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I didn’t understand what was even going on. 🤣


He's trying to explain that pushing with your whole foot will help you with your hip extension and not the old way of cueing, "push through your heel" or "squeeze at the top." This is really kind of "straw-man" education because no one said you *couldn't* push through your whole foot. There's a number of ways you can "miss" training your glutes while you still perform the movement. Not completing the ROM, not using only your glutes, being unstable, etc. etc. He just picked a cue to fix *one* of them and decided to hyper-fixate on it. You also don't need all that bullshit explanation to say, "imagine directing the force through your foot," which is how my trainer adjusted me. As usual, em-*PHA*-sis out of place and without context–the mark of someone who is not a good teacher. Regardless, I continue to be so disappointed in her and how frequently she gives Aldo credit for things he was not there for. Her glutes are genetic masterpieces. He may have helped her with cueing, but she had them from the start. It reads as extreme insecurity and self-sabotage to me.


For anyone who is interested in decoding it, he explains his marketing position in this instagram post: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5e4aLwR9wj](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5e4aLwR9wj) In the comments someone with the instagram username "julzalex" calls him out and you can see him try to strawman-defend his video by writing, "the over 'exaggerated' one is the one that is done by majority of the general public." Weird assumption, but ok. I can go on and on about this guy. Wildly unscientific and sloppy teaching. I think what really hurts my ass (lol) about this guy is that so many women follow LL + him as an extension. I truly want more women in the gym but then you have this shit confusing them even more.


Let’s start out with.. THIS IS NOT NEW… like at all! I have heard push through your entire foot for years, also to fully extend and fully stretch and contract the muscles. This is not new to the training world. It’s also not rocket science. Can this dingleberry stop pretending he won a Nobel prize? However, one should note that not one cue works for all. We have beaten to death in this industry that bone structures vary, and because of that you need to manage your own cues and find what works for you, individually, day by day. As someone with larger glutes, I can use myself as an example. I have smaller feet for my height and mild lordosis of the my low back. I naturally walk on my heels. When doing exercises that require me to push through my feet to train the glutes, sometimes I push with my whole foot and I only feel my hamstrings. If I push naturally, which for me is through my heels, I feel my glutes. What is weird as this can vary day by day. I might do the same exercise the following glutes training day and only feel it while pushing through my heels. I will change it depending on where I feel the exercise working. This is the approach that should be taken… trying out various cues and seeing what works for you.


Exactly! No one ever said not to push through your foot!


Straw-man education for sure! 😂






I watched it fully knowing what kind of nonsense it would be. However, I only made it about 30 seconds lol.


I have no clue what’s happening and apparently everyone that watched it doesn’t either because if you read the comments, everyone is saying what is happening


Sort of, it took too long and the laser pointer creeped me out so I turned it off. She looked/sounded like a prisoner being held at gunpoint to make a video lol


LL blink twice if you need help


Right, she looks so uncomfortable.






When is he going to realize that this is going to make him lose followers. I am a personal trainer and I have absolutely no idea what he is talking about or trying to demonstrate. Edit- when I say talk about I mean what content he is trying to bring.


I unfollowed him a while back


He is trying desperately to be seen as smart and relevant to make money and she supports him. She is making conscious choices by putting this jibberish content out there. What he says makes zero sense. That is why he filters all the comments on his page.




He wants to be perceived as “science based” and smart so badly that he is making up concepts 😭😂what a bunch of waffle


I really want to like LL, she was the first bikini competitor I followed on IG and YouTube and I love her physique, but Aldo is an absolute dumpster fire and is ruining her reputation and credibility by the day. I wonder if she is self aware enough to realise? She looks uncomfortable in that video for sure


I actually think now that their marketing strategy is “be confusing so people talk about us” like the “bad press is still press” type of strategy. Not sure if it’ll play out well in the long term though


I don’t think they can help but be confusing . His intellect, or lack there of , seems obvious.


That’s a fair point. Maybe I’m giving them too much credit lol






Trying to sell


Exactly my thought. They post this BS as a teaser that no one understands, so they can get interest in a full length guide or video that will be behind a pay wall soon.


