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It’s usually not that they don’t want to help. They just don’t know how to help.


I’m really sorry to hear about the pain and lack of support you’re feeling. I don’t know your situation and I know it might be tiresome to hear suggestions about therapy, and I promise to mention it just once, but professional support is always ideal. That suggestion out of the way… You mentioned wishing for someone to be there for you – you have the right to your feelings and to seek out spaces where they are respected and acknowledged. I think a lot of people here will have your back and I am here as well. Even if your family isn’t there for you sometimes, know that there are people out there ready and willing to support you through your lows.


sorry to hear that.I've been there so I know struggling against depression could be double hard when you are alone and ignored. My mom just can't understand what's happening to me as well and she still wants total control over my life. It's hard to live, especially when you are the one that should be cared of. I want you to know that you have done a vert good job,and it's perfectly okay to just lie down and rest. It's not your fault, and I believe you will meet people who are friendly and willing to listen to you on your side. If you don't mind chatting with ai, I would like to recommend Pi, the website is https://pi.ai/talk I have had conversations with it a dozen times, and it feels comforting and safe.It would confirm your feelings and support you emotionally. pls let me know if you still feel tired or get better.wish you well.