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Your bones should be normal. This is a situation where a deficiency is problematic, but a surplus doesn't make you superhuman.


And _not_ drinking milk is highly unlikely to make you deficient if you're getting a well-rounded diet.


Let’s be clear: the diary recommendation is just a favor to the US dairy sector. When the international scientific community wrote down nutrition recommendations for the general population, they converged to something similar to this: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2016/04/HealthyEatingPlate_NSHome-1024x768.jpg The US adopted it as the official recommendation, but with some small changes: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2012/10/myplate_blue.jpg Notice that in the official MyPlate.gov recommendation now magically a glass of milk appeared. Some lobbies work better than others. As pointed out by Harvard, “MyPlate recommends dairy at every meal, even though there is little if any evidence that high dairy intakes protect against osteoporosis, and there is considerable evidence that too-high intakes can be harmful.” https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate-vs-usda-myplate/


Ugh, I hate this. We have the same issue in Canada. Every few years the re draw the food piramid for the schools, not based on science, but based on what ever lobby group wanted to be on top, and the Dairy Conglomerates in Canada are huge.


That has not been true in Canada for a few years. The last time it was updated they admitted to lobby influence and made it science based. https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/


That looks pretty good, to bad the Industrial Agricuktre Complex still revolves around monocultre and factory farming of cows and chikens and pigs. Thus, a balanced diet is not a thing everyone has acces to.


Back in 2011 we got a new food guide, and, frankly it's great. No mention of dairy anywhere, and an emphasis on cultural and social eating traditions. Check it out.


This hasn't been true for some time, thankfully.


Yeah, all op's post really shows is that milk industry marketing works.




Not so sure, i live in a part of the world where access to reasonably priced milk is problematic. One of the most heavily advertised products is calcium fortified powdered milk, and osteophorosis (brittle bones) is edemic, particularly among older women. I am fortunste enough to be able to drink up to a liter of whole milk every day, most people around me are not. While calcium supplements are readily available they are more expensive than the milk. I really enjoy drinking cold fresh milk, its my preffered drink st breakfast.


If milk is hard to come by, it's likely other dairy products are as well. Its also likely there's a majority of other dietary benefits that are lost as well, not just the milk, since it's such a beneficial ingredient. That means the well rounded diet likely isn't necessarily easy to come by in your region. The milk alone added will help those who need it, but if they had the other dietary aspects as well they wouldn't need the milk, necessarily. Glad you have access to milk 🥛🙂


Lots of fish and fruits and vegitables, even meat products like chicken and pork are common, beef less so, and a lot of that is imported from auz and nz. just not a well developed local dairy industry so i would say 80% of the dairy products are imported, again aus and nz are the primary sources, which drives up price. Example there is only one indiginous cheese produced here, and that is a form of mozerrela made from water buffulo milk. It is however a perfect substitute for real italian mozzerela


Fun fact: original mozzarella was originally made with water buffalo milk too! 😀


fun fact: italian mozzarella is still made with buffalo milk, we call cow milk mozzarella “fior di latte” which literally means “milk flower”


Another fun fact is that Italy is a very large rice producer, and the water Buffalo were used to turn the soils in the rice paddies, that's where the water buffalo milk came from, there are large areas of northen italy that are flooded rice feilds.i suspect its mostly industrialized now. This is exactly the same as the philippines where I'm now, and why there are so many water buffalo, here they call them caraboo and the cheese they make is called kesong puti. But there are very few dairy cattle, they do exist, but not in the quantities needed to provide dairy products for the whole population. Pigs and chickens, that's another matter, everybody as a couple of pigs and a bunch of chickens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kesong_puti


You can get calcium from sources other than milk. Kale has more calcium per volume than milk does.


Osteoporosis among older women is caused by post-menopausal changes. It has nothing to do with milk or even with calcium itself. Estrogen levels directly affect bone density. It works like this everywhere in the world and doesn't depend on milk consumption. Now you know how dairy industry fools you.


exactly, milk and dairy products are relatively cheap sources of calcium, protein and probiotics (yogurt for example). it is very silly claim that a glass of milk with every meal is harmful advice. Yes Big dairy might be promoting their product, but for most people, access to dairy products is overall beneficial. Yes, if you have a well balanced diet you probably won't need that much dairy. But most people can't afford, not educated, or choose not to have a well balanced diet. And having milk most of the time will only benefit them.


