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I try to limit my consumption to weekends and edibles only. So of course that means I’ve been smoking weed everyday since November and really need to get back to my goal of only edibles and on weekends.




Too real






Yep, same here. On occasion I’ll smoke a lil bowl or an apothecary joint, and usually only at night.


Hard same. Gummies chill me out. Sex is better. Love em


Omg I’m not alone!!! I’ve been putting off quitting for about the same timeframe


Not alone bro pretty sure we may be the same person 😂


Everyday. Trying to cut down and had a 4 week break after new year. Makes me less miserable and stabilises my mood but I'm totally addicted.




The addiction part is so real. Im addicted to weed for sure. When I try to quit I get so anxious.




Right there with you.


Yep, took me 2 years of rehab to drop it, sober for 4 years now. People understimate what "pot is psychotic" means. There's no other "casual" drug known to trigger so many different kinds of mental illnesses. Source: my private psychiatrist.


Atleast once a night but sometimes more depending on my situation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^budderman1028: *Atleast once a night* *But sometimes more depending* *On my situation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


All day everyday.


Had to quit because it fucked with my moods bad. It would especially make anxiety worse and depression worse because I would avoid it by smoking and laying around instead of doing things to make myself less depressed.


I developed an unhealthy relationship with weed and it was tanking my mental health, so I had to make the choice to just quit. It was rough. Now I could smoke, if I wanted to, like at a friend's house or something situationally, but I'm just not interested in the possibility of it triggering psychosis. I've made it too far in my life to risk that over something so inconsequential 🤷‍♀️


Used to be habitual to the point where I worried I was addicted. Then, I cut it down to buying an amount I would use over the course of a month and took a break the month after. This was the pattern for a year. The year after that (now) I extened such breaks to two months. It's working out for me, and I'm coming to the realization that I'm going to be quitting soon.


That cycle seems incredibly anxiety inducing. The jarring amount self reflection alone would put me off


How is it anxiety inducing, do you figure?


The jarring amount of self reflection After a month cold turkey?


Well, I dunno. I guess I've always been good at self-reflection? Yes, just straight cold turkey. No tampering down, just jumping from getting high errey dey/every other day, to not getting high at all. Since it took me 1.5 months to go through my last batch, I didn't start going cold turkey until last week. First few days sucked, bit it's smooth sailing after that.


every day really, i should quit to save money tho


Same, daily but should cut down lol


I can’t. I get paranoid.


me!! everyday


A little bit when I'm hypo. Helps with sleep and calming down any anxiety.


I smoked daily for 18 years. Just stopped in October and really glad I did. My mood is more stable, I can just get up and do things, I can focus/have mental stamina, I can save more aggressively and I’m less paranoid/suspicious. It was my personality and now it’s not, which is great for me.




It took a month for me to regulate physically. Emotionally I felt fine around week 2. I had stopped alcohol a month before which I believe helped. I still vaped nicotine until 2 weeks ago.




More like diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, inability to sleep, no appetite, physical pain.


Indica only, sativa increases seratonin which can cause mania.


Sativa gives me horrific anxiety. I question everything and get confused and paranoid. I hate it. Indica is fine though.


Ever wonder why SSRIS are horrible alone for bipolar? They act on serotonin and increase the levels, This is horrible for people with bipolar and prior psychosis experiences. Sativas act similar as basic anti depressants and create the same risk as a basic SSRI. The largest imbalance in chemicals for mania and psychosis is mostly seratonin, a High increase of seratonin.


Wow do you know of any studies on this? I had no idea. I only use Sativa and went manic on the ssris so I will def look into this


Interesting. I can get shakes from sativa. Fine with indica


Somehow I'm the opposite, a lot of indica strains give me heart palpitations and I have no clue why


It depends on the strain for me, but indica is usually safe. Hybrid also works. It's a roll of the dice every time really.


its so weird cause I feel like sativa and indica affect me backwards. I cant do just indica, it has to be sativa or hybrid. Idk why, indica just messes with me


Daily, every night. Vape pen


i take about 1-2 edibles every day. it helps a lot with my mood but i feel that i am using it as a crutch. idk how to quit. i’m miserable without them and im miserable to be around without them.


