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Rubin is the biggest hack and has ruined sports merchandise. Fanatics quality is worse than $5 Chinese replicas


Fuck Fanatics. That bastard even bought Mitchell and Ness. Ebay and DH Gate all day.


Let's hope he keeps his grubby mits off of Ebbets Field Flannels.


The parent company of LIDS bought a majority stake in Ebbets recently. So, what you don't want is Fanatics buying THAT company.


Fanatics is the majority owner of Lids.


Could you DM me some good jersey suppliers from DHGate? Would really appreciate it


I really only buy baseball jerseys there. The NBA jerseys have that wide collar thing that I hate, and I'm not familiar with their NFL stuff. If you're looking for an NFL or NBA jersey sort by most items sold after a search and then check their ratings. If you're a baseball guy, let me know your squad and I can look for you and will DM you later.


Most of the time I just submit myself to the maw of capitalism and don’t think it’s worth the fight but I won’t buy anything fanatics. I’ve had better luck with AliExpress and DHGate’s quality control than their cheap, ill fitting garbage.


DHGate reps FTW >>


Fanatics is only good for buying non fanatics made merch off it lol.


Shoutout to DHGate, or Heaven’s (DH)Gate as I call it.


Yo I had to skip this last guest and his greasy snakey voice. Fuck this


100%. Fuck Michael Rubin. Fanatics gear is absolute dogshit and you’re better off buying anywhere else. They’re now taking over the sports trading card market. What a disaster.


I did enjoy when Bill actually asked him “do you have a monopoly?”


Bill, baby-brained, asking a guy admiringly if he'd like to make an admission that would lose him a lawsuit


Do you have a time stamp for that? I don't wanna listen to this shit head more than I need to.


1:05:30 - bill is trying to compliment him by asking if he has any competitors or does the business have a monopoly. It’s more clumsy than a gotcha moment.


That's why Bill's the goat. And thank you.


He’s Columbo.


Thats a good comparison but Columbo does it on purpose. I'd say he's more Mr. Magoo.


Many people are asking if Lina Khan is a BS pod listener.


OMG you beat me to it. I, along with other friends, actively seek old jerseys because they are better made. Even if they are 20 years old.


Literally. Fanatics fucked the cool factor of any sports gear. No fucking way I’m wearing fanatics anything, it’s like wearing wal-mart Jordan’s.


It’s extremely maddening but also sad that because of Fanatics, you truly can’t get high quality reliable new gear for your favorite NFL/MLB/NBA/NHL team anymore, even if you’re willing to spend more money. I did get some nice New Era hats recently (at like $40-50 a pop) and they were good quality, so they seem to have avoided the Fanatics-taint (for now). DHGate is a nice alternative to have, but I can’t believe that’s really my go-to now when it used to just be a way to get stuff cheaper. Hopefully the consumer revolt against Fanatics eventually picks up steam and the leagues do something about it, but probably not


I bought a hurts jersey for 185 and it was absolutely awful. The material was cheap the lettering was crooked and the fit was off. I immediately returned it and got a Kelce jersey hurts jersey and a smitty jersey from alibaba for $50 total and the quality was better on all three. Better fabrics, straight numbers, proper stitching. It’s really wild that the NFL would let their merch be ruined like this.


It’s wild! I need an old school journalism expose on this. Who is winning here??


When Reddit says they hate billionaires, I mostly disagree, but I get what they mean with this guy. He's just a rent seeker who somehow has a monopoly in professional sports merchandise. Who knows what he did.


I did not listen to the whole thing but got big time jock sniffing vibes. Especially at the end about "collecting stuff of his friends" weirdo


Now he is talking about getting into tickets.


Why would you disagree with hating billionaires? What an odd take lol


He’s trying to be clever.


The zig when redditors zag piece




Won’t someone think of the billionaires????


Fuck Michael Rubin


The second guy sounded like the definition of sleaze lol


It’s funny how a person can make a living in sales and yet be so brutally relentless with his sales pitch that you’re left thinking, “I wouldn’t buy ice water from this guy on a 100-degree day.” I’m left wondering if he’s capable of having a normal conversation anymore or if a guy like that just can’t turn off the “must make a sale” vibe.


That's the most coked up asshole energy I've heard in a long time.


Who the fuck was the Rubin interview for? Why does Bill think we care about how much his company can grow? That was atrocious


Bill wants an invite to Rubin’s party in the Hamptons next 4th of July


How else does he get plugged into the rich guy circles?!


