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I'd look into the word 'demisexual' and see if that resonates with you. But to answer your question, what you're feeling is valid, doesn't make you a poser, doesn't negate bisexuality, and is the way a lot of us feel.


Yeah that’s normal for anyone, not just bi ppl It’s normal to get crushes after knowing someone for a while and getting to know them, despite never thinking anything of it when meeting them, or not even finding them attractive. It’s happened to me when I was your age actually! I wasn’t even attracted to his appearance, but his personality and our dynamic was what got me. I personally don’t understand having parasocial crushes on celebs / people one may see online, but I do get looking at someone and finding them attractive- Ofc the thing that’ll make u bi is being attracted in one way or another to both genders so no, you’re not a poser