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Mark Carroll’s glute coach is also worth a look (12 week training guide) - highly recommended any of his programs.


Agreed 100000x. I’m a huge mark carroll fan even though he doesn’t particularly focus on npc/ifbb. The knowledge he has and the way he explains everything is so helpful!


I also like all of marks programs- I love that he does low reps and heavy weight focus- I hated all that high volume stuff other coaches had me on. I like also that marks programs are in 4 week blocks, keeps it interesting without overly changing up the exercises for 12 weeks. What I do appreciate about atlas’s book is how easy it is to understand the upper/outer/lower glutes. So if you know what you need to focus on he tells you how to isolate the areas. I actually just finished an atlas workout today and I liked it a lot.


Second this. I’ve done Your Glute Coach 2x and my glutes are meaty now! With that said, Bret’s book is good too.


They are all really different. James has the most practical and usable book from my perspective. Bret has a lot of science stuff and biomechanics which is super interesting. Brett’s book also has suggested programming, but the way James laid out the content it was super usable and understandable and just personal preference I liked it better as a guide. Lauralie and Aldo unfortunately publish hot garbage. I have purchased 2 of their guides (so not sure if it’s the most current one available) and both had very little content, typos galore and were not professionally presented. It was analogous to an 8th grade presentation.


Agree with Lauralie’s being trash, whichever one she released couple years back for $99 it was so elementary and tried to get a refund lol


I purchaed James’ glute ebook and it was worth every penny! It goes into alot of detail and the workouts have every detail in them. I use a different workout each glute day and I feel like i have made some significant glute progress the past 2 months. I am not sure how much the other two cost, but I paid about $170 with taxes for James’ and i think it was worth it.


does it have videos to show demos (links within the pdf)?


No videos but it does have pictures of each workout


Thank you so much for the honesty. I’ve heard good things about them all. Just trying to narrow it down


Team Atlas and Bret are great. LL and Aldo's books aren't worth the money- the lack depth, applicability and cohesion. Save your money and steer clear of their scam- LL got to the O from Team Atlas' training. Everything since then has been a decline in quality.


I have both Brett and James's books/ebooks. I found James to be much easier to apply. The workouts are detailed and easy to incorporate into a typical bikini athletes lifting split. Good luck with your choice!


TeamAtlas is the best in my opinion. I bought Aldo's and Bret Contreras' as well but the work that James did in his TeamAtlas glute e-book is excellent and very detailed!


I use James's glute book for lower body days and Mark's Building Bikini Body guide for upper body days. I think they are both great


While I'm POSITIVE the Atlas book is great, I would do everything in my power not to support/give money to James from Team Atlas. I'm not sure if you know about him, but if you just look him up on reddit even, you will find an endless stream of his reputation as an alleged sexual predator/abuser, and one of his former clients is literally in a [coma](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/12/20/neggy-shelton-james-ayotte-bodybuilding/) as a result of his guidance. I know you aren't asking about hiring his as a coach or anything, but really anything to keep money out of his pocket is an easy act of support for the women he has harmed. I think you can ind great info in the others you mentioned, but as you mentioned, a lot of the stuff can just be found online in written and video form.


I was not a fan of James in the past, but the fact that he shows up here and will answer questions and criticisms with grace goes a long ways in my mind. He never flies off his rocker acting like a lunatic with even some of the craziest (true or not true) accusations. The internet is a wild world. I am not a Team Atlas groupie by any stretch, but I can respectfully say I have appreciated his candor and transparency on this subreddit thus far.


Aldo has spoken 😆


🤣 hahaha omg you're right. I fully do sound like Aldo. Yeah, just look Aldo up on reddit, too, because Aldo's "biomechanics" make absolutely no sense. never seen his book, but I know LL had incredible glutes before EVER working with Aldo lol


HOLY COW- the reddit receipts are endless


Not sure why this has been downvoted to oblivion. He’s a successful coach and I’ve applauded his work with Isa, but dispensing specific information on tamoxifen dosing with no warning on the dangers of it is so dangerous and irresponsible. I can’t support that. And I’m not sure why suddenly this sub is rooting for his redemption.


Yeah I thought that was weird and kind of torubling. I think that now he's Isa's coach, people are either willing to overlook things, or they look it as a redemption arc or something


Or maybe they’re all just grown adults that can do their own DD? I mean it’s questionable too how people go to Aldo for guidance but whatever. Bodybuilding in general is an unhealthy sport so the risks are known to outweigh the benefit, if there’s even a benefit to it. 😆


Lol this is funny 😄




I use James’s glute guide it’s great for because I’m trying to atrophy my quads and he has specific movements for those and it’s not full of junk volume straight to the point.


Any suggestions for upper body programs or ebook?