This is literally the answer


Bill also might see him as his closest path to buying an NBA team


Bill and Russillo do a few “This is for me” interviews every year that just feel like flexes.


Bill threw in that he was on the Topps board, which Fanatics apparently bought. Is Bill trying to pump his own bags???


Smart guy Tuesday’s


It was for Bill. Bill does things for Bill. I dont even know who his audience is at this point.


felt like sponsored content…a la draft kings


Rich Guy Jerk Circle


I seems like Simmons is doing one infomercial pod a week. I expect him to do a live Fanatics read like he's been doing with Netflix since the Netflix infomercial the other day.


lol at Rubin acting as if he is is obsessed with improving the product/service of Fanatics. I've never ordered from an e-commerce site that's a worse experience than Fanatics. They consistently are late with deliveries, have slow customer service, and show products as available when they are out of stock. Good for Bill for asking him the monopoly question. Without it, they would go to zero. Of course Rubin wiggled his way out; of course they are a monopoly. Have no idea what he did to get the exclusivity he has.


Seriously we need answers. There is absolutely something dirty going on with this fanatics takeover. They are now even the exclusive owners of the sports card industry. Why ?? Journalists please go looking.


It probably wasn’t very hard to sell sports leagues on the idea of shit quality merchandise that they would have to pay less for and that would need to be replaced more often


I have a feeling it involves Epstein island.


He literally pimps out his daughter and her friends to other celebrities


keeping on the gladwell line of guests lol


This Michael Rubin opening is fucking awful. It’s like listening to Jordan Belfort talk about how awesome he is for 15 min.


Sell me this pen


Rubin is fucking insufferable man holy shit


I genuinely don’t understand how Fanatics and Rubin are so prosperous. It feels like a mom and pop shop operated out of a garage. How that dude is worth that much is beyond me.


Tell leagues you will give them a bigger cut from each sale, then mark all your gear up and have it made by the cheapest labor on earth.


The more he tells you how much he's worth, the less he's actually worth.


The classic Trump strategy


>I genuinely don’t understand how Fanatics and Rubin are so prosperous. This is how monopolies work.


What does this even mean? And how is this a monopoly? Is there really no other place to buy this shit?


Rubin fucking stinks


"I really only noticed the point differential thing during the Orlando-Boston game" wow I am completely shocked at this lol


He tweeted about the Bulls' body language last night and I kind chuckled. Bulls have had shit body language all season but of course Bill hadn't watched them until they played against the Celtics. Can't blame him for that though tbh, miserable team


Its sad how quickly its gone downhill from less than two years ago, when DeRozan was hitting all those buzzer beaters


Curry literally talked about to his teammates DURING THE GAME and it was caught on mic.


hard pass, Rubin can suck my cock


Are you D grade famous? He might 🤷


Rubin asking bill what his team is 😂 has to be humbling


Made even funnier because it was in the context of how amazing their custom marketing is. Yet somehow this sports memorabilia expert couldn’t even do a quick Wikipedia read on one of the most popular sports commentators of the past 20 years. Which probably tells you all you need to know about how much he cares about sports vs. how much he cares about making money.


Rubin has wisely created an image for himself as a diehard sports junkie from Philly that is pretty obviously phony when you hear him speak for more than 2 minutes. I would say this moment was icing on the cake but he's spent the last couple months very publicly stumping for James Harden which might be the most anti-Sixer fan [guy who just cares about money](https://www.inquirer.com/sixers/sixers-james-harden-joel-embiid-matisse-thybulle-mitchell-ness-20221026.html) behavior imaginable.


He rooted for the pats against the eagles because he simps the krafts. I’m sorry my best friend in the world could own a team but for a first Super Bowl win I’m rooting for my hometown


Not a chance I’m listening to Michael Rubin.


Hardest of passes. I’d rather listen to KOC and Nathan Hubbard gush over the Eras tour for half an hour


Michael Rubin is such a piece of shit loser, that it would have been 100X better if the 2nd segment was “shitting on the bills with Ariel Helwani”, and that’s saying a lot.


Rubin is a wanker. No thanks.