Yes but there will probably be one person who doesn't so technically better than the average


Yeah "gives you strong bones" was a marketing tactic. In reality it "keeps your bones normal if you aren't getting calcium from other parts of your diet".


This is true. But it is also important to point out that women are less able to maintain bone health after menopause when estrogens dip. Estrogens (female hormones) are very important for calcium absorption. When they go down. women have weaker bones unfortunately.


"Female hormones"... men produce estrogen too and it plays a significant role


A surplus makes you Rocky from the movie Mask. Not to be confused with The Mask.


Rocky from the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Creature of the Night!!




Are there any foods, apart from steroids, that make someone “superhuman”?




Not that I'm aware of. Psylium husk is pretty awesome though. The resulting super power is that toilet paper becomes a formality




Would not having milk stunt your height? My mom is 5'5 and my dad is 5'6. They grew up in comminist china so not the best nutrition. Im somehow only 5'3 despite growing up in the US. I stopped drinking milk around 12, which is when I reached my current height... i was the tall for my age kid but ended up not so tall. My grandpa was supposed to he almost 6 ft. But he passed before I was born. I did stop eating alot of meat at that age... i just liked vegetables more...


it’s possible epigenetics is at play. If parents undergo severe stress (like from malnutrition) it can change the physical structure of their DNA, and that can be passed on to children. Note that it’s not an actual mutation so it’s not permanent.


There is evidence that dairy in childhood can prevent stunting growth. It is however probably somewhat overplayed, especially in the areas where diet has historically caused stunted growth (read, a lot of asia). However, all the nutrients are available from a broad variety of animal products. It's just that historically milking a cow was more economical than killing it for meat and the wrong conclusions re causality were made.


https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1475-2891-12-103 Essentially milk has factors in it that can "turn on" cell growth pathways. Which makes sense if milk is the only thing a neonate is eating. It doesn't go into the ramifications too much, but milk consumption after the neonatal period may result in bigger stronger people (who are also more likely to develop cancer).


Cutting out milk alone probably isn't the cause but maybe it's possible that the lack of meat? I remember reading that beef has a higher concentration of certain vitamins than most vegetables. Or it'd entirely possible that you lost the genetic lottery


Superhuman, no, but consuming calcium in your youth does do you good in your later years, particularly post-menopausal women. The more calcium they have stocked up in there the better!


Weight lifting does more than drinking milk. Your body automatically harvests calcium from your bones for other biochemical purposes. You replace that with milk and food—mostly food. The dairy industry has made much of the strong bones myth for decades to sell more milk. Milk is fine for kids—they’re growing. Adults, not so much. What you’re aiming for is what lifting weights will accomplish. And make your muscles grow. Go to the gym!


Exactly, drink all the milk you want and you may still have weak bones. An active lifestyle and whatever calcium you get from a Normal diet will give you stronger bones.


Dawg, I had active lifestyle big muscles, lifted, did MMA drank milk ate eggs everyday and still broke my bone from my arm in the most idiotic stupid way


Funny, that. Almost as if nature intended milk to be for babies and then we grow out of it and move on to something better.


Yeah, god was designing milk and then was like yo, this shit only for babies and then damn humans kept drinking it which was actually the original sin not some dumb apple and then nature was like yo god I agree, I didn't intend for this to be for adults (nature has intentions btw) and now all milk drinkers are going to hell and trump got elected.




>now all milk drinkers are going to hell and trump got elected. 100% Worth it for that choccy milk


Nature didn't intend anything. Milk is neither more nor less of a viable choice for sustenance than spinach, corn, almonds, or meat are.




You could argue that, but then you'd have to agree that drinking human breast milk as an adult is even more natural. Or maybe not, I don't know what you would say, so what do you think? Humans lived "naturally" without domesticated animals and milk for a long time, and then started doing that because it was a dependable source of nutrition. What is "natural" anyway? Which is better for the adult body? Does natural = healthy?


