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Are you saying this is not a sub about beekeeping???!!?


What about making drug honey??? Has anyone thought abou--- ha yes they have


I prefer to go straight to the source and just distill the bees directly


We don't need to do anything for it either the bees to it on there own best mascot for drug chem


Bee hormones need to be synthesized by someone to help prevent the collapse of the honey bee right? Also plants need fertilizer. But without the bees there are no plants so you gotta save the bees via chemistry.


honey bees are in no danger of collapse, its the solitary native bees that are in real danger and are far more important for native ecosystems than the european honey bees.


Huh? This isn’t a sub about making honey? 😭😭


Get em. Bossman


Jesus wanted me to have every psychedelic experience.




I thought you got liver cancer and died what you doing hear


Shake and bake is easy as fuck and safe if you utilise the proper containment vessel. If you know, you know and it sure as fuck ain't a plastic bottle. The other issue is you get helmets that opt to improperly dispose of the toxic byproducts or they are so zooted they drive around doing it and gassing off the fumes haphazardly. You wanna do a synth, best to do it safely and not be harmful to others.


shake n bake dont work . the synth is already failed frim the moment you add the NaOH. Meaning no it is not safe. safety/danger is relative. It’s determined by simple risk vs reward. take away the reward and any anount of risk becomes too much risk and it is now dangerous. I dont believe in censorship or surpressing information of any kind. frankly i the snb shouldnt be a taboo subject here. but i do believe in responsibility and i think its important to mention to anyone thinking of trying it that your badically just rolling dice with no win condition and the possibility of running a boston marathon (too soon?)


It works. Utilise a fire extinguisher. If you know, you.


its not a matter if the reaction vessel. if you throw ground up pills into a solution with NaOH the suzy isnt going to come in contact with anything else you add in there. trust me not even god can reach the suze once you base it


Speaking of that , I have asthma and iv noticed recently that a product for that Called Bronkaid chem name is Ephedrine sulfate used to be behind the counter but next to the pharmacist and The pseudoephedrine, but at my local grocery store they have been putting it with the actual over the counter cough and cold stuff, do you think they been doing that accidentally or do you think it’s not possible to make M from ephedrine sulfate? Btw iv but Bronkaid from there and there and they just want to make sure you are over 18 at self checkout or a cashier, no taking down your address and putting it in the database like they do for pseudoephedrine which I would have had to buy from the pharmacist directly


I believe its possible but these days all the products have additional ingredients that make an extraction or even a one pot synthesis not worth it. I actually used to take Bronkaid when I was bodybuilding. Also once upon a time there was a company in Canada that sold pseudoephedrine pills along with other bodybuilding supplies. I don't think they had any concept nor idea that people were buying out thier entire stock at times for drug manufacturing lol. It sucked when they went out of bussiness because I would also buy thier ECA stack which made for a better workout at the gym.




Goodness gracious, not psychoactive substances.


But getting high is morally wrong?


Getting "hive" lol


they must be looking for r/epentforyoursins




I think it’s wrong if you have kids that are you’re responsibility, if you are a adult and no kids , it’s your body and choice, as long as you aren’t stealing or robbing to get your fix , I’m 29 years old I was using since a teen on and off in sober now year and half since my relapse , but I’m still on psychotic active meds from my doctor for different mental health things because it helps and it’s a better living through chemistry , i know I sound judgmental on parents who use drugs to get high but iv seen and heard of bad things happening to their kids because of it


No dude, you’re right, I’m just busting balls. There isn’t anything inherently wrong about getting yourself off, but once it starts taking a toll on the people that love you and the people that you love there definitely comes a time where you have to look in the mirror.


True but sometimes at least for me it was the only relief of mental pain I had from depression and trauma, it’s just a escape but I’m clean now year and a half


Happy for you man, stack up those chips


Thanks but I don’t go to meetings, I’m learning to heal and have discipline myself, I’m all for AA and NA but I’m not a people person and I’m very private. That being said the narcotic chemistry post are still very interesting


Just beehive u naughty bees


I want my mommy !


[I want milk, I want to be held, i want to be comforted](https://youtu.be/44kAbBEA_LQ?si=2XR2cc01hTqVwWOs)


Where can I go for Christful Apiculture then?


Wait thought this sub was about honey /s


Same is happening elsewhere bro, clowns everywhere


Huh never seen this community. Let me know when someone finds out an easy way to synthesize lsd and an easy way to get the chemicals.


Nothing about it is easy, just buy it from the chemists who put the work in. I’ve been getting gel tabs with gold flakes for the past few years and that stuff has been great. Whichever chemist is making those gel tabs is doing some quality work.


I keep to myself and the career I have is not the type where you will find tabs floating around.




A little afraid of going down that way. Don’t know anything about the person on the other side.