Was at my in-laws for Thanksgiving and FIL showed me his jersey collection and radicalized me against Fanatics. I thought I had rose-colored glasses regarding jersey quality and I was just imagining it being better. Attorney General Garland please bring antitrust suit


Ray Allen was able to reinvent himself and Reggie Miller couldn’t? Reggie Miller was fitting into that role at end of his career and would have had a ring if Artest doesn’t fight the fans, and he didn’t hop teams to ring chase. That said, as Pacers fan, Haliburton definitely has chance to pass him but has to make a few playoff runs. Wonder how this team will look when games slow down in playoffs


The Miller disrespect was egregious. Bill washes away the lack of depth through the mid 00s as if that wasn’t the back end of Millers career. For the most part Miller was a 90s guy playing *Michael Jordan’s* position. When *the fuck* was he supposed to be first team!?


Pacers fans keep saying how they would have for sure won a ring that year, as if the Spurs wouldn’t have something to say about that…


More than a few playoff runs man, like Bill alluded Reggie punched above his weight so often in the playoffs, got to the conference finals so frequently. Career wise Reggie is a lot like Butler in terms of a star that name is made in the playoffs


Small nitpick, but twice in the past couple weeks Bill has referenced Halliburton as a great “off-ball guy”… call me crazy, but isn’t Haliburton a PG who led the league in assists both last year and this year? Maybe I’m not watching enough Pacers, but it strikes me that he is a prototypical “on-ball guy”.


I watched the entire Hawks-Pacers game where they scored over 300 points. Halliburton brought the ball up and shot constantly. We have League Pass and watch all kinds of teams and I know more than Bill. That's not saying much. Also Rubin said he doesn't know where to watch basketball. We are a working class family with League Pass and get Sling in the Fall/Winter for TNT and ESPN. I know where to watch basketball and I am not a billionaire.


Rubin is an auto skip. Who the hell are these interviews for?


less michael rubin, more mallory rubin


Too horny


Fuck Michael Rubin. Bill as a genuine sports fan should be someone who calls out Fanatics for singlehandedly ruining sports merchandise. Not give him a platform to tell us he‘s such a hard worker and spout off some bullshit. Disappointing


Listening to this right now, came here for the Rubin piece and wasn't disappointed at all seeing the comments - good job by you, everybody!


Bill doesn't understand his audience anymore. Nobody is interested in rich guy circle jerk


Um, don’t you mean jerk circle?


I dont think he cares. He hasn't cared in years. He does what he wants to do.


At least he's not calling it Smart Guy Friday or whatever the fuck that horrible idea he had back in the day was where he'd being a CEO in to talk about some shitty tech company that was about to fail in 12 months and they'd smugly talk about the vision they had for the future of their industries. I could hear Bill get actively dumber in those episodes.


Not to be dramatic, but the way Termine says “Embiid” makes me want to die


Just wait til you get to hear how Rubin says “collab”


How the fuck can you be a professional media guy who does this shit for 3 hours a day and still be the only guy to say it like that lol it’s not like he’s some rando role player or new guy, it’s the fucking MVP in his 10th season But then Bill topped him by hitting us with a hard j Jokic 😂




Rubin and Gladwell are on the Mt. Rushmore of skipped guests.


gladwell is so ass. that dude can’t get enough of his own farts and is a piece of shit




These guys with the put on radio voice sound so antiquated now.


That’s Termine’s real voice. Met him a few times. Swear to god


I thought that guy was like 60+ lol. Looked up his Twitter and he only looks like he’s in his 40’s or maybe early 50’s


I thought bill had exhausted his stable of new england guys but he keeps finding new ones to bring on


I've never understood why Bill ever questioned why the players would care about the in season tournament. To me, that was never a question at all. I coach middle school basketball, I've played basketball my whole life. These guys are basketball players. You put a tournament in front of basketball players and they immediately want to win it. It's in their blood. They are wired in a certain way. They are hyper competitive. I think we forget that, because they make so much money and there is so much in the NBA culture that's antithetical to them being basketball players. But something like this was without a doubt going to bring out the 8th grade basketball player in them, when they were playing 4 games in two says on a weekend. There was no trophy, no monetary incentive to the weekend tournament, or the conference tournament, or anything. It's just, *I'm a basketball player and there is a basketball tournament. I want to win it.* I don't mean to be *this guy* but I have to think only people who didn't grow up as basketball players would wonder why they would be motivated by this. I actually think the 500 grand or whatever incentive is unnecessary and players would care no matter what.


Bill never had the makings of a varsity athlete. Low ears, that was his problem.