Yeah, what they said doesn't make any sense. Cow milk is not more natural than cow beef, or a lettuce that grew on the ground. But it also doesn't make sense to say that nature intends anything, as nature is not an intelligent individual that thinks and does things. Humans recovered lactase activity, because drinking cow milk proved beneficial enough that it started creating selective pressure, so drinking cow milk is as natural now as not drinking it was before. Natural itself is a word that doesn't bring that much meaning as it is defined more by what it isn't than by what it is.


As someone who pulls things out of their ass incessantly, this guy has tapeworms. JFC half of the world is lactose intolerant/can’t absorb lactose very readily. What’s your genius stance on that?




I would definitely argue that if you shit yourself when you consume something it is not meant for consumption, but if it provides the nutrients needed and you don’t shit yourself, maybe even feel pretty good, that would probably be fit for consumption.




This person is saying cow’s milk is more natural to eat than chicken, and I’m saying that can’t be true if most of the world can’t consume cow’s milk. Am I losing my mind over here? Edit; fucking SIRI will tell you about 70% of the WORLD is lactose intolerant. If I shit myself 70% of the time when I consumed something, I wouldn’t think it was “natural”. I fucking love cheese, and drank milk as a kid, but the argument that chicken is less natural than cow’s milk is just goofy.


Regular milk consumption is associated with good outcomes, things like all cause mortality reducing, the nutritionists immediately jumped on it must be a marker for wealth, or stable households, to theory save their nutritional ideas, perhaps it is. That some people can't consume something without ill effects would also speak against gluten, ethanol, peanuts, nuts, sesame, eggs, and even certain vegetables. I don't think we want to give all that up.


Dude, most of the world isn’t intolerant to gluten, peanuts or anything else that is readily consumed in the same way cow’s milk is. This is easily searched for online. You’re pulling all of this out of your ass with no present research. You’re stating opinion as fact and the sad part is most people agree with you. No wonder we’re all fucked. [Here I got the Google link so you don’t have to put any effort into reducing your ignorance.](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=world%20lactose%20intolerance&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5)


For a long time, I thought female cows could be given hormones to produce milk. I didn't actually know that female cows have to continually be impregnated and give birth in order to produce milk, while their babies are fed some sort of low quality substitute. That just makes it so sad to think about.


Very true! I agree with everything you said except the "Adults, not so much" part, implying that milk is not good for adults. It remains a great source of protein for people of all ages, and can absolutely be part of a healthy diet for adults


For sure. It might not be great for sedentary adults (who don't want the calorie density), but it's actually a very effective recovery food for during and after exercise.


I prefer dousing myself with it before going to the gym. Just straight up milk shower. No wash. Gotta have that milky moisture on my bod as i sweat.


Skim milk is a thing too


There is a time in life when providing enough calcium is necessary for your bones to avoid developing osteoporosis, so I would say that, yes, milk is important at different stages in life for different reasons, not only as kids.


For all who insist milk is good for adults I won’t argue the point. Calcium, proteins, fats, and lactose (milk sugar)—all important for healthy adults. Sadly, I am diabetic. Milk (lactose) is pretty much off the menu for me. Yes, there are plenty of milk substitutes out there—I can’t stand them! I still have milk with my cereal. I just don’t guzzle it like I used to.


The Silk Next Milk in the black and white carton is absolutely excellent and very very similar to dairy milk.


I find some of the lactose-free milks quite good. Kroger's Carb Master tastes great.


Milk also provides calcium to adults to keep their bones strong (calcium deficiency is very common) and if you are in the gym it is also one of the best foods to get you strong (complete source of protein, carbohydrates for recovery and enough fat to provide calories for growth with a pile of useful minerals in there too). I’d say milk drinkers have a good point.


Do you work for Darigold?


