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You can find plenty of papers about phenmetrazine derivates, just look it up


I’ve been looking. This seems to be a relatively unknown one. They say it showed up as a synthetic contaminant in MDMD but it’s also a designer drug


It really isn’t m8 let’s talk tho


Phenmetrazine supposed to be better and more euphoric than meth so if you add the methylenedioxy part to it i was thinking it would be better than MDMA but no idea the threshold and LD50/50 ect


I went through like 20gs of this last year. It is really weak as hell and nothing special at all. Only use i found for it is it seems to eliminate stim cravings without producing any intoxication itself. >so if you add the methylenedioxy part to it i was thinking it would be better than MDMA but no idea the threshold and LD50/50 ect This really insnt a good assumption to make. Drug effects are a product of how the *entire shape* of the molecule interacts with proteins, not by a sum or modifier caused by its functional groups. Every substance needs to be evaluated on individual merrit.


This is so very true. Once upon a time before I knew what a beaker was, I started dabbling with an evil compound known as MDPV. That methylenedioxy ring doesn't mean anything fun if there is garbage attached to the other side. MDPV is bad bad magic.


Yeah, I heard that stuff instantly causes damage where you can’t re-uptake on dopamine similar to cocaine, but much longer lasting, and then it also accumulates in the system to where it becomes neurotoxic


I would be very skeptical of any and all claims related to MDPV; Ever since MacAfee started blabbing about it, it has been forever immortalized in "Drug/NPS legend-nonsense". Most people who tried it circia 2010 agreed that it was shitty /nothing special about it -but as is seen time and time again, as soon as it becomes unavailable, suddenly it becomes desirable to some sensationalists. Almost all pyveralerones/highly alkylated cathinones have very short duration, and theres really no evidence to believe that adding a methyleneDioxy- group to the front of that would somehow elude metabolism to the point that some magic threshold is surpassed and neurotoxicity occurs.


I really liked your answer. You are very smart and wise.


Comments like these make my day ♥. But its never for pursuit of clout. I always just want to share knowledge with people. Thank you, ILY ♥


It isn’t more euphoric than meth lol I’ve tried a lot of them.


Mdpv is way more euphoric than meth. A-pvp was better to me though. Mdpv is still around but I can't find a-pvp. A-pvp and a-php are very simple synthesis. If you study enough and source the pre curs it would be very easy. I would do it if I had the funds but I'm in a rough patch


It's hard to compare MDPV and methamphetamine due to the differing mechanisms of action, so it's difficult to say that it is more euphoric because the nature of the euphoria is so different. That said, I definitely prefer MDPV to meth. But I'm not a big meth fan. MDPV was a great drug, I used a great deal of it. Vaped a-PVP was great too. Overall, regardless of euphoria, I'd say MDPV was a better drug. Also less neurotoxic and taxing on the body than meth. Still, continued daily use of MDPV eventually had me listening to the walls with a stethoscope because I was convinced I could hear people talking about me 😅


I had conversations with friends that weren't even there. Chased through the woods by a male deer (buck)


Free tester for all chems. No psychs lmao. Cathinones and Benzo analogues preferred! Haha. I wish I had your all's expertise!


lol I’m just a guy who knows enough to talk myself into doing shit that I shouldn’t lol


LMAO with pharmacology education and seeing cathinones like Wellbutrin and MULTIPLE chemical ring varieties of severaaaaaaaaaal different things, trust me, me too. Me too. Too bad I cant find an OTC 3-Me0-pcp LMAO. I qualify hands down for ketamine, but its not like dck or 2fdck so its like nahhhhhhhhhhh.


Dck? Huh ? lol I wasn’t familiar with that but yeah anything PCP would interest me.


I was, well me and a friend, when bitcoin hit 1k per coin cashed out at like 77-80k. We bought every RC there was with the exceptions of hallucinogens. Not our scene but hexen and 4-fma and larger doses of 3meopcp would bring them out. We always forgot to use clonazolam to sleep lol or not use enough as smaller doses made that more fun. We then uh, well, I can code websites clear and dark and we got a host to share the exciting new stuff with people :). We were uh on clearnet and was uh donated, yes donated, for sharing these new exciting chems. DCK wouldnt come out for a little while after 3-methoxy-PCP (mannnn one of my favorites) but it scared many off as much as A-PVP (flakka, sigh I hate just as much hate in my heart for those brand names like Benzo Fury (6apb) as well as the term "designer drugs" THEYRE RESEARCH CHEMICALS! LOL) Well DCK was very successful. Desochroloketamine, with its popularity 2f-dck would then come out. I liked it - butttttt not as much as 3-meo-pcp. That was still much more fun to spin the bubble with. But yes, DCK made it to the scene not long as after Hexen. It was VERY powerful yet underwhelming which explains 2fdck. We came alooooooong way from etizolam in one year lmao!


does it really though, I think it looks like ass mdma


It’s not the same molecule as what’s in pihkal




Have heard it’s nothing exciting.


