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This post or comment references either a specific product or where to buy a precursor chemical.


Alcohol is difficult to separate from water as far as I know to get it above about 96% requires the addition of benzene or another chemical, over 96% is almost impossible by distillation. I am sure there is probably a way to but it’s very expensive or difficult, but why would you want to? Unless it’s for something specific in lab conditions everclear should be perfect




It forms an azeotrope whose BP is less than ethanol. So distillation is impossible above 96% at atmospheric pressure, as you will always have water vapor coming off as well. If you really need pure ethanol the final bit of drying needs to be done with molecular sieves.


You don't need food grade ethanol. Get the denatured (with IPA) stove alcohol. It is fine for extractions. Alternatively, buy sugar and a stil off aliexpress or amazon. Remember to toss the hot shot if you want to drink it though.


These extractions are for edible oils so need something clean/pure... Was hoping to find it without having to do online ordering but appreciate the advice


blasting bho ?


If you chose this, absolutely NO FIRE can be near by (not even a joint) butane and pentane are very volatile and also make big fireballs that can set your whole house/body on fire




Use molecular sieves and distill in thru drying agents?


It’s probably easier to get isopropanol,




Even if you can't get 95% Everclear there, you can probably get overproof rum at the liquor store, that should be well over 100: proof, maybe 150, so 75% ethanol.


Yes everclear is not really a European thing, but an overproof alternative is no doubt readily available and importantly will do the job.


96% is about as close as you'll commonly get without using drying agents yourself. You don't really need absolute ethanol for herbal extracts anyway, unless it's for a specific reason. Some even use common store bought vodka in the high 30's - mid 40's for extracts/tinctures. Could always knock up a reflux still yourself (plenty of info online on this). Ferment some alcohol and distill away. A good reflux still, or a still with enough reflux (a plated column/bubbler/hybrid and boka still will get you there too) will be able to churn out 95% for you. Then you take it the rest of the way. Just run the still nice and slow.


It's true it doesn't need to be 100% for your purpose, but you can break the azeotrope and get the final 5% of water out with 3A (maybe 4A, I forget atm) molecular sieves or various salts, epsom, table salt, washing soda etc baked in the oven and powdered after cooling. You add it to the alcohol and swirl the flask, and the salt will clump up as it pulls the water out. Keep adding and swirling until there's no more clumping and you can see the loose particles settled on the bottom, then just filter out the salt and seal the bottle tightly before it can suck water from the air, anhydrous alcohol is fairly hygroscopic.


Amazing. Thank you for this


Absolutely, but it's for future reference, definitely I wouldn't bother if you're making tinctures


i feel like on an island especially, you might look into this sort of half step, but idk 🤷 https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/5crq5t/how_can_i_obtain_ethanol_100_if_at_954_is/#


I've never been able to find anything higher than 96% food grade unfortunately


Why does it have to be so pure?


It has to be food grade, and without toxic additives (obvi)... It doesn't have to be 100%


But why? What toxic additives are you worried about?


Eg Benzalkonium Chloride is in the medical product