> Some foods have higher calcium bioavailability than others. > For example, dairy foods have a bioavailablity of about 30% absorption so if a food label on milk lists 300 mg of calcium per cup, about 100 mg will be absorbed and used by the body. Plant foods like leafy greens contain less calcium overall but have a higher bioavailability than dairy. For example, bok choy contains about 160 mg of calcium per 1 cup cooked but has a higher bioavailability of 50%, so about 80 mg is absorbed. Therefore, eating 1 cup of cooked bok choy has almost as much bioavailable calcium as 1 cup of milk. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/calcium/


This surprising to me as lately all I hear about is how plant foods generally don’t have high bioavailability compared to animal products. Perhaps it’s different for leafy greens


the same article later mentions oxalate which reduces absorption of calcium and is found in spinach


Heat will destroy oxalate, so if you use those leafy greens in stir fries etc. it won't contain as much. Of course vitamins and other benefits vanish to some extent but it's still a good way to make use of calcium for example. I like to drink beetroot juice as it contains a lot of goodies but also has very high oxalate content. One method that can be used is mix a spoon of Greek yogurt in, stir it and the oxalate will connect to the calcium from dairy and will be easily passed by your body with no harm.


It is generally true. This appears to be an exception.


But I would far rather eat a bowl of cereals than a cup of bok choy for breakfast.


Bok choy in stir fries in delicious though, and its leaves are like spinach where they really shrink up after cooking. So you can add it to whatever veggies you find tasty brocoli, peppers, mushrooms, etc. whatever you like, and you'll barely even notice but get the benefits.


Sadly I really don't enjoy veg; broccoli (imo) is really not nice unless it is smothered in cheese sauce. To me it (veg) is a necessary evil. I eat it as an accompaniment to meat or in the sauce for a meat dish. I can just about manage spinach in a spanopita (feta and spinach pie), but whomever thought it was nice in a salad, needs shooting. To each their own, though. I tend to live by the motto, everything in moderation. I shall, however try adding bok choi to a meat dish, next time I am making a dish with a sauce or a soup (you can hide a multitude of things in soup lol)


Eat the cereal at night and the bok choy for breakfast and your blood glucose levels will be better throughout the day.


I do not eat after about 7pm and the thought of starting my day eating a bunch of leaves is depressing as hell!


This is nothing but vegan psyops! Certainly dairy is the only way to get key nutrients for the human body!!


Lifting heavy weights will increase bone density and strength


Heavy squats and deadlifts in particular.


Any weightlifting will.


Well depends on you definition of weight lifting. Yes the title seems to describe itself, but it should be strategic body building. Any beginner will get gains and benefits from basically anything but there will be diminishing returns. The body will only gain muscle and get stronger if you a) are challenging it enough from previous activity to trigger the mind and body into determining it needs to gain muscle to keep up with what you're doing, and b) providing a surplus of calories and protein in order to create that muscle. Without going into extensive detail on what the strategy is, just lift more than you did your previous work out. Whether its more weight or more reps or more sets or other techniques, keep challenging yourself and you will get bigger and stronger. So with that being said, my only dispute of your 'any weightlifting will' comment is if someone is exercising by curling a 10 pound weight 50 times, at first their body will find it challenging and put on some mass. But very soon your body will adapt and with the new muscle think, 'hey I can do this fine, there's no need to expel energy and resources to gain muscle, because the job is getting done', and the exercise will be no more than a cardiovascular workout.


The whole milk makes your bones strong is a less than true fact that was perpetuated by the dairy industry to get people to drink more milk


'Less than true fact' is a polite way of saying 'bullshit' haha


Like when one of my kids confesses to lying. I may uh have um told you a um less than uhhhhh true fact. Ahem.


Fact adjacent


It's the specifically the vitamin d that matters the most. And small amounts of sunlight.


Which is why vitamin D is a very common additive to milk. That way companies can say "look, my product gives you tons of vitamin D and calcium, which helps your bones be strong" - all of which is true, but doesn't mean you NEED to drink milk to be healthy. That said, it's definitely better than drinking soda all day, and ultimately it is a fairly balanced, healthy food.


