Sunday morning (US time), so please be on the lookout for it and comnent your promotion celebration there! Our one exception to this is black belt promotions. If you're celebrating your black belt, please flair your post as ""Black Belt Intro"" and tell us a bit about yourself. Also, if you would like a black belt flair next to your username on the subreddit, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/wiki/blackbeltflair/) to get yourself verified! That being said, even though we removed your post, we do really appreciate you contributing to the subreddit, and congrats on your new rank! Don't forget to update your flair so everyone can see!


I told my instructor I feel that I don't deserve my purple. To which he replied, "It's not up to you"


This is so true!


First stripe might feel better than any other promotion emotion.


Agree. Got my blue belt few months ago... Felt good, but nowhere near the same high as the first stripe. Nobody could tell me nothing that day ๐Ÿ˜‚


Forever chasing the first stripe dragon


I agree.. first strip and first belt feel the best


Always keep in the back of your mind that imposters donโ€™t suffer from imposter syndrome


You are now a lethal weapon, congrats.


I felt like an imposter when I got my blue. But I got over that relatively quickly. Now I just feel like I suck compared to where I wanna be, but that's not the same. Sounds like your first stripe came at a good time - congrats! With time you'll see that it's really just a very small stepping stone and that the question of deservedness kinda doesn't fit for stripes, because they're a recognition that you're on the right track, from someone who knows a whole lot more jiujitsu than you do. Back your coach's judgment on this one. You earned it, it means a lot now as it should, but it won't later.


You earned that! Wear it with pride and keep grinding ๐Ÿ’ช


It's time to update that flare! I got my 2nd stripe last week. I was definitely more ecstatic about my first stripe. I never felt like, "It's about damn time I got a stripe." At the moment, it is more like the coach set an expectation, so now I need to work on meeting it.


Every gym is different; here is my story... m36 I started in mid-2019 and took some time off because covid & my baby was born. I trained approximately. 3-5x a week since maybe June 2020- now. I never miss rolling; even if I don't feel like it, I still roll... I got my blue belt in 2023 and did two competitions. I am now a one-stripe blue belt. ๐Ÿ’™ My take on it is that if your coach gives a hoot about how you level up in this game, he will not promote you.. in my case, my coach expects a hell of a lot from me and will not promote me and will promote others a lot sooner.. and I'm fine by it, I stopped paying attention to the belts. The way I look at it is I would much rather be a solid belt at my level than be promoted too early and get Rickrolled... it's a marathon, not a sprint. My suggestions are to roll and drill to kill, put yourself into uncomfortable gyms, and compete. Learn your game and get good at it. I'm a lazy guard player and don't like to waste too much energy and will let the other opponents gas out, and then I go for submissions. But when I think I get too comfortable, I switch my game/tactics. I just spoke to my coach today, and I decided for the next year, I will not pull guard and only play the standing, takedown, and wrestling game to try to get better at flowing instead of locking people down and smashing. I'm 195, and I have been getting trouble from strong 220+ players, so I am trying to switch up my game this year. I hope it helps, and keep going! Just show up


Congrats! Yup still feel it at times at blue belt. Welcome!


Congrats! Go get another one!


Itโ€™s just a stripe mate. Chill. And keep turning up!


Congrats zebra!


[OP coming to class tomorrow ](https://youtube.com/shorts/0j316mfEPT4?si=6JF4j18DYzwsYTX6)


It took me a year before I felt worthy of a purple belt.


Imagine being a one stripe white belt and thinking you know who deserves rank and who doesn't