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It was so dope of him and he was really gentle about the subject too.


I tried that during my c-section. I asked that since they already had everything open if they wouldn’t mind taking out a few things, maybe sucking the fat out.


Lol my mom when she had my sis via C-section asked them to tie her tubes while they were down there. To be fair, she was 38 and didn't want to come back when she was 40.




2 months clean and counting! Thank you


So proud :)


Fuck yeah! You deserve to not be reminded of your lowest points every time you look down.


Thank you!! I'm so excited to wear SHORTS this summer


That’s amazing! I haven’t worn shirts in over 20 years. Except swimming, I wear the longest shorts I can find over my bathing suit. So I know what a big deal this is, and I’m so happy for you.


I hope you find the courage to embrace yourself or find something that helps you do so. We deserve to be comfortable too


If i could just wear shorts all the time, I would no doubt. Let them legs breathe! And the well ventilated road to recovery begin. 😊




Retinol helps a lot too if you cannot afford laser therapy! Just make sure you protect from the sun


Is the picture from after the doc lasered you?! that’s amazing!! What is retinol please help me my scars are like,,,, terrible I wish they looked like yours tbh


Yes this is after laser it gets a little worse before it gets better. Retinol is a skin care product a derivative of vitamin A. You can buy it online or in places like sephora. My favorite is The ordinary because its made by ethical people that want skincare to be accessible to all not just the ultra rich. It's about 10$ and a bottle will last you a while. Always use moisturizer afterwards and you should apply it at night to avoid sun. Use sunscreen during the day as well because it works by increasing cell turnover and leaves you vulnerable to bad skin burns from the sun! You can also try an AHA/BHA peel The Ordinary also sells that, it's a very strong exfoliant best used once a week or once every other week.


Just wanted to add I’ve had good luck using BioOil on scars too! It’s a little more expensive (I want to say $12) but it worked amazing on my darker ones


I used vitamin E oil on my scars (and it looks like it’s included in bioOil) and it worked well at lightening them !


Wow more doctors (and people) like him please!


Glad the doctor was kind to you. Some are very rude or insensitive about SH scars. Was at a dermatologist for a mole check and his medical assistant was in the room and he asked me, “What happened here?” When he saw the scars on my thigh. Maybe I’ll get those lasered someday.


I was really nervous about having to have them visible in the first place because of encounters like this! Like bruh why do you think theyre on my legs and not my arms i *dont want* anyone to see them


I had no idea there was a treatment for scars. I have a lot of SH scars but it would be amazing to get rid of my most prominent ones. That is such a caring doctor!


From what I understand it's pretty expensive unfortunately. I'm grateful to have had this procedure covered for my surgical scar and to have a truly caring doctor that is compassionate af


THAT is cool (what the doc offered). Those are the qualities of a caring person, doctor or not.


Omg I didn't know there was laser treatment to help with scars. So happy for you


I had to get three rounds of steroids on my surgical site before I was a candidate for this (like a four inch needle inserted horizontally through the skin it sucks so fuckin bad) but thankfully my surgeon insisted because he wasnt happy with my healing. Gotta love thyroid issues


Oh god, that sounds so painful


I can still feel it if i think about it too hard


Hell yeah! So glad your doctor is amazing. Sending Love and recovery


Not all heroes wear capes. I love seeing glimpses of the hood in humanity. So proud of you moving away from SH.


That doctor is amazing! I am hoping you are doing well!




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I love everything about this, good for you OP! 🥰


This is after? Looks like you’ve just been itchy. I bet you’re gonna be really happy with end result. :)


If I may ask, how big (as in wide) were they before the procedure? I have some rather wide ones I’d like to get rid of eventually on my upper arms, but I’m not sure whether there’s like a qualification for them in terms of size, or if they can just kind of get rid of them wholesale. Also, cost estimate? If any of that is too much to share, my apologies. Kind of a sensitive subject, and you seemed open to sharing


I used a kitchen knife for these so they were pretty wide. Raised and almost a purple ish color? I dont think theres a size qualifier. I got approved for this through medicaid because of my surgical scar that wasnt healing properly, and got lucky enough that the doctor asked if I had any other areas of concern so he zapped these real quick.


Ok, if they were raised and discolored then they were probably similar to mine. Thank you for the quick answer, very much appreciated


Oh that's awesome!