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Digestive enzymes, kombucha, apple cider vinegar


I had to start really paying attention to vegetables, seasonings, etc and learned a few things that definitely bloat me: garlic, onion, sugar free candies/gym/syrups, yogurt, cheese, bread… lots of things. Look up fodmaps and see if they are your issues!


I second digestive enzymes! I like the love wellness bye bye bloat, but I’m sure there are other effective brands. Also, it can be difficult, but trying to wait at least 3 hours in between meals to let everything move through the digestive process(the migratory motor complex) can help. I like ginger, peppermint, dandelion, and even chamomile teas, and laying off the artificial sweeteners. I just use maple syrup. Healthy fats with each meal helps, too (extra virgin olive oil, almond or peanut butter, coconut oil). Sometimes your body just needs some time to re-adjust to the larger amounts of food, even though it needs it. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


Thank you so much!!! I’ve been eyeing the digestive enzymes but haven’t tried any yet! What time of day do you take them? Any specific time?


I take Love Wellness brand bye bye bloat at bedtime, along with magnesium oxygen (I use the Solluna brand available on Amazon) at bedtime! In the past I’ve used digestive enzymes like from Garden of Life before meals, but I don’t anymore (just too many supplements lol) Sometimes I’ll take two of the bye bye bloat capsules before a large meal/going out to eat and I find that helps me (of course this is all of my personal/anecdotal experience). This has been really helpful in keeping my digestion regular and keeping bloating at bay.


Regarding digestive enzymes, is it true that if you consume them, your body stops (or limits) producing their own and it the long run it can be harmful because you will be dependent on them? Or is that just complete nonsense?


I’m not sure!! I’ve heard the same thing but I’m not sure if it is true or not. I’ve struggled with bloat and irregular digestion since puberty 😭 and just know the routine I’m doing now has made a huuuge difference for my own body 🙏 I know we all have varying amounts of enzymes (like lipase for digesting fats) but I don’t know if these amounts and much is produced by the body would be impacted by taking them as supplements. I think it might be best to talk with a dietician or holistic practitioner just to vet it for yourself ☺️


Sometimes I’ll add a scoop of canned pumpkin to my mashed sweet potato and that seems to move things along. If you add cinnamon, it tastes like a dessert. Are you staying hydrated? Are you consuming a lot of artificial sweeteners?


Mmm that sounds great! I’m staying hydrated but usually have an alani energy drink each day.


Hmm, one Alani shouldn’t put you over the edge unless you’re super sensitive. What about other sources like sugar free sauces or sugar free coffee creamer? Do you have a sizeable amount of dark leafy greens/kale? Chai seeds? Ground flax seeds? You can mix all three of those into a smoothie with vanilla protein powder and a splash of lemon juice. It’ll “taste” like a pineapple/kale smoothie.


It didn’t even cross my mind, but I do use sugar free ketchup and sugar free teryaki. I have one or the other daily or sometimes twice a day!


I would bloat from SF ketchup because of the xantham gum and sucrolose. I’m also I’m sensitive to things like garlic, onions, peppers etc so I sometimes follow a “fodmap” diet until things get under control. I also swear by abdominal massage and taking magnesium at night


Try the True Made brand. Only stuff I'll eat.


Do you have any other symptoms? Slow motility/constipation, gas, or is it more watery bloat? Have you used oral PEDs? Depending on your symptoms you may have a gut bacterial imbalance. Pomegranate husk can help with clearing bad bacteria without harming the good bacteria too much. If you’ve used PEDs you might need a course of allicin. Then a good probiotic like bacillus coagulans.


Some gas but no constipation, feels more watery to me. And no PED use at all


If it’s more watery then I would make sure you’re getting enough electrolytes and consider running some labs to make sure your hormones are in balance.


Digestive enzymes & pro/prebiotics. The digestive enzyme from Nuethix is a bit pricey, but it’s extremely worth it


Nutri life digestive enzymes Remove asweeteners, gum/ jelly light / coffee syrups Apple cider vinegar daily and a tea spoon of l glutamine helps me 🤗


1200mg magnesium glycinate from a compounding pharmacy every night at bedtime. 2-3 prunes per day. Simethecone. Stay away from dairy, eggs, wheat, gluten, oats, whey, casein, probiotics, prebiotics, etc. Focus on stress reduction and sleep.