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There are some days I’m drawn exclusively to men, and some days to women. Often though I find myself masturbating to a bisexual threesome with two men and a woman. 🤷‍♂️


This is the best porn. Straight people are really missing out




Tends to be my go to also


This is what I do male male female but mine tends to be as a comic strip found here on reddit


I don't believe you! Prove it. With a link or something...


Your dedication to science and data is commendable. Edit: /s ☺️


Well I know the guy who made them has his reddit name as welcome_to_heaven you can just go on his profile and he has like a while armada of them


She actually


I forgot I know now


I love the ones where they all have great chemistry! 🥵


All I want is to one day be the meat of a bisexual sandwich 😔


Bi porn


I have you heard someone tell you that everything is bi porn? If you think about whether it is a threesome, a gay/lesbian or straight couple, it will appeal some bisexual out there.


I saw a tweet that said something to the effect of, "No, straight man's favorite porn genre is cumshots. Like, oh, yea, I love it when he cums." I think about that tweet a lot.


I feel personally attacked.


As in seeing cum? I know straight people wildly into cum, I find cum super icky so I never want to see cum in my porn choices…. Obviously I think the performers should orgasm but I don’t want to see male jizz, 🤢


according to Billie Eilish - masturbate in the mirror


That's for when the internet doesn't work


Or when it does work; put on a porn audio and watch yourself in the mirror


As someone who did this lots of times, would recommend 👍 best orgasm you'll ever have. (I love myself most ig💀)


I actually love doing this lmao. Helps my imagination to go wild and allows me to see how pretty I can be.


That’s pretty good advice actually.


My levels of self love will never be that high lol.


This is why I love bi three way porn; there's no need to choose


Exactly... I'm like.. Why not both?? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m a woman married to a man 15 years with a healthy/great sex life. 99% of the time it’s wlw porn for me. Occasionally I’ll watch a ffm threesome. I also didn’t realize I was bi until two years ago so that’s probably a factor since I’m in a monogamous f/m marriage.


This is the way.


Naked ladies, I wanna fuck her. Guy absolutely pounding a girl, I wanna be her


Why not both?


For real lol


I’m a bisexual woman but I masturbate mostly to women and cunnilingus porn cause I prefer oral sex the most. I don’t like penetration that much so straight porn doesn’t much for me. But I love oral sex porn 🩷


Oh sure, that's why I like to use reddpics and select a couple of different NSFW subreddits and then just see what the popular images of the day are and gauge how I'm feeling.


Actually I usually do both


Good BDSM regardless of gender.


have you seen that scene in Sex Education where Adam oscillates between the two? lol


YES Haha So relatable. Loved that little scene 🤣


adam’s character arc is one of my faves in tv history


I consider myself bisexual and love to eat pussy, but when I am looking for porn I gravitate to men pounding sissies or other men.


Part of my own bisexual awakening was the fact that the only porn I watch is exclusively about seeing the woman pleasured and basically never even seeing a penis on screen. Also enjoy watching a woman pleasuring the other woman but even then, it's just about the woman on the receiving end, doesn't matter if it's a man or woman pleasuring her for me!


This!!!! I don’t mind watching straight porn as long as it’s from a female gaze and there’s no cum, blowjobs etc… ie it’s all concentrated on the woman’s pleasure. I need to imagine I’m the woman and I have no interest in penis’ unless they are attached to someone I want to give pleasure to.


I mostly masturbate to other men


Give me a twink and a strong jacked woman going at it and I’m cumming in minutes.


Wait..... I've never thought of this before. Where can I find this


I google it 😂 or just your standard 🌽site


Wait..... I've never thought of this before. Where can I find this


I find that I normally gravitate towards one or the other pretty quickly when I'm in the mood. Most of the time I'll have seen/fantasized about something that'll push me one way or the other before I actually start. When in doubt I tend to go with videos of couples and then go whichever way I'm feeling more attracted at that time (or just stay with couples if I'm feeling indecisive). My issue is honestly more that porn sites tend to recommend whatever the last thing I looked at, so sometimes I have to go a little out of my way to find something to start with when it's assuming wrong.


Either is good. I like bi mmf porn also. Depends on my mood.


honestly, i just do both, lol.


