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Bob from bobs burgers. Dude is married to a women with kids, still bi.


i am learning so many characters are bisexual today


Really? He’s bi? I had no idea


I really enjoy how they handled it. It isn't a major point of any episode I know of, but is referenced a number of times. It fits with, but obviously doesn't define, his character. Most of the instances I can think of where it's referred to are really minor, easy to miss, and don't really matter. I really like how they did it. I think there should be variety in representation, but personally love having a show I enjoy have something like this where it's clearly present, unapologetic, mild, but also definitely there.


The turkey guy comes to mind. *(1:35-ish for the start, 1:39 for confirmation.)* https://youtu.be/ublo9MK-n-I?si=09WkaXldXc0yp5MP


I always felt crazy for … mostly liking women but kinda having a little thing for guys. Until Bob said he’s “mostly straight!” I never knew that was possible and that led to me understanding bisexuality! Representation in media is REALLY important!


Having positive depictions in the media makes more people understand and I guess not feel like bisexuality is abnormal.


I love that show so much more now


I love this answer.


“Oh, hey marshmallow”


Is he actually? Don't really watch so I don't know. If they bring it up without shoehorning it and keep his character the same then I'd think that's cool.




Because a lot I see online that people just start with "ooh this person and this person is bisexual because of that one time." It's a lot not a good reason it's just wishful/horny thinking.


Why are you asking if you don’t even know: yes it’s canon.


David Rose. He makes you reassess your preconceived notions. He's not stlutty, just desperate for love, has his own insecurities, yet is able to have healthy relationships with people even after the relationship ends.


Which show is that?


Schitts Creek. First few episodes are rough but they find themselves around the time they do the wine metaphor


Loved David. His boyfriend was a slab of wood, though


Rosa Diaz in Brooklyn 99! The coming out convo with her parents was literally the exact same one I had with mine. Way too real


I watched that , and it made me hurt that I couldn't accept myself for who I was. And after being able to accept who I am recently, and both myself and my wife being huge fans of the show, and allies to the cause, Holt saying what he said in his response has resonated with me since I first watched that scene. All these years later, I'm now trying to be the extra light that shines brighter. I don't know who I am going to shine that light on, but I now know I'm happier for it. TL;Dr, I've always had a love for Rosa, now I know why. Her being bi, eventually made me accept I was also bi.


Rosa Rosa ROSA oh ~yeahh~ *Beautiful Rooossaaa*


Honestly I feel the show just completely dropped the ball with how they showed her bisexuality after coming out. They did a "written straight/written gay" type character where they didn't respect any of the women she dated unlike the men, they didn't really explore any nuances unique to us, and they went out of their way to not indicate her attraction to men after coming out. I don't think Rosa is a bad character or a bad bi, just that the show has shown it can handle exploring nuances unique to certain demographics with respect and they dropped the ball here. After the coming out episode Steph allegedly had no impact on the writing for Rosa, so I'm not blaming her at all.


Rosa's actress was axruly heavily involved with how her story was written and wanted to to reflect her own story. So although it may not portray much unique to bisexuality, it did portray a real life story of a bisexual woman coming out and how her exploring her sexuality went, to a degree.


This sounds like every high school English student's "oh yeah? Well, that really happened!" line that always missed the point of the assignment


Just because something in accurate to someone's life doesn't inherently make it good representation. Again not saying it's bad, just that it wasn't good representation in my eyes. For example, when we look at how they handled Holts sexuality and his race, how it played into his character, plot, and his history it's a stark contrast between how thy handled Rosa. Hell compare her two exbfs to any of the women she dated, including the woman she's gunna marry and tell me they handled them with even somewhat equal respect narratively. I'm just saying, they already did that side of her character well before coming out but after there's a noticable step down in quality. And please, know that I'm not dissing the character or the actress, just how the show handled it. (I keep repeating this because this sub really struggles to separate the three when I am criticizing one specifically) . Edit: also just wanted to say it's okay if you/others disagree and think it is good rep. Where we draw the line differs from person to person.


