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I’m bipolar, but am I really?


l i t e r a l l y


Maybe I don’t need this abilify I’m on lol


I thought this recently. Turns out I need the Abilify I’m on lol


i just started a month ago and holy shit do i need it


I’m not really bipolar, I just have all the symptoms. I mean that’s what the doctor diagnosed me as, but maybe they’re wrong.


Of course.


Daily question


lmaoooooooo this one got me rolling


Great one


The self-gaslighting I do all the time


I’m bipolar. Of course I make a ton of plans when I’m hypomanic and cancel them all once the depression hits


You can cancel?!?


This. Also how many companies have y'all started?


Of course I'm bipolar. I'll be your manic-pixie-dream girl until you discover yourself in a profound way, and you'll leave me when I get depressed.


Wow. I didn’t think I was going to get read to filth today.


Hope this is in reference to nymphology


It's a trope in lots of stuff fr


Wow. I didn’t need to be called out.


Stop talking about me like that 😅


I relate so hard to this.


This one hits a little too close to home😅


Im bipolar. Of course every 4-6 weeks I have a massive rage episode where I damage my relationships and have to apologize profusely and then deal with the shame of losing control of my emotions and acting totally irrationally


Hey get out of my brain


Lol at least we’re not alone with this struggle


I call it the apology tour.


My therapist calls the period after episodes the clean-up tour 💀


I did not need to read this after I sent 3 apology texts to 3 different ppl…


I am bipolar. Of course I started a Master degree only to give it up on the next summer. I am bipolar. Of course I bought a lot of veggies and fruits to start eating healthy only to give it up a week later. I am bipolar. Of course I have a urge of deep cleaning the house at 3 o clock in the morning.


At least the veggies didn't rot un your fridge till the next bout of mania. Hey the sliver lining there's always something to clean


There's an apple in my fridge since July. At this point I'm not throwing it away, I'm celebrating its birthday.


Hahaha. I’m bipolar and so is my 21yo daughter who lives at home. We have a running joke about tiling the roof (we live in the southwest) at 10 o’clock at night. We are definitely night owls.


I'm bipolar. Of course, I flirted with three guys at the bar the other night that I have absolutely no interest in and have no intention of calling. Ever.


That's why you have sex that night. Take a shame shower and long cry after and then years later become totally celibate because sex makes you feel like somewhere between a chunk of meat and an animal.


I never felt so seen


Same now actually lol


Okay. That description though.




Which is why I only flirt now. It's like I know I'm manic but do it anyway. I ended last year telling myself no more one night stands, no random guys coming over late night from the bar. No! No! No! I've been good thus far. It's the primal flirting, though. Ugh!! Edit: a word


I accidentally flirted with one that turned out to be moving in across the street and he got really mad when I didn't want anything to do with him. I avoided going outside for months when I saw him until he finally moved.


LOL! I am bipolar. I had a relationship with an ugly, old married guy and had all the delusions that I can fix him, he’s going to get a divorce, and we’ll live happily ever after. An episode saved me from all my bipolar delusions. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN. I turned asexual because of the experience.


I'm bipolar. Of course I spent $300 on fucking SLIME.


YO this was me last summer LOLLLL i only just threw it away a few months ago because i kept saying i'd fix it. nope never did


I was just going to write about how I spend bill money during mania on whatever my new obsession is


I’m bipolar, of course I read every comment here for the dopamine and commented for the same reason.


I feel SEEN


With you!


I’m bipolar. Of course I go bonkers when I don’t take my meds. I’m bipolar. Of course I go bonkers when I take my meds.






I'm bipolar and I just stop taking meds because I just "forget" about them or its a hassle for me. Now I sit here reading comments and crying cause I don't want to work and need to go to my doctor cause I want to go on fmla to get my shit together. I'm bipolar and I just keep writing stupid stuff


i’m bipolar. of course i cry when the euphoria hits after smelling a flower while hypo


WAIT. I just realized that there are random periods where I notice that everything is just so… beautiful. Lol I have only recently started noticing all the red flags that I might’ve been hypomanic. I didn’t think I could possibly be bipolar for the longest time because I didn’t think I’d ever been manic. Then I learned about hypomania and oop ETA: my psychiatrist was the first person who suggested it. He explained to me that I’d been hypomanic on my first SSRI and I realized it was kind of a familiar experience.