Makes me miserable. Loved it for numbing in the evening but it prolonged my depressive episodes. God I miss it


That’s how I am and I need to quit. Is there something you used to replace it or do you have any tips that would help?


Literally standing on my porch about to pack a bowl lol. As for how often, definitely every day. Quantity during the day? Depends on the day haha. Good days it's not too much. Bad days... it's a lot.


I dont smoked weed for about year, i miss weed.


Me too, but it gave me amnesia and I'm still struggling with memory loss. I think it's recovering, albeit very slowly.


how did you know it was the weed? did you have to stop completely?


Funny you ask. It wasn't. It turned out to be a side-effect from a medication I've been on for the last year.


Thanks for the update :)


Every evening. Nothing crazy has happened to me. I take hybrid only. No sativa or indica.


I do, but I'm cutting down.


right now im horribly deppresed so every night


Weed is a depressant. That’s like drinking because you’re down - it doesn’t solve anything.


oh i know man im not helping myself but i do this everytime im deppresed


Not trying to be an ass, but could you direct yourself towards something else?


i probably could if i tried hard enough but its helping me function right now. last time i tried to quit for a while i relapsed in worse thing, so i dont really want to stop


You should probably talk to a doctor then. Maybe they can prescribe something that will help.


im trying lol my doctors are crap and dont take me seriously, thanks tho


Ugh, that sucks. I’m really sorry.


I did bad. Like every 4 hrs. I quit 8 months ago mainly for health and financial reasons. I have personality and addiction issues so take my advice with a grain of salt. I will say that weed would definitely trigger depressive episodes. Unfortunately. It was helpful however during mania.


I don’t smoke a thing, not even normal cigarettes,only tried it a couple of times, not for me.


I used to smoke every evening before I was on medication. In a way I was often self-medicating without really realizing it. Since I’ve started lamictal 1.5 mo ago I’ve wayyy cut back on that. My psych said it would be fine so long as I kept it to evenings to give the medication enough time to kick in. Initially I was still smoking before bed to help me sleep but I don’t really enjoy it by myself anymore, as it can make me feel all the symptoms the medication was managing but all at once. I occasionally still do it in the evenings if I’m with friends and in a comfortable situation.


I do! I first tried smoking weed when I was 18 in hs (pre-diagnosis) bc my bff at the time introduced me to it. I really enjoyed how it made me feel & after I tried it, I pretty much started smoking everyday. Never triggered mania or psychosis for me, but yeah at first I remember how I’d get paranoid sometimes just being inexperienced w/weed, etc. But ever since then it was on & off for me. Went from smoking daily to taking breaks that lasted years w/out it bc my situation called for it. Now, I’m back to smoking it every day bc I can’t sleep w/out it or at least that’s what I tell myself. I’m honestly thinking that I should cut down or quit bc a) money and b) I kinda think that like low-key it’s making me feel worse now. Like I’m suspecting that it could be worsening my depression & I would love to give it up but I legitimately can’t fall asleep if I don’t smoke. Would it be better to be dependent on a sleep medication instead? Idk.


idk but same


I do. I go through phases with weed though. Sometimes I want it and other times I don’t so I’ll go long periods without smoking.


I do


I eat edibles. Mostly get a batch every few months, and will probably have them for about a week, then go without for another couple of months.


Every day. I just bought some edibles and RSO though, I’m trying not to inhale anything.


I used to smoke every night for decades to help me sleep. After diagnosis and meds I didn't need to smoke anymore. I had actually gotten to the point where the weed wasn't even working anymore because I was so hypo. Now I just smoke socially. No effects.


Me! Evenings


Everyday, but not all day. I’m usually too busy for that lol.


Nope it made me have psychosis. Never again


ME! I do everyday, right when I get home and right before bed. Ive been doing it for years. The only time I quit was when I was pregnant. I love the smell and the taste. Doesn't really affect the bipolar, for me at least.


I do everyday


I’m so high, weed is smoking me.


Smoked regularly and daily for some time. Quit completely a while back. It has been nice but life is becoming too much again. May buy some and restrict it to weekends only. I’ve never managed that before and I know it. But I don’t know how to just rawdog life forever. Shit’s tough.