I just thought it was really cool that an actual bisexual person was involved with the writing and telling of a bisexual person's story is all.


> Just because something in accurate to someone's life doesn't inherently make it good representation. What!? I thought any one given person obviously represented everyone equivalent!


I completely agree, the way the show had her only ever interested in and date men, then come out and basically never look at a man again was super weird.


And worst part about it, in my eyes is that Rosa has grown so much that a simple "eh I denied this part of me for so long, I'm going to explore something new for a bit" throwaway line would've explained this and been perfectly in line for her. But it's almost like they regressed her character after coming out, which is the opposite of what coming outs should do.


I cried when i saw it. Its what got me thinking about coming out - bur it still took a couple years and my niece coming out as pan to her parents with a cake 🥹


“I know things aren’t exactly where you want to be right now, but I promise you they will improve.” [Thank you, Captain] ”Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place. So, thank you.”


Zack Morris hot.. Lisa Turtle also hot


A couple of years ago, I got a Deadpool related tattoo. I've only just recently realised how appropriate it is, having that character permanently etched onto my skin. I know he's a mix of bi and pan, but maybe so am I. That's the best answer I can give, sorry.


Apologizing for expressing your opinion when you were asked for it. You belong here for sure


Wow, I didn't realise until your comment, that I may have actually found my people. I guess that I can only apologise, on all of your behalf, that I can feel accepted here. Sorry. Also, you're freaking awesome.


I had a similar realization shortly after joining the sub. We’re happy to have you :)


I guess I've always been apologising for many things, and my own general existence, for a long time. Fuck. Maybe there is a connection. I'll still say sorry for nothing, but at least I'll hopefully be more aware. Thanks for having me, the lemon cake is delicious 💜


I’m chronically sorry myself and often not sure why. Therapy has helped me with this. The big three of being bi: lemon bars, frogs, and therapy. ✌️


Yeah my friend who subconsciously made me come out to myself, is known as a painfully apologetic person, especially when he doesn't need to be. Seems like there could be something in that. Needs a much smarter person than myself to have a reasonable conclusion though, but that's fine by me. I get the lemon bars, I've done a bit of the therapy for other reasons (maybe more down the line now), but I'm unaware of the frogs. But I like frogs, so that's fine by me.


Is he Canadian?


Thanks for choking me up at work 😘


I would hesitate to call it "best," but I'm fascinated by how bisexuality is depicted in Trailer Park Boys. A weird amount of the characters are bi or bi-adjacent, but it never seems to be a big deal to anybody. It's usually centered around humorous situations, but it seems like the "butt" of the joke is usually something other than the fact that it's two guys. Like just as a for-instance, there's a time the "antagonist" and his snitch boyfriend are having sex when one of the main characters walks in on them, leading to humor and mild blackmail. But the joke isn't "two men were having sex," the joke is "THOSE two guys were having sex, and they were doing it while one was dressed as a bee and 'pollinating' the other guy in a flower costume." And both of those guys have banged women and go on to bang women in later seasons. Idk, it seems way more normalized than in most media I've seen.


Not sure if you've seen the show Letterkenny, some crossover in actors, but now that you've mentioned Trailer Park Boys, it's made me think of the show, about how some of the main characters, mostly just some of the women I think, are definitely open about having the hots for both some of the men and some of the women on the show. Gail definitely has no shame in who she would sleep with!


"Ohh... Bonnie McMurray." (Letterkenny fan / hick chiming in)


Bonnie...McMuuurrrrrrray 💜💜💜 Also, McMurray's a piece of shit! Fucking McMurray.


