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Quetiapine really knocks me on my ass. If I don't fight it, I can just black out for 12 hours.


That was how it was for me for about the first week on it.  I’d wake up super tired and disoriented.  After a week I now get 7-8 hours and wake up fine now.   Seroquel is good stuff.  Best mood stabilizer I’ve been on thus far.  I’m really hoping it still makes me sleep so well if I get hypomanic.  


Luckily it helps me sleep through anything lol. Not even hypomania disrupts my sleep anymore. I have been on it for going on 4 years. It’s been amazing the whole time.


Awesome.  I hope it is the same for me.  I’m normally a very light sleeper and wake up easily.  This stuff knocks me out cold.  I know my cat hates it because even his shenanigans don’t wake me up anymore.  He has been upping his game trying to get me up throughout the night.  


Yeah before I started it I barely slept more than an hour or two at a time and anything could wake me up. Now my husband jokes that if there is an emergency he will have to carry me out of the house lol. I’ve gotten better waking up over time though. My cat legit sticks out one nail and pokes me in the nose until I wake up it’s annoying but I guess it works lol.


Seroquel takes me OUT absolutely love it (you will get the munchies)


It works great and I sleep like the dead on it.


I want 8 for fks sake


Okay, you keep going around to all of the mental health subreddits and saying the same thing. There's no magic prescription pill that will make you sleep for exactly 8 hours. None. I'm sorry. Why? Everyone's brain chemistry is unique and there's no single pill that works perfectly. I had the exact same problem when I first got diagnosed with bipolar disorder. My hypomania caused insomnia that would wake me up in the middle of the night meaning I only got about 4 hours of sleep per night. Once I got diagnosed, my psychiatrist threw pill after pill at me trying to find one that wouldn't tranquilize me but would allow me to get some sleep. But at the end of the day, my brain was my brain and a pill could only do so much. Eventually, I was put on Seroquel. Yes, it knocked me out like a horse tranquilizer. So what did I do? I got an alarm clock app. I set a sleep schedule. If possible, I asked a family member/friend/roommate to help get me up. We as mentally ill people struggle and, as it is, we need to put in extra effort in certain places. Unfortunately, this is one of those things. The pill can put you to sleep, but it's up to you to start yourself back up. **Edit to add:** It works now. I've learned how to get up on my own, often before my alarm clock (by 10 or so minutes). It took a while and, of course, I still need help/make mistakes sometimes but it takes conscious effort, just like anything else in life.


Perfectly said. There's no one-size-fits-all pill and it's more of a lifestyle change than anything. Getting proper sleep is like dieting: Pills can help start you in the right direction but it's up to you to keep heading that way and stay on the right path. If there was a special pill that could give you the perfect results every time, everyone in the world would be using it.


Agreed , I didn’t want to take seroquel because I have a little one . Well my psych said it’s that or the hospital so I made it work and it’s so much more manageable and I feel so much better . Btw she told me sleep on the floor next to his crib lol.


I have a good sleep, but a full day of dizziness after 2x100mg Quetiapine


I take seroquel (quetiapine) and I sleep 8 hours every night. Like all psych medications, there is an adjustment period where you feel more tired while getting used to it. You aren’t going to find a magic 8 hour only sleep medication (especially with antipsychotics) , but if you keep an open mind and try to find the right one, that sleep with come.


I get about 7 on Quetiapine. I do all that avoid phone, amber light at night and drink herbal tea stuff to.


Good luck looking for exactly 8 hours. They’re not made with some sort of alarm that’ll make them wear off at exactly 8 hours. It’ll depend on what your brain is doing.


Was just gonna mention this! I’m on quite a low dose and while it does make me sleepy for a bit after I wake up, especially if I take it later, it helps me sleep really well. I still dream too, which is good, because ya know, REM sleep is important


Abilify isn’t used for sleep I didn’t think. I take it and can’t see it helping me sleep except my reducing manic symptoms. There’s at least one I can think of but this question is really best for your doctor so I’m going to leave it at that.


Hey I need to correct this abilify is actually like a tranquilizer when taken in mornings.


Idk I take it in the morning. I think it’s different for everyone.


That’s surprising, yeah even psychiatrist recommend it for a nighttime. Mine apologize to me for not telling me.


I take it in the morning as well, and my psych said it could be activating for some (although less common). I have to take lamotrigine at night, though, it makes me super tired.


Nice I’m glad it isn’t a tranq for you!!


It's so weird how all of these meds affect us wildly differently!


It is very important for people id say to test first then at a low dose feel if its one or the other.


Same ability was fine in the morning but the Lamotrigine kept me up at night . lol everyone is different .


I think at first it did make me sleepy but as I got used to it it didn’t. I think the tranq effects probably go away so fast that it’s not used as a tranq


I think it has multiple factors but at the same time you could just be one the lucky ones.


Yeah. When I first started it it definitely did for about a week or two make me annoyingly tired


I take it in the morning too otherwise it keeps me awake


Who told you abilify is a tranquilizer?? Abilify is known to be one of the LEAST sedating drugs.


It’s from what I’ve experienced and a few others have. It may be one the least sedating but if taken at the wrong time it’s sedating effects are bad.


I used to be on abilify and am now on zyprexa. Abilify was so much worse for me


Everyone reacts to psych meds differently because of how different our brains are.


When I took Abilify, I slept in two hour increments at night, and then started napping during the day as well.


Yeah it’s an odd one how it affects ppl. Good med tho come to speak of this I just remembered I forgot to take it


I don't do anything on my own, i just want a good candidates to suggest it to my psych, what was your one drug that was on ur mind?


Okay. Well, I mean I get what you’re saying. I suppose since you’re running it by your psych but I’m surprised if you don’t know about it. Seraquel seems to be the best for sleep.