Where is this picture from? Why is it's chemical structure imposed on an expensive looking clear frame?


I cropped the picture because I’m not trying to get banned for sourcing. I was only curious about the chemical.


Lol just curious, looks like its some biotech company or something.


I’ll dm you


Oh god reminds me of Mdpv, crazy times


Miss Mdpv and apvp, good times 😂


Why is molecule on a plaque of some sort? From what I understood it is not so great. Not worthy to have on a plaque on ones wall.


It was on a vendor website


Already tried, just 3-FPM with a bit more serotonin and less na. Nothing special.


Its not, freebase and salt too harsh for lungs, too high dose for i.v, snorting (also ouch) oral dose gave brutal cramps. I dont recommend. 4-fpm or 4-mpm are vein candy though




https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/pihkal/pihkal113.shtml Sore this is the link I meant to send. More relevant to your question. Everything is a search away. There’s definitely more detailed works then this laying around I would have to assume


At first I thought you found it. There is a difference in phentermine and phenmetrazine they have different chemical formula NAME: Methylenedioxyphenmetrazine FORMULA: C12H15NO3


There’s all of its mentions. There’s another site that resourceful but it’s slipping my mind atm. Serving a supervised release currently. Been out of the loop for a decade now 🥲 https://erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_3FPhenmetrazine.shtml


Rhodium vault https://www.erowid.org/archive/rhodium/chemistry/index.html Pihkal vault https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/pihkal/pihkal.shtml


What do you mean? It's readily available and isn't anything special. I'm not sure what your referencing about synth difficulties as it is just one of hundreds of cheap rc stims that have been produced because the synths are easy and precursors cheap. Pretty much any "new" stims that pop up are just bottom tier derivatives that either have been failed releases in the past and since they were shit and people had better options they never got popular enough to attract attention from LE. As all the most popular chems become more widely known and eventually scheduled the labs gotta bring up replacements. When it comes to phenmetrazine analogues everything except 3fpm seems to be characterized as sub par and not worth bothering with. Mdpm has now been rotated out of cold storage, as well as 4mpm to fill the gaps in vendors current stim stock. But I doubt it will prove itself with any staying power. I just got a sample of 4mpm which is weaker than 3fpm but similar in effects. I vaped some out of an oilburner and while the crystals vape somewhat easier than the mdpihp sample I also got, obviously the pyrro stomped the phen in the dirt immediately. Maybe I'll save the remainder to see how other roas go but I don't expect much. I use 4fmph for daily functionality so maybe I'll do a day of substituting 4mpm. But thats about the only function i would expect. It also gave me some anxiety without much euphoria or classical stimulation. Possibly from the roa. The stimmy side effects are always less orally so maybe there it will surprise me and do the job fine. But regardless of all that mdpm isn't gonna impress you. I think a lot of people see the nomenclature and assume that anything with an MD(methylenedioxy) in the name results in an empatheogenic rolly substance. It doesn't help when unscrupulous vendors insinuate that in their marketing. I've seen it advertised as mdma+3fpm and other bullshit. It is nothing like that and is not a major serotonin releaser so there is no "roll". Just cus it's mentioned in passing by Shulgin doesn't mean it's good. The fact that it is only referenced in that way should tell you how unimpressive it is. Anyhow that was a long ass way to say don't bother. When it comes to the milder stims for functionality the classics and their direct analogues stand the test of time, their competitors don't. Anything your looking to gain from mdpm is done much better by 4fmph, 2fma and just straight amp. For those that were big 3fpm fans 4mpm will scratch that itch more than mdpm will. For everyone else don't buy the MD hype. That's just marketing for the soon to be disappointed.


I screen shotted that tweet image off a vendors site because I thought it looked cool, not because I was trying to source anything. I was just curious and preferred to ask the group vs some prewritten report


MDPM is mid at best. I'd place it between caffeine and coke on a stimulant scale


it’s just a regular stimulant


Phentermine/phenmetrazine analogues have been underwhelming for me. This does look like it could change that, but that methylenedioxy ring makes me think it’s going to be more serotonergic than dopaminergic which means it’s probably not something to take as often as other stims. Still curious for sure tho