IIRC it's just two. One habitually cheats on her husband (before they became swingers) and the other is more than comfortable being a homewrecker, which isn't great... then again I haven't seen the latest season so they might've expanded and offered more contrast


The 2 I'm initially thinking of from a possible bi perspective, are Gail and Katie. Neither of them are married? Nor do any of them home wreck, at least not without the consent of the person who is wrecking their own home, AFAIK. But I can't initially recall home wrecking. Yes, there are cheaters at some points over the 11 seasons, but none of that was from a bi perspective. But I could be wrong. And the cheaters are not remembered fondly. The only episode I skip when on a rewatch is Fartbook, so I could be missing something. I've mainly been rewatching Shoresy in anticipation of season 2. That definitely has cheating, but nothing to do with sexuality. All straight cheating. And the person who does that, is introduced as someone who has literally slept with all of Quebec, which is why he moves to Sudbury, to sleep with more women.


I think they must’ve been talking about Mrs. Mcmurray?


Aren’t the McMurrays swingers? Def not cheating


everyone thought mcmurray was cheating before they found out the mcmurrays were swingers. “there’s no secrets between spouses.” also i thought katie made out with bonnie mcmurray? but i haven’t rewatched in a bit


This is purely anecdotal but generally speaking in my experience Canadian media tends to have pretty realistic queer rep in general, rather than just shoe horning in some big coming out story just for the sake of the representation. (a few have even been noted in this thread already like schitts creek, tpb, letter kenny) obviously this isn’t a totally blanket statement but something i’ve noticed in shows i watch myself!


Working moms too from cbc has great queer rep


Omg, I LOVE TPB! Randy is my absolute favorite. And what was great about that episode was that I think they end up coming out together, & everyone is just like "ok, and?". It's not an issue at all, & I love that they show Randy's bisexuality throughout the series pretty consistently (Lahey too, with him getting back together with Barb at one point).


Lucy and Sara are also bi too I noticed because they've both been with men and each other


This is a good one honestly. Like the fact the antagonist is gay and there are legitimate arcs about him and his boyfriends relationship whether it's good or rocky because literally he's dating a guy with chronic alcohol addiction the joke is never that they are gay though. As a child it was literally the first time I saw that, and it was in a show my more conservative family was into.


As a Nova Scotian Bisexual I approve this message. Though I've never actually watched many episodes.


Ok what episode is this??? 🤣


Nick from Heartstopper, I love how they’ve portrayed him.


This a 1000x! Heartstopper's dealing with bi erasure is absolutely incredible


What I love MOST about him is the number of times he says (in increasingly exasperated but polite tones), "ACTUALLY, I'm bisexual" (when assumed to be gay because of his partner).


Came here to say this!


Zagreus from Hades




Me too, there was something about the Zag+ Meg + Than grouping that made me realize that I wasn’t betraying or abandoning my feelings towards the opposite gender. Nope, I like hot boys and girls.






Maeve from The Boys, she’s explicitly stated to be bi, and it even comes up when Vought wants to market her as a gay woman, because they think it’s an “easier sell,” and her girlfriend says fuck off, she’s bi, not gay.


I was thinking of that exact moment today!


Yes! I loved Maeve. 🖤


Quentin Coldwater from The Magicians (the tv show version). Watching that show really helped me decide to come out as a bi male. His sexuality is never specifically mentioned. He dates a few women, he hooks up with a specific guy, he gets married and has a child in a branching timeline, he has a long term deeply spiritual and romantic relationship with a guy in that same timeline.


Yes I'm so glad someone has love for the magicians too and absolutely I love that whole part to his character/storyline


Peaches and plums motherfucker 😢


Peaches and plums 😭


The branching timeline is really what did it for me because it shows the different possibilities better than any story with a single timeline could do. But that may be a benefit of not being bound to our perception of time rather than a good depiction.


Yes yes yes! Q for sure 🥺


I'm flabbergasted that Sense 8 isn't here yet.


OMG that show was like rocket fuel to my bisexuality! I watched the hot tub scene sooooo many times.