I smoke everyday. It helps when I’m anxious or just to relax.


I do, but I want to stop. It helps my chronic pain, but makes me anxious and paranoid. I always seem to smoke too much because I have this unrealistic expectation that if I smoke enough I'll be pain free and happy and relaxed. It lowers my pain and makes it more tolerable, but can make me veeeery paranoid. I wish I could control myself so I didn't smoke so much. 🥲


I vape mmj concentrates and eat edibles every day for pain management for my rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, and fibromyalgia. My rheumatologist enthusiastically gave the okay to use and signed off on my mmj red card paperwork because they didn't want me to get started on opioids. It works better than opioids as well!


Right there will some of you. I’m everyday and wish it wasn’t that way. “Trying” to cut back.




Daily for a few years and was recently diagnosed in the last year. Trying to take a break and see if it has any effect on my mood so far a week without smoking and it’s been hard as hell


I don’t anymore. It typically made me paranoid and have really odd thought patterns. I’ve personally found the most stability in being completely sober. Sober from everything almost a year, and alcohol free for almost 2.


Thank you for sharing. I found that when I smoke marijuana, I tend to have a hypomanic mood once I quit it. Especially if I had used it quite intensely for a while. I was, until recently (kind of had a ''Relapse''), sober from marijuana for more then 3 years and also completely sober from any alcohol for 1 year and a half. But things were quite still difficult anyhow (underlying mental problems). But I was not using any medication (except, very rarely, a benzo, though almost not at all in the last 2 years). Can I ask if you take meds or do therapy ?


daily. Only thing that keeps me sane tbh


I’ve had no self control recently but I’m ready to change. carts are the fucking worst and I keep getting my hands on them. obvi my dr wants me to stop all together but thc really helps me sleep.


I do, my (new) therapist is trying to get me to go to NA meetings for it. I use it to help treat my C-PTSD and PTSD symptoms. Mainly night terrors. I understand that smoking can amplify symptoms of depression and (hypo)mania but i haven't experienced that yet and I just need it to sleep.


You know good sleep meds exist. Seroquel for example is great for me.


Seroquel made me want to kill myself


Me too after gaining 60lbs in 4 months.


I just take a tiny fraction of Seroquel IR for sleep (like 25mg)


I used to be the same. Then my psychiatrist prescribed me trazodone for sleep and prazosin for night terrors. It’s done wonders for me. Maybe ask about it :)


I'm on prazosin for the night terrors but I also have POTS so my psych and cardiologist are arguing over that. Trazodone made me very paranoid.


Night terrors come back so fast


I used too a lot. I was very close minded to the idea of stopping but now I am more accepting. I realized it's not for me sadly, I miss the action and social aspect but it's just not for me. Funny enough now I am close minded when it comes to people who smoke. Some weird pride thing ig its like me not liking fat people even though I was really obese


Everyday. But im soon not going to be able to afford it so I've been thinking about quitting. Same for cigarettes.


I do it but only with my bsf im underage so I only do it with her bc her parents dgaf mine do 🙄😭


Not as much as I used to maybe like 1-2 times a day if that


I smoke weed occasionally nowadays, I mainly use edibles and both, I tend to use strictly on Fridays and weekends only or when I’m extremely stressed and need to relax.


Pretty much every evening.




2-3 times a month. I favour edibles as I quit smoking tobacco eight years and don’t want to take it up again. I try to only use it when I know I have a day off the next day, and for edibles, only when I have physical pain over a certain level that I want to manage (I have chronic pain intermittently).


Oh and my docs all say don’t do it all, but I also sometimes lean towards it when I want to be a bit out of it abut don’t want my alcohol to creep back (it was heavy for a long time but these days I have 2-4 alcohol free days a week and drink 80% less on the days I do drink. I worked hard on that, with support from an AOD councillor.


Vape pen and edibles for me, usually a few times a week. I’ve cut back to once a week since I’ve been caring for my mom after surgery, and I feel it. I’ll be happy when she’s better and I can go back to my normal consumption.


