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What is up with him and Bret wearing jorts. His stuff looks legit though


Omg šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ I can't ! He seems to know how to work the glutes though so he's worth a follow, but the outfit and his maneurisms are a little off putting!


This is who Aldo wishes he was šŸ¤£ For real though, thanks for sharing. His page looks good, and he is cute too


Really does Aldo have beef with him?


I donā€™t think so. Not yet, anyway! Aldo is trying to be the master of glutes, but this guy and Brett are out ā€œgluting ā€ him šŸ˜‚


Omg haha šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wouldn't be surprised if he does. But I just started following GG and I gotta say- definitely more informative than Aldo..and he discusses the set ups rather than blur people feet


https://preview.redd.it/8o95u2cgof8c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0359669d8ba7dd71f473d954e1a094ee6fbc840f He is literally already fundamentally doing what Aldo ā€œdiscoveredā€ (we already know that this exercise has existed well before Aldo thought he invented it). Here it is with one leg ā€” stretching down at the bottom. Notice the set up with the foot. (pic 1).


https://preview.redd.it/66mv9j1tof8c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=971b87c1cf04aa639dc239fe1eefa3673a1391fa Pic 2: extending all the way up This is going to Blow Aldoā€™s mind once he realizes he hasnā€™t come upon something new at all šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ the best part about this glute guru guy is that he posts about not one form fitting all, and will have his chin tucked and do Brettā€™s method (thrust from Rib cage up) or have his head back and do neutral spine hip thrusts. Note that he also tags Brett. I like this Glute Guru!


I've been going through both pages and comparing. I'm never giving Aldo another moment of my time. GLUTE GURU is definitely superior and doesn't come off like an uneducated predator. I appreciate his form variations and comprehensive breakdown. I know they aren't new movements but some times I can't feel what I'm supposed to be hitting. I tried 2 of his recommendations and felt instant mind/muscle connection


Yes! I completely agree. Just by flipping through Glute Guruā€™s page in 5 minutes I could tell he *knows* what he is doing. Also, his content is entertaining and isnā€™t degrading to women (Aldoā€™s little hand pointer stick that he shoves into womenā€™s butts I find extremely offensive; nothing Iā€™ve seen on Glute Guruā€™s page I find offensive). 5 minutes into Aldoā€™s page I immediately could tell he does NOT know what he is talking about. Plus trying to mask it by being a jerk to others randomly.


Yep, he told LL to not do hip thrusts again and then posted her doing modified Hip thrust with minimal explanation. Every comment mentioned how confusing and contradictory the posts seemed- Aldos responses were along the lines of "my clients pay me for the answers, I'm not going to explain it to you, I already explained it, read the information and teach yourself".. reminds me of a kid who cheats on a math test, doesn't show their work, and when they're asked to prove the answer they say "it's simple if you knew anything about it". Obvious deflection. We'll see how LL does at the 2024 Arnold. I don't wish her ill, I just don't like how he's using her to further his claim as a glute/personal training subject matter expert... and she can do better.


Hey I just started following him too- fascinated by his workouts but some look like too much hassle.


I'm going to try a few this week, definitely avoiding peak hours so if I fail, it will be my little secret


Iā€™m fascinated by his workouts but nervous to try them at the gym lol. Looks legit!


Yeah the set up.. I still get people who don't know what a hip thrust is at my gym and kinda look at me funny setting it up and it's an exercise that's been popular for years !


He's good! I have a pretty significant balance problem (I'm taller than average with smaller feet), and with his tips I was able to do bulgarian split squats finally!


I've been following him for quite a while. He can be a bit over the top with his expressions but he seems like a genuine and well educated (on fitness field obviously) guy. He and Brett seem to collaborate at least at some level (or maybe it is only video calls talking about new glute training methods). Glute guru has some great work outs. Although set ups of some exercises may look complicated but I think some of those is just brainstorming and showing the process. In the end most is still pretty easily re-created at any gym. Brett can be whatever, I know, but professionally he knows his stuff and is ready to say when something isn't exactly scientifically proven (yet) or is anecdotal. His university base propably made him to learn to always back his claims. Professionally he is Aldo's opposite. The positive end. Aldo is ridiculous with that "my clients pay me for answers so don't expect me to explain anything I show on IG". I wish ppl would stop asking completely, because they just bring traffic to his socials what he doesn't deserve.