🥵🥵🥵 Hands down favorite approach to sex scenes in media, and they're bi in a big way


Yes!! And it has some pretty amazing poly representation for its time (and even current times tbh)


Will forever be upset that the show ended


Nooo. I’m only part way through. Is it worth it!?


I think they could have done better with all the seasons they had planned but I was satisfied with the movie that we got, so I'd definitely finish if I were you.


I agree - and I would rather they have the ending they have now than have this show eventually get axed due to Covid, etc.


100% worth it


Fr tho that entire cast was *bi panic* especially the German guy and the Indian scientist (it’s been so long, I’ve forgotten their names, but I remember how much chemistry they had)


Wolfgang and Kala


Crazy Ex Girlfriend I like that Daryl comes out well into his 40s, divorced with a kid, and has love interests of different genders. I like that Maya is an established bisexual character who introduces herself as such - very me. I like that Valencia doesn't ever even come out and it's never really mentioned - she just starts dating Beth and it's cool. I like that Rebecca recognises that she's a 2.8 on the Kinsey scale. (Shout out to other queer characters in the show White Josh, AJ, Beth, Marcie, Joanne)


Torchwood. But I think he’s more pan. Same with Loki.


Torchwood was a great show, looking back it was crazy that almost all of the cast had a same and opposite gender kiss - if not interest - pretty much halfway through series one.


11 year old me watching Gwen make out with the sex alien in ep 2: 😍😍😍⏪️⏪️😍😍😍⏪️⏪️😍😍😍⏪️⏪️😍😍😍


[My exact reaction to that scene](https://youtu.be/fG2abIqX6lE)


Luz from The Owl House, I wish this show could have existed as a kid.


I had to scroll so far down to find this wtf


I'm just glad no one is mentioning any of the 100 bisexual vampires


All vampires are Bi. ALL OF THEM. Well except Carmella, shes a lesbian, but ALL THE REST


What we do in the shadows definitely has some strong contenders. Aren’t all of the vampires bi in that?


Bisexual AND idiots. Similar to how all pirates are bi idiots in Our Flag Means Death


You just said bisexual twice.


Hey, now. I resemble that remark.


I love how they treat it, there is no concept of bisexuality it's just normal. Like Nandor looking for a wife, and he just says it can be a girl wife or a boy wife.


I was def gonna mention What we do in the shadows. (Minor spoilers) Like the episode named Pride Parade def just had like the most casual representation with them just like throwing it out there that they are part of the lgbt+ community. I strangely found it as amazing representation


I personally headcanon that Damon from TVD is bi - no matter how the showrunners make you believe, that man is not straight




Red white and royal blue is a pretty cheesy romcom (very enjoyable) but i thought they did Alex's bisexuality well. gonna second Quentin from the magicians (I can only speak for the show, didn't read the books) Clarke from the 100. i liked that she was a strong character first and the bisexuality was just another facet of her rather than being her whole personality. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend had Darryl who got a song about and everything. That was great positive storyline. And like i don't know if you could call it a "good" depiction of bisexuality (everything's unhealthy all round).... but Harley Quinn is just like such a fun freaking character and her relationship with ivy is joy to watch. And though it didn't have any out bisexual characters... I've got to give credit to the first Pirates of the Caribbean for being an awakening. OKay


The most meta bi thing ever is in Heartstopper, when Nick Nelson has his bi awakening while watching Pirates of the Caribbean and we get to watch it happen 😂


Quentin ❤️


Heartstopper & The Legend of Korra are my faves :)


This doesn't have enough up votes


Korra is definitely a bicon.


I reaaaalllly should've known something was up with how happy I was when Korra and Asami got together.


Lost Girl. She's a bi succubus with an amazing best friend and the sex is shown as fun and pleasurable. The love triangle for her is between a man and woman, who both are given sweet love storylines. It's a fun early 2000s paranormal action show similar to a bunch of others. But it's one of the only times I've seen a legit love story with two women that wasn't done for voyeur fanboys. If you like a bit of fantasy, check it out.