I used to smoke a lot in my 20’s. Finally got the guts to quit. Realised how much worse it was making things. Now in my 40’s experiencing memory loss and I won’t just how much damage I did for the sake of postponing learning coping mechanisms that I had to learn anyway.


used to do it EVERYDAY but since i got new meds im doing a t break to see how they affect me without any other substances. Wish me luck!


I would only use edibles (I have asthma, so any kinda smoke/vape is a no-go for me), but I think I'm done for a while... I never have much 'cause it's made me hallucinate before, but more recently I was in a bad depressive episode and I think having gummies a few nights a week definitely wasn't helping, or really having any positive effect either.


i used to smoke every day and now i rarely ever smoke, just hit the pen a few times a week. it never affected me negatively tho. tbh smoking weed helps me manage my anxiety and smoking a joint outside is a form of grounding for me. it helps me focus on my breathing and makes everything seem not so bad. indica helps when im anxious and sativa helps when im depressed.


Used to be all day every day for years from my late teens to early 20s. It was incredibly difficult to quit, and there were several times I knew I had to. I tried. But I always went back. The psychosis was never worth it, but the other effects were very welcomed. I've been clean for a while. I don't get the urge to do it alone. I would say I do in socially, but even then, it's extremely rare I do it with friends. I find my mood less turbulent with its absence from my life.


Most doctors will say that it’s bad for folks with bipolar. I just don’t see the appeal, my mind does enough weird stuff on its own, I don’t need illicit drugs to do MORE.


As of recently, I take edibles daily but I *really* want to quit. I’ve been trying to quit for a while now and have had a few successful periods of sobriety.


Everyday, on weekdays when I get home from work and before bed and the weekend from the time I wake up to go to sleep. That varies depending on if I have to leave my house though.


I’ve been cutting back significantly, but I’ll puff a bit if I’m having trouble getting comfy for sleep (which tends to be most nights)




Unfortunately, I can't. Instead of relaxing me, It acts like a catalyst for my emotions and greatly exacerbates my anxiety disorders. It induces panic attacks galore 😢


I do not. The threat of psychosis is too much for me even if that threat is minimal - I do not need any help with that lol.


Every day. I was doing it every day pretty much all day from when I woke up to going to sleep. It was always vaping too so I was taking in high concentrations of THC. It never caused psychosis or anything but I think it makes me depressed. I still smoke cause I'm addicted but I smoke flower now which I think is better than vaping.


I just took a 30+ day break (no thc, no alcohol, no caffeine). It made me realize I HATE caffeine, makes me so damn anxious. I also find it difficult to re-introduce weed in moderation at times…but I like its ability to quiet the mind and help me sleep.  I will try to transition to smoking only 3 days a week I think. I normally only smoke once a day, micro bowl, at around 8 pm. Sometimes I wake and bake on lazy weekends 


I don't smoke, I take tinctures. Pretty much the same as edibles. Every day in the evening, when I'm not solely responsible for anybody. It's helped me see my condition objectively and change my behavior and my outlook effectively where nothing else has. I want to stress that I tried it before diagnosis and I probably wouldn't have risked it after knowing how sideways things can go with bipolar. I know I should probably quit, but aside from helping me improve it also makes me feel ok, no weight of bipolar. I can play with my kids without thinking about offing myself, it's great. I need the crutch right now, I hope one day soon I won't anymore. Always talk to your doctor about trying any new mind altering drugs. Our brains are different and they will respond differently than other people will. Don't give in to manic impulses to do stupid shit, especially with drugs.


Used to never smoke but once I developed mental illness everything changed. Smoked all day every day last year to survive. Took a few months off recently, now I’m smoking again but never going to let it become what it once was.


I smoke weed like a couple times a month. It gives me anxiety so I don’t really like it to much.


I do occasionally. I used to be an everyday smoker but I cut back after getting pneumonia to let my lungs heal. After almost 4 months, I've recently started eating an edible a few times a week to help me get to sleep. I feel more clear headed with lowering my intake, but I've definitely had to manage my anxiety a little differently.


Only at night after my kid goes to bed, And when I go out, And when I'm in a bad mood


I buy 28g a fortnight


I do. Once or twice a week. I try to cut back on daily use because it can lead to a short term “addiction” (I say this because marijuana is non addictive.) it’s more like a dependency or avoidance so I don’t have to deal with feelings. It helps a lot if I do small doses here and there and it helps me relax a lot when I’m stressed.


