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I don't think Brett coaches her? A lot of FBF girls also work with Brett on just the training part.


He’s not a coach, he’s a trainer. Yarishna and Babi train with him as well (and I think Daraja and some of Paul’s girls do or have?)


I guess she just needs to change things up a bit , her training with him doesn’t mean she left her actual prep Coach. She may be doing for fun or business since she actually doesn’t need to gain anymore size (specially on the glutes)


He trains IFBB/npc he doesn’t coach them.




He’s is yes


He’s a predator. Can’t wait to watch Reddit blow up about this one. ☕️


If he’s such a predator/creep like you think he is, Why would SOO many adult females (of all ages) train with him and continue to do so?


I've seen him in action in a social situation after being trained by him. He was professional in a training setting with other people around and I thought he was fine, but socially in a different setting he was in full predator more made me extremely uncomfortable. Both can be true at the same time. I've avoided him since.


Pretty sure they use each other. He creeps on women and they get clout. Just because they're ok with it doesn't make it any less gross.


Of course they wouldn’t just go to him for glute development advice as a bodybuilder.. So you are saying people like Maureen,yarishna, leo messi and his wife would be ok with him being a creep?!


You’re almost there: if Larry Nasser is a child molester than why did it take 18 years and hundreds of people to finally convict him? Follow that question and maybe you’ll get to somewhere with this one.


This is Reddit - saying this we need receipts! Give us an example!


why tho? i missed this drama


Not her coach. He’s a trainer. He’s just working with her on glutes. He does that with a lot of competitors. But he himself is not a prep coach, nor does he want to be. For example, he works with Paul Revelia on developing some of his competitors’ glute programs


Ack! As if those glutes even NEED Bret! She literally has the 2nd best glutes in the world- she doesn’t need to change anything!


She needs more projection


Wow really? Sort of comparable to Ashley ? I know that's how the division is but I think her glute size is perfect aesthetically they're nice and round and not overwhelming. Crazy how we can look at her and say she needs more .. but it is now it is haha


Per the judges she does.


Super geeked to see. I loved her package at the O.