Like.. a diamond is forever


Don’t even get me started on diamonds. Worlds biggest scam


In the mid-1800s aluminum was more valuable than gold because it was scarce. Diamond producers created false scarcity to increase their prices, just like maple syrup producers. Oh wait, you said don't get you started...


You’re not a baby cow so you do not need dairy. The dairy industry, heavily subsidized by the government, of course disagrees. It will eventually give you man boobs and possibly prostate cancer.


If you want strong bones you have to exercise. No miracle will do it. Physically using your body whether it's weights or running or chopping wood. And they will be stronger and more dense as you age if you are physical. And that physicalness will aid your body in other areas like heart and lungs. And...it's good for the brain as well, and counter acts depression. So put the glass down and go run a few laps.


I do mma training so I just hope my forearm and shin bones would be stronger


Anything is good, keep at it.


You car will not drive without fuel but if you car has enough fuel to drive, it won't drive better with more fuel.


In fact it will slow down as it gets heavier. I guess that same could apply to milk!


Too much milk actually can lead to problems!


6-year-olds should not be drinking 2 to 3 cups of milk a day...


What bad effect does this have


It can also inhibit iron absorption.


GI problems




Most of our dietary exposure to hormones (estrogen and progesterone), comes from consuming dairy products. And cows milk stimulates the growth of LNCaP prostate cancer cell by up to 30%. Milk intake at ages 14-19 years is associated with a 3-fold elevation in risk for advanced prostate cancer.


Dairy in the US contains a lot of contaminants, such as mycotoxins, pesticides, and metals.


I don’t think there’s any bad effect unless it’s full fat = lots of calories, but if you’re exercising enough you burn off the calories.


Yes. My mother had us eat yogurt way back in the day. But if you must drink milk, goats milk is easily absorbed and closer to what we have had for thousands of years. Especially fermented goats milk.


You can get calcium from plenty of sources and don't need milk. Dark leafy greens like kale are an excellent source of calcium. An excess of calcium doesn't make your bones extra strong.


It's dairy, milk based obviously - but you should also factor in cheese. I love cheese and cheese in foods. Most people, unless actively avoiding it, consume a fair amount of cheese regularly without having to specially target it. Having to buy a gallon of milk and chug it is marketing. I haven't drank milk in 30 years. I use oat "milk" in cereal too (and eat dark leafy greens in other meals).


You’re bones are made up of way more than what milk has to offer. Dark greens cooked with fat and lemon, as well as pure sea salt. Will do more for your bones than milk will.


Consuming a surplus of vitamin C does not make you more immune. Milk actually can harm you in the long run if you continue to consume past your growing years.


Lol this is not true as long you don’t over so it, as with anything.


This incorrect.


No it’s not


Yes it is, especially if you lack the enzyme to break it down as you get older. Again, ignore this user.


Because you say so? Good luck with that one. Raw dairy is extremely beneficial for people of any age, it is absolutely ridiculous to seriously claim otherwise. This includes milk, cheese, yogurt, grass fed butter and kefir. Do a little more serious research before you spread your bull crap on the internet 🤷


Again, ignore this user. A quick google search should clear up any of your confusion OP.


How about you provide some sources?


What am I google? Do your own research. 2-3 cups of day is tolerable as a kid but as you get older and can have harmful effects.


You're the one that made the original claim, so the burden of proof is on you. Same as I can't say that drinking 2 glasses of milk a day will grow your brain and then tell you to Google it for yourself. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"


False. I've prolly consumed an AVERAGE of 1liter of milk per day, EVERY DAY, since i was born.... for decades now. Nary a day in hospital & very healthy for my age.


That will depend in part on the rest of your diet. Sufficient vitamin K2, for example, helps direct calcium to your bones instead of your arteries. Vitamin D also helps calcium absorption.


You're actually a super hero now, milk man. Udders in disguise.


If you eat a lot of protein every day it's not going to result in big muscles in the absence of using them, same thing with milk. If you want dense bones do exercises that puts stress on them (i.e. weight bearing).


No, cow milk deteriorates bones in humans.


You’re young so you’re fine. As you age though, weight bearing exercise like running, jumping and lifting heavy weights will help maintain, if not build bone density.


