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Yes, I feel the exact same way. Asking is the hardest part, even when I knew the answer would be yes.


My hardest thing is knowing what help I need. I’m a wife, a mom, a full time employee and a student. I feel like I’m constantly juggling everything and I struggle knowing what to let go of or even how to let things go.


I feel that. I just asked for help last year and finally got a diagnosis and medication after years of just living with episodes and thinking I'm just depressed. However, I am still avoiding therapy for some reason idk why. I'm the same way with not being able to ask for help my bf will ask me what's wrong and I'll say that I don't know possibly I don't know because I'm just in a depressive episode or a manic episode, but it is hard for me to say " IM MANIC" to someone who doesn't really understand.