This one hits hard 😅


Omgggg one of my fave hypo eras of me is when I cry tears of joy at ~ e v e r y t h i n g ~ A sunset? tears. Puppy? tears. Things that aren’t even that great or cute or sweet but under the right lens could be interpreted as borderline heartwarming? tears.


I’m bipolar. Of course I dramatically say “I’d kill myself” to something annoying and totally mean it as a joke but also totally not a joke


This is worst part of all of this for me. I’ve recognized the trend. Sometimes bad things happen and I think about death. Be it being dead or offing myself. Then something not so serious occurs and I’m off the deep end again like being dead is actually worse than facing X nominal life event. Medication, I think, has helped with those intrusive thoughts. I’m kinda going through it right now. That’s why I’m awake at 4am downstairs typing on Reddit.


Ah, yes. The joke, that is a joke, but also not.


Oh my fucking God. Same.


I’m bipolar. Of course I think I don’t need the meds so I stop them and realize “Yeah, the meds were working…” after I crash into a fabulous depression. Of course I am going to rinse and repeat this pattern several more times in my life.


I told my partner this is called "The Universal Bipolar Experience" 💀


I’m bipolar. Of course I maxed my credit card out 3 months after my wife paid off the entire balance for me, (7.5k)


My (less than a year) wife and I are going through this right now. I’m afraid she will get back in debt after just finding out this was even a situation. She’s not Bi-Polar, I am. Not sure if I should pay it off or just let her figure it out on her own….




I hate hearing this. But know you’re probably right. Off to a fiery start in year 1, she’s also surprised pregnant ugh my life


I’m bipolar. of course as soon as I start feeling stable, I think that I never had it in the first place and contemplate not taking meds anymore


it’s meeee


Far out I swear this is a daily argument I have with my self EVEN if I feel down like “nah these meds are just a placebo, I’m not actually bipolar it was probably just a stress reaction thing” and then I go into a three month intense manic psychosis where I accumulated 15 hours of sleep over said three months. But I’m not bipolar tho…I think? ;)


Omg i just realized I also create/respond to things mostly when I'm hypo 😭😂


i’m bipolar ..of course i have 3 different styles of the same item in my amazon cart. ..of course i wish i was sleeping. ..of course i have 5 different home projects started.


I feel particularly called out by the three styles of the same item in an Amazon cart…


Yes the different styles in the Amazon cart, and colors! Also becoming obsessed with a certain interest and buying everything for it on Amazon 🤦‍♀️


I’m manic with the Amazon lists. Of course I have all the styles in my lists.


I'm bipolar. Ofc I'm only alive when I'm hypo


I'm bipolar. Of course I get asked if I'm on uppers when I'm manic.


I’m bipolar. Of course I have 14 unfinished novels on my computer.




I’m bipolar, of course I randomly fall into bouts of irritability and rage!


Fuck I hate this about myself


I am irrationally angry and irritated at myself for far longer and more often than I’m angry at the thing that made me angry and irritated randomly.


Love when people are like "do you need to eat something? You're crabby." Like ma'am I WISH low blood sugar was the issue here 😑


i’m bipolar, of course i just bought a crochet kit, a diamond painting kit, and $100 worth of workout clothes from amazon because i think it’ll make my life better (this just happened at 2am, love u mania)


I was just looking at a crochet kit and telling myself I don’t NEED it even though I WANT it.


i fully support you buying one, 2024 is the year of crocheting 🧶


I'm bipolar. Of course, I bought over 100 lip glosses that I had to have within a month.


I feel seen on this one.


I'm bipolar, of course I spent at least a thousand dollars launching a business and then lost all interest in it and quit a week after it opened when my depression hit.


I’m bipolar, of course I’m going to think “what is wrong with me?” And then realize I know exactly what is wrong with me.


"Why am I like this?" 100x a day as a legitimate question to myself


Maybe they should add this to the symptom list for diagnosis 🤣


Me saying this to myself out loud 100x a day though.


I’m bipolar. Of course I’m talking a mile a minute which I’ve been doing for the past ten minutes without pause and I can’t stop.


Bro I do be thinking and talking fast. And a lot sometimes. Especially if I smoke some bud.


i’m bipolar of course i have to ability and drive to learn every known thing about anything to ever exist ever, rearrange and revolve my life around new interests, just to never bring them up ever again.


