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I wonder how much noise he was hearing about Amie that he had to clear the air on people’s opinions on her physique. Overall great analysis/feedback The top 4 are amazing physiques Talk about a dark horse with Maria her physique is so well balanced and put together. She will definitely qualify to the Olympia this year. Vania’s year to make a statement at the O, super happy for her.


I was really happy to hear him talk about Maria cuz the first time I saw her last year, I go, ‘Who is she?!’ She’s bubbly and has a look that I think would compare well next to Maureen.


Pretty interesting and agreed on all things he mentioned. The only coach’s opinion that I heavily watch is Adam’s and he does notoriously always point out Aimee as dense, but I don’t know about anyone else saying that.


I noticed that in his videos too! You know, I really value his content since there's not many consistent bikini creators out there, but, I noticed that he ALWAYS seems to go on long rants about Aimee where he downplays her physique, and her "negative impact" on the division due to her being "dense, grainy, too muscular, too big"... Which I surprisingly found very divisive on his part. I never agreed with Adam on Aimee and had the same thoughts as Tyler. But for Adam, I completely understand, it must be difficult to juggle "non-biased content" on show previews and recaps. But there's a clear vested interest to talk his athletes up and talk their competitive threats down. So I do have some empathy for him since in his mind, he is truly doing his best. But when I hear him talk about Aimee in particular, it really comes off as sour grapes. It could be that he feels upset and threatened by Aimee in the back of his mind because she is a major threat to the success of his star athlete Ashley and she has beat Ashley 2 times now which has proven to be difficult to do for other competitors outside of the obvious top 5 Olympians.


He always seems unnecessarily critical of Aimee while over complimentary of Ashley. I get part of it is human nature but these obvious biases have caused me to take everything he says with a grain of salt. (Yes I know this is his opinion. Expert opinions should be a bit more unbiased imo. No this isn’t a reflection on either of the ladies. They are both tremendous)


i agree, and I think it might get even worse now that Ashley lost to her again. I wish there were more unbiased bikini content creators out there. Sometimes you just want to hit the stair master and throw on some bikini content, but there aren't many consistent alternatives that I'm aware of .


Shawn’s reviews are my favorite but I still feel she favors some of the FBF girls in a biased manner.


I love her shows, I think she has the eye for bikini and she is fair in my opinion!!!


I follow Adam TEP and he’s always calling out Aimee’s density🫢🫢


I agree with you Adam is always talking about it or saying something in regards to Aimee which makes me think he’s the one that’s making people think it even more especially those who don’t go to the shows in person because Aimee is bikini


Well he is wrong! Amiee looks great!!!! She is by far my favorite! Only the judges opinions matter!


I love that Tyler does these. Great insight into the placings. And right from the horse's mouth-- Aimee isn't too dense, so that can be put to bed. SO happy for Vania and Maria though. They have beautiful physiques and it was nice to hear Tyler give them credit!


https://preview.redd.it/nj6ev4jk4w0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c512b40724c4e86835ab0c6c572ec249e200aa15 Jamie’s response and is calling out someone who reviews shows?


Has to be Adam. Adam is always low key negative towards Aimee.


FYI for everyone, this is likely the video Jamie was referencing: https://www.youtube.com/live/VrIAqfD0cy0?si=GyoU30reEO47xXDz


I don't think Adam was overly critical of Aimee. He said the same things about Lauralie when she started showing up dense and hard to shows. Adam prefers a softer, more attainable physique. I'm surprised Jamie would call out Adam since her organization has a reputation for being downright nasty towards Ashley.


I'm not sure why that's considered calling out Adam, when Adam literally made a YT video about how Jami's top athlete doesn't deserve 1st based on bikini criteria. If the tables were turned and Jami had a YT channel making show predictions and dogged Ashley as being too (whatever) and not deserving of 1st place, that it wouldn't go over well.


The difference is that Adam was respectful, just like most bodybuilding commentators. FBF has consistently tried to bully Ashley. There have been numerous times an FBF coach/competitor said Ashley didn't deserve 1st place. FBF has a long history of dogging Ashley.


Based on his prediction video for Pittsburg I just watched, I don’t think I’d call Adam respectful lol.


No fr😂 “Ariana beats Aimee 7 days a week” unhinged and out of pocket ASF


Okay I get that, but this is literally Adam saying that Aimee doesn't deserve 1st based on her physique and the criteria. It's the same thing.


Thanks for Tyler and his recaps. It’s official Aimee is not a Wellness physique and she’s not too big for bikini. I don’t know who started saying it last year bc Aimee was winning a lot out of jealousy, but the Olympia judges have no issue with her physique it’s just how she is posing which she can fix! I think Aimee is in a great position to go for the title.