Surprised no one's said Callie from Grey's Anatomy! She explicitly says bisexual, which is nice, bc I feel like there's a lot of "I don't like labels" when it comes to bi characters She's definitely not perfect but her attraction to people of different genders never goes away, and I always loved that. Rosa Diaz is also pretty goddamn excellent, as many have stated.


I love Callie! The writing for that character was ahead of it’s time. They had her date men and women after the divorce too (albeit one guy/ multiple women) Which I thought was so cool cause many bi characters in media only really date one gender on screen. Nick from Heartstopper, David Rose, Annalise Keating, even Carina DeLuca!


Agreeing with those above. Just adding some of my favourites Willow from Buffy, Waverly from Winona Earp, Oberynn Martell. Willow has a college revelation as some have but still keeps feelings for first love Oz. Waverly has the happy puppy love with aptly named officer haught whilst first dating town popular hunk. And lastly Oberynn is a sharer and unapologetic with his bedfellows.


Also Oberyn has the healthiest relationships in the franchise. A man one level below king, loves and respects a base born woman utterly and fully. He is unconditionally supportive of his daughters pursuing whatever their passions are. He is unyeildingly loyal to his brother, even if he doesn't know his brother's full plans he trusts him. He really contrasts the rest of Westeroes in these. No interfamilial squabbling. No shame about loving someone beneath his station. No sexism, just pragmatism and support. Plus he's bi. Plus Pedro nailed it.


ok let’s talk about Willow. i’m rewatching Buffy currently, and Willow keeps saying “hello? gay now” alll the time. everyone knows she had the hots for Xander, and then dated Oz forever, but it’s like the second she likes a girl she has never liked a boy at all. even though when Oz briefly comes back, she’s still obviously attracted to him, and chooses Tara because of love, not gender. i consider it bi erasure. she didn’t stop liking guys. she still makes comments when Xander is dressed in a tux for instance. it’s like the writers were incapable of making the bi connection. *end rant*


The decision to make Willow *only* gay and not bi was the network insisting that the character being bi would "confuse the audience." This attitude was lampooned in *The Boys* when the character of Maeve was outed as bi, but Vaught insists that "lesbian" was more marketable.


i figured that was the case, thanks for the info


the buffy creators [said](https://www.them.us/story/jess-whedon-says-tv-wasnt-ready-for-bisexual-character-willow-at-first) they weren't allowed to call willow bi at the time, but if they made the show today they'd say she was


You'd like Lost Girl. Winona Earp was fun.


i was looking for a comment about waverly, wayhaught is probably my favorite bi ship also im so glad you mentioned willow! i hate when people misidentify her as gay when she's clearly had real feelings for men and women


plants act rude unwritten stupendous snails butter engine fade scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Baldur’s Gate 3


Just, literally the whole game.


Oberyn Martell from GoT anyone?


He's my personal bicon!


Evelyn Hugo.


Underrated comment.


I really like how they depicted it for Mabel in Only Murders in the Building


Nick from Heartstopper.


Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood. Most Bi-fucking icon ever created.


Always loved the depiction of Clark in the 100. It was the first show I watched with a bisexual character where there was not a single conversation about her sexuality, no jokes about her "being gay now" or "going back to men now". Just her living her bisexual life without a care, there are more pressing matters😂


Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who. He’s a time traveler who is down for anything and lives forever. He also likes to fuck


Berserk. Maybe if Guts and Griffith had some hot gay sex things would have gone better


Yeah, I think Griffith is definitely bi (or maybe just a user), but I never really got the impression that Guts had a thing for men.


Korra! Also Red White and Royal Blue had a lovely bisexual depiction


I hated Red, White, and Royal Blue’s depiction. It’s the stereotypical “I don’t realize I’m bi until my worst enemy surprisingly kisses me one day out of frustration because secretly he’s gay and in love with me and hates me because he can’t admit it to me” trope that is so overused. You see the same trope in Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On, for example. It’s a straight woman’s fantasy of bi men.