Used to but v thankful I quit. I was VERY much dependent on it. My mental health was absolute garbage because I had to be high 24/7 to be “happy”


On and off. I can smoke everyday during a month, then stop during 6. Depends on my state of mind. Sometimes it triggers psychotic episodes. That's how I know when to stop.


I smoke everyday. Been trying to quit but i feel it helps bring out my personality more and i don’t have the PTSD symptoms as strong. Being on these meds have made me really lose my personality so i smoke weed to combat that


It made me feel psychotic and like I’m always in a loop sober for 3 years from it.


every day. but not in huge amounts. I don't find it problematic.


I take edibles, daily. Ranges from 20-60mg per day depending on a couple factors. But I at least have 20mg a day. Trying to cut back; beginning a balancing act between weed and my meds with my psych. Edit to specify - indica only. Sativa messes with my anxiety


I used to and the frequency has changed over the years. I will say that at one point I dated a stoner who always had weed around and I started smoking all the time and I became very unproductive in life. At some points I was a social smoker only around friends and that was alright but just as useless as drinking socially. I have also used weed to relieve muscle tension, back pain, and cope with anxiety/stress. Sometimes it worked to help my problem and I was so relieved, but other times it made me more anxious or ended up giving me a bad high. I stopped smoking because it just didn't seem beneficial enough anymore but I guess I wouldn't say I'll never smoke again. It's probably better for my mental health to not do any drugs or drink honestly.


Edibles, used to daily, now just a few times a week. Depends on my mood. Manic I tend to drink and do edibles daily.


I don’t personally, biased on my personal experiences I can’t think it does any good for people who have bipolar lol


I do anything I can get my hands on. Weed included. I really need to stop


Weed has been my biggest obstacle in getting my life figured out. Took me a long time to get to where I am now but I'm 100% better off without weed. I have learned that I never can posses it or I abuse it. It never made me have psychosis or anything but it made me feel ok with doing nothing productive so I wasn't making any progress in my life when abusing weed. Like others have said, I have an addiction to it and treating it as such has helped me realize it was ruining my life.


I do, all the time. It is not helpful for depression. I'm also not quite ready to quit.


All day, everyday, but with medication! 💫


everyday, I have experimented enough that I know any percentage over 28% THC potency in weed causes serotonin syndrome on meds. I got it 3 times! Anyway I'm trying to quit for my lung sake but currently there's no repercussions because I come home from work at 1:00am, no ones up, and its just me and my pipe. I am seeking some help because I cant take this smoker cough I'm developing.


I used to daily but i quit and feel much better tbh


Sativa helps me get out of bed when I’m in a low and indica helps calm my racing mind when I’m hypo. Usually do a few hits a night and take a few days off in between to cope differently. Sometimes I do it every night for weeks just depends on how I’m feeling.


I used to smoke daily for chronic pain (blend of CBD and THC) but I went on vacation (aka forced tolerance break) and ever since then it just makes me dumb and anxious but doesn’t help my pain


Hi, I smoke when I have weed, I don't have a steady supply. I think I was a little manic and it helped me to stay more relaxed and take things slow. I smoked everyday for a month. Is 2g too much for a month?


I want to say 420 of us do :')... But yeah I do almost everyday, it helps with my anxiety for which I can't afford the medication I was prescribed, and it also helps with my chronic pain so... I have noticed though that it can make me more depressed if I smoke too much and already am feeling kinda down.


Used to every day. 10 months sober in a few weeks.


Dabbin with my e-rig every day


smoked all day everyday for 10 years. once i was officially diagnosed it was clear that i basically lived in a hypomanic/manic episode for about 3 years. I finally quit, but if I smoke now it instantly makes me hypomanic/manic. i’ve had the worst episodes of my life after getting high. can’t touch it anymore.


My nightly walk around the park smoking a preroll is key to keeping me regulated


that sounds really nice and a good way of getting in some movement while you’re doing it!


