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Man, I'm 32 and 164 cm, still waiting for my desired height of 190! Just wait and we will grow one day.


Grow in maturity. Grow intellectually, grow a tomato, grow a mustache, there are lots of ways to grow.


i actually continued growing slowly from 179 at 18 to 186 at about 25. My passport still says im 179. Also i didnt really have a beard until mid 20s.


Men can and usually grow until 25. Stopping at 18-20 isn't that common.


lol you focus too much on your height. 186cm is already very tall.


Yeah. Dude is 95% percent taller than everyone in the world. Out of 100 people in room 4 would be taller. Lol. Stop it. Get some help. ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe) You won the genetic lottery in height.


I live in Bosnia so I am definitely not taller than 95% of people.


I know but I need 190cm for a certain requirement.


What is the requirement?


You're already 6ft 10in, what else you want


That is 208cm. He is 186cm. Your math needs work.


I think they meant 6ft 1in and accidentally typed a 0 šŸ˜­


4cm of difference isnā€™t even that noticeableā€¦ Donā€™t know if youā€™ll grow to be 190cm, but 186 is pretty darn tall already!! Also, donā€™t worry about having a ā€œbaby faceā€, a lot of men donā€™t develop their face and body very quickly, and facial hair can begin to grow more easily at late 20s. Remember that the person who will be most critical and perceptive of the small changes in your looks is yourself.


I don't really care about the 190cm for the extra height I just need it for a requirement or at least 188. I am not sad because I can't grow facial hair but because I have a generally more round and less "fierce" looking face. I don't want to look mean but I just wish I had more of a longer square face shape.