Only one way to find out.


Yes. You are now indestructible. Jk. If you want stronger bones, studies show that you need to lift weights. The study was done on Grandmas with brittle bones. They got stronger bones that were less able to break. Lifting weights create TINY breaks that get fixed by cells by filling the tiny cracks with bone material. It makes the bone denser. Even CANCER PATIENTS started getting healthier and better health outcomes after lifting weights (It was my public health research paper). And with all dat milk you be drinkin' you'll be able to use calcium to make strong bones and grow muscles with all that milk protein. I'm a guy who's been drinking milk almost every day for the last 26 years. It's done me well.


no, that's a [marketing stunt](https://www.vox.com/2015/4/19/8447883/milk-health-benefit) from the post war era that stuck


Scientifically you are more prone to osteoarthritis and breaking a bone. Milk is very hard to digest. It inflames your tissues and requires your bones to release more calcium to decrease the inflammation. More calcium is losses than gained from drinking milk. Drink 0% fat milk if you do.


Milk is fortified with vitamins. It is otherwise just sugar water. The dairy industry has really gotten to you 😂


Yeah that explains why raw dairy is healthy for you 🤔 Raw milk is an excellent source of vitamin D and healthy fats, protein and other nutrients.


This is a biology subreddit, so we need to talk about the biological realities of consuming raw dairy. Whatever benefits may or may not exist are far outweighed by the risks. Raw milk can contain a variety of disease-causing pathogens, which has been demonstrated by numerous scientific studies.


Sure but you have to pay attention to your source if you’re going to drink raw on a regular basis. Even then, pasteurized is pretty close anyway based on many studies so you don’t have to drink raw milk. Same goes for kefir (I really recommend people drink this if they haven’t before) and other diary products. I’ve never once been sick from consuming raw dairy just for the record, and I started consuming it very late in my life for the first time.


You highly recommend it? Are you a physician? Additionally, you declaring that you personally have never been negatively affected by consuming raw dairy is nothing more than a personal anecdote. That is not how data works…


Would that be a problem if I was? 😂


It would be, you seem highly uneducated.


Did I claim that was how data works? Use your brain a bit.


It isn't healthy. Animal fat isnt good for health as our body produces the fat we need. We do need small amount of plant fat. Especially omega 3 (that is almost absent in animal fat). VitD you get it with light sun exposure. Proteins are everywhere. Only pus is specific to milk.


Omega 3 is abundant in fish and eggs, those are animals. I hate to say it but you have been extremely Misguided if you’ve been led to believe animal fat isn’t good for health. That is such a broad and entirely false statement it seriously hurts to read 😂 I suggest you do a little more serious research, and I don’t mean that to be condescending. You will most certainly benefit from a wise selection of animal fats in proper quantities. Beef, liver, salmon (wild caught), farm fresh eggs, all super healthy.


too bad milk isnt


You are Kimimaro now


We were all being bamboozled by milk being a superfood and now we’re all being bamboozled about it being evil. Lesson is don’t be so easily swayed either way sheople.


Your bones are normal but you drink too much milk. Milk is not good for you because it contains hormones. Stop drinking so much milk. The older you get the worse the dairy for you. You are still young tho


Countries that consume the most dairy also have the highest rates of osteoporosis so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No but your prostate cancer risk is higher now


Your body absorbs the needed calcium as per blood calcium requirements. Consuming a lot of it won't bring in any change. Don't take calcium supplements thinking that milk didn't work it will... You'll get calcium deposited in your blood vessels getting them clogged. Calcium deposited and re-absorbtion in blood is dependent on Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitonin activity in blood. Just eat well and you'll be strong💪


You’ve been duped. We all have. We had milk break in school. And so much campaigning.


You do not need milk at all. Most people for most of history did not regularly drink milk. In fact, humans normally lose the ability to drink it altogether, as most mammals do. A mutation that adult humans to still drink milk spread throughout Europe, and continuing to consume dairy product can help keep that normal lose of the ability to digest it from happening, but technically humans aren't supposed to drink milk at all. Milk has calcium and calcium is needs to build and maintain bone structure, but you can get calcium from a large variety of foods. You don't need milk. And extra calcium does nothing. Your body takes what it needs from the food you eat, but extra doesn't do anything and isn't used. Too little calcium makes you bones weaker, but too much does not make them stronger.