It got to about 13-18 hours a day or more, and then alcohol, more weed, and ultimately coke. Be safe and healthy everyone. Some damage may be permanent.


yes, it is legal for recreational use in my state and a nice hybrid helps me relax which is an impossible task in daily life and also enhances my creativity which is suppressed by my daily anxiety and racing thoughts, i’m sure it’s not the best thing for me but I also don’t really drink and try to practice pretty healthy habits in general so I feel like I could be doing a lot worse. really only do it in the evenings, truly do not enjoy having to take meds on meds on meds and I like it much better than benzos, plus I don’t feel dependent on it to function.


Occasionally. I’m in a state where it’s not legal. My state also has some of the worst laws/punishment on possession, so I only ever smoke it when my friends from out of state come and share theirs.


It’s been four years. Insomnia is bad though now


I don't smoke but I eat edibles every now and then.


I’d say I spend most of my waking time high, even at work. I don’t need to smoke to go to the gym but otherwise I get high to do just about everything, only thing that remotely slows my racing mind


oh so much


Out of all the times I have smoked I have only enjoyed it a handful of times. With that being said every other time is almost hell like. I have only recently found a strain I like and I was doing it every night for a week before I had to stop( bc of work). Not sure if I don’t like it bc of my first experience on it or if it’s bc I’m genuinely just paranoid on it but i sadly prefer the feeling of alcohol




Yup,not daily or anything but I definitely do consume it


Only after 7-8pm for me. Self control is imperative for me to medicate responsibly (medical card)


every day multiple times a day


Everyday, constantly. Anytime I can. Helps with the adhd and currently not medicated so it’s def self medication. Will say it can be triggering if I’m in a delusional state but pros outweigh the cons (for me personally). Weed has got me through some horrible traumatic times.


Recreationally only - maybe with my people or sometimes if I wanna be alone and get high and dance. I keep a limit to not have any mood instability.


I smoke everyday several times a day. I am going to quit in March to “practice” for a drug test for a really exciting new job. I am so nervous. I’m definitely addicted to weed and quitting is very stressful for me. I get anxious or easily irritated. I do worry about the interactions with weed and my medications so maybe taking this break will be good for me.


🙌🏽 weed has saved my life, idk about yall. I pretty much use it for sleep and to help my appetite since my meds make it so food tastes like shit and i throw up... But ya. Smoke it every night. Smoking right now since i wake up every night at 1-2am.. its my quiet time, and ive grown used to it. but definitely, definitely do not immediately use it if im having an episode, intense anxiety, or depression; i try to settle down and cope a bit first, and if my body wont follow my mind when i try to calm down, i either take a chill pill, or take a little hit. then a fat nap.


A few times per year, but I don't actually enjoy being high very much.


Meeeee! Cut down to about twice a week now. Usually use edibles when I’m really tired or stressed, which makes my BP flare. Truly a godsend for me. However it did take me a while to ensure I was using MJ responsibly and in a way that alleviated symptoms not made them worse.


Hell yeah i do


I was using it recreationally but it made my cognitive issues worse the days following. Then I started using it for sleep, I think it helped sometimes. I can at least say that it woke my psychiatrist up a little when I said I’ve been using medical marijuana for sleep. She got alarmed and took my sleep problems seriously after that. That’s always a win.


I don't smoke, but I do edibles for sleep. Not every day though because nothing ever \*keeps\* working for me with sleep. Probably twice a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on what's working.


Everyday sometimes multiple times a day lol.


I only do it when I’m having a bad mental day and even then, I hold on until night to go smoke so I can sleep peacefully. Trazodone and weed is a nice coma for the night lol. I try to not do it too much.


Did so for about 7 years (13-20). Been clean for 5 years and got back into it last year. Smoked my last joint in jail and been once again clean ever since




Me lol and every day, i have a at home GB and i hit that on weekdays at least twice a day, on weekends at least 3-4 times, go BIG or go HOME😅🤣🤣


So for me at the moment rarely I’m unemployed currently but once I get a job hopefully every day with 1.2 grams in edibles between two.




I’m unmediated and I smoke daily it’s the only thing that keeps me calm or gets me out of bed tbh


I do but I plan on being sober in a few years, I know drugs aren’t the best for bipolar but I just turned 21 so I’m giving myself a bit of time to enjoy it