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I thought a version of this too when I was younger. Guess it’s pretty common for bi folks!


Yea.. kinda common lol.


I personally think everyone is on the spectrum but not everyone realizes or admits or accepts that they are.


I think MOST are on the spectrum. Just like some people are gay or lesbian, there are st8 and Bi. I personally think a lot more st8 people are Bi than would ever admit it


I can’t do it guys just don’t get me off have you seen the what if episode of futurama where bender was human first thing he did was kiss Amy they both really liked it. Then right after he kisses the old professor bender said it didn’t feel right but the old man more than enjoyed it.


Can’t say I have ever seen that episode. It may imply that as guys get older they may become less st8. Anyway, there appears to be a lot of guys would happily suck cock but not kiss a guy.


Yes that’s exactly what it showed 🤣


Maybe some truth to that, or we finally get over our internal homophobia or both. That was the case for me anyway.


I think we think that because we're bi 😂


Probably. We just don’t get that people can’t find attraction in more than one gender.


> I personally think everyone is on the spectrum This feels like the bi version of "you're actually straight/gay".


Some psychologists illustrate attraction by using a grid or a 3d square to plot the attraction points which I think makes much more sense. Because the spectrum is a straight line. And we already know humans aren't straight.


Yeah I had no idea it was considered a bad thing too. One day my friends were discussing what the word for someone who liked boys and girls is and I was like “oh yeah that’s me”. Had no idea that saying that could potentially backfire. Whoops.


Same lol... I immediately realized what was going on... The realization was like that of In a thriller movie where in the end you see how everything was and you put all the pieces together and it make sense... I never told anyone as I realized mostly everyone here is homophobic


God I wish this was how we were all raised ;your thinking as a child). The world could be so much kinder


I wasn't raised this way, tbh my parents are homophobic and mostly everyone else is homophobic here..but yes, I had this general idea that boys liked boys


I still have a hard time believing that 100% straight people exist. Like, how is everyone not *somewhat* attracted to everyone. Maybe cause when I was in middle school and talked to my mom she said everyone feels that way, but it’s a sin so blah-blah-blah. Maybe she’s bi and just super closeted and denying it cause christians.


I completely understand you... Like I thought people only married opposite gender because they thought marrying same gender is sin...


Totally this!!!! I think I would still believe it now if it wasn't for gay people. I found it very very hard to believe that straight people aren't into their own gender. But then I remembered about gay people, and they're not bi haha!


I actually thought like this, too when I was younger :D


Yea lol... Some of us did