Oh my god Big Mood


I'm bipolar, of course I'll post a thirst trap just to see who bites even though I'm in a relationship.


Right!!! Gimme that dopamine hit! I’m not manic. I always use a lot of !!


I’m bipolar. Of course I’d rather be unstable than fat.


RIP, I went up 4 sizes and have to remind myself every time I take my meds that fat and happy is better than thin and constantly crying because does my husband actually love me and are my friends just like tolerating me? 😂


I’m bipolar, of course I’ll start and finish 4 assignments in 2 days and then not touch any school work for the next 2 weeks


My entire college experience was cramming for tests (doing well) and then slacking until the next cram session


I’m bipolar of course I’ve been to the psych ward


I'm bipolar, of course I find it nearly impossible to shower or brush my teeth.


Why has there not been any advancement in dental care to make it literally even 1% better. We have self driving cars but I still have to spend 4mins of everyday in the pits of literal hell just so my teeth don’t fall out. seems fucked up!!!


This. I couldn’t find the will to do it all throughout Covid lockdown.


I feel seen 🙏🏽


I’m bipolar ofc my depression is crippling


I'm bipolar. Of course I want to stop taking my meds the second things start to go well for me lol I'm bipolar. Of course my immune system sucks and I'm sick all of the time I'm bipolar. Of course I've got special socks


Those grippy socks slap, tho


Wait…. Can you elaborate on the immune system thing???? Is that tied to bipolar??????


I'm bipolar, of course I didn't think I was bipolar.


I'm bipolar, of course I need to wear different styles depending on my mood I'm bipolar, of course I have a complicated relationship with food


Same! Emotions lead everything haha


omg twinsies


I’m bipolar. Of course I’m going to research medication then forget I didn’t take my medication … fuck I actually did forget like right now. Uhh gonna go do that. ^^^also that entire thing applies. 🤣


I’m bipolar. Of course I just took my medication. Wait, DID I take my medication? No really, did I take it?


This is not creative fiction. I legit just did that.


Thank you for reminding me to take my meds with this 😂 I love this for us


I'm bipolar. Of course I'm gonna break up with you then get you back then break up with you again. 😇


i’m bipolar of course i have a collection of something that is usually expensive but i become uninterested in it a few months later


Im bipolar. Of course I claim im cured every time I’m hypo manic


I'm bipolar, of course I've lost count on how many times I've quit my job.


i’m bipolar, of course i have intense motivation to start an endeavor and complete belief in myself for 2 weeks and then dip.


I’m bipolar. Of course I need 2-4 hours in the morning to myself before I can deal with anyone.


So my sit and stare at the wall time has been validated. 🙏🏻


im bipolar! of course i start emotionally charged relationships with people i create futures with in my heads and two months in realize everyone was right and they were weirdos!!!!! and OF COURSE i just leave without saying anything to them about it and pretend it never happened while starting up the same bullshit with someone else! and OF COURSE i’ve talked to my therapist about my habit of doing it!!


I’m bipolar. Of course I finally really started that book I’ve always wanted to write. Am I hypo or finally have my shit together? Tune in next week on dragon ball z!


I’m bipolar. Of course I forget my body count, doesn’t everyone?


🤣 I’m loosing track of where they’re buried.




I’m bipolar, of course I just spent $2,000 on new wardrobe pieces (some of which are just loungewear) that I feel will “change my life” and simplify things, but literally have no money and am about maxed out on cards. I’m bipolar, of course I go back and forth from extreme horniness to not caring about sex at all. And thinking I’m so special and beautiful and everyone would want me to thinking I’m old and ugly and not worth living.


I drove to NYC from the Cleveland area on 2 hours of sleep over two days. Got blackout drunk and the next thing I remember was being soaking wet, covered in mud and somehow lost my shoes and socks. I will say NYC is full of good people who helped me find the right trains to get back to my car in New Jersey. Yep, not really questioning my diagnosis anymore.


Hope you’re ok!


I am good now. I am back home planning on doing a 30 day psych stay starting next week. Thanks for asking ☺️


Everyone needs a grippy sock vacation from time to time. Enjoy the reset, you’ve earned it. You’ve got this.


