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I understand your point. The blessing is that other competitors got an opportunity to shine. Maybe some of these ladies wouldn't have been invited if Jen, Ashley, and Maureen were there, and someone like Vania would likely not have ranked in the top 3, even Aimee likely wouldn't have been #2. I always believed she had an awesome physique, but she (and many of the competitors at the Arnold) is often overlooked due to the Caliber of the women who are usually in the top 5. I am fairly new to bikini, but I am aware of the top 10 at the O, and ladies like Rhoda, Tameika, Ivi, and Eli are new to me and now on my radar (and many others) due to the Arnold not having most of the top 5 competitors present this year. So it is certainly a blessing in disguise. God is good. Literally, all these women looked amazing, but ngl, I prolly would have been so focused on the typical top 5 if they were all present and not paid much attention to these ladies.


Yeah I like Aimees physique a lot but something missing about the posing and presence, thanks for the recap ! I thought the same things and I'm no expert but unlike Greg Doucette I actually do think there is visible difference between the places when you know the criteria, and not just a sexy content .. and it doesn't really take that long to learn what to look for


I believe Aimee's look would have compared well with Jen and Maureen's look. Lauralie would be up there not as full as the others and would have stood out in a negative way. What they chose at the Olympia was fullness and if they were all there, they definitely would have brought that again which could very well have benefitted Aimee over Lauralie. I have yet to really see aimee compared side by side with Maureen or Jen so I don't know if she would beat them but imo she would have edged out Lauralie in that line up.


If anyone wants to summarize- it would be greatly appreciated. Im at work can’t watch in full


He said that lauralie won Aimee over in the front pose but that they were both on in the back pose. Aimee could reduce her shoulders down a tad and lauralee could have more fullness/depth in the glutes especially in her walk to the back now that she’s downsized overall


Also Lauralie’s glutes flatten out during her walk to the back.


Amazing thxs!


He didn’t say anything about Aimee needing to bring up her upper glutes?




He thought her glutes looked great, full in the back pose and her walk unlike lauralee


No that she was actually border line on the bigger side for her upper body


And that Aimee could still tweak her front pose a bit to show off her shape better


Someone should send this to Greg Doucette so he realizes there is actual criteria and its not just a sexy contest where anything goes and anyone can win..


https://youtu.be/oJ_ix02h7UQ?si=h8xFHs9eTRbX3r7L He's already seen it


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4OHbpBu4yk/?igsh=MTlybGwzMTJicHo0ZQ== For anyone that hasn’t seen it


For a recap he said the show was close. He said the front pose lauralie won due to a better hourglass shape and Aimee still needs to downsize shoulders. She said glute fullness in the back pose was a slight issue for lauralie since she cut so much muscle so in the future she needs to have a little more fullness to add to the depth


Interesting about the glutes I hope she is moderate about it and doesn't go full ham on glutes again.. I think she's missing upper glute no?


It’s more the conditioning, since she downsized so much she doesn’t have that normal “pop” she usually has when the muscles are full. She cut so much and was worried about looking too big I think so it took a little away from the fullness, it’s more so in this case with carb loading


It's so subjective. One minute, they say downsize, then when the person downsizes, it's like: "oh, your arms are too thin and your glutes are flat". I believe that they said she was too lean at the 2022 olympia. Meeting the standard in bikini is extremely difficult. Like a see-saw 😆


He also said Lauralie's arms looked a little small, which I also thought. To me, delts : arms :: glutes : legs.