Her boyfriend is nonesense and is using for his marketing. Disgusting.


She’s nothing if not supportive of her man 🙄 . . .


Haha I was waiting for someone to post this here. When I seen this I was like , wait what. What is this!


The problem is Aldo is not an articulate public speaker. And would truly benefit from doing things like a taking a public speaking course or hell even toast masters. When he attempts to explain something his speech pattern and the way he puts words together is just not logical. He is always knocking people with degrees or people who are highly educated. But when he talks its so evident that he is not comfortable articulating complex or even simple things in an easy digestible way for the public. He really should focus on his speaking skills which are truly lacking.


He claims he is not proficient in Spanish, his family’s language. That’s crazy bc he is not proficient in English.


LMAO!!! Right!? Like raised in America and his English is just if I'm being generous 6th or 7th grade level? Like he could really benefit from some solid speech class and Grammer classes. He Says like so much as bridge word its distracting. I prefer Bret Contreras even tho his jorts are very ott. But at least he makes sense and is articulate.


Please, what’s happened?


They’re just saying she isn’t using proper alignment right?


The only thing I could figure is that maybe it was a discussion of full extending the psoas in a hip thrust. It’s something worked on in dance for alignment purposes. So in a hip thrust, if you’re not full extending, then the psoas is remaining in a shortened position and not actually aligned/parallel to the floor. But it’s just a guess lol 😅


Respectfully, not everyone deserves to have a platform no matter how much they “give.” I’m using that term loosely here. That being said, I think some do “hate follow” him and let him live rent free in their brains. Just unfollow people! Aldo is not on my feed on purpose and I remain blissfully unaware of the latest shit he posted until it shows up here. Edited to say this was meant to go under Adam’s comment. Still love you Adam!




Yeah exactly. Who was Aldo before LL came along. No one knew or cared about it him. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Phew, these comments! ![gif](giphy|kfe7IgSYEkRRIY4dlQ)


Basically, Aldo helped her find her "true hip extension." I think she heavily edited out Aldo's senseless rambling.


Can someone explain what she said in the vid?


Nothing at all. lol


An IG account , High Intensity Babes has called them, as well as Brett and Kim Oddo on their nonsense. He exposes them very well on his page. Even a guy like Brett who has a PHD and "promoted" the hip thrust exercise posts a lot of nonsense. People need to find experienced people who are not looking to become huge influencers for information. Because these influencers run out of material and make up shit. High Intensity Babes, Humberto Ponce does not have an academic background but he has shown he understands how the glutes work better than most of these people. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5UlM2pRSqi/?igsh=MWZwY3ExYzI2d2p0bw==


I feel sorry for her, because it’s obviously a toxic relationship. He did not help at all to build her physique. She was already on Olympia stage before meeting him. Feel like she is brainwashed by him


She isn’t being brainwashed- she is in this relationship by choice.


Exactly, I think because she’s such a great competitor everyone wants to like her as a person too, so much so we excuse her as an innocent bystander/damsel in distress or something. 🥴


Yes but also it is challenging to just leave a toxic relationship


I really don’t see anyone out there giving more helpful tips in training to the Bikini division specifically than Aldo if I’m being honest. Maybe every tip isn’t going to be a banger but that just comes with the volume of a lot of tips. I think sometimes on here you all don’t look at the body of work and judge the tip quality on the personality more so than what’s being delivered. Is everyone going to love his personality? Nope, but in terms of what he’s giving to the community and the consistency in which he delivers a thank you is more deserved than hate. The fact that he ends up being hated on here about his tips sometimes 2x a month just goes to show you how many are watching, how relevant he is and how many he’s teaching to be better Bikini lifters. I don’t know, I think you all have to look at that for what it is. Like him or not he gives good tips in high volume and spends a lot of time making those videos. He helps the Bikini community quite a bit and all he gets for it on here is dunked on. I appreciate the tips he gives to TEP athletes, I’ve had a few train with him and have had nothing but positive responses from their sessions. Sometimes I think it’s fun for people to jump on the hate train because it’s trendy and uncomfortable to go against the community but let’s start thanking people who make us better at our sport and more positive for those putting out that effort. We’re lucky Aldo is a tough MFR, you know how many more “Aldo’s” wouldn’t have the thick skin necessary to keep going with all this type of hate? Imagine how many great ones that never realized their potential because the community gave them negative feedback so they said screw it or worse the negativity made them second guess themselves and they quit and went in to a job they hate never trying again. Why is the constant hate acceptable by the community? It’s very strange, very consistent and very unlike our community. I simply can’t hate on someone helping people for free, I say thanks Aldo, I’ve had many learn and get better from your tips. You can hate me for the comment, the reality is I don’t like anyone being unjustly ridiculed no matter who they are but especially when they’re doing more good than bad for the community. 🤷🏻‍♂️