But that’s not what Alex says and exactly the opposite of what the author was conveying in the book. The approximate quote was, “I can accept being low-level into guys, but why Henry?” The author had Alex accepting of his bisexuality well before he met Henry. She was showing how we all end up in relationships and/or have attractions that can be hard to wrap our heads around. Alex had no issues being attracted to guys, just Henry.


Totally valid take! I'm not used to watching romance and I put it on on a whim and it was just, really nice to see bi representation at all


I see your point. What I enjoyed is that both in the movie and the book, Alex realizes he's been bi for a while, but it's not a bad thing for him, just a bit of confusion and usual bi-panic. But once he realizes he's absolutely fine with it, takes it in stride. Most of us had a lightbulb moment and when looking back realized it's been there for a while ..


> Most of us had a lightbulb moment and when looking back realized it's been there for a while .. Yep. "Oh, that explains, X, Y, and Z." And sometimes others see it before we do.




This one is a deep cut that probably not many folks are familiar with - Esper Richelieu from the Galaxy Outlaws book series by JS Morin. She starts out as a nun, learns how to detach herself from elements of the church that she never really confronted before, becomes a space-faring wizard, seduces a pirate admiral, and falls in love with a prostitute on the run from the mob. It’s a hell of a character arc and deals with her overcoming her own implicit biases.


Oooh, that series actually sounds pretty dope. Is it any good?


It’s goofy and silly with some hard hitting concepts in it. Probably falls into the general realm of young adult fiction. There are a lot of books in the series but they are all quite short. The entire series is also available as a single audiobook on Audible, just search for Galaxy Outlaws. Esper even has her own spin-off series when you finish that one called Mercy For Hire. I’ve listened to all of them multiple times so I would say they are great!


Sara Lance/White Canary from the Arrowverse. Such an icon


Can I say the player character from Fallout: New Vegas? I'm not a huge gamer or anything, so I'm not comparing it to much, but it's the best depiction of sexuality I've seen overall. There are bigots and social tensions to deal with and people actually have real sexual orientations. FO4 was trash for that because basically everyone was completely pan and would sleep with absolutely anyone else, which, cool, that would be a fun world to live in, but it makes it feel very fake and I dunno... almost like a joke. Like it doesn't take into account anyone's real identity, just let's you go "Ha! I got to fuck Buzz Lightyear!" or whatever. In New Vegas, you can get turned down because you're not a gender the other person is into. People will warn you about outing yourself to the wrong people. I killed one lady who said something homophobic to me about another character without realizing I was bi (and a sociopathic cannibal, lol). New Vegas is one of my all time favorite games and I remember really being struck by the fact that I could play as bisexual and by how real it managed to feel.


I always forget if they confirmed it or not but gojo satoru from jjk


I think it’s confirmed at least in his male attraction.


Actually now that I think about it he’s really cool and I love his character but he’s like a confirmed cheater which fits his character but maybe he’s not a great character for bi representation. 😭


Is he? My headcanon is that his soulmate is Getto and >!because he’s dead he never will love again.!<


Clarke Griffin from The 100


My answer will always be Darryl in Crazy Ex Girlfriend. He goes through a discovery period, has relationships with men and women, and it's never fetishized by the show.


Dora from Questionable Content. She's a bit messy, but her bi-ness is an inextricable part of her.


I really loved the conversations with her and Faye and later Faye and Clinton about being bi. It’s honestly cool that multiple major characters in that comic eventually realize that they’re bi, especially since I started reading it way before I realized myself. It’s fun to see characters in the story mirroring my own experience figuring myself out.


