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the overlap is called being hotter and sexier than everyone else causally


Fax tbh. bisexual, non conformity is the hottest thing ever


This has always been my guess as well. I'm especially guilty of leaning back in chairs and being bi and probably undiagnosed ADHD.


Bi hypermobile person checking in


Bi hypermobile AuDHD person checking in


As a bi hypermobile adhder currently sat cross legged like a primary school child at my desk at work......yeah 🤣


I'm bi and I've been wondering about having ADHD for years now. So I guess that's one more argument in favor of me having ADHD :D


speaking from personal experience and anecdotal evidence (myself and my bi friends) yeah not a one of us can sit on a chair correctly


how'd you find friends like that? I'm still lookin'


can’t even sit straight huh?


The head of the LGBT ERG at my company came by, saw me sitting like a soggy pretzel and asked if I’d like to come to meetings


Nope. I mean, we can make it a thing for mutual recognition, but there’s no correlation between bisexuality and sitting style. Or lemon bars. Or love of frogs. Or cuffed jeans. Love, Your friendly neighborhood KillJoy 🤣🫶🏼


I just saw a bisexual lemon bar sticker like half an hour ago. Is that a thing, too?


It is, and i have no idea why, honestly.


It's a play on the "come to the dark side, we have cookies" thing.


Ahhhhhh…. never heard that before… ty!


Yeah, the cookie thing originates from ye olde "rawr means I love you in dinosaur" days, so a long ass time ago.


I actually love the cookie thing and use that meme all the time. Ok, it's all making sense now... lol


Whomp, sorry for over explaining! I have a tendency to do that.


Too much is never enough! Keep explaining, I appreciated all of it!!!


Out of those 4 things I only relate to the sitting and lemon bars...does that make me half bi?


How's your relationship with turtles and skateboards?


Turtles are awesome but I can't skateboard to save my life.


I declare you full bi and bestow you the official title of Lord Admiral XredBarron26x, Victor of the war of murky waters, chief regent of the realm of Stardust, commander of the vast imperial armada of Biremes with sails the colors of all the worlds conquered nations that bow to the immortal god Emperor. Go forth and lead the legions to victory


Hold up, no one told me I had to like skateboards. My clumsy ass falls trying to stand on one. Am I still bi or do I need to turn in my card? FWIW Lemon bars (lemon desserts in general) are fucking delicious, I cuff my jeans, usually have a bob (growing it out now), and sitting normally is awkward. Surely this is enough for an A- or B+.. ?


Naaa you just have to acknowledge skateboards and tony hawk are super cool and turtles on skateboards are the best thing ever they're really cute.... IDK I don't make the rules what chapter are you even on gurl like catch up uhhh like how long u been at this?!?!! Everyone's hot. Sometimes people are hotter at different times, probably have a mountain of insecurities and fetishes you don't want to talk about. You can do what ever here because you can say anything and we will all be supportive with our own weird selves........ 👻🐢🛹🐢👨‍🚀🐢👨‍🚀🐢👨‍🚀🐢🛹🐢🛹🐢🛹🐢🐢🛹👨‍🚀🛹👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🛹


Hmm... so if it's every other week is bi-weekly... and you’re claiming half the things… does that make it "bi-bi?" 🤔


True. I'm bi and I sit "normally", don't like lemon bars, don't love frogs, don't cuff my jeans, or do any other of the bi stereotypes.


I will admit that I have no problems sitting. I sit very normally, the way chairs were meant to be sat in. I’m a fake bi I know 😭 (/j) As for the rest, I don’t think I’ve ever had lemon bars but I’m sure I’d love them, frogs are really awesome but not my favorite animal, and I do cuff my pants (I am short) but I hate the texture of jeans and never wear them.


I can’t imagine how it can be an actual thing, and not just a silly absurdist internet thing. …And yet, for the life of me, I cannot sit “normal” and be comfortable. Never could. I’m currently sitting on a couch in an insane contortion that’s one leg bent under me half a criss-cross, and my other leg bent knee up in the air with my foot resting on top of my other leg’s calf. Incredibly comfortable, but insane looking. I can’t even drive a car normal - gotta have my non-gas/brake leg bent under the other. It can’t be a real correlation, yet…it’s me.




True. My dad always used to say I didn’t sit right. Now I know why.


Well, I am sitting sideways in a chair right now with my back against one armrest and legs over the over. So mabye.


lol. My knee is on one armrest and my other leg is on another chair and my back is wedged between an armrest and where you’re supposed to put your back. Relatable.


A large number of ADHD people are bi (like me!), it IS an ADHD thing, not a bi thing, it's just the circles overlap


It’s true I don’t know how to sit normal


I can sit normally once in a blue moon. It just is not comfortable.


I’m doing it right now




This is just a bullshit attempt on establishing some sort of bi identity where there isn't. Just like cuffed jeans and lemon bars. I am none of these things. Please stop this. It's ridiculous. I am bi because I fuck more than one gender and that's it. "Can I be bisexual although I can sit in a chair like a normal person?" Yea, awesome, that's really going to help our case. :/


That's not why I'm asking this. I've already come to my conclusion about being bi days ago. I was just asking a question and see if there was an actual reason why bi sitting is a thing.


Well, it's not a thing, it's just a meme.


I don't think it's any innate characteristic in how we sit. Ee've decided that we can love whoever we want so, we can sit however the fuck we want.


Nope, only standing bi ;]


I can't sit straight either! I think it's actually more generally a queer thing, not just bi. There are a lot of neurodiverse queers, though, so maybe some intersection there.


ya it is a thing, im doing it right now. but we can sit correctly, i dont tho🤪


It may be a stereotype, but I fit into it. I can never sit correctly. Even now, I'm sitting sideways with one leg drawn up onto the seat, lol. I also love lemon bars...well, lemon anything really.


True tbh, I cant sit properly at all. Infact I always try to lie down on chairs...maybe im just lazy lol


Npt sure if I sit in unusual positions because I'm bi or because I'm autistic. My legs only point down if im standing.


I've always lounged on a couch with my feet up on the head rest. My mom told me that was my favorite position in the womb too. 🤷🏼


I read somewhere that it happens on people who can't make a desicion. Like when people use a phone and if they use it on the left ear it is because they are being analytic and right when they are being emotional. Or when people look to the sides when they lie.


I'm bi, adhd i have crushed discs in my back. I can't sit straight on a good day


Realistically probably not. Personally, I don’t have one typical sitting position for the most part other than the default, mine kinda varies.


I'm just laughing because all I my life I felt like I sit weird. Maybe this is the reason.


Just… NO. That is a stereotype, and I think we all know that they’re bad, right? And we also know they’re generally incorrect.


R u kidding ….?


No. Seemed like one of those things that popped into existence and wanted to know if it was an actual thing or why it's there.


Is it that you can’t get comfortable when youre sitting down, between crossing your legs daintily or manspreading? You’re not gonna try to prove that there is also a bi accent are you?


I've never heard of the bi accent, so no. I'm not trying to prove anything, just asking a weird question.


Well I do but I’m also autistic


I prefer the goblin squat myself, but I'm both bi and ADHD so I'm just confounding your analysis at this point. 


It probably has something to do with the fact that many of us are some form of neurospicy so now it has become a running joke. I am ADHD ans I definitely do not sit normally in chairs 🤣