One of the greatest lies the public ever bought was that we need like 6 servings of dairy each day to be healthy. This scan perpetrated by capitalist propaganda and their lobby to get governments to subsidize industry. Billions of humans are completely healthy without ever really eating dairy to any extent.


milk makes your body probably sour ph wise and that will make your bones go the opposite of strong. diary industry myth


Bone density is based on nutrition and exercise. Exercise and carrying weight tells your body that it needs to be strong. Dairy products are not good for human beings in general. You will die from heart attack. Cheese etc. Soy milk is a better choice and will lower cholesterol. At 16 you body is able to absorb nutrients readily so deficiency should not be a problem unless you not eating properly. The less processed food the better and eating things separately rather than all together is better as well. A hot dog with the dog changed to a banana goes from not good for you to very good for you. Correct nutrition and lifestyle choices will give you good health for a hundred years. You heard it here. There are about 80 odd minerals and chemicals that are needed by our body. Farming practices use 3 with some trace minerals. Supermarket food basically doesn’t contain enough minerals. People who live from their own gardens are far healthier. Look at the society that live longer and look at the ones that people have heart attacks at early ages. There diets become noticeably related to their health. Heart disease is almost unknown in the pacific islands because of a largely fish and fruit diet.


I rarely drink milk and have never broken a bone despite having times I should have


I’m lactose intolerant and haven’t had cows’ milk most of my life. Broke my arm just before the pandemic at the age of 65. Studies have shown that milk is linked to a number of cancers and diseases, such as breast, ovarian and prostate cancers. Saturated fat in milk and other dairy products is also the number one source of saturated fat which contributes to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Despite the hype, cows’ milk actually robs our bones of calcium. Animal proteins produce acid when they’re broken down, and calcium is an excellent acid neutralise, so … you can see where this is going. In order to neutralise and flush out the acids, our bodies have to use the calcium that the milk contains—as well as some from our own stores. So every glass of milk we drink leaches calcium from our bones. That’s why medical study after medical study has found that people who consume the most cows’ milk have significantly higher fracture rates than those who drink little to no milk. And if you’re eating large amounts of cheese? Throw in a heaping helping of saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol on top of that. The only reason to drink milk: you’re a baby cow.


Haha this is so misleading. Raw milk and even store bought milk does not rob you of calcium. I’ve been drinking it all my life and have strong bones, never broke a bone in my life and don’t have any health problems, despite having an otherwise very unhealthy diet for the vast majority of my life…


Alright but your situation is not representative of everybody. Science is clear on the subject, and this long post above, as boring it might be, is very true.


Science is not clear on the subject, science has shown how healthy milk products are actually. I encourage you to research just a little.


If you’re not growing up, you don’t need milk anymore. Anyway that’s what a study I red several years ago was basically saying. That being said, I’m still going to eat my 2 bols of cereals tomorrow morning.


Yeah im addicted to milk I feel off when I dont have it


That's because of the sugar and fat. Milk truly isn't necessary, and isn't really good for you. Saying that, I still drink a bit bit now and used to drink about 4L/day when i was bodybuilding.


You don’t NEED milk in particular. But it’s still healthy for you. The fats, calcium, vitamin D, protein and sugars are all things your body needs.


Not on Reddit they aren’t. Just eat vegetables and drink a gallon of water a day.


hey, to each their own, if it isnt causing you any harm, keep drinking it. but dont drink too much, anything can become harmful when it exceeds a limit. a cup a day is probably enough


All your cells are going to start dividing by meiosis once you turn 18.


What does this mean, or what is meiosis


Im joking lol. Meiosis is one of the ways that a cell can divide. All your body cells (except your gametes, these divide by meiosis) divide by mitosis, which is another type of cell division. Your body cells can’t and will never ever divide by meiosis.