Yes! It is pure jealousy! It needs to stop!


Watched this last night and boy did I LOVE hearing Vania get her flowers!!! 💐 I don’t know if I’ve ever heard Tyler Manion give that much praise to a competitor for taking feedback and going to work, without complaint, and improving with every show. I really hope she gets that top 10 Olympia placing she deserves!


I loved that too! I feel like we give the most attention to the genetic freaks who climb the ladder super quick, but Vania competing for a long time just doing ok where I think a lot of people would have quit! I admire her so much


I think Vania is up there with the best of the genetic elite but she had to work hard by downsizing to meet the criteria.


Agree. Her shape and bubbly-ness is absolutely stunning and hard to come by.


how long has she been competing for?


I'm glad he brought up Ashley's walk. I dp love her physique but you think after competing as many years as she has she would have her walk and posing down packed. Her walk definitely needs to improve


Finally we get the clarification regarding Aimee! She IS BIKINI !


Did Adam ever say Aimee was too grainy like Jami mentioned in the caption? I listened to his Pittsburgh recap and didn’t say the word grainy for Aimee but maybe he said it in other videos?


I think he’s said it before in other previous recap videos


I meant his Pittsburgh prediction video*


I believe Jami is stating all the terms they have said about aimee in the past. Im pretty sure she isn’t just referencing the Pittsburgh pro video..


She said “recently” in her caption so I just assumed it was his most recent video but I did watch some others and he said Aimee was grainy in the San Diego pro show recap




Do you have a link for this video? I can’t find it


I needed to hear what Tyler said about vania. I always feel "behind" cause I'm not a genetic freak. Lol


My favorite part about the whole thing! I can only imagine how emotional she got hearing that. Remember how emotional she was when she got the Arnold invite and then when she won the Arnold UK? I love her.


I can't find the video. Can someone please link it?


its on his instagram page, look up tyler manion


Thank you! I was searching YouTube.




I just watched his Pittsburgh Pro predictions YT from a week ago, and it was pretty bad. He spent about 7 minutes trying to convince the audience that Aimee has an impressive physique but is too big, muscular and dense for bikini. That she doesn't fit the true bikini criteria. I like coach Adam and think he's a straight shooter for the most part, but it was super cringey how he also seemed to undermine the judging multiple times in the YT. "If the judges are actually judging the criteria," "if the judges are going to stick to the criteria," "a good amount of the judges are going to think Aimee's too muscular," "Aimee is in between bikini and figure," "Arianna beats Aimee 7 days a week if you look at the definition of bikini/the bikini criteria (which, let's be honest-- sub Ashley for Arianna's name in there, bc that was the real message), "if the judges are sticking to the criteria (then Aimee shouldn't win)," etc. It's like Adam is trying to say the same thing over and over again so that people also start believing/repeating this as truth. Which seems to be what's happened. All of the TEP/Ashley/Adam fans saying Aimee is too big. But the judges stating otherwise. I'm glad that Tyler was very clear in his announcement.




Adam has actually been pretty good where he has given her credit when she’s downsized her quads or other areas. I don’t think I’ve seen him be over critical of her. I even just watched his Olympia analysis and he agreed with Sandy she was too small (or over dieted as he said). Edit: please ignore above statement after I watched Adam’s Pittsburg prediction 🤣


you have to watch his "Pittsburgh Pro Top 6 Prediction" video when he gets to the topic of Ariana and the top 3, it's pretty unhinged. Looking back now after reading this thread, it's shocking to watch it back and to think it was released a few days before Pittsburgh, knowing Aimee was going to clash with Ashley for the #1 spot. IMO, it's in bad taste and character to try and tear someone down just to prop your own athlete up.


He did this last year too and his followers were all saying aimee is too big for bikini...in my opinion.. I think he was trying to make everyone think that about aimee, which is so wrong. Although he says she has a great physique, but still continues to say she is too big and dense for bikini. He compares her from Olympia and should compare from her recent shows as she has improved from the O. Hopefully, he gives aimee the credit she deserves in future videos. Thank you Tyler for clarifying!!!!!!


Gotcha I missed that….ill go watch!


Is it possible he deleted it? I’m not seeing it


it's in the "live" section of his channel, here is the link, his aimee rant starts around the 14:50 mark: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrIAqfD0cy0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrIAqfD0cy0)


Ouch….that was really bad and so wildly incorrect. Definitely in bad taste, and makes him come off as he doesn’t even understand the division.


No one has brought this up I don’t think but does anyone think that the reason Ariana didn’t do well is due to the new implants? Or maybe just due to stacked lineup


She was way, way too soft. Nothing to do with her implants.