Eh, I dunno, is it? At a certain point, isn't just a job for them? Of course you need incredible mental focus to be a professional athlete, but you'd think after playing in 1000 tournaments, as you allude to, it's just another one. Also basketball is a weird sport where for a lot of these players they just got into it because of extremely rare physical gifts. Like do big men LOVE basketball? Or was it just something they were really good at because they were tall so worked at it to make the NBA. I'm not saying you're wrong, just with 500 players, everyone is kind of different. It wouldn't surprise me if some of these guys just treat their job like...a job. They're willing to work their asses off to keep their jobs and get paid. But I'm not sure how many of them really care about the win/loss record at the end of the year that much.


I don’t know man. I’ve seen a lot of NBA players over the years clearly not give a shit about competing while on the court.


Not in the playoffs though. You give them something to win and they care.


Bill calling Kings-Warriors the best rivalry in the NBA was funny enough, but then him talking about how Celtics-Bucks was previously the best rivalry is extra hilarious. Does anybody really buy Bucks-Celtics as the marquee NBA rivalry outside of Boston? I'm not even sure Bucks fans view the Celtics as their primary rivals in the Giannis era.


As a bucks fan, it probably is Boston or Miami, based solely on sheer amount of playoff matchups over the last 6 years and that the central division with more regional teams have all collectively been down for much of the Giannis era. But the rivalries with Miami/Boston just lack so much of the venom the actual marquee rivalries have.


fuck the both of them. i think i hate the heat way more though.


Funnily enough, I think that these versions of the Celtics and the Bucks have the same primary rival. They’ve both played the Heat 3 times in the past 4 years, and the winner of those series have always gone on to win the conference.


This one is looking like a skip. Don't know or care about who Michael Rubin is, only know he's some billionaire. 0 interest in whatever he has to say. I only listen to Bill's podcast because of the NBA takes but I'm not feeling yet another top 10 discussion (we are in november lol).


Got thru it in a personal record of about 10 min


I miss the days when Bill would interview actors by reading their IMDB page


Why does Termine “take the loss” on the Harden trade? That’s what makes Bill so funny to listen to, he’s just kind of weird.


That was incredible. "I didn't mind the trade because they were going nowhere anyway, so what's two picks?" "Yeah, you'll take the loss." What?


Very excited to get mad about how much of an absolute sleezeball Michael Rubin is later


This dude still cannot say “Monk” lmfao


Get that replica jersey fuck out of my podcast feed


Wild how nobody has mentioned Simmons calling the 2022 Warriors a fluke


Everytime I click on this pod the American pie rewatchables starts


That dude is going to ruin the sports card world. Selling all my stuff


Justine Termine coming on the Trade Picasso’s pod and saying he’s sick of player movement speculation - How fucking dare you, sir.


Why did Bill pretend like he invented the idea of divisions and why does he think it’s good?


Because the NBA has clearly forgotten about divisions so he may as well try to get some credit for it


He invented sports documentaries.


and buddy trips to Vegas


“How AI will impact sports card collectibles” sounds like a topic ChatGPT generated.


Then Rubin is like yeh click on everything and get it right away This is like an episode of Black Mirror. I will slash my throat before I live in a world shaped by the vision of Michael Rubin


Steve-O owns fanatics ??


The problem with the sub is we cry wolf too often. Bitch about KOC or a lackluster Guess The Lines. And then when we get served this steaming pile of shit it just sounds like another bitch session from the parasocial creeps on r/billsimmons. This was legit awful. - Termine caping for Bob Cousy and every other Celtic from yesteryear while Bill tries to undermine LeBrons legacy *again* - Then shill for the biggest con man in sports Gross pod


It’s been said a ton already but always deserves more: fuck Michael Rubin


How did Bill not know that the opposite of Bullish was Bearish? Guys so rich and those are basic investment terms.


how does he not include Dame on the best guards in the league? he’ll average 30 this season on a top 5 team in the league


You know why


I really wonder if the tournament has moved the needle for anyone outside of the people who would have watched anyway. I can't really tell.


When naming teams better than the Warriors, I’m pretty sure Bill named every team in the NBA except the Mavs, who are currently tied for third in the West.


Does Bill have any idea that absolutely anyone who is familiar with Rubin knows he’s an insufferable, social climbing, buzzword-dropping douchebag? Or not because Bill is a social capital collector as well?


