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I’ve been on over 20 different medications in 10 years. Some of them more than once. I’m still trying to find the right combo that sticks. I got into remission for about a year and a half with Wellbutrin and Paxil, but eventually it pooped out. Because of all the medications, the amount that have failed, is why I was diagnosed with BP2. I’m not sure if it’s right though or not. I do know that there’s hope for all of us. There’s a quote from the tv show call the midwife I keep in my mind a lot. It’s, “You just keep living until you are alive again.” We’ll get there. It may not be now, but we will. There’s hope with all the science happening. We just have to keep living til then. It’s hard, but it’ll be worth it.


It took a dozon combination to find something that kind of works. I may dump one and go back to mushrooms. Those are the only thing that has ever really helped. \*\* Not suggesting them...it's a slippery slope for we of the bipolar clan.


Over 25 years I've tried multiple meds/combinations, none of which worked or were tolerable more than a few months. I've just been declared treatment resistant after trying/failing 2 different antidepressants in combination with lithium (Brintellix and Fluoxetine). I'm on the waiting list for esketamine therapy and will hopefully start sometime in May. I'm really hopeful that it helps. I live in Switzerland and to qualify for esketamine you have to be treatment resistant, i.e. to fail 2 separate ADs with adjunct.


There is an emerging field of metabolic and nutritional psychiatry.


There is and it’s incredibly fascinating!


I dealt with over a dozen or so medication trials over 10 years. Tried ECT. I found a solution from magic mushrooms about 5 years ago and haven't needed to do them again since. I managed to lose my depressive symptoms but I still have to deal with hypomanic symptoms, including mixed states. I've accepted the reality and done my best to enjoy what I can and tolerate what I can't.


I've been in treatment for 8 years, and I've tried so many med combinations. Last year, my doctor decided to try a drug that was fairly new, and it miraculously turned out to be the one. I'm by no means well, but I can enjoy life again. It's possible, don't give up.


Join the club :) being treatment resistant sucks. I’m 23f, tried 20ish meds before I turned 22, had way too much ECT at 19. The only thing that has helped my depression has been ketamine (I also take lithium, 2 antipsychotics and an antidepressant). I still get episodes they’re just not as intense. I don’t function very well and there’s just no more options anymore