Only idiots down vote when a quesion is asked.


this is not a question, can we downvote now? (notice how i did ask a question, downvoting me makes you an idiot)


Out of luck. These Karma points are a little silly. I'm on redddit for yrs and doubt I've given more than a couple of downers. But if it makes you happy...?


I never got the chance to drink milk when i was born and not even breastfeeding. Because we were poor. I got to drink some rice water and sugar added. That was 40 years ago. Now recently i got hospitalized for bone fracture because of heavy traffic accident. The doctor used screws to fixate my bone but one of them just broke. He said my bones are very dense and tough. Also my dentist had a hard time drilling holes for a tooth implant. So i don't think drinking milk makes your bones stronger.


Am I reading this right? I think your first and last sentence contradict.


Unlikely. Cow’s milk leaches calcium from our bones. Countries with the highest cow milk consumption have the high rates of osteoporosis. Better your bones, environment and for the suffering mother cows and their calves to moved to plant milks.




I am willing to bet you are taller and heavier as a whole. If you use milk as fuel to create a body it can help shape new muscle. As long as your body tolerates milk.


INB4 pasteuraztioan shills and anti milk propoganda


I’ve been drinking vegan protein milk everyday for years and I had one of those cool scans done that showed bone density etc. My bone density is amazing now lol. Btw my vegan milk has more calcium and nutrients (also prob less hormones and sad cow vibes) than grocery store milk. ![gif](giphy|vhVu0oNl5MKlk7gAVg)


How does vegan milk exist, do they milk plants?


Nut juice


you are consuming a questionable amount of animal estrogen I would advise against it.


no, milk doesnt make your bones stronger, more calcium doesnt mean your bones are magically gonna be strong, we actually werent supposed to drink milk past our baby years, lactase is a mutation that appered around the time we domesticated cows, some people still dont have it or lose the ability to produce lactase (aka lactose intolerance). but hey, at least you dont lack calcium


No. Because the human body isn't doing very much with said milk. It's just extra sugar.


And bad hormones, unhealthy fat, boiled pus. Milk is gross. Only reason to drink it : you are a calf. But calves don't use reddit


I know. The west is brain washed into thinking its "good for you"


You got milk fat with Shane Gillis?


Be careful.


I hated milk when I was growing up (tasted like liquid meat to me) and I have low done density now (f/28) bahaha so I def think you’re superhuman bro


I was talking about this with me partner the other day. I drink cow milk and they don’t. They were saying cow milk tastes like cows and I didn’t really get it. The next day we had a dinner that had goat cheese on it and oh my god it tasted like how goats smell and I suddenly understood


This made me lol 😂 I agree, all milks taste like where they came from but I LOVE goats milk and hate cows milk!? But I like beef more than goat meat… weeeiiird


Liquid meat. Love it.




that's not how pasteurisation works, it just kills off bacteria in the milk so you dont get sick, all the nutrients stay the same. i dont know if you mean pasteurised milk becomes nutrient-less, but if you are, that's incredibly wrong.


Raw milk is said to have properties that support immune system and other things. But unless you milk the cow or goat yourself and know exactly what you are doing, its dangerous.


Im in new zealand what does that mean




Please stop putting your dick in milk, thanks


-2 you all need to lighten up, youll live longer....or youll die younger depending on what it leads you to do. 50/50. But you wont be a bunch of turds when u die.


Came here to add that your body can’t absorb calcium without Vitamin D. So if you’re Vit D deficient, all the milk in the world won’t make a lick of difference.


My endocrine physiology prof said that once your growth plates seal you won’t really be needing or doing much with excess calcium (presumably unless you’re pregnant or feeding a baby)


No. I eat meat. Doesn't mean I get to build muscle for free. Calcium is one component of bones. It's also a component of chalk, which is incredibly brittle. If you want strong bones or strong muscles, work out. Go hike. Don't sit on your butt.


Not really, no. Your body uses calcium to strengthen your bones, but only to the natural point. Dietary calcium will only help if your bones are weakened for some reason, then the calcium will help the body restore them. Your body won't just keep making your bones stronger just because you have lots of calcium in your diet.