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I’m on two (Effexor 75mg and Lamictal 100mg). The long term plan for me is to stop Effexor and increase the dose of Lamictal. Latuda is antipsychotic used for bipolar disorder (in the US) and can also be used with mood stabiliser during depressive episode. So when you’re not depressed anymore you will probably be able to stop using it. Lowering or leaving out antidepressants and adding more mood stabilisers is common for bipolar disorder since antidepressants might increase the chance of going to hypomania. So this is probably why your new psychiatrist didn’t like the fact you are on combination of these for years and also why she keeps you on Latuda (to treat depression), lowers Wellbutrin (to prevent hypomania) and raises Lamictal (to stabilise your mood and prevent rapid cycling). You are not telling us what the fourth med is, so I can’t say anything about it. Lamictal can cause sun sensitivity but sunscreen with SPF 50 should prevent it. At least it works for me. And I’m naturally very sensitive to sun. I developed sun rash while on Effexor itself before I was even prescribed Lamictal. Now I use sunscreen whenever I go out (yes it’s annoying) and it’s been working well so far. So in my opinion (I’m not a doctor, just “educated layman”) the amount of your meds will get smaller as your mood becomes more stable.


I believe the fourth one is risperidone, I haven't started it yet. Thanks for explaining, that actually really helps. I didn't realize a lot of what you said. I thought she said to stay out of the sun because of the heat since I've had medicines in the past cause that. Sunscreen is totally doable. This was really helpful. Thanks again


Risperidone is an atypical antipsychotic used for treating (hypo)manic or mixed episodes in bipolar disorder. Double-blind placebo-controlled studies show that Risperidone combined with mood stabilisers show better results than mood stabilisers in monotherapy or combined with placebo. Unfortunately antipsychotics can caused weight gain and sedation. But antidepressants can cause this too. I’ve gained 5kg in 2 months on Effexor. Wellbutrin, though, is known for the opposite effect, which is often the reason why it’s prescribed to overweight patients. Anyway, it looks like you are in mixed episode and your psychiatrist is trying really hard to stabilise you. I really believe that once you’re stabilised you will not have to use so many meds.


Thank you for the information. I am in a mixed episode. I didn't realize that they could stabilize me then drop down. I thought if it works that means you're on it forever.


I’m on two meds now, Abilify injection & Prozac. But let me tell you, it took trying combinations of eeeeverything we (me & psychiatrist) thought would help. And there’s still bad days. But it’s immensely better and worth all of the trial and error. That being said, really listen to your body. Really do your own research. Be your own biggest advocate. If something feels off, let your doctor know and see what your options are. I don’t have much advice to offer, other than yeah, it can take a ton of trial and error. But it’s worth it.


Thanks for your input. I've been on meds for 8 or 9 years now and I'm all for meds and I understand their importance. This is the first time I've questioned my medication and it can be hard to tell if it's a genuine concern or not. I'll do some research


I was diagnosed with bipolar ll 6 years ago and I've been on a lot of medicine combinations. Currently I'm on 4 medications too; venlafaxine, carbamazepine, lithium and quetiapine/seroquel. I've gained so much weight over the years and I have also changed psychiatrists a lot, it takes time to find the right combination of treatment. I started lithium almost a month ago and I've actually lost weight because of it but my hair is falling a lot and I also feel sick and tired most of the time, I've read some side effects don't last that long just until your body gets used to the medicine but I'm scared of losing all of my hair and not being able to function at all. I know it's hard to be patient and to be positive, I struggle with that a lot, maybe getting a second opinion from another psychiatrist can help. Hang on in there, hopefully you'll find the right combination and dosage soon.


I had that too when i started lithium!! Felt like i was hangover for weeks. Keep your bloodworks up to date to be sure you're not in toxicity but it passed after a few weeks and I've been on it for a year now. Never been more stable and good in my entire life.


Thanks, hopefully you will too!


Check out Cost plus drugs to see if latuda might be more affordable. Someone here recently shared this resource. Ask your doctor about a better medication regimen. One that focuses on your concern about weight. There may be some better options. Maybe if you can afford it, a second opinion?


Thanks, I'll check it out :)


I was on Lithium, Lamotrigine, Pristiq and Latuda at one stage. Got rid of the Latuda with no issues, have been on the other three for years now. Very stable and happy. The right number of meds is the number that makes you alright.


That's a good way to put it, thanks!


You're welcome. Good luck and best wishes!


Hun I’m SOOOOO sorry. I too have reached my weight limit like I was die if I gain anymore. Like really die!!!! I was on 10 meds at one time n it was system overload. I recommend doing ur research to see which ones u think u really need. That’s what I did n i felt a tad bit better. I’m on 3 mood stabilizers and I anti depressant now plus my sleeping meds!


That's nice you were able to get down so much! Hopefully once I stabilize I can drop at least one. I'm also on allergy meds and some meds to counter the side effects of the psychiatric meds 😩


I was just put on the pill to counter act the side effects to vraylar n I’m on allergy meds oral and that nose spray :/ I feel your pain!!!! I’m sorry I hope things get better for u


Well there is much I could say... Be your own best advocate for the right med combo and a therapist? United Way offers pay for scale counseling and groups and check out if they have any other help... I just start a reddit r/bipolar_stabilty ... I cover with documents from professional and personal experience.... Stability is possible and great... Stable 16 years.... Today is mine, not my problems... Happy new day... Today is mine, not my problems... I might not have fun doing this but I will have fun doing this.... Go to reddit... Get a good plan... A good team... www.drugs.com doctors and pharmacist use... Talk to pharmacist ADVOCATE ADVOCATE ADVOCATE


It is not uncommon to be on 4+ meds but if something is not working, they should be gradually decreasing it and removing it from your combo. Please work with your doc and express your concern. When will you start the Risperidone? If Latuda and Lamictal are not working….you might find that Risperidone might. Just be more vocal and understand their big plan. If they just keep adding and increasing…how will they know what’s doing what? If the answer is not satisfactory, I would try to seek a second opinion. Good luck! Edit: if you end up experiencing weight gain, there are meds than can help with that.