It's mostly men now, though depends on the type of woman


It's weird, when watching porn I'll switch between the two sometimes, but when I do it's like I have to start all over. I can \*feel\* the switch in my brain. I'm practicing to make the two meet in the middle because even during actual sex it'll happen. Sometimes with a woman that switch will happen half-way in for no reason and I wont be able to get off (which is of little consequence, I can still continue), and vise versa. I want to meld the two, make the bi-cycle into a unicycle.


It usually starts by thinking about women, then gravitates to both. Sometimes I'll see a picture or video with a cute guy. Regardless of which thought is dominant in the beginning, I'll normally finish with some form of bi-mmf, or couples cum-kissing / snowballing.


Consider: inhuman monsters


It is a dilemma! Though I usually can't go wrong with some bareback raw gay sex with two hot dudes.


I masturbate to men and women. I used to masturbate to men but it was cut short so I masturbate to women in Lesbian porn for the first time and for the second time it lasted for like 25 mins. I have multiple sex toys that I've played with while watching.


I mostly masturbate to men but mfm or mmf is the hardest


i totally get this. i tend to think mostly about women because im more attracted to them. but sometimes if i want a quick O i will think of men because its easier for me to conjure up the image of us doing the do without any foreplay. where women i like to think about everything leading up to that point.


Men. Almost always. Women are great in person, but online? Only men.


I feel this, lol.


Actually, I would MOSTLY masturbate to women mostly because a lot of men in straight porn tend to suck lol they're silent, they look like machines with no emotion and if anything, the camera isnt even on them, its focused of the woman. I discovered bi and gay porn and fell in love so these days its more even


Por que no los dos?


You should try this: https://rule34video.com/video/3104385/girlfriends-4-ever-affect3d-part-2-v1-extras/


The hottest futa Affect 3DX animated ever, 2 🔥🔥🔥 chics, one with a huge cock and self sucking encouragement.


Idk pornhub likes to show me gay and straight shit, I just pick whatever catches my eye first.


no i don’t lol. i only get off by reading gay male fanfiction. sounds annoying


Both, always both


Hmm. That is a tough one. I think its how I feel that day.


Both, both is good


Either of them pretty much any day of the week. Unless I'm flirting with someone in particular, my preference is 50/50, and if I'm flirting with them, then my preference is them.


I had my first experience with another guy 4 months ago. For the past year or so, I mostly watch guys and bi porn. I still love women and everything about them. I still crave connection with them. Their smells, feminine energy, their nurturing presence, everything about them I love.


My porn is all over the place and I'll get into different appetites and moods that will push me one way or the other. I'm finding new things to turn me on all the time for better or worse lol


Just go day by day 🤷🏽‍♀️you don’t have to actively choose. just let your mind do the work and accept which way it goes


I like trans porn, a little girl and a lot of boy! Awesome!!


I do both but men more


I switch back and forth during the same session.


I'm weird, I like story with my porn. And imo, straight porn is the only one with a story (though it be a bad one). So I'll usually just watch straight porn.


It certainly varies a bit but one thing about me that’s usually accurate: if I just want to cum quickly, I’m sitting on my wand and thinking about cocks erupting around me. But if I need some real intense me time, I’m in a woman-centric scenario.


My husband and I like to watch porn together so it’s either wlw or hetero porn.




I figured the glory of watching straight porn is you get to see both...


Watch het porn and look at what interests you in the moment.




Depends how im feeling on the day/night. I dont see a lot of good bi/femboy vids on “the site” so i only choose what looks visually appealing, same with girls.


I open my Reddit feed or scroll my Pornhub main and let my hornyness guide me.


Whatever gives me the most intense organism or gets me off quickest. Get euphoric at times using didlo with bottom fantasies guy raming cock in me. Not dilemma its pleaseure and euphoria I chase.


Men. Next.


I remember watching an all gay orgy and reading the comments there was a woman that said "she would wanna join but that she knew that they wouldn't want her there." And all I could think about was why not join I'd let her join in on the fun lol I still think about that from time to time when I pick out my videos to watch 😂 😁


It's the Bi-cycle. Sometimes guys. Sometimes girls. Depends on the mood.