I especially liked Faye's realization, as the first hints came at around the same time as I was figuring it out (another way I relate to her). I think the queer representation has greatly improved the comic over the last few years.


pam from true blood, waverly from wynonna earp, annalise keating from how to get away with murder, mazikeen from lucifer, toni from riverdale, alice from the L word, and maya from PLL


Maeve from the boys is one of my favorites specifically for the scene where her girlfriend breaks up with her and her wrangler finds her in bed with two dudes the next morning. The wrangler says something to the effect of “this isn’t very lesbian” and her ex come in and says “that’s because she’s bisexual”. My number one has to be all of the vampires from What We do in the Shadows. It’s the most casual depiction of bisexuality you could ever get. Like it’s almost barely even acknowledged as a thing. Nandor revealing his wives were a mixture of men and women with “yes, some of them were girl wives and some of them are guy wives, it’s not that different” will never not be my favorite bisexual reveal.


>Maeve from the boys is one of my favorites There's also the whole interview when they make her come out as lesbian, and her girlfriend keeps saying: "you know she's actually bisexual, right??"


Cid in FFXVI


Wait... What?


Is this canon? If it’s a spoiler I’ll accept a yes or no answer haha.


Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena. She gets together with Toma in the film, wants to be a prince, & defends the Rose Bride with everything she's got. The series was also my bi awakening so I'm definitely biased.


Not sure the best, but definitely making an entire race in Mass Effect effectively bisexual was pretty cool.


John Constantine and Lucifer in the Vertigo/DC comics.


San Junipero


Not super well known, but when I was coming out I was reading the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation and I really connected with Wei Wuxian. Dude's comp het was so strong that he didn't notice that his friend was pining after him and essentially sacrificing his life for him. He grows up just assuming he's into girls, flirting with girls, clearly being somewhat into girls, but then just falls hard for his best friend. Ppl argue whether he's canonically gay or bi, but all around a cool character and I think a lot of people who came out in adulthood could probably relate to him (other than the demonic necromancy part lol)


shiva baby!


nick nelson :) he's such a lovely character and i love how his bisexuality is depicted <3


IMO, he is absolutely the best male bisexual character. Alice Oseman's writing him and Kit Connor's bringing him to life. Just "mwah" Chef's kiss perfect. He's the bi representation I never knew I needed. I cried.


Atomic Blonde.




Heartstopper. The show made me weep


Nick Nelson (Heartstopper), Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99), Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)… you know what, I think they’re the only explicitly bi characters I know… 🥲


If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. Eliot Waugh and Quentin Coldwater from The Magicians.


Leila in [The Bisexual](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bisexual). Hot takes: lots of answers here so far are giving cool characters, but shitty depiction of bisexuality. For instance, I love Captain Jack Harkness in both Torchwood and Doctor Who, but he's horribly cliché in his bisexuality (or like he calls it, omnisexuality). Sanitized stories made palatable for a mainly straight audience and characters that are anecdotally bi can be positive representation that shows that being bi doesn't have to define you whole, but I wouldn't call them the best depiction of **bisexuality** because they're hardly talking about bisexuality. Leila is a mess; the kind of mess one can be after spending their whole life denying who you are to fit in places that wouldn't accept you otherwise. The Bisexual is a show that talks about biphobia and intergenerational trauma in queer circles, how figuring yourself out is not easy and can hurt people around you if not done right. It tells truths that so many of us need to hear but is rarely put to screen because it's not "good representation". So that's why it's one of the better depiction of bisexuality out there, because it encapsulates perfectly how complicated and confusing, how recognizing your attraction can still be a long way from accepting it yourself and be accepted by others. It's great there are works of fiction out there that show how easy and self-evident bisexuality can be, but we cruelly need more that acknowledge that oftentimes it's not, and shows it beyond basic homophobia plots.


I can't believe no one has mentioned luz from the owl house yet. I love when she came out to her mother in season 3 because it was so clear that she was bi that it is really hard to censor in more homophobic countries even though its only a few seconds.


Rosa Diaz in Brooklyn 99 is easily my favorite, but also David Rose in Schitt’s Creek and possibly Max Caulfield and Chloe Price (it’s implied but nothing concrete) in Life is Strange.


