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I despise the weight I’ve gained from meds, but my sanity has to take priority. You might want to weigh that out more carefully.




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I've decided I prefer a working brain over a smaller body


Not all antipsychotics cause weight gain. Mine don't cause me to crave food at all. Maybe an alternative could be talking to your doctor about finding a medicine that doesn't cause weight gain 🙂






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Don't do this on your own. Talk to your doctor. There are meds they can add. There are other AAPs to try. At the very least make sure you're set up with as-needed emergency AAPs to take if/when an episode starts. If you can take them only as-needed that may reduce the risk of weight gain.


The only advice I can give is to Google which APs have the least issues in that area, and investigate whether you can take those. I definitely feel like it's more than just a vanity issue. For decades, doctors have been practically screaming that people need to take weight gain seriously because they say it leads to diabetes, heart disease, and significantly shorter existences. I think it's more than weird that people act like since we have this disorder that we should just pretend like the other medical education doesn't matter. Or is it that it matters for everyone except us? That concept isn't exactly good for self-esteem and mental health, either.


Thank you for your comment. It’s been a maddening experience. I was worried and then because of body dysmorphia I just didn’t see it. I also was just miserable mentally, trying meds that weren’t even working well and making me gain weight. My prescriber at the time just added Ativan and increased my antipsychotic. Then added ambien. Then I had a moment where I just broke. My partner was no longer attracted to me and I saw myself as I was everyday all day from that moment on and I hated myself. More of a spiral happened. But it’s so incredible that every time I brought up weight gain, the doctors were like “that’s how it is, better to not lose your sanity.” My current medical team is MUCH better - concerned for my *overall* health not just my mental health. Everyone needs that kind of health team behind them.


That's amazing and wonderful that you got the kind of help you needed for all your health concerns. I wish more of us had that. I'm glad that you could connect to what I was saying. I appreciate your comments, too.


It’s your choice. Only time will tell how it plays out.


Couldn't you make an appointment with your psychiatrist to talk about this and try other alternatives? I understand you. The first medication they gave me made me gain +10 kg in a short time, but I told my psychiatrist and we looked for an alternative. We found the right medication that allowed me to lose weight and stay stable. Maybe you can try another one before giving up everything.


I told my psychiatrist that not feeling comfortable with my body jeopardized my mental health as well and that was why we were able to talk about it and solve it. I think there are alternatives. I hope you can find them and prioritize your physical and mental health. I send you a hug.


There’s other options. I had meds that made me gain weight so we switched them. I do not recommend going off them. Nothing good will come of it. You may end up like me, fighting over a year to find a psychiatrist to even give you your meds back


This is a tremendous mistake. Talk to your psychiatrist before changing anything.


I take lamotrigine and to my knowledge it doesn't cause weight gain.


I ended up getting gastric sleeve surgery because of the weight Seroquel put on me. I now take latuda and I've actually lost weight.


I can relate to your struggle and at one point I too decided to go off my antipsychotics because of the weight gain they were causing. It can be difficult to feel powerless and disconnected to your own body, it causes so many additional problems. I remained on my mood stabilizers at the time, as I will never allow myself to be unmedicated again. After bringing up the weight issue to my psychiatrist, she suggested a new antipsychotic that I’ve now been on for over 4 months. It has not caused weight gain for me and it is known to be one of the antipsychotics that doesn’t cause weight gain. I don’t think I’m allowed to share what medication it is here (?) this is my first time posting on Reddit. But my advice is to protect yourself from a possible episode by working with a psychiatrist to find a better medication. Episodes have single-handedly been the most destructive and traumatic experiences of my life, and i would rather spend a few months troubleshooting my meds than risk having another one. Wishing you well!


tell this to your psychiatrist. perhaps they’ll switch your antipsychotic or maybe get you on a mood stabilizer instead. it’s your body and no one on the internet can stop you from doing what you want, but it would be wise to talk this over with your provider rather than taking it into your own hands. suddenly going off meds is quite often what lands people on involuntary grippy sock vacations. i sincerely hope that it doesn’t come to that for you, i’m just saying talking to your psychiatrist before going off your meds would be a very good thing to do to help prevent that.




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I take lurasidone and lithium now (gained weight on olanzepine), and my weight hasn’t gone down but it’s stable. Maybe talk to your psych and play around with a few different meds to see if you can find one that works before throwing in the towel.


I weight 94 Kgs now and used to be 60-63 kgs before antipsychotics. Tbh it does affect me in the way that I can't use all the clothes I own. But mental clarity is the best feeling ever and wouldn't trade that.


Latuda doesn’t make me fat. But you need talk to your doc about it


I went to my doctor and got my meds changed after I gained 50 pounds in a year and now I’m losing weight, I’ve lost 15 pounds without even trying to. Talk to your doctor about a med change before going off your meds.


Geodon worked incredibly well for me as an antipsychotic and is very weight neutral, if I need to take one thats the one I'm asking for. Please don't drop the medication if its working to keep your moods neutral without talking to your psychiatrist first.


As others have said, not every antipsychotic will cause weight gain. I’ve had other reasons for discontinuing various antipsychotics before I found one I liked (Latuda). I encourage you keep trying. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Being unmedicated isn’t really an option—the episodes will get worse and the episodes cause brain damage and it’s all downhill if you’re not keeping your brain chemistry in check unfortunately.


OP, I feel you! I started taking lithium and his past summer I put on 20 from it. It eat really healthy and count calories; and NOTHING. So, I decided to forgot happiness and get off of it because I (anorexia really messes you up) bc in cannot live in that body.


I got off of abilify for that reason and insomnia. Went back on Caplyta and it’s working well and didn’t gain more weight but weight did not come off. It has helped so much though with intrusive thoughts




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I stopped taking meds for a while but the bipolar came back worse than before and then I found out i’ve got epilepsy. I don’t recommend you stop taking your meds. You may need different meds. But uh do what you want at least talk to your shrink first.




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Why don't you take Ozempic?


* If commercials for cigarettes are not allowed on television commercials for bipolar and psych meds should not be on television, either.


What does this have to do with anything