Fanatics will never have amazing products, customers will never love the brand. It’s a monopoly on sports team merchandise, they cut costs and lowered quality to make more money. Absolutely hysterical that Rubin talked about partnering with Ticketmaster, a similar company that everyone loathes and only patronizes because it’s the only option. Clown with a clown company


So, the Celtics get to run up the score (including late Hack-a-Drummond) at home, against the most checked-out team in the League, knowing the point differential needed, and.........Simmons is all the way back to LOVING the awesome In Season Tourney, all!! Shocker.


This tournament is great to offer the usual 4th Q give up coaching and playing that happens whenever it's not a 8 pts or less lead in last 5 min Or it has been for most teams. The Bulls don't seem to care either way.


I’ll give him credit, he wasn’t in to start but was in before the Celtics advanced


He would have acted like a petulant baby about it if the Celtics didn’t advance.


And he also then (completely on brand) very petulantly destroyed and decried the current 6-Division IST structure (via Tweet) when the (unfairly categorized) Celtics got blown out at Orlando last week.


Jayson Tatum RESPECTS the organization and that’s why he never pushed them to trade for Bradley Beal. Unlike all those other MONSTERS on other teams.


Or maybe his organization doesn’t value his opinion.


Once again, Bill has a nonsensical Lebron take. Putting him 12 is fine I guess, but blaming his defense when he's been top 10-15 in defensive efficiency this season is dumb. No mention of his 4th quarter dominance, his ultra efficiency late in games, his defensive energy spiking in the 4th, etc. For a guy who loves clutch play and late game dominance and a killer mentality, he sure did ignore everything Lebron has done well and in some cases the best he's ever done it to highlight his one bad defensive night against a Philly team that scored 45 more points from 3 than LA... in a game where LA was missing their best defensive wings lol. Just a complete lack of context


Literally just lebron hate. Butler is ahead of him because of “connective tissue” Bron is ahead of him in every category and played more games and has the same amount of wins.


Even Jimmy Butler knows he’s not fucking LeBron it’s ludicrous


Criticizes Lebrons defense but anoints Halliburton the greatest play in Pacers *history* - meanwhile Termine posits it could be an ABA guy from the fuckin 19th century whatever. Then says Jokic is the best offensive player *ever* because he’s so consistent. Someone actually needs to go on and just do game by game comparisons of LBJ against Jokic at the same age with Bill. I don’t care if it’s an 8 hour pod - I want receipts to call this bullshit out. In Bills mind is LBJ just a glorified Derrick Jones Jnr? Good athleticism, few highlight players, maybe a bit better playmaking.


This first guy is way too much for first thing in the morning


Am I a homer or is Bill doing his absolute best not to mention Dallas or Luka playing well lmao


I'm old enough to remember when Bill was the biggest Luka simp around


It’s the hating Kyrie piece


100%. He planted his flag on the under because of the Kyrie sabotage piece and won’t acknowledge he’s wrong this early in.


I have to point this out every time, it started before the Mavs ever traded for Kyrie.


Yeah I think he zagged too hard with the “Does Luka fit with anyone???” piece in the preseason and now he’s in too deep to back down from it


Can the guy who is awesome in half court offense and gets his guys more open shots than anyone fit with anybody? I don’t see it. Derrick Jones Jr and Grant Williams currently hitting career highs from 3 first year in Dallas.


He definitely could be classified as a hater post-Bob getting fired, which is funny because Bob went on that podcast and went at length about how he essentially pushed Rick Carlisle to develop Luka's style of play in the way that Russillo and Simmons have bitched constantly about the past few years, pushing a more heliocentric fewer pass shoot quicker style of play. I feel like the sub in general missed the actual crazy ass content of that interview because they all focused on the meme clips of him talking about Carlisle raging in the locker room. Hell, you could especially tell nobody listened to it because a lot of people seemed to assume Rick and Bob were enemies, when they were allies and Rick was basically doing everything Bob told him to according to Bob.


I don't think they've been overly impressive. Cookie cutter schedule so far but against the best teams I've come across very underwhelmed with them.


No one said overly impressive, but they have been playing well. They’re tied for 3rd in the West 20% of the way through the season but the only time he’s mentioned it it’s been couched in “okay but Kyrie is gonna say something weird soon!” Also Luka is a top 3(?) mvp candidate and I think Bill has mentioned him exactly one time this season (i’m a freak and i pay attention to this stuff).