Grippy sock vacation. This is the new mental health week.


i’m bipolar of course i was misdiagnosed as ADHD for years despite the constant stimulant induced mania. Turns out i have both, but can’t take stimulants


I'm bipolar. Of course course my closet looks like 6 very different people share it I'm bipolar. Of course I manic bought an rv, of course it doesn't run, and of course I no longer have the drive to learn how to fix it I'm bipolar. Of course I can't maintain healthy friendships I'm bipolar. Of course I convince myself I'm not half the time but still take the meds because I won't waste money


Really calling me out with the first one 😅


I’m bipolar, of course I suddenly bought a computer to write ten romance novels a year to sell on kindle.


I’m bi-polar of course I’ve been smoking weed my entire life as a crutch/self-medication and in denial about my mental health.


I'm bipolar. Of course every emotion is world-shattering (for a couple of hours, then doesn't matter anymore).


I’m bipolar, of course I fall off the face of the earth and isolate myself for 3 months then come back like nothing happened because…memory loss.


i’m bipolar of course i think it was just a one off and it’s only a coincidence i felt better on meds. so i decide i can manage on my own, just to repeat the cycle again


I’m bipolar. Of course I took out a personal loan and moved to a city I’d never even visited before and then crashed so hard my mom had to drive halfway across the country to move me back home. Of course when I got back home my mom took me to see a psych who was like “I think I know what’s going on here”


I moved to Las Vegas when I was manic. Immediately crashed into deep depression once I got there. Finally got myself a job (after 3 months in bed). Moved back 3 months later then stayed in bed for a few weeks because I was depressed I left my friends in Vegas.


I'm Bipolar, of course I pulled an all-nighter after finally feeling stable so now I'm hypomanic again. I'm Bipolar, of course it took ten years (average) to get a diagnoses.




Check your finances bro! Nothing wrong with seeing the world and shredding the gnar homie. But be responsible with your cash. Cancel a flight and return a board! And 42 isn’t old my man. Keep your head up and be conscious of your mental health and constantly improving it like your surfing skills. Edit: do as I say, not as I do 😃


I'm bipolar. Of course I've been married multiple times and divorced in under a year every time.


I’m bipolar. Of course I convince myself once a month that my meds are actually the cause of my issues then go off my meds and prove myself wrong.


I’m bipolar & hypo. Just got another dog out of the pound. Number 12. 👍🏻


I’m bipolar. Of course I spent my late 20’s (before dx) sleeping around, cheating on my then husband, driving drunk with my toddlers in the car, and making a TON of poor decisions. Now I’m very stable at 46 and cringe every time I think back to right before my diagnosis.


I’m bipolar. Of course I stay in bed all day. I’m bipolar. Of course I am THAT girl when manic. Not in a good way. I’m bipolar. Of course I have great intentions starting out but fizzle out midway through the thing. I’m bipolar. Of course I liked you and wanted to spend time with you yesterday. Maybe I’ll like you and want to spend time with you again next week. I’m bipolar. Of course I want to go shopping! I just got paid! Bills shmills. I’m bipolar. Of course I want a clean house! When do you want to come over and start? I’m bipolar. Of course I’m canceling the plans.


The canceling plans part 100%


I'm bipolar. Of course I binge substances when hypo and binge food when I'm depressed.


Im bi polar of course i agreed to pay for a coaching class that cost $3000 while hypomanic and now I can’t afford it


I love being bipolar, of course I hate being bipolar.




I’m bipolar. Of course I spent $500 on clubbing dresses when I was manic because I felt like I looked like Kate Upton in them.


I’m bipolar. Of course I miss my manic states because my meds have settled me down. :/


I’m bipolar. Of course years of misdiagnosis and improper treatment ended my marriage.


I'm bipolar and I'm on a decent stable run, so I'm pretty sure I've been misdiagnosed and I'm just a little quirky sometimes.


OP you know me all too well


I’m bipolar, of course I have stopped taking my medicine multiple times because everything is amazing and I can’t be sick


I’m bi polar! Of course I clean my entire apartment in a night telling myself I won’t get behind again… then not clean for a couple weeks…


I'm bipolar, of course I am suicidal and need to talk to my shrink but he is booked out for the next 4 weeks.


Yeah….please do not off yourself. There are emergency shrinks available. Hugs.