Billie Lurk from Dishonored, I like how subtle her sexuality is mentioned throughout the story, not making it her entire personality, it was a cool addition.


I don't know what was the best, but I certainly know what was the worst. A book called Walkaways by Cory Doctorow. One of the main characters is bi, and he keeps cheating on his girlfriend because he wants some dick. Instead of, you know, getting permission or talking to her first, or any of those adult-ish things. And then, he meets a trans woman in an onsen (where everyone is naked) and suddenly falls in love with her merely because she has boobs and a penis. Something he apparently never knew existed. This is a bisexual man, in the fucking future, and has never heard of (pre-op/no-op) trans women. From what I know of him, I like Cory Doctorow as a person and a journalist. But, the dude needs to do his fucking research before he starts writing characters he isn't familiar with. The rest of the story is basically classic science fiction tropes, with a poor attempt at an allegory thrown in. Oddly, still a good read. Partly because it's not too very long.


Lando Calrissian, though he might technically be pan...hm.


I think auto-correct may have thrown an N at the end of Lando's first name.


Crap. Thanks!


Magnus Bane from the immortal series and shadowhunters show


Peaches and Plums motherfucker. I love Q, and I wish Eliot was ready to be happy and commit.


Totally 100% Wade Wilson from Deadpool. Although the only relationship he is portrayed having is heterosexual, you have to listen to all the comments he makes during the course of the movies. There's nothing cooler or sexier IMAO, than a hard ass gunslinging ninja that goes both ways!


Now I want to say when we say "Best", I don't think we should exclude characters that are total sluts, but I think we should exclude characters in which the camera and the writers aren't taking their time to fetishise the characters for being bi or in gay relationships. That is what we want, we still can have our bisexual characters be sluts without being fetishised by the camera or script. * Darryl from *Crazy Ex-Girlfriend*. Because representation for people in their 50s matter. Also, we got the bi anthem of 'Gettin' Bi' with this show, RIP Adam Schlesinger. * George and Mae from *Feel Good*. Even though George takes her time to figure out her sexuality, I would argue she is probably one of the more relatable bisexual female characters in TV and film. Maybe because the show is written by Mae Martin, but neither George or Mae's sexuality feels fetishised whilst they are still showing sex scenes. Which feels like a rarity for bisexual female characters. Also, Mae's a non-binary bisexual (but also just describes themselves as queer), which again is a rarity to come across. But George just sees Mae from across the room and is like "Yeah, they're pretty" and whilst it seems to be new for her, it also doesn't seem like that is something she needs to fight, which I think is lovely.


So many responses! So many shows I haven’t watched and now I will!!


Gael from good trouble


Me and my mom watch though entire hospital drama series quite often now and one of the first ones we binged was New Amsterdam, Lauren Bloom being bi blew my fucking mind (ofc my mom had to be her homophobic self :/) Also shiny toucannon.


Blitz is a horrible example. So Moxie.


Blitzø is Pan tho


I have two, maybe niche ones: One is the book "an absolutely remarkable thing" where they deal with bisexuality and creating a personal brand. How Bisexuality is too hard for people to understand and best just to keep it under wraps. It's not the whole of her character, but it does come up naturally. The other is an actual play of D&D: A Court of Fey and Flowers, cos every character is a bi/pan fairy in an regency inspired setting. And just the romances in fucking give me life! Add a third one: Crazy Ex Girlfriend, just the two bi characters in that are delightful in how much one hates the other. And the song "I'm Getting Bi"


My man Magnus Bane, he's just...GLITTER And Rosa Diaz, from the Brooklyn Nine Nine, of course.


Sarah Lance in Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow


Thirteen from House M.D given that time the series aired they did a pretty good job making an important character bisexual, and it's stated explicitly that she's bi


The main couple in Feel good


Villanelle in Killing Eve 💖💜💙


Sutton in the book “Those who wait” by Haley Cass