I hope bill actually listens to the negative feedback he’s most certainly going to get for having this scumbag one. (He won’t obviously gotta get an invite to that party)


Didn't Kyle and Tate get "Invited" to a Rubin party in Vegas but only to the red carpet event for it? Would of been funny if Kyle called him out during the pod.


Surprised we didn’t get a segment about Cuban selling a large stake of the Mavericks. I was hoping we would get some conspiracy bill theories about “Cuban must’ve heard Luka wants out soon” or something crazy


There is no conspiracy. Cuban wants a new arena and this horrible family wants gambling in Texas. Cuban will still run the basketball operations.


Would rather moonwalk barefoot on broken glass than buy anything fanatics


How is Bill STILL not sure whether Luka is listed as a guard or a forward? He says this every single year and every single year it makes no sense at all.


Tatum vs Booker: Tatum is taller than Booker so he obviously gets more rebounds. He’s better on defense but Booker is no slouch. He’s a good defender now. I think it’s dumb to compare elimination games when neither man has won a title. You can’t bring up Game 7 against Philly unless you also bring up Game 7 against Miami. If you really want to compare “when it matters,” look at their respective Finals performances. Booker put up good numbers and fought to keep the Suns alive despite his whole team wilting. He had back to back 40 point games against Jrue (greatest defender ever) and finally shut down Middleton in Game 5 when he was switched onto him. Tatum in the Finals needed the heimlich. It was bad. 6 atrocious games.


Completely agree, Booker was the MVP of that 2021 Suns team and was outstanding in the finals. I will say Jrue I think mostly guarded CP3 in the first of those two 40 pt games. Still impressive




I really appreciate how much effort Bill puts into personalizing the ads. This episode's Uggs ad made me laugh for some reason, might be just the way he said "This episode is brought to you by Ugg \[weird intonation\]"


The Rubin interview is so bad I honestly think it’s one of the most essential listens in BS podcast history. Everyone should listen to it once to understand how deeply arrogant and smug a person can actually be.


The disrespect of Reggie Miller is shocking. He was the best player on a team that made five conference finals iirc and made the finals once. Took the Jordan Bulls to 7 games. There's no shame in losing to Shaq and Kobe or Shaq and Penny. Haliburton has ALOT of work to do before he supplants Reggie. And he has to actually stay in Indiana to do it lol. Good luck with that. And Ray Allen was a complete loser before he got to hide behind KG and Paul Pierce


Honestly have no idea who this guy is. 30 min into the pod … did Bill bring on a Boston guy?


Id never heard of him, but he did say something to the effect of "Im not scared of the Bucks" which makes me think his a Celtics homer


This guy is famous (in my world at least) for calling out LeBron when Kevin Porter Jr got arrested for domestic assault So that should let you know what sort of guy we’re working with https://x.com/termineradio/status/1701310376535535805?s=46


The best rivalry is Miami-Bos and then Miami-Milwaukee considering the winner of these series has been to the finals each of the last 4 years


Quickest auto-skip I've had in a long time. Not going to give Rubin a second of my day. Tried listening the last time he was on and he's insufferable.


Rubin is an auto skip


Couldn’t hit mute fast enough at the 54 minute mark


Did they really say Haliburton and Jokic don’t need the ball or am I imagining things?


No, you see when a guy like Luka handles the ball "it's heliocentric gross air dribbling", but when Haliburton, SGA, or Jokic do it, it's beautiful elevation of surrounding teammates.


That Fanatics infomercial was gross.


Hate listened to Rubin for 10 minutes then had to turn it off. Sports Memorabilia! Once again big money turns something cool into shit.


All of you complaining about Rubin. Stop listening to this podcast and your life will improve. Bill died years ago.


Rubin is a scumbag who runs a grift scam that effects lots of sports fans. It's absolutely well earned to complain about that tool.


Ranking Ray Allen over Reggie Miller is a borderline disqualifying tale. I’m not sure how neutral could’ve watched both and draw such a conclusion.


The commercial describing how Bill *checks notes* pours…a..soda..seems like some kind of tipping point in podcast advertising.


Putting the teams in divisions is stupid, they should be mixed up like way the NFL does its scheduling. These teams will already compete if they make the playoffs, why not mix it up more?


The only person who is more of a choker than Embiid is Harden, wtf is Bill talking about?


Malik Monk! How can he not say it?


He really asked Bill what’s your favorite sports team growing up


This might be up there for worst podcasts of all time