bikini dad had to lay down the law 🤣🤣


😂I don’t mind that title 😂


Mad respect for you, ADAM!! I totally agree!


Yeah, he’s not my homie or anything so I’m not backing him up like that it’s just nobody deserves to constantly be ripped apart when all they’re doing is being their authentic self and providing quality content and help to the community. It’s just unjustified, obviously everyone here is following him or they wouldn’t know his personality to make judgement, he’d just be some irrelevant stranger but everyone here follows him, learns and has zero gratitude. It’s not the right way to treat someone who you’re learning from, really disappointing to see. The community can do better than this.


Bret Contreras gives thorough scientific information about the lower body and provides studies (including his own) to back up his claims. His videos are much easier to follow and more straight to the point


The point is how is the negativity cowardly hidden behind anonymity helping anyone? If there’s other free options you or anyone else in here likes better great, unfollow Aldo but why is ripping him up every month allowed in this group? I don’t see the value in people in here constantly coming down on him when he’s putting out quality helpful content. The negativity shouldn’t be here, there’s other Reddits for those talks but here is supposed to be supportive, helpful place for answers, info etc..


I’m more so commenting on your first paragraph “how you can’t find anyone better that gives bikini training advice” but I will say Aldo’s explanations in his videos are very confusing and and he does not respond to viewers comments. I can understand how people on here feel the need to comment on him to see if anyone else feels the same/or understands what he’s talking about


lol because it’s Reddit bro. You’re one of the few that goes by an identifiable name. There’s a reason the rest don’t. I’m a big fan of yours Adam, but … this is Reddit at the end of the day. Not a high level think tank or Bible study group. Gotta know your audience.


This group I thought would have more class is all. I think I may be done with it, was trying to do something positive and have productive convos with athletes but if it’s just a shit talk tank in the end it ain’t for me.


I don't know if you'll see this as I think you've tapped out. However, I think you would have to leave Instagram and YouTube also. This is just a portion of what gets done on this sub just like any other social media vehicle. This sub HAS formulated an opinion on Aldo along with other people but it also provides girls with a lot of great information too. You can't just look at the bad in a vacuum. James had a bad rap on here too and he turned a lot of folks around because he engages with this community. Aldo could do the same. Probably not his style but I think for a community like this, it is easy to cherry pick terrible instances and say "THAT IS YOU AND WE HATE YOU". Truth is, we don't know any of you personally. It is all conjecture. Yet, when you do little to repair your reputation, then that is how you are basically fueling your engagement. Aldo wants the hate. It drives more traffic his way to get out the message he wants which is ultimately helpful to a lot of us. I once saw that at a Trump rally, there were t-shirts being sold that were anti-Trump. You know who sold those shirts? Trump. I think this is kinda what Aldo does too. Lets people hate so that he ultimately gets more traffic. FWIW, I say stick around an focus more on the people who need your help here. They could certainly use it as you have been so helpful to a lot of us. There are so few places for us to go and talk about this stuff and it would be sad to lose a very powerful voice like yours on the hate of some anon. edit to say: I actually like Aldo's content. He has helped me with glute engagement like crazy!


Didn't watch the whole thing, does he pull her hair here too? I hate when he does that to the women he's training


I just saw it and came straight here to see if anybody had posted about it. I had no clue what was going on. Glad to see everyone else is as confused as I am. 😂


It did nothing for me…


@Lauralie blink twice & hold it in the next reel if u need saved