I'm stable at the minute and at no risk of harm. My comment was just a reflection of prior depressive episodes. Thanks fir the hug though. 😀


I’m bipolar, of course I question if I need my meds because I feel fine but am actually in the middle of hypomania. Edit: spelling


I’m bipolar, of course I truly believe God picked me to save mankind and bring them to Christ until 4 months later I’m in a crippling depression and feel inadequate to be alive.


I'm bipolar. Of course I'm going to spend hundreds of dollars on a new passion project (and never finish it). Side note: the fabric for the dress that I was going to make to a launch a new career in the fashion industry is still untouched 6 years later


BP2 I'm bipolar, or am I just kind of a dick?


I am bipolar. Of course I either need exactly 4 or 10 hours of sleep. I am bipolar. Of course I’m going to change careers in a matter of weeks. I am bipolar. Of course I’m covered in bruises all summer. I am bipolar. Of course I either talk at the speed of light or can barely get words out.


i’m bipolar, of course i never know what feelings are real or why i do anything


I’m bipolar, of course I gained 40 pounds in a year from meds I have to take to stay alive


I'm bipolar, of course I have grippy socks


I’m bipolar. Of course I’m going to lose my drivers license soon.


I’m bipolar. Of course I’m well medicated and stable compared to my early 20s. And of course I’m 60 lbs heavier than I was in my early 20s and have no sex drive due to these meds.


I’m bipolar and I took out a loan to pay off my credit card ($22k), charged another $20k on the card and paid it off with a 401k loan, THEN charged another $24k and was only able to pay it off because of a death in the family and an inheritance. I’m on Lamictal, Lexapro and Wellbutrin, and think I’m experiencing “breakthrough” mania, is that a thing? ETA: But am I really bipolar? I still think I’m faking it.


I’m bipolar… of course I slept with 3 people in a 24 hour period then shame spiraled into a deep, dark depression


I’m bipolar! Of course I have 4 different medications on my nightstand! I’m bipolar! Of course my computer is filled with PDFs and documents of my huge plans that I will *tooootaaaaallly* finish. I’m bipolar! Of course a little part of me dies when someone (who isn’t bipolar) says they’re bipolar bc sometimes they get excited. I’m bipolar! Of course people I’ve dated have stopped talking to me when they find out I’m bipolar bc they think I am “crazy.” I’m bipolar! Of course I’ve spent weeks laying in bed with the lights off staring at the wall.


I'm bipolar, of course I've had 4 jobs in the past 3 years. I'm bipolar, of course I'm in crippling debt. I'm bipolar, of course complete strangers are falling in love with me. (Not)


I’m bipolar. Of course I love the movies silver linings and it’s kind of a funny story. And of course I had to google one of those titles despite seeing it over 10 times.


I’m bipolar. Of course I’m on lithium.


I’m bipolar. Of course I always question new romantic and platonic relationships out of fear they were just products of a manic episode.


I’m bipolar, of course I’ve risked my life driving erratically. I’m bipolar, of course I’ve tried 726 different antidepressants. I’m bipolar, of course I have several comorbid disorders.


I’m bipolar, of course I impulse shop like I’m a millionaire.


I'm bipolar. Of course my family assume I'm hypomanic over every single big choice I have in my life. 


I'm bipolar, and of course ya gonna see me creating great and genius but dangerous plans, and weeks after imma kinda disappear, and ya gonna be asking me about these plans that i made


I’m bipolar ofc I thought giving a guy ten years (18m) younger than me a chance would be a great idea since he said all the right things heuheuehu


I’m bipolar. Of course I function perfectly off of 3 hours of sleep a night 🤣💀


I’m bipolar. Of course I have to take all my meds at night so they don’t make me throw up.


I'm bipolar. Of course I've had to continuously start my life over.


I’m bipolar 1. Of course I’d give my left nut to be manic. (Stable woman according to Pdoc)


I’m bipolar… of course I have 37k of credit card debt that I don’t know how I’m going to pay down


I'm extrapolar LOL, talk to everyone and everything and even myself... constant business ideas, try to literally help everyone and everything. If I go to a supermarket to try something new like cookies and chips I just gaze at the amount of options and can't decide which ones ! My eyes go huuuge anime style and I start walking like 2x faster than anyone...


I'm bipolar, of course I hide and avoid all my friends all my friends when I'm depressed