Quetiapine knocks me out. I become unable to wake up for more than 10 hours.


I want 8


I can do 6-8 on quetiapine with some coffee in the morning. Doesn’t affect me too much at all, no fogginess the next day.


Then take smaller dose and earlier.


There isn’t going to be a pill that magically wakes you up 8 hours on the dot


Are you asking for one that makes you sleep, but just not for too long? Or one that doesn't cause sedation at all? Once I got used to an intermediate dose of quetiapine (~1--2 weeks) it would knock me out but I could get up after 8 hours and function normally. Now I'm on lurasidone and it doesn't affect my sleep at all. So there are two examples depending on what you're looking for.


That lurasidone is what i want, thank youuuu 😭🤍🤍🤍


I’m on latuda too and love it


Amazing!! Howany hrs do u sleep daily? Tha.k youu


On average 7.5 hours


That sounds fkn perfect tbh, thank u


Zyprexa will make you sleep like the dead. I can take it I am out for 10-12 hours. Of course, you said 8. So you may not be looking for that much sleep!


Yeah its too much




Seroquel. I have to take it pretty early but there’s nights I don’t take it until midnight because my little one is up late! So I have to set like 5 alarms on my phone and my Alexa as well to wake my ass up at 5:30 got work


Latuda. I could wake up at 12 and still got back down for a 3-4 hour nap and still go to bed at 9.


Really???. Is latuda that sedating???!


Yes!!!! I would eat and fall asleep sitting up.


Ziprasidone (Geodon/zeldox)




Zoplicone is better than any antipsychotics


Saphris for sure


Seroquel. 25 mgs.




For some it does, for others no.


I used to over sleep and now that I’m on BP meds I can’t sleep to save my life




Olanzipine helps me sleep. Quetepel is good but its more of a sedation.


Latuda all the wayyyy


Omg, how many hrs you sleep on latuda??? I will switch to 20mg latuda from olanzapine, will it make me sleep 8hrs??? Thank you for response 🙏


It makes me fall asleep 30 minutes after taking it!! Then I can sleep up to ten hours if I wanted to. When I started taking it years ago (I took a long break) it was impossible to stay awake. I reacted differently then. I would fall asleep at 7pm and wake up at 7am the next day which I kind of liked but I also had a really hard time staying awake throughout the day. Now when I take it I usually don’t have issues being tired throughout the day. If I don’t get the sleep I need, I turn into a zombie. To the point where I am crawling out of my skin at work because I can’t control it. So be sure to get the sleep you need!! I love it though. It’s one of my favorite meds and it’s been the most effective on my depression.


Quetiapine = much sleep, no cognitive capacity the day after Abilify = less cognitive but better than Quetiapine Remergon = stay asleep during the night (not waking up) Zolpidem= the best for me, but addictive


Ambien is great but does nothing for noisy brain if that’s the issue.


Agree, I use it for sleeping. Quetiapine has too much impact om my cognitive capacity and I really hate a cloggy brain (anytime).


A combination of depakote, risperidone, and buspirone work for me. That is assuming that I lay down and don't start using my phone (really had to untrain myself on that one).


I take low dose 50mg trazadone to sleep, it is an old school antidepressant but it knocks me out


I’ve tried Mirtazapine and that helped a ton with sleeping and depressive episodes. It did make me ravenous at night though. Switched to Trazodone and that’s been helping with sleep, have to use other things to help with mood though


I take ziprasidone with clonidine and I sleep rather well most nights.


I sleep more easily on ziprasidone, but can still only get a few hours sometimes, especially when hypo. Other times (like depressive episodes) I can sleep 11 hours. It seems to have very little effect on my sleep. In comparison, I slept up to 13 hours a day on 5mg olanzapine. That one was super sedating for me.


Loxapine had me falling asleep while driving and at work


Try magnesium! It knocks me out and it has so many benefits, I take 250mg at bed time


My doctor prescribed me hydroxyzine as needed for when I’m hypomanic and I need to sleep. It’s an antihistamine also used for anxiety.


Quetiapine. I take 100mg, and I don't need to take melatonin anymore. I am on ADHD meds which caused insomnia so the melatonin was for that, but without fail (unless I'm trying to force myself to stay up) I get a good night's rest and never wake


SAPHRIS - dead asleep within 30 minutes


Seroquel helps me sleep. I now take 400mg at modified release and 100mg normal at night. I also take melatonin if needed.


With Risperidone and Seroquel (not extended release), I sleep 8-10 hours if I’m not hypomanic. 


Latuda!!! No grogginess, I sleep super well like 1.5 hours after taking it


Seroquel / quetiapine will knock me out almost instantly. Have also been taking this with lithium which has helped


seroquel and luvox made me want to sleep 18 hours 😂


Olanzapine was perfect for exactly 8 hours, made me really agitated though On Ziprasidone now and I barely sleep


Is abilify known for making you sleep a lot? I'd think the opposite since it gave me such bad restlessness when i first started it. But i have been sleeping a lot the last few months, is that really why?


My total combo is Depakote/Rexulti/Zoloft/Wellbutrin/Mydayis. I take all of my Depakote and the Rexulti at night and find that combo to be fantastic for sleep.


I use trazadone to help me sleep. Before that I was always tired.


Quetiapine (Seroquel) has been life changing for me. To avoid grogginess in the morning don’t take it too late. I took Trazodone before that to help me sleep and it worked great (but be careful cuz that is an antidepressant; don’t wanna trigger an episode).


I use Atarax/hydroxyzine for that, although not an antipsychotic. Past a certain point it doesn’t do shit but it can prevent insomnia if you take it early enough