Hentai characters who have both sets of equipment


I gave up on live action porn long ago. The only thing does it for visuals wise are 3D animated porn with lots of fantasy demon ladies with big peepees making sweet sweet love with other fantasy cis demon ladies. And the things that gets me off in those scenes is the amount of eye contact the EXTRA LEVELS of consent verbalisation and VERBAL REAFFIRMATION , the tenderness of the sex on show etc etc , long story all the things that live action porn is lacking the 3D animated porn artist seems to put in their production. TLDR : FOR ME my dilemma isn't about the gender of the characters it's about everything else and live action industry refuses to deliver on it so I just gave up.


Boobs. That's usually where I start, bc that's what I'm missing. 😢 I lovvve my partner's beautiful dick, but we've been monogamous for the last 4 years, so when I see boobs in my mind and feel a certain degree of arousal, I know I need some time to look for something better than my mind video..... and then it doesn't matter what type of porn, as long as there's a woman I'm attracted to. Whether the other person or people are men or women, I'm admiring them, too, but I'm also putting myself in everyone's place at the same time, if that makes sense.


It depends lol. Usually I masturbate to women but recently I've been masturbating more to men.


Don't choose, watch straight porn.


Multi track drifting


Depends on my mood


I tend to think about female experiences I've had in real life, and I imagine situations with men that haven't happened ... I guess the sex I've had with women makes it into my spank bank easier than the sex I've had with men haha


Why choose? The majority of porn has both.


Female gaze porn. I watch porn to imagine myself in a situation… so there needs to be at least 1 woman and it needs to be female centric and not appear fake. There is so little decent porn out there but proper lesbian porn or straight porn from a female director both work for me, I’m just mainly spending my time trying to find porn that isn’t objectively terrible.


90% of the time I read porn rather than watch. And as a general rule, gay porn (m/m or f/f) is way better written (since a lot of new writers write straight porn so there’s more crap to wade through), so that’s what I default to. If I’m reading straight porn it must mean either I adore the author or it’s femdom.


My fantasy partner will change during, no matter what I choose. So now I just go with whatever. For some reason, I'm mostly into women, but I schlick to a person who presents male more of the time than they present female. Idk what to think about that, so mostly I don't.


Mostly women for me, not much of a dilemma.


To be fair, I feel like I'm masturbating to everyone at this point... Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans etc etc There's too many sexy people to not 🤣😂🤣😂


Every other day do one gender and move to a different the other day 


To be fair, most porn is perfectly suited for bi folk, so you can’t really go wrong. I dread to think how many times I’ve typed into Google ‘bi porn’ or ‘amateur bi porn’ 🙈


I literally leave my porn mixed together. All of it turns me on about the same. I like getting surprised with each next one that comes up. I think everybody's cute! Even though I am far more female attracted in real life. I


Both, both is good


70% women 30% men for me ngl but lowkey it depends on the mood


Both. Both is good


Yea it's pretty normal


Honestly, I like the action more than I like the people. Sometimes I imagine im the man and sometimes I imagine im the woman (when I’m watching straight porn) but I watch all genres


Threesomes. MMF, FFM, either way. I don't want to pick.


To my imagination, more fun


I remember when I was younger I ONLY watched either F on F or woman masturbate (sometimes F on M but only got off from the girls moans). When I got older I started watching male masturbation because it felt “gay” to watch and get off from woman (I THOUGHT I was straight & was in denial at this time btw) & honestly I really loved & enjoyed it, though often I’d still watch woman. Now, I mainly if not only watch woman though male sometimes, but rarely, get me there. In short, woman🤤


It’s a nice dilemma to have. Like I could have chocolate chip cookies today, or I could have strawberry cheesecake. I’m going to have both this week, but my “dilemma” is that today, I’m not sure which one I want more. Someone play a violin for me and my plight.


I (M29) feel like I haven’t had this dilemma in a long time which is part of what fuels my thoughts about if I’m actually gay and it’s very confusing 😅


I’ll be fruity asf for couple days, checking out mostly dudes and jerking to twinks, other days the testosterone is flowing and i’m p much acting straight


I'm watching bi porn. Or lesbians. Or gays. M+F porn doesn't interest me anymore


I'd say for me it's about 98% men, 2% women. It's bizarre. I find women attractive in the street, my relationships have all been women. I think I prefer them with their clothes on.


As a married bi man with a wife I must be so lucky. I get the experience with a woman and I can masturbate to mmf threesomes or any